from django.utils.translation import ugettext from forum.deps.livesettings import values from forum.deps.livesettings.models import SettingNotSet from forum.deps.livesettings.utils import is_string_like import logging log = logging.getLogger('configuration') _NOTSET = object() class ConfigurationSettings(object): """A singleton manager for ConfigurationSettings""" class __impl(object): def __init__(self): self.settings = values.SortedDotDict() self.prereg = {} def __getitem__(self, key): """Get an element either by ConfigurationGroup object or by its key""" key = self._resolve_key(key) return self.settings.get(key) def __getattr__(self, key): """Get an element either by ConfigurationGroup object or by its key""" try: return self[key] except: raise AttributeError, key def __iter__(self): for v in self.groups(): yield v def __len__(self): return len(self.settings) def __contains__(self, key): try: key = self._resolve_key(key) return self.settings.has_key(key) except: return False def _resolve_key(self, raw): if is_string_like(raw): key = raw elif isinstance(raw, values.ConfigurationGroup): key = raw.key else: group = self.groups()[raw] key = group.key return key def get_config(self, group, key): try: if isinstance(group, values.ConfigurationGroup): group = group.key cg = self.settings.get(group, None) if not cg: raise SettingNotSet('%s config group does not exist' % group) else: return cg[key] except KeyError: raise SettingNotSet('%s.%s' % (group, key)) def groups(self): """Return ordered list""" return self.settings.values() def has_config(self, group, key): if isinstance(group, values.ConfigurationGroup): group = group.key cfg = self.settings.get(group, None) if cfg and key in cfg: return True else: return False def preregister_choice(self, group, key, choice): """Setup a choice for a group/key which hasn't been instantiated yet.""" k = (group, key) if self.prereg.has_key(k): self.prereg[k].append(choice) else: self.prereg[k] = [choice] def register(self, value): g = if not isinstance(g, values.ConfigurationGroup): raise ValueError(' should be an instance of ConfigurationGroup') groupkey = g.key valuekey = value.key k = (groupkey, valuekey) if self.prereg.has_key(k): for choice in self.prereg[k]: value.add_choice(choice) if not groupkey in self.settings: self.settings[groupkey] = g self.settings[groupkey][valuekey] = value return value __instance = None def __init__(self): if ConfigurationSettings.__instance is None: ConfigurationSettings.__instance = ConfigurationSettings.__impl() #ConfigurationSettings.__instance.load_app_configurations() self.__dict__['_ConfigurationSettings__instance'] = ConfigurationSettings.__instance def __getattr__(self, attr): """ Delegate access to implementation """ return getattr(self.__instance, attr) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__instance[key] def __len__(self): return len(self.__instance) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): """ Delegate access to implementation """ return setattr(self.__instance, attr, value) def __unicode__(self): return u"ConfigurationSettings: " + unicode(self.groups()) def config_exists(group, key): """Test to see if a setting has been registered""" return ConfigurationSettings().has_config(group, key) def config_get(group, key): """Get a configuration setting""" try: return ConfigurationSettings().get_config(group, key) except SettingNotSet: log.debug('SettingNotSet: %s.%s', group, key) raise def config_get_group(group): return ConfigurationSettings()[group] def config_collect_values(group, groupkey, key, unique=True, skip_missing=True): """Look up (group, groupkey) from config, then take the values returned and use them as groups for a second-stage lookup. For example: config_collect_values(PAYMENT, MODULES, CREDITCHOICES) Stage 1: ['PAYMENT_GOOGLE', 'PAYMENT_AUTHORIZENET'] Stage 2: config_value('PAYMENT_GOOGLE', 'CREDITCHOICES') + config_value('PAYMENT_AUTHORIZENET', 'CREDITCHOICES') Stage 3: (if unique is true) remove dupes """ groups = config_value(group, groupkey) ret = [] for g in groups: try: ret.append(config_value(g, key)) except KeyError, ke: if not skip_missing: raise SettingNotSet('No config %s.%s' % (g, key)) if unique: out = [] for x in ret: if not x in out: out.append(x) ret = out return ret def config_register(value): """Register a value or values. Parameters: -A Value """ return ConfigurationSettings().register(value) def config_register_list(*args): for value in args: config_register(value) def config_value(group, key, default=_NOTSET): """Get a value from the configuration system""" try: return config_get(group, key).value except SettingNotSet: if default != _NOTSET: return default raise def config_value_safe(group, key, default_value): """Get a config value with a default fallback, safe for use during SyncDB.""" raw = default_value try: raw = config_value(group, key) except SettingNotSet: pass except ImportError, e: log.warn("Error getting %s.%s, OK if you are in SyncDB.", group, key) return raw def config_choice_values(group, key, skip_missing=True, translate=False): """Get pairs of key, label from the setting.""" try: cfg = config_get(group, key) choices = cfg.choice_values except SettingNotSet: if skip_missing: return [] else: raise SettingNotSet('%s.%s' % (group, key)) if translate: choices = [(k, ugettext(v)) for k, v in choices] return choices def config_add_choice(group, key, choice): """Add a choice to a value""" if config_exists(group, key): cfg = config_get(group, key) cfg.add_choice(choice) else: ConfigurationSettings().preregister_choice(group, key, choice)