"""functions that directly handle user input """ import sys import time import logging from askbot.utils import path def start_printing_db_queries(): """starts logging database queries into console, should be used for debugging only""" logger = logging.getLogger('django.db.backends') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) def choice_dialog(prompt_phrase, choices = None, invalid_phrase = None): """prints a prompt, accepts keyboard input and makes sure that user response is one of given in the choices argument, which is required and must be a list invalid_phrase must be a string with %(opt_string)s placeholder """ assert(hasattr(choices, '__iter__')) assert(not isinstance(choices, basestring)) while 1: response = raw_input( '\n%s (type %s)\n> ' % (prompt_phrase, '/'.join(choices)) ) if response in choices: return response elif invalid_phrase != None: opt_string = ','.join(choices) print invalid_phrase % {'opt_string': opt_string} time.sleep(1) def simple_dialog(prompt_phrase, required=False): """asks user to enter a string, if `required` is True, will repeat question until non-empty input is given """ while 1: if required: prompt_phrase += ' (required)' response = raw_input(prompt_phrase + '\n> ').strip() if response or required is False: return response time.sleep(1) def get_yes_or_no(prompt_phrase): while True: response = raw_input(prompt_phrase + ' (yes/no)\n> ').strip() if response in ('yes', 'no'): return response def open_new_file(prompt_phrase, extension = '', hint = None): """will ask for a file name to be typed by user into the console path to the file can be either relative or absolute. Extension will be appended to the given file name. Return value is the file object. """ if extension != '': if extension[0] != '.': extension = '.' + extension else: extension = '' file_object = None if hint: file_path = path.extend_file_name(hint, extension) file_object = path.create_file_if_does_not_exist(file_path, print_warning = True) while file_object == None: file_path = raw_input(prompt_phrase) file_path = path.extend_file_name(file_path, extension) file_object = path.create_file_if_does_not_exist(file_path, print_warning = True) return file_object def print_action(action_text, nowipe = False): """print the string to the standard output then wipe it out to clear space """ #for some reason sys.stdout.write does not work here #when action text is unicode print action_text, sys.stdout.flush() if nowipe == False: #return to the beginning of the word sys.stdout.write('\b' * len(action_text)) #white out the printed text sys.stdout.write(' ' * len(action_text)) #return again sys.stdout.write('\b' * len(action_text)) else: sys.stdout.write('\n') def print_progress(elapsed, total, nowipe = False): """print dynamic output of progress of some operation, in percent, to the console and clear the output with a backspace character to have the number increment in-place""" output = '%6.2f%%' % (100 * float(elapsed)/float(total)) print_action(output, nowipe) class ProgressBar(object): """A wrapper for an iterator, that prints a progress bar along the way of iteration """ def __init__(self, iterable, length, message = ''): self.iterable = iterable self.length = length self.counter = float(0) self.max_barlen = 60 self.curr_barlen = 0 self.progress = '' if message and length > 0: print message def __iter__(self): return self def print_progress_bar(self): """prints the progress bar""" self.backspace_progress_percent() tics_to_write = 0 if self.length < self.max_barlen: tics_to_write = self.max_barlen/self.length elif int(self.counter) % (self.length/self.max_barlen) == 0: tics_to_write = 1 if self.curr_barlen + tics_to_write <= self.max_barlen: sys.stdout.write('-' * tics_to_write) self.curr_barlen += tics_to_write self.print_progress_percent() def backspace_progress_percent(self): sys.stdout.write('\b'*len(self.progress)) def print_progress_percent(self): """prints percent of achieved progress""" self.progress = ' %.2f%%' % (100 * (self.counter/self.length)) sys.stdout.write(self.progress) sys.stdout.flush() def finish_progress_bar(self): """brint the last bars, to make all bars equal length""" self.backspace_progress_percent() sys.stdout.write('-' * (self.max_barlen - self.curr_barlen)) def next(self): try: result = self.iterable.next() except StopIteration: if self.length > 0: self.finish_progress_bar() self.print_progress_percent() sys.stdout.write('\n') raise self.print_progress_bar() self.counter += 1 return result