"""models for the ``group_messaging`` app """ import datetime from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import Group from django.contrib.auth.models import User MAX_TITLE_LENGTH = 80 MAX_SENDERS_INFO_LENGTH = 64 #dummy parse message function parse_message = lambda v: v GROUP_NAME_TPL = '_personal_%s' def get_personal_group_by_user_id(user_id): return Group.objects.get(name=GROUP_NAME_TPL % user_id) def get_personal_groups_for_users(users): """for a given list of users return their personal groups""" group_names = [(GROUP_NAME_TPL % user.id) for user in users] return Group.objects.filter(name__in=group_names) def get_personal_group(user): """returns personal group for the user""" return get_personal_group_by_user_id(user.id) def create_personal_group(user): """creates a personal group for the user""" group = Group(name=GROUP_NAME_TPL % user.id) group.save() return group class LastVisitTime(models.Model): """just remembers when a user has last visited a given thread """ user = models.ForeignKey(User) message = models.ForeignKey('Message') at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) class Meta: unique_together = ('user', 'message') class SenderListManager(models.Manager): """model manager for the :class:`SenderList`""" def get_senders_for_user(self, user=None): """returns query set of :class:`User`""" user_groups = user.groups.all() lists = self.filter(recipient__in=user_groups) user_ids = lists.values_list( 'senders__id', flat=True ).distinct() return User.objects.filter(id__in=user_ids) class SenderList(models.Model): """a model to store denormalized data about who sends messages to any given person sender list is populated automatically as new messages are created """ recipient = models.ForeignKey(Group, unique=True) senders = models.ManyToManyField(User) objects = SenderListManager() class MessageMemo(models.Model): """A bridge between message recipients and messages these records are only created when user sees a message. The idea is that using groups as recipients, we can send messages to massive numbers of users, without cluttering the database. Instead we'll be creating a "seen" message after user reads the message. """ SEEN = 0 ARCHIVED = 1 STATUS_CHOICES = ( (SEEN, 'seen'), (ARCHIVED, 'archived') ) user = models.ForeignKey(User) message = models.ForeignKey('Message', related_name='memos') status = models.SmallIntegerField( choices=STATUS_CHOICES, default=SEEN ) class Meta: unique_together = ('user', 'message') class MessageManager(models.Manager): """model manager for the :class:`Message`""" def get_threads_for_user(self, user, deleted=False): user_groups = user.groups.all() user_thread_filter = models.Q( root=None, message_type=Message.STORED, recipients__in=user_groups ) deleted_filter = models.Q( memos__status=MessageMemo.ARCHIVED, memos__user=user ) if deleted: return self.filter(user_thread_filter & deleted_filter) else: return self.filter(user_thread_filter & ~deleted_filter) def create(self, **kwargs): """creates a message""" root = kwargs.get('root', None) if root is None: parent = kwargs.get('parent', None) if parent: if parent.root: root = parent.root else: root = parent kwargs['root'] = root headline = kwargs.get('headline', kwargs['text']) kwargs['headline'] = headline[:MAX_TITLE_LENGTH] kwargs['html'] = parse_message(kwargs['text']) message = super(MessageManager, self).create(**kwargs) #creator of message saw it by definition #crate a "seen" memo for the sender, because we #don't want to inform the user about his/her own post sender = kwargs['sender'] MessageMemo.objects.create( message=message, user=sender, status=MessageMemo.SEEN ) return message def create_thread(self, sender=None, recipients=None, text=None): """creates a stored message and adds recipients""" message = self.create( message_type=Message.STORED, sender=sender, senders_info=sender.username, text=text, ) message.add_recipients(recipients) return message def create_response(self, sender=None, text=None, parent=None): message = self.create( parent=parent, message_type=Message.STORED, sender=sender, text=text, ) #recipients are parent's recipients + sender #creator of response gets memo in the "read" status recipients = set(parent.recipients.all()) senders_group = get_personal_group(parent.sender) recipients.add(senders_group) message.add_recipients(recipients) #add author of the parent as a recipient to parent parent.add_recipients([senders_group]) #mark last active timestamp for the root message message.root.last_active_at = datetime.datetime.now() #update senders info - stuff that is shown in the thread heading message.root.update_senders_info() #unarchive the thread for all recipients message.root.unarchive() return message class Message(models.Model): """the message model allowing users to send messages to other users and groups, via personal groups. """ STORED = 0 TEMPORARY = 1 ONE_TIME = 2 MESSAGE_TYPE_CHOICES = ( (STORED, 'email-like message, stored in the inbox'), (ONE_TIME, 'will be shown just once'), (TEMPORARY, 'will be shown until certain time') ) message_type = models.SmallIntegerField( choices=MESSAGE_TYPE_CHOICES, default=STORED, ) sender = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='sent_messages') senders_info = models.CharField( max_length=MAX_SENDERS_INFO_LENGTH, default='' )#comma-separated list of a few names recipients = models.ManyToManyField(Group) root = models.ForeignKey( 'self', null=True, blank=True, related_name='descendants' ) parent = models.ForeignKey( 'self', null=True, blank=True, related_name='children' ) headline = models.CharField(max_length=MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) text = models.TextField( null=True, blank=True, help_text='source text for the message, e.g. in markdown format' ) html = models.TextField( null=True, blank=True, help_text='rendered html of the message' ) sent_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) last_active_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) active_until = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True) objects = MessageManager() def add_recipients(self, recipients): """adds recipients to the message and updates the sender lists for all recipients todo: sender lists may be updated in a lazy way - per user """ self.recipients.add(*recipients) for recipient in recipients: sender_list, created = SenderList.objects.get_or_create(recipient=recipient) sender_list.senders.add(self.sender) def update_senders_info(self): """update the contributors info, meant to be used on a root message only """ senders_names = self.senders_info.split(',') if self.sender.username in senders_names: senders_names.remove(self.sender.username) senders_names.insert(0, self.sender.username) self.senders_info = (','.join(senders_names))[:64] self.save() def unarchive(self): """unarchive message for all recipients""" memos = self.memos.filter(status=MessageMemo.ARCHIVED) memos.update(status=MessageMemo.SEEN)