import ez_setup ez_setup.use_setuptools() from setuptools import setup, find_packages import sys install_requires = [ 'django==1.1.2', 'django-debug-toolbar==0.7.0', 'South', 'recaptcha-client', 'markdown2', 'html5lib', 'python-openid', 'django-keyedcache', ] WIN_PLATFORMS = ('win32', 'cygwin',) if sys.platform not in WIN_PLATFORMS: install_requires.append('mysql-python') setup( name = "askbot", version = "0.6.0", packages = find_packages(), author = 'Evgeny.Fadeev', author_email = '', license = 'GPLv3', keywords = 'forum, community, wiki, Q&A', entry_points = { 'console_scripts' : [ 'startforum = askbot.deployment:startforum', ] }, url = '', include_package_data = True, install_requires = install_requires, long_description = """Open Source Question and Answer forum. Based on CNPROG project by Mike Chen and Sailing Cai, project inspired by StackOverflow. """, ) if sys.platform in WIN_PLATFORMS: print 'ATTENTION!! please install windows binary mysql-python package' print 'at' print '**************************************************************' print '* *' print '* Thanks for installing Askbot. *' print '* To start deploying type: >startforum *' print '* Please take a look at the manual askbot/doc/INSTALL *' print '* And please do not hesitate to ask your questions at *' print '* at *' print '* *' print '**************************************************************'