""" External service key settings """ from forum.conf.settings_wrapper import settings from livesettings import ConfigurationGroup, StringValue from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.conf import settings as django_settings EXTERNAL_KEYS = ConfigurationGroup( 'EXTERNAL_KEYS', _('Keys to connect the site with external services like Facebook, etc.') ) settings.register( StringValue( EXTERNAL_KEYS, 'GOOGLE_SITEMAP_CODE', description=_('Google site verification key'), help_text=_( 'This key helps google index your site ' 'please obtain is at ' '' 'google webmasters tools site' ) % {'google_webmasters_tools_url': 'https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/home?hl=' \ + django_settings.LANGUAGE_CODE} ) ) settings.register( StringValue( EXTERNAL_KEYS, 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_KEY', description=_('Google Analytics key'), help_text=_( 'Obtain is at ' 'Google Analytics site, if you ' 'wish to use Google Analytics to monitor ' 'your site' ) % {'ga_site':'http://www.google.com/intl/%s/analytics/' \ % django_settings.LANGUAGE_CODE } ) ) settings.register( StringValue( EXTERNAL_KEYS, 'RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY', description=_('Recaptcha private key') + ' - does not work yet', hidden=True, help_text=_( 'Recaptcha is a tool that helps distinguish ' 'real people from annoying spam robots. ' 'Please get this and a public key at ' 'the recaptcha.net' ) ) ) settings.register( StringValue( EXTERNAL_KEYS, 'RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY', hidden=True, description=_('Recaptcha public key') + ' - does not work yet' ) ) settings.register( StringValue( EXTERNAL_KEYS, 'FB_API_KEY', description=_('Facebook public API key') + ' - does not work yet', hidden=True, help_text=_( 'Facebook API key and Facebook secret ' 'allow to use Facebook Connect login method ' 'at your site. Please obtain these keys ' 'at ' 'facebook create app site' ) ) ) settings.register( StringValue( EXTERNAL_KEYS, 'FB_SECRET', hidden=True, description=_('Facebook secret key') + ' - does not work yet' ) )