path: root/doc
diff options
authorSol Jerome <>2009-12-23 03:23:47 +0000
committerSol Jerome <>2009-12-23 03:23:47 +0000
commitb60cbe84484c5c71e7d3ebe9b4a47154e227d95f (patch)
tree577d00c0d91c7cbac4102a5b263261f387364644 /doc
parent4bd571c6af51a7c1f8c1ec2e2c1a55d232405b65 (diff)
doc: Add RST layout from Thorsten Lockert
All unsorted docs can be found at doc/unsorted/index.txt. Signed-off-by: Sol Jerome <> git-svn-id: ce84e21b-d406-0410-9b95-82705330c041
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
9 files changed, 791 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/authentication.txt b/doc/authentication.txt
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+.. -*- mode: rst -*-
+1. Cluster nodes that are frequently rebuilt
+ Default settings work well; machines do not float, and a per-client
+ password is not required.
+2. :doc:`NAT_HOWTO`
+ * Build client records in advance with bcfg2-admin, setting a uuid
+ for each new client.
+ * Set the address attribute for each to the address of the NAT.
+ * Optionally, set a per-client password for each, and set into secure
+ mode.
+ .. note::
+ This will require the use of the uuid and password from each
+ client, and will require that they come through the NAT address.
+Building bcfg2.conf automatically
+This is a TCheetah template that automatically constructs per-client
+bcfg2.conf from the per-client metadata::
+ [communication]
+ protocol = xmlrpc/ssl
+ #if $self.metadata.uuid != None
+ user = $self.metadata.uuid
+ #endif
+ #if $self.metadata.password != None
+ password = $self.metadata.password
+ #else
+ password = my-password-foobat
+ #endif
+ fingerprint = d8b7423da5d8ccd0f3db29742fc8eed00b9d0848
+ [components]
+ bcfg2 = https://localhost:6789
+In this setup, this will cause any clients that have uuids established
+to be set to use them in bcfg2.conf. It will also cause any clients
+with passwords set to use them instead of the global password. The
+fingerprint needs to be manually set, per-server, using the output of
+"bcfg2-admin fingerprint".
+How Authentication Works
+#. First, the client is associated with a client record. If the client
+ specifies a uuid, it uses this instead of the results of a dns or
+ address lookup.
+#. Next, the ip address is verified against the client record. If the
+ address doesn't match, then the client must be set to
+ location=floating
+#. Finally, the password is verified. If the client is set to secure
+ mode, the only its per-client password is accepted. If it is not set
+ to secure mode, then either the global password or per-client password
+ will be accepted
+Failure during any of these stages results in authentication
+failure. Note that clients set into secure mode that do not have
+per-client passwords set will not be able to connect.
+SSL Cert-based client authentication
+As of 1.0pre3, SSL-based client authentication is supported. This
+requires several things:
+#. Certificate Authority (to sign all keys)
+#. Server key and cert signed by the CA
+#. Client key and cert signed by the CA
+A variety of CAs can be used, but these keys can be simply generated
+using the following set of steps:
+#. Setup a CA
+#. Create keys for each client and server, signing them with the CA
+ signing cert
+#. Distribute the keys and certs to the appropriate locations
+#. Copy the ca cert to clients, so that the server can be authenticated
+Clients authenticating themselves with a certificate will be
+authenticated that way first; clients can be setup to either
+authenticate solely with certs, use certs with a fallback to password,
+or password only. Also a bootstrap mode will be added shortly; this
+will allow a client to authenticate with a password its first time,
+requiring a certificate all subsequent times. This behavior can be
+controlled through the use of the auth attribute in
+ <Clients>
+ <Client name='testclient' auth='cert'/>
+ </Clients>
+Allowed values are:
+ +---------------+------------------------------------------+
+ | **Auth Type** | **Meaning** |
+ +---------------+------------------------------------------+
+ | cert | Certificates must be used |
+ +---------------+------------------------------------------+
+ | cert+password | Certificate or password may be used |
+ +---------------+------------------------------------------+
+ | bootstrap | Password can be used for one client run, |
+ | | after that certificate is required |
+ +---------------+------------------------------------------+
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+# sphinx-quickstart on Sun Dec 13 12:10:30 2009.
+# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir.
+# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
+# autogenerated file.
+# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
+# serve to show the default.
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+# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
+# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
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+master_doc = 'index'
+# General information about the project.
+project = u'Bcfg2'
+copyright = u'2009, Narayan Desai'
+# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
+# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
+# built documents.
+# The short X.Y version.
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+# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
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+# for a list of supported languages.
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+# non-false value, then it is used:
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+# for source files.
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+# unit titles (such as .. function::).
+#add_module_names = True
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+# output. They are ignored by default.
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+pygments_style = 'sphinx'
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+# Sphinx are currently 'default' and 'sphinxdoc'.
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+# "<project> v<release> documentation".
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+# of the sidebar.
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+# typographically correct entities.
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+# contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the
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+# (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]).
+latex_documents = [
+ ('index', 'bcfg2.tex', u'Bcfg2 Documentation',
+ u'Narayan Desai and Thorsten Lockert', 'manual', True),
+# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
+# the title page.
+#latex_logo = None
+# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
+# not chapters.
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+# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
+#latex_preamble = ''
+# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
+#latex_appendices = []
+# If false, no module index is generated.
+latex_use_modindex = False
diff --git a/doc/getting_started/index.txt b/doc/getting_started/index.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2480447f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/getting_started/index.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+.. -*- mode: rst -*-
+Using Bcfg2
+These are many of the resources available to help new users get started.
+(If you find anything wrong or missing please go to our :term:`IRC
+Channel` and let us know)
+* `QuickStart` or `QuickStart2` or `QuickStart3` (FIXME: merge
+ these at some point)
+* `Bcfg2 from scratch on Ubuntu <Quickstart/Ubuntu>`
+* `Bcfg2 from scratch on CentOS <QuickStart/CentOS>`
+Must Reads
+* `Documentation`
+* `WritingSpecification`
+* `Bcfg2 Architecture <Doc/Architecture>`
+* `ServerSideOverview`
+* `UpgradeTesting`
+* `Troubleshooting`
+* `Bcfg2 Server Plugins <Plugins>`
+* `Probes <Plugins/Probes>`
+* `AgentMode`
+* `DynamicGroups`
+* `Client Tool Drivers <ClientTools>`
+* `Developing for Bcfg2 <DevelopingForBcfg2>`
+* `Howtos`
+* `Reports`
+* `Demo Repository <GroupNames>`
+* `Plugins/Bundler/examples`
+* `Plugins/Probes/examples`
+* `Plugins/TGenshi/examples`
+Man Pages
+* `Manual Pages <ManualPages>`
diff --git a/doc/glossary.txt b/doc/glossary.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bbed9ebaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/glossary.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+.. -*- mode: rst -*-
+.. glossary::
+ IRC Channel
+ what now?
diff --git a/doc/index.txt b/doc/index.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b79376d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/index.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+.. -*- mode: rst -*-
+Welcome to Bcfg2's documentation!
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ intro
+ testimonials
+ sites
+ getting_started/index
+ authentication
+ unsorted/index
+.. FIXME: Platform-specific pages would be good here
+ glossary
+Indices and tables
+* :ref:`genindex`
+* :ref:`modindex`
+* :ref:`search`
diff --git a/doc/intro.txt b/doc/intro.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c00108996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/intro.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+.. -*- mode: rst -*-
+Bcfg2 helps system administrators produce a consistent, reproducible,
+and verifiable description of their environment, and offers
+visualization and reporting tools to aid in day-to-day administrative
+tasks. It is the fifth generation of configuration management tools
+developed in the `Mathematics and Computer Science Division`_ of
+`Argonne National Laboratory`_.
+.. _Mathematics and Computer Science Division:
+.. _Argonne National Laboratory:
+It is based on an operational model in which the specification can be
+used to validate and optionally change the state of clients, but in a
+feature unique to bcfg2 the client's response to the specification can
+also be used to assess the completeness of the specification. Using
+this feature, bcfg2 provides an objective measure of how good a job an
+administrator has done in specifying the configuration of client
+systems. Bcfg2 is therefore built to help administrators construct an
+accurate, comprehensive specification.
+Bcfg2 has been designed from the ground up to support gentle
+reconciliation between the specification and current client states. It
+is designed to gracefully cope with manual system modifications.
+Finally, due to the rapid pace of updates on modern networks, client
+systems are constantly changing; if required in your environment,
+Bcfg2 can enable the construction of complex change management and
+deployment strategies.
+Bcfg2 is fairly portable. It has been successfully run on:
+* `AIX`_, `FreeBSD`_, `OpenBSD`_, `Mac OS X`_, `OpenSolaris`_,
+ `Solaris`_.
+.. _AIX:
+.. _FreeBSD:
+.. _OpenBSD:
+.. _Mac OS X:
+.. _OpenSolaris:
+.. _Solaris:
+* Many `GNU/Linux`_ distributions, including `Blag`_, `CentOS`_,
+ `Debian`_, `Fedora`_, `Gentoo`_, `gNewSense`_, `Mandriva`_,
+ `OpenSUSE`_, `Redhat/RHEL`_, `SuSE/SLES`_, `Trisquel`_ and
+ `Ubuntu`_.
+.. _GNU/Linux:
+.. _Blag:
+.. _CentOS:
+.. _Debian:
+.. _Fedora:
+.. _Gentoo:
+.. _gNewSense:
+.. _Mandriva:
+.. _OpenSUSE:
+.. _Redhat/RHEL:
+.. _SuSE/SLES:
+.. _Trisquel:
+.. _Ubuntu:
+Bcfg2 should run on any POSIX compatible operating system, however
+direct support for an operating system's package and service formats
+are limited by the currently available :ref:`client tools`
+(new client tools are pretty easy to add). There is also an
+:ref:`incomplete but more exact list of platforms on
+which Bcfg2 works`.
diff --git a/doc/sites.txt b/doc/sites.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a22ec200d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sites.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+.. -*- mode: rst -*-
+.. _sites_toplevel:
+Organizations using Bcfg2
+To add your site to this page, email -
+mention you want your information added to !SitesUsingBcfg2. You may
+request an account on this wiki in the same email. See also
+AbleSky, Inc.
+`AbleSky, Inc. <>`_
+* Managing ~70 CentOS hosts on 6 networks; expecting to scale up
+ several times through the coming year
+* Contact: `John Morris <>`_ (zultron on #bcfg2)
+Argonne National Laboratory: Argonne Leadership Computing Facility
+`Argonne Leadership Computing Facility <>`_ at
+`Argonne National Laboratory <>`_
+* 100 node SLES 10 Linux compute cluster, 128 node SLES 10 file system
+ cluster, ~100 SLES 10 support machines for a Blue Gene/P
+ installation
+* Contact: Cory Lueninghoener (lueningh on #bcfg2)
+Free Software Foundation
+The `Free Software Foundation <>`_ (FSF), home of
+the `GNU Project <>`_ etc.
+* New deployment (2009); working (slowly) towards having
+ configurations for the majority of the machines it administers
+ available via This is a tie-in with the
+ `Franklin Street Statement on Freedom and Network Services
+ <>`_ (FSF
+ offices are on Franklin Street). Documentation on how to have a
+ public access Bcfg2 configuration repository will be at
+ PublicRepository.
+* Contact: `Danny Clark <>`_
+ (djbclark on #bcfg2)
+Indiana University: The Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics
+`The Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics
+<>`_ at `Indiana University
+* ~50 machines running Nexenta and a few running Ubuntu
+* Contact: Phillip Steinbachs (xinkeT or Teknix on #bcfg2)
+`Taleo <>`_
+* Manage ~1000 Centos/RHEL 3,4,5 servers
+* Contact: Mathieu Jobin (somekool on #bcfg2)
+University of Chicago: Academic Technologies Group
+The `Academic Technologies <>`_
+group at `The University of Chicago <>`_
+ * ~80 Gentoo Linux machines, plus a handful of Solaris servers
+ * Contact: `Michael Junks <>`_
+University of Texas: Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences
+`The University of Texas <>`_ `Institute for
+Computational Engineering and Sciences
+* Manage ~200 Ubuntu desktops and ~40 servers running both CentOS and
+ Debian
+* Contact: `Sol Jerome <>`_ (solj on #bcfg2)
+Wireless Generation
+`Wireless Generation <>`_
+* Manage ~300+ Centos/RHEL nodes across many
+ dev/test/staging/production environments
+* Software development shop trying to find a balance between sysadmin
+ cfg management and developer release management all via bcfg2 =)
+* Contact: Unix Team: Raul, Chris (MrPrometheus #bcfg2), Nico, Gabor,
+ Noble, Prashanth
+Zymeworks Inc.
+`Zymeworks Inc. <>`_
+* Manage a ~70 node Gentoo Linux cluster, ~20 Gentoo and SLES servers,
+ ~25 Mac OS X servers and workstations
+* Contact: Kamil Kisiel (kisielk on #bcfg2)
diff --git a/doc/testimonials.txt b/doc/testimonials.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23774c1a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/testimonials.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+.. -*- mode: rst -*-
+.. _testimonials_toplevel:
+Here are a few things that users of Bcfg2 have to say about it:
+* `... With so many machines and so much variation and subtleties
+ between machines, I would simply go crazy trying to manage and
+ maintain these machines. Bcfg makes my life much
+ simpler. <>`_
+ -- Ti Leggett
+* When I took over managing a compute cluster, its configuration
+ management was a mess. A liberal dose of Bcfg cleaned up the
+ machines, made them more secure, and gave me the information needed
+ to keep an eye on them. I definitely trust the cluster more now
+ that its configuration is well-defined and well-managed. -- Cory
+ Lueninghoener
+* "`Bcfg2 propaganda
+ <>`_"
+ - Two days ago Mathieu Jobin had sent a message to bcfg-dev mailing
+ list containing a link to Yahoo!'s grid white paper mentioning
+ Bcfg2. As I don't think Bcfg2 is getting as much attention as it
+ should, I thought about mentioning it
+ here.
+ -- Cezary Morga
+ *
+See also :ref:`sites_toplevel`.
diff --git a/doc/unsorted/index.txt b/doc/unsorted/index.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+.. -*- mode: rst -*-
+Unsorted Docs
+These docs have yet to be sorted properly. The content for them can be
+found at the TitleIndex_ page on Trac. Most should be converted to
+sphinx. Some may not need any conversion (e.g. The Download page). Once
+converted and put in the proper place, you can remove the item from the
+list below.
+.. _TitleIndex:
+* `Agent with ssh`
+* `Annotated Examples`
+* `Architecture`
+* `Audio/Video`
+* `Bcfg2Doc`
+* `Bcfg2 Subversion How To`
+* `Bound Entry`
+* `Building Debian Packages`
+* `Building RPM Packages`
+* `Client/Debugging`
+* `Client/Metadata`
+* `ClientTools/RPMng`
+* `Comparison`
+* `Configuration Entries`
+* `Contribute`
+* `Contributors`
+* `Converging on verification with RHEL 5`
+* `Debian Pkgmgr creation script`
+* `Developing for Bcfg2`
+* `Development/WritingPlugins`
+* `Development Tips`
+* `Doc:Architecture`
+* `Documentation`
+* `Download`
+* `Dynamic groups`
+* `Emacs snippet support`
+* `Encap`
+* `FAQ`
+* `FeatureWindows`
+* `Gentoo`
+* `Group names`
+* `Help`
+* `Hostbase`
+* `HostbaseInstallation`
+* `Howtos`
+* `IRCChannel`
+* `Install`
+* `IptablesDeadmanScript`
+* `LearningPython`
+* `MailingList`
+* `ManualPages`
+* `NISAuth`
+* `NewDynamicReports`
+* `NewDynamicReportsInstallation`
+* `News`
+* `Overview`
+* `ParanoidMode`
+* `Plugins`
+* `Plugins/Account`
+* `Plugins/Actions`
+* `Plugins/Base`
+* `Plugins/Bundler`
+* `Plugins/Bundler/examples`
+* `Plugins/Bundler/examples/kernel.xml`
+* `Plugins/Bundler/examples/moab.xml`
+* `Plugins/Bundler/examples/nagios.xml`
+* `Plugins/Bundler/examples/ntp.xml`
+* `Plugins/Bundler/examples/snmpd.xml`
+* `Plugins/Bundler/examples/torque.xml`
+* `Plugins/Bundler/examples/yp.xml`
+* `Plugins/Bzr`
+* `Plugins/Cfg`
+* `Plugins/Decisions`
+* `Plugins/Deps`
+* `Plugins/Fossil`
+* `Plugins/Git`
+* `Plugins/GroupPatterns`
+* `Plugins/Hostbase`
+* `Plugins/Metadata`
+* `Plugins/NagiosGen`
+* `Plugins/Ohai`
+* `Plugins/Packages`
+* `Plugins/Pkgmgr`
+* `Plugins/Probes`
+* `Plugins/Probes/examples`
+* `Plugins/Probes/examples/current-kernel`
+* `Plugins/Probes/examples/group`
+* `Plugins/Probes/examples/grub-serial-order`
+* `Plugins/Probes/examples/manufacturer`
+* `Plugins/Probes/examples/producttype`
+* `Plugins/Probes/examples/serial-console-speed`
+* `Plugins/Properties`
+* `Plugins/Rules`
+* `Plugins/SGenshi`
+* `Plugins/SSHbase`
+* `Plugins/Snapshots`
+* `Plugins/Svn`
+* `Plugins/TCheetah`
+* `Plugins/TGenshi`
+* `Plugins/TGenshi/examples`
+* `Plugins/TGenshi/examples/bcfg2_cron`
+* `Plugins/TGenshi/examples/clients.xml`
+* `Plugins/TGenshi/examples/ganglia`
+* `Plugins/TGenshi/examples/grub.conf`
+* `Plugins/TGenshi/examples/hosts`
+* `Plugins/TGenshi/examples/iptables`
+* `Plugins/TGenshi/examples/motd`
+* `Plugins/TGenshi/examples/my.cnf`
+* `Plugins/TGenshi/examples/test`
+* `Plugins/Trigger`
+* `PrecompiledPackages`
+* `Prereqs`
+* `Publications`
+* `QuickStart`
+* `QuickStart/CentOS`
+* `QuickStart/Ubuntu`
+* `QuickStart2`
+* `QuickStart3`
+* `RecentChanges`
+* `RefactorClient`
+* `Reports`
+* `Reports/Dynamic`
+* `Reports/Dynamic/Installation`
+* `Reports/Static`
+* `SandBox`
+* `SchemaEvolution`
+* `SecurityDevPlan`
+* `ServerSideOverview`
+* `TGenshi/examples`
+* `TGenshi/examples/Templated_Access`
+* `TGenshi/examples/bcfg2_cron`
+* `TGenshi/examples/clients.xml`
+* `TGenshi/examples/test`
+* `TOC`
+* `TrackingDevelopmentTrunk`
+* `Troubleshooting`
+* `UpgradeTesting`
+* `UsingRcache`
+* `VimSnippetSupport`
+* `WritingClientToolDrivers`
+* `WritingSpecification`
+* `altsrc`
+* `mrepo`
+* `ssl`