path: root/doc/server
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authorChris St. Pierre <>2013-02-08 13:43:40 -0500
committerChris St. Pierre <>2013-02-08 13:43:40 -0500
commit398be2c5cb613d9506e0c115510c1b55881ca64e (patch)
treecc5f4eaffafea66ce58c3500de30129840e3a1a0 /doc/server
parent0dab7e284017e4559019ac1e7b861ab7ccdadf5c (diff)
Bundler: added support for independent bundles
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/server')
4 files changed, 244 insertions, 153 deletions
diff --git a/doc/server/plugins/structures/base.txt b/doc/server/plugins/structures/base.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 03eae0573..000000000
--- a/doc/server/plugins/structures/base.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-.. -*- mode: rst -*-
-.. _server-plugins-structures-base:
-.. deprecated:: 1.2.0
-.. warning::
- The Base plugin no longer receives new features/functionality.
- Please use :ref:`server-plugins-structures-bundler-index` instead.
-The Base plugin is a structure plugin that provides the ability to add
-lists of unrelated entries into client configuration entry inventories.
-Base works much like Bundler in its file format. The main difference
-between Base and Bundler is that Base files are included in all clients'
-configuration whereas bundles must be included explicitly in your
-Metadata. See the :ref:`server-plugins-structures-bundler-index` page
-for details.
-If you have lots of unconnected items (for instance: software packages
-whose configuration wasn't modified, and that are also not depended
-on by other packages; or single directories or files not belonging
-to a package), using Bundles in Metadata would clutter or enlarge
-your ``Metadata/groups.xml`` file, because they all would need to be
-explicitly specified. ``Base/`` on the other hand is the perfect place
-to put these items.
-Without using Base, you would be forced to put them directly
-into your group definitions in ``groups.xml``, either as many
-small bundles (substantially enlarging it) or into something like
-``Bundler/unrelated-entries.xml``. Using the latter is especially bad
-if you mix packages and services in your Bundle, since for any updated
-package in that bundle, the now-related services would be restarted.
-The Base entries can still be assigned based on group membership, but when
-they aren't part of a group, each and every client gets the entry. So Base is
-also a great place to put entries that a large number of your clients will
-For example, you could have a file ``Base/packages.xml``
-.. code-block:: xml
- <Base>
- <Package name='acpid'/>
- <Package name='auditd'/>
- [...]
- <Group name='openSUSE11.2'>
- <Package name='syslog-ng'/>
- </Group>
- <Group name='openSUSE11.3'>
- <Package name='rsyslog'/>
- </Group>
- [...]
- <Package name='zlib'/>
- </Base>
-.. note::
- You don't have to reference to the files in Base from anywhere. As long
- as you include ``Base`` in your ``plugins = ...`` line in ``bcfg2.conf``,
- these are included automatically.
-.. note::
- Your Base files have to match the pattern ``Base/*.xml`` to be included.
-The decision when to use Base and when to use Bundler depends on the
-configuration entry in question, and what you are trying to achieve.
-Base is mainly used for cases where you don't want/need to explicitly
-include particular configuration items. Let's say all your machines are
-various linux distributions. In this case, you may want to manage the
-``/etc/hosts`` file using Base instead of Bundler since you will not have
-to include any Bundles in your Metadata. However, you could alternatively
-have a base 'linux' group that all the clients inherit which includes a
-*linux* Bundle with the ``/etc/hosts`` configuration entry.
diff --git a/doc/server/plugins/structures/bundler/bcfg2.txt b/doc/server/plugins/structures/bundler/bcfg2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7465f15cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/server/plugins/structures/bundler/bcfg2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+.. -*- mode: rst -*-
+.. _server-plugins-structures-bundler-bcfg2-server:
+Bcfg2 Server
+These two bundles split out the entries that do require a restart of
+``bcfg2-server`` from those that don't.
+These bundles also demonstrate use of bound entries to avoid splitting
+entries between Bundler and Rules.
+.. code-block:: xml
+ <Bundle>
+ <Bundle name="bcfg2-server-base.xml"/>
+ <Path name="/etc/pki/tls/private/bcfg2.key"/>
+ <Path name="/etc/sysconfig/bcfg2-server"/>
+ <Path name="/etc/bcfg2.conf"/>
+ <BoundPath name="/var/lib/bcfg2/Packages/cache" type="directory"
+ owner="bcfg2" group="bcfg2" mode="0755"/>
+ <BoundPath name="/var/lib/bcfg2" type="symlink"
+ to="/var/lib/bcfg2-vcs/bcfg2/public"/>
+ <BoundPath name="/var/lib/bcfg2/etc/bcfg2.sqlite" type="permissions"
+ owner="bcfg2" group="apache" mode="0660"/>
+ <BoundService name="bcfg2-server" type="chkconfig" status="on"/>
+ <Package name="bcfg2-server"/>
+ <Package name="python-genshi"/>
+ <Package name="python-inotify"/>
+ <Package name="Django"/>
+ <Package name="Django-south"/>
+ <Package name="m2crypto"/>
+ <Package name="GitPython"/>
+ </Bundle>
+.. code-block:: xml
+ <Bundle>
+ <Path name="/etc/bcfg2-web.conf"/>
+ <Path name="/etc/cron.daily/bcfg2_cleanup_db"/>
+ <BoundPOSIXGroup name='bcfg2'/>
+ <BoundPOSIXUser name='bcfg2' shell='/sbin/nologin' gecos='Bcfg2 User'/>
+ <Path name="/home/bcfg2/.ssh/id_rsa"/>
+ <!-- SSLCA setup -->
+ <BoundPath name="/etc/pki/CA" type="directory" important="true"
+ owner="bcfg2" group="bcfg2" mode="755"/>
+ <BoundPath name="/etc/pki/CA/crl" type="directory" owner="bcfg2"
+ group="bcfg2" mode="755"/>
+ <BoundPath name="/etc/pki/CA/certs" type="directory" owner="bcfg2"
+ group="bcfg2" mode="755"/>
+ <BoundPath name="/etc/pki/CA/newcerts" type="directory" owner="bcfg2"
+ group="bcfg2" mode="755"/>
+ <BoundPath name="/etc/pki/CA/private" type="directory" owner="bcfg2"
+ group="bcfg2" mode="755"/>
+ <Path name="/etc/pki/CA/openssl.cnf" altsrc="/etc/pki/CA/openssl.cnf"/>
+ <Path name="/etc/pki/CA/index.txt.attr"/>
+ <Path name="/etc/pki/CA/CA.crt"/>
+ <Path name="/etc/pki/CA/CA.key"/>
+ <Path name="/etc/pki/CA/CA.pem"/>
+ <Path name="/etc/pki/tls/certs/server-chain.crt"/>
+ <BoundPath name="/etc/pki/CA/serial" type="permissions" owner="bcfg2"
+ group="bcfg2" mode="0600"/>
+ <BoundPath name="/etc/pki/CA/index.txt" type="permissions" owner="bcfg2"
+ group="bcfg2" mode="0600"/>
+ <BoundPath name="/etc/pki/CA/crlnumber" type="permissions" owner="bcfg2"
+ group="bcfg2" mode="0644"/>
+ <BoundAction
+ name="create-CA-serial" timing="post" when="always" status="check"
+ command="[ -e /etc/pki/CA/serial ] || echo '01' > /etc/pki/CA/serial"/>
+ <BoundAction
+ name="create-CA-index" timing="post" when="always" status="check"
+ command="[ -e /etc/pki/CA/index.txt ] || touch /etc/pki/CA/index.txt"/>
+ <BoundAction
+ name="create-CA-crlnumber" timing="post" when="always" status="check"
+ command="[ -e /etc/pki/CA/crlnumber ] || touch /etc/pki/CA/crlnumber"/>
+ </Bundle>
diff --git a/doc/server/plugins/structures/bundler/index.txt b/doc/server/plugins/structures/bundler/index.txt
index 8f767ba03..c7dde193f 100644
--- a/doc/server/plugins/structures/bundler/index.txt
+++ b/doc/server/plugins/structures/bundler/index.txt
@@ -20,91 +20,94 @@ Group and Client tags can be used inside of bundles to differentiate
which entries particular clients will recieve; this is useful for the
case where entries are named differently across systems; for example,
one Linux distro may have a package called ``openssh`` while another
-uses the name ``ssh``. See :ref:`xml-group-client-tags` for details.
+uses the name ``ssh``. See :ref:`xml-group-client-tags` for details
+and a longer example.
-The following is an annotated copy of a bundle:
+A brief example:
.. code-block:: xml
- <Path name='/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key'/>
- <Path name='/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key'/>
- <Path name='/etc/ssh/'/>
- <Path name='/etc/ssh/'/>
- <Path name='/etc/ssh/ssh_host_key'/>
- <Path name='/etc/ssh/'/>
- <Path name='/etc/ssh/sshd_config'/>
<Path name='/etc/ssh/ssh_config'/>
- <Path name='/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts'/>
<Group name='rpm'>
- <Package name='openssh'/>
- <Package name='openssh-askpass'/>
<Service name='sshd'/>
- <Group name='fedora' >
- <Group name='fc14' negate='true'>
- <Package name='openssh-clients'/>
- </Group>
- <Package name='openssh-server'/>
- </Group>
+ <Package name='openssh-server'/>
<Group name='deb'>
<Package name='ssh'/>
<Service name='ssh'/>
- <Client name=''>
- <Path name='/etc/ssh/shosts.equiv'/>
- </Client>
-In this bundle, most of the entries are common to all systems. Clients
-in group **deb** get one extra package and service, while clients in
-group **rpm** get two extra packages and an extra service. In
-addition, clients in group **fedora** *and* group **rpm** get one
-extra package entries, unless they are not in the **fc14** group, in
-which case, they get an extra package. The client
-**** gets one extra file that is not distributed to
-any other clients. Notice that this file doesn't describe which
-versions of these entries that clients should get, only that they
-should get them. (Admittedly, this example is slightly contrived, but
-demonstrates how group entries can be used in bundles)
-| Group/Hostname | Entry |
-| all | /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key |
-| all | /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key |
-| all | /etc/ssh/ |
-| all | /etc/ssh/ |
-| all | /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key |
-| all | /etc/ssh/ |
-| all | /etc/ssh/sshd_config |
-| all | /etc/ssh/ssh_config |
-| all | /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts |
-| rpm | Package openssh |
-| rpm | Package openssh-askpass |
-| rpm | Service sshd |
-| rpm and fedora | Package openssh-server |
-| rpm and fedora and not fc4 | Package openssh-clients |
-| deb | Package ssh |
-| deb | Service ssh |
-| | /etc/ssh/shosts.equiv |
+Note that we do not specify *how* a given entry should be managed,
+only that it should be. The concrete specification of each entry will
+be provided by a different plugin such as
+:ref:`server-plugins-generators-rules`, or
+Alternatively, you can use fully-bound entries in Bundler, which has
+various uses. For instance:
+ <Bundle>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/ssh_config'/>
+ <Group name='rpm'>
+ <BoundService name='sshd' type="chkconfig" status="on"/>
+ <BoundPackage name='openssh-server' version='5.8p2' type="yum" />
+ </Group>
+ <Group name='deb'>
+ <Package name='ssh'/>
+ <BoundService name='ssh' type="chkconfig" status="on"/>
+ </Group>
+ </Bundle>
+In this example, both Service tags and one Package tag are fully bound
+-- i.e., all information required by the client to manage those
+entries is provided in the bundle itself.
+.. _server-plugins-structures-bundler-magic:
+Bundle "Magic"
+Bundles are collections of *related* entries. That point is very,
+very important, because a bundle performs certain "magic" actions when
+one or more entries in it are modified:
+* :xml:type:`Service <ServiceType>` entries whose ``restart``
+ attribute is ``true`` (the default) will be restarted.
+* :xml:type:`Action <ActionType>` entries whose ``when`` attribute is
+ ``modified`` will be run.
+Because of these two magic actions, it's extremely important to
+structure your bundles around Service and Action entries, rather than
+around some loose idea of which entries are related. For instance, in
+order to manage a Bcfg2 server, a number of packages, paths, services,
+etc. must be managed. But not all of these entries would require
+``bcfg2-server`` to be restarted, so to limit restarts it's wise to
+split these entries into two bundles. See
+:ref:`server-plugins-structures-bundler-bcfg2-server` for an example
+of this.
+Disabling Magic
+Disabling magic bundler actions can be done in one of two ways:
+* On a per-entry basis. Set ``restart="false"`` on a Service to
+ prevent it from being restarted when the bundle is modified. Set
+ ``when="always"`` on an Action to cause it to run every time,
+ regardless of whether or not the bundle was modified.
+* On a per-bundle basis. Set ``independent="true"`` on the top-level
+ ``Bundle`` tag to signify that the bundle is a collection of
+ independent (i.e., unrelated) entries, and to prevent any magic
+ actions from being performed. (This is similar to the ``Base``
+ plugin in older versions of Bcfg2.) This was added in Bcfg2 1.4.
+Service entries in independent bundles are never restarted, and Action
+entries in independent bundles are only executed if ``when="always"``.
+(I.e., an Action entry in an independent bundle with
+``when="modified"`` is useless.)
Genshi templates
diff --git a/doc/server/xml-common.txt b/doc/server/xml-common.txt
index c2c3f34d4..96644571b 100644
--- a/doc/server/xml-common.txt
+++ b/doc/server/xml-common.txt
@@ -75,6 +75,89 @@ Or, more compactly:
Manage the abstract service "bar"
+As an example, consider the following :ref:`bundle
+.. code-block:: xml
+ <Bundle>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key'/>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key'/>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/'/>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/'/>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/ssh_host_key'/>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/'/>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/sshd_config'/>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/ssh_config'/>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts'/>
+ <Group name='rpm'>
+ <Package name='openssh'/>
+ <Package name='openssh-askpass'/>
+ <Service name='sshd'/>
+ <Group name='fedora' >
+ <Group name='fedora14' negate='true'>
+ <Package name='openssh-clients'/>
+ </Group>
+ <Package name='openssh-server'/>
+ </Group>
+ </Group>
+ <Group name='deb'>
+ <Package name='ssh'/>
+ <Service name='ssh'/>
+ </Group>
+ <Client name=''>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/shosts.equiv'/>
+ </Client>
+ </Bundle>
+In this bundle, most of the entries are common to all systems. Clients
+in group ``deb`` get one extra package and service, while clients in
+group ``rpm`` get two extra packages and an extra service. In
+addition, clients in group ``fedora`` *and* group ``rpm`` get one
+extra package entries, unless they are not in the ``fedora14`` group,
+in which case, they get an extra package. The client
+```` gets one extra file that is not distributed to
+any other clients.
+| Group/Hostname | Entry |
+| all | ``/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key`` |
+| all | ``/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key`` |
+| all | ``/etc/ssh/`` |
+| all | ``/etc/ssh/`` |
+| all | ``/etc/ssh/ssh_host_key`` |
+| all | ``/etc/ssh/`` |
+| all | ``/etc/ssh/sshd_config`` |
+| all | ``/etc/ssh/ssh_config`` |
+| all | ``/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts`` |
+| ``rpm`` | Package ``openssh`` |
+| ``rpm`` | Package ``openssh-askpass`` |
+| ``rpm`` | Service ``sshd`` |
+| ``rpm`` AND ``fedora`` | Package ``openssh-server`` |
+| ``rpm`` AND ``fedora`` | Package ``openssh-clients`` |
+| AND NOT ``fedora14`` | |
+| ``deb`` | Package ``ssh`` |
+| ``deb`` | Service ``ssh`` |
+| ```` | ``/etc/ssh/shosts.equiv`` |
.. _xml-genshi-templating:
Genshi templating