import re import random import datetime from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.utils.translation import ungettext from django.utils.html import escape def get_from_dict_or_object(source, key): try: return source[key] except: return getattr(source, key) def enumerate_string_list(strings): """for a list or a tuple ('one', 'two',) return a list formatted as ['1) one', '2) two',] """ numbered_strings = enumerate(strings, start = 1) return [ '%d) %s' % item for item in numbered_strings ] def pad_string(text): """Inserts one space between words, including one space before the first word and after the last word. String without words is collapsed to '' """ words = text.strip().split() if len(words) > 0: return ' ' + ' '.join(words) + ' ' else: return '' def split_list(text): """Takes text, representing a loosely formatted list (comma, semicolon, empty space separated words) and returns a list() of words. """ text = text.replace(',', ' ').replace(';', ' ') return text.strip().split() def is_iterable(thing): if hasattr(thing, '__iter__'): return True else: return isinstance(thing, basestring) BOT_REGEX = re.compile( r'bot|http|\.com|crawl|spider|python|curl|yandex' ) BROWSER_REGEX = re.compile( r'^(Mozilla.*(Gecko|KHTML|MSIE|Presto|Trident)|Opera).*$' ) MOBILE_REGEX = re.compile( r'(BlackBerry|HTC|LG|MOT|Nokia|NOKIAN|PLAYSTATION|PSP|SAMSUNG|SonyEricsson)' ) def strip_plus(text): """returns text with redundant spaces replaced with just one, and stripped leading and the trailing spaces""" return re.sub('\s+', ' ', text).strip() def not_a_robot_request(request): if 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' not in request.META: return False user_agent = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', None) if user_agent is None: return False if BOT_REGEX.match(user_agent, re.IGNORECASE): return False if MOBILE_REGEX.match(user_agent): return True if return True return False def diff_date(date, use_on_prefix = False): now =*time.localtime()[0:6])#??? diff = now - date days = diff.days hours = int(diff.seconds/3600) minutes = int(diff.seconds/60) if days > 2: if date.year == now.year: date_token = date.strftime("%b %d") else: date_token = date.strftime("%b %d '%y") if use_on_prefix: return _('on %(date)s') % { 'date': date_token } else: return date_token elif days == 2: return _('2 days ago') elif days == 1: return _('yesterday') elif minutes >= 60: return ungettext( '%(hr)d hour ago', '%(hr)d hours ago', hours ) % {'hr':hours} else: return ungettext( '%(min)d min ago', '%(min)d mins ago', minutes ) % {'min':minutes} #todo: this function may need to be removed to simplify the paginator functionality LEADING_PAGE_RANGE_DISPLAYED = TRAILING_PAGE_RANGE_DISPLAYED = 5 LEADING_PAGE_RANGE = TRAILING_PAGE_RANGE = 4 NUM_PAGES_OUTSIDE_RANGE = 1 ADJACENT_PAGES = 2 def setup_paginator(context): """ custom paginator tag Inspired from """ if (context["is_paginated"]): " Initialize variables " in_leading_range = in_trailing_range = False pages_outside_leading_range = pages_outside_trailing_range = range(0) if (context["pages"] <= LEADING_PAGE_RANGE_DISPLAYED): in_leading_range = in_trailing_range = True page_numbers = [n for n in range(1, context["pages"] + 1) if n > 0 and n <= context["pages"]] elif (context["current_page_number"] <= LEADING_PAGE_RANGE): in_leading_range = True page_numbers = [n for n in range(1, LEADING_PAGE_RANGE_DISPLAYED + 1) if n > 0 and n <= context["pages"]] pages_outside_leading_range = [n + context["pages"] for n in range(0, -NUM_PAGES_OUTSIDE_RANGE, -1)] elif (context["current_page_number"] > context["pages"] - TRAILING_PAGE_RANGE): in_trailing_range = True page_numbers = [n for n in range(context["pages"] - TRAILING_PAGE_RANGE_DISPLAYED + 1, context["pages"] + 1) if n > 0 and n <= context["pages"]] pages_outside_trailing_range = [n + 1 for n in range(0, NUM_PAGES_OUTSIDE_RANGE)] else: page_numbers = [n for n in range(context["current_page_number"] - ADJACENT_PAGES, context["current_page_number"] + ADJACENT_PAGES + 1) if n > 0 and n <= context["pages"]] pages_outside_leading_range = [n + context["pages"] for n in range(0, -NUM_PAGES_OUTSIDE_RANGE, -1)] pages_outside_trailing_range = [n + 1 for n in range(0, NUM_PAGES_OUTSIDE_RANGE)] page_object = context['page_object'] #patch for change in django 1.5 if page_object.has_previous(): previous_page_number = page_object.previous_page_number() else: previous_page_number = None if page_object.has_next(): next_page_number = page_object.next_page_number() else: next_page_number = None return { "base_url": escape(context["base_url"]), "is_paginated": context["is_paginated"], "previous": previous_page_number, "has_previous": page_object.has_previous(), "next": next_page_number, "has_next": page_object.has_next(), "page": context["current_page_number"], "pages": context["pages"], "page_numbers": page_numbers, "in_leading_range" : in_leading_range, "in_trailing_range" : in_trailing_range, "pages_outside_leading_range": pages_outside_leading_range, "pages_outside_trailing_range": pages_outside_trailing_range, } def get_admin(): """Returns an admin users, usefull for raising flags""" try: from django.contrib.auth.models import User return User.objects.filter(is_superuser=True)[0] except: raise Exception('there is no admin users') def generate_random_key(length=16): """return random string, length is number of characters""" random.seed() assert(isinstance(length, int)) format_string = '%0' + str(2*length) + 'x' return format_string % random.getrandbits(length*8)