""" todo: remove this module - not needed any more this is an unfortunate copy-paste (mostly) from the avatar app - the reason is that django-avatar app does not support jinja templates """ import urllib from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.template import RequestContext from django.template.loader import get_template from django.shortcuts import render from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.views.decorators import csrf from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from avatar.forms import PrimaryAvatarForm, DeleteAvatarForm, UploadAvatarForm from avatar.models import Avatar from avatar.settings import AVATAR_MAX_AVATARS_PER_USER, AVATAR_DEFAULT_SIZE from avatar.util import get_primary_avatar, get_default_avatar_url from avatar.views import render_primary as django_avatar_render_primary from askbot import models notification = False if 'notification' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from notification import models as notification friends = False if 'friends' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: friends = True from friends.models import Friendship def _get_next(request): """ The part that's the least straightforward about views in this module is how they determine their redirects after they have finished computation. In short, they will try and determine the next place to go in the following order: 1. If there is a variable named ``next`` in the *POST* parameters, the view will redirect to that variable's value. 2. If there is a variable named ``next`` in the *GET* parameters, the view will redirect to that variable's value. 3. If Django can determine the previous page from the HTTP headers, the view will redirect to that previous page. """ next = request.POST.get('next', request.GET.get('next', request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', None))) if not next: next = request.path return next def _notification_updated(request, avatar): notification.send([request.user], "avatar_updated", {"user": request.user, "avatar": avatar}) if friends: notification.send((x['friend'] for x in Friendship.objects.friends_for_user(request.user)), "avatar_friend_updated", {"user": request.user, "avatar": avatar} ) def _get_avatars(user): # Default set. Needs to be sliced, but that's it. Keep the natural order. avatars = user.avatar_set.all() # Current avatar primary_avatar = avatars.order_by('-primary')[:1] if primary_avatar: avatar = primary_avatar[0] else: avatar = None if AVATAR_MAX_AVATARS_PER_USER == 1: avatars = primary_avatar else: # Slice the default set now that we used the queryset for the primary avatar avatars = avatars[:AVATAR_MAX_AVATARS_PER_USER] return (avatar, avatars) @login_required @csrf.csrf_protect def add(request, extra_context=None, next_override=None, upload_form=UploadAvatarForm, *args, **kwargs): if extra_context is None: extra_context = {} avatar, avatars = _get_avatars(request.user) upload_avatar_form = upload_form(request.POST or None, request.FILES or None, user=request.user) if request.method == "POST" and 'avatar' in request.FILES: if upload_avatar_form.is_valid(): avatar = Avatar( user = request.user, primary = True, ) image_file = request.FILES['avatar'] avatar.avatar.save(image_file.name, image_file) avatar.save() request.user.message_set.create( message=_("Successfully uploaded a new avatar.")) if notification: _notification_updated(request, avatar) return HttpResponseRedirect(next_override or _get_next(request)) data = { 'avatar': avatar, 'avatars': avatars, 'upload_avatar_form': upload_avatar_form, 'next': next_override or _get_next(request), 'view_user': request.user, 'page_class': 'avatar-page', } if extra_context: data.update(extra_context) return render(request, 'avatar/add.html', data) @login_required @csrf.csrf_protect def change(request, extra_context=None, next_override=None, upload_form=UploadAvatarForm, primary_form=PrimaryAvatarForm, *args, **kwargs): if extra_context is None: extra_context = {} avatar, avatars = _get_avatars(request.user) if avatar: kwargs = {'initial': {'choice': avatar.id}} else: kwargs = {} upload_avatar_form = upload_form(user=request.user, **kwargs) primary_avatar_form = primary_form(request.POST or None, user=request.user, avatars=avatars, **kwargs) if request.method == "POST": updated = False if 'choice' in request.POST and primary_avatar_form.is_valid(): avatar = Avatar.objects.get(id= primary_avatar_form.cleaned_data['choice']) avatar.primary = True avatar.save() updated = True request.user.message_set.create( message=_("Successfully updated your avatar.")) if updated and notification: _notification_updated(request, avatar) return HttpResponseRedirect(next_override or _get_next(request)) data = { 'avatar': avatar, 'avatars': avatars, 'upload_avatar_form': upload_avatar_form, 'primary_avatar_form': primary_avatar_form, 'next': next_override or _get_next(request), 'view_user': request.user, 'page_class': 'avatar-page', } if extra_context: data.update(extra_context) return render(request, 'avatar/change.html', data) @login_required @csrf.csrf_protect def delete(request, extra_context=None, next_override=None, *args, **kwargs): if extra_context is None: extra_context = {} avatar, avatars = _get_avatars(request.user) delete_avatar_form = DeleteAvatarForm(request.POST or None, user=request.user, avatars=avatars) if request.method == 'POST': if delete_avatar_form.is_valid(): ids = delete_avatar_form.cleaned_data['choices'] if unicode(avatar.id) in ids and avatars.count() > len(ids): # Find the next best avatar, and set it as the new primary for a in avatars: if unicode(a.id) not in ids: a.primary = True a.save() if notification: _notification_updated(request, a) break Avatar.objects.filter(id__in=ids).delete() request.user.message_set.create( message=_("Successfully deleted the requested avatars.")) return HttpResponseRedirect(next_override or _get_next(request)) data = { 'avatar': avatar, 'avatars': avatars, 'delete_avatar_form': delete_avatar_form, 'next': next_override or _get_next(request), 'view_user': request.user, 'page_class': 'avatar-page', } if extra_context: data.update(extra_context) return render(request, 'avatar/confirm_delete.html', data) def render_primary(request, user_id = None, *args, **kwargs): user = models.User.objects.get(id = user_id) kwargs['user'] = user.username return django_avatar_render_primary(request, *args, **kwargs)