path: root/doc
diff options
authorChris St. Pierre <>2012-10-30 10:22:02 -0400
committerChris St. Pierre <>2013-01-17 10:41:27 -0500
commit0fc1f472a0fb18911bde1cb99f03142681804476 (patch)
treec957495030e716a8d950dba803b15dc01428babc /doc
parent78dfedb4b450005246508cea08874637fcc86885 (diff)
removed deprecated plugins: TGenshi, TCheetah, Account, Hostbase, Snapshots, Statistics, Editor
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
12 files changed, 4 insertions, 1033 deletions
diff --git a/doc/reports/static.txt b/doc/reports/static.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 00c1867f8..000000000
--- a/doc/reports/static.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-.. -*- mode: rst -*-
-.. _reports-static:
-Bcfg2 Static Reporting System
-The Bcfg2 reporting system collects and displays information about the
-operation of the Bcfg2 client, and the configuration states of target
-The reporting system provides an interface to administrators describing
-a few important tasks
-* Client configuration state, particularly aspects that do not match the configuration specification.
- Information about bad and extra configuration elements is included.
-* Client execution results (a list of configuration elements that were modified)
-* Client execution performance data (including operation retry counts, and timings for several critical execution regions)
-This data can be used to understand the current configuration state
-of the entire network, the operations performed by the client, how the
-configuration changes propagate, and any reconfiguration operations that
-have failed.
-Retention Model
-The current reporting system stores statistics in an XML data store, by
-default to ``<repo>/etc/statistics.xml``. It retains either one or two
-statistic sets per host. If the client has a clean configuration state,
-the most recent (clean) record is retained. If the client has a dirty
-configuration state, two records are retained. One record is the last
-clean record. The other record is the most recent record collected,
-detailing the incorrect state.
-This retention model, while non-optimal, does manage to persistently
-record most of the data that users would like.
-In order to configure your Bcfg2 server for receiving reports, you
-will need to list the Statistics plugin in the plugins line of your
-``bcfg2.conf``. You will also need a [statistics] section
-in your ``bcfg2.conf``. You can find out more about what goes there in the
-``bcfg2.conf`` manpage.
-Several output reports can be generated from the statistics store with
-the command line tool ``bcfg2-build-reports``.
-* Nodes Digest
-* Nodes Individual
-* Overview Statistics
-* Performance
-The data generated by these reports can be delivered by several
-* Email
-* RSS
-Shortcomings and Planned Enhancements
-When designing the current reporting system, we were overly concerned with
-the potential explosion in data size over time. In order to address this,
-we opted to use the retention scheme described above. This approach has
-several shortcomings:
-* A comprehensive list of reconfiguration operations (with associated
- timestamps) isn't retained
-* Client results for any given day (except the last one) aren't uniformly
- retained. This means that inter-client analysis is difficult, if
- not impossible
-We plan to move to a database backend to address the dataset size
-problem and start retaining all information. The move to a SQL backend
-will allow many more types of queries to be efficiently processed. It
-will also make on-demand reports simpler.
-Other sorts of information would also be useful to track. We plan to
-add the ability to tag a particular configuration element as security
-related, and include this in reports. This will aid in the effective
-prioritization of manual and failed reconfiguration tasks.
-Capability Goals (posed as questions)
-* What machines have not yet applied critical updates?
-* How long did critical updates take to be applied?
-* What configuration did machine X have on a particular date?
-* When did machine X perform configuration update Y?
diff --git a/doc/server/admin/index.txt b/doc/server/admin/index.txt
index ee03cedda..8ea765aac 100644
--- a/doc/server/admin/index.txt
+++ b/doc/server/admin/index.txt
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ functionality. Available modes are listed below.
- snapshots
diff --git a/doc/server/admin/snapshots.txt b/doc/server/admin/snapshots.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 25a7286c2..000000000
--- a/doc/server/admin/snapshots.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-.. -*- mode: rst -*-
-.. _server-admin-snapshots:
-Interact with the Snapshots system.
diff --git a/doc/server/index.txt b/doc/server/index.txt
index 2ccc9c923..42abb454c 100644
--- a/doc/server/index.txt
+++ b/doc/server/index.txt
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ clients.
- snapshots/index
diff --git a/doc/server/plugins/generators/account.txt b/doc/server/plugins/generators/account.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 99c35c814..000000000
--- a/doc/server/plugins/generators/account.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-.. -*- mode: rst -*-
-.. _server-plugins-generators-account:
-The account plugin manages authentication data, including
-* ``/etc/passwd``
-* ``/etc/group``
-* ``/etc/security/limits.conf``
-* ``/etc/sudoers``
-* ``/root/.ssh/authorized_keys``
-User access data is stored in three files in the Account directory:
-* superusers (a list of users who always have root privs)
-* rootlist (a list of user:host pairs for scoped root privs)
-* useraccess (a list of user:host pairs for login access)
-SSH keys are stored in files named $username.key; these are installed
-into root's authorized keys for users in the superusers list as well as
-for the pertitent users in the rootlike file (for the current system).
-Authentication data is read in from (static|dyn).(passwd|group) The static
-ones are for system local ones, while the dyn. versions are for external
-synchronization (from ldap/nis/etc). There is also a static.limits.conf
-that provides the limits.conf header and any static entries.
-Files in the Account directory:
- **Format**: The SSH public key for user <username>.
- If the user is in the "rootlike" or "superusers" group, these
- keys will be appended to ``/root/.ssh/auth``
- **Format**: "user:hostname" on each line.
- Describes who may login where (via PAMs
- ``/etc/security/limits.conf``). Everybody else will be denied
- access.(?)
- **Example**:
- If Alice should be able to access host "foo", Bob should access
- "foo" and "bar"::
- **Format**: "user:hostname" on each line.
- Describes who will be allowed root access where. The user may
- login via public key and use sudo.
- **Example**:
- If Chris should be root only on host "foo"::
- **Format**: usernames, separated by spaces or newlines. (Any whitespace that makes pythons split() happy.)
- Describes who will be allowed root access on all hosts. The user
- may login via public key and use sudo.
- **Example**:
- Daniel, Eve and Faith are global admins::
- daniel eve
- faith
-``static.passwd``, ````
- **Format**: Lines from ``/etc/passwd`` or ``/etc/group``
- These entries are appended to the passwd and group files
- (in addition to the auto-generated entries from "useraccess",
- "rootlike" and "superusers" above) without doing anything else.
-``dyn.passwd``, ````
- **Format**: Lines from ``/etc/passwd`` or ``/etc/group``
- Similar to "static.*" above, but for entries that are managed "on
- the network" (yp, LDAP, ...), so it is most likely periodically
- (re)filled.
- **Format**: Lines from ``/etc/security/limit.conf``
- These limits will be appended to limits.conf (in addition to
- the auto-generated entries from "useraccess", "rootlike" and
- "superusers" above).
- **Format**: Lines from ``/etc/sudoers``
- These lines will be appended to to sudoers file (in addition
- to the auto-generated entries from "useraccess", "rootlike" and
- "superusers" above).
diff --git a/doc/server/plugins/generators/cfg.txt b/doc/server/plugins/generators/cfg.txt
index 1cb4b8727..4d78258d8 100644
--- a/doc/server/plugins/generators/cfg.txt
+++ b/doc/server/plugins/generators/cfg.txt
@@ -102,9 +102,8 @@ Genshi Templates
Genshi templates allow you to use the `Genshi
-<>`_ templating system. This is similar to
-the deprecated :ref:`server-plugins-generators-tgenshi-index` plugin.
-Genshi templates should be named with a ``.genshi`` extension, e.g.::
+<>`_ templating system. Genshi templates
+should be named with a ``.genshi`` extension, e.g.::
% ls Cfg/etc/motd
info.xml motd.genshi
@@ -214,9 +213,8 @@ Cheetah Templates
Cheetah templates allow you to use the `cheetah templating system
-<>`_. This is similar to
-the deprecated :ref:`server-plugins-generators-tcheetah` plugin.
-Cheetah templates should be named with a ``.cheetah`` extension, e.g.::
+<>`_. Cheetah templates should be
+named with a ``.cheetah`` extension, e.g.::
% ls Cfg/etc/motd
info.xml motd.cheetah
diff --git a/doc/server/plugins/generators/hostbase.txt b/doc/server/plugins/generators/hostbase.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c6007f70e..000000000
--- a/doc/server/plugins/generators/hostbase.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-.. -*- mode: rst -*-
-.. _server-plugins-generators-hostbase:
-IP management system built on top of Bcfg2. It has four main parts: a
-django data model, a web frontend, command-line utilities, and a Bcfg2
-plugin that generates dhcp, dns, and yp configuration files.
-Installation of Hostbase requires installation of a python module,
-configuration of database (mysql or postgres), and configuration of an
-Apache webserver with mod_python. Hostbase was developed using MySQL,
-so this document is aimed at MySQL users.
-* `mysql`_
-* `python-mysqldb`_
-* `Django`_
-.. _Django:
-.. _python-mysqldb:
-.. _mysql:
-Configure the database
-Create the hostbase database and a user. For MySQL users::
- mysql> CREATE DATABASE hostbase
- mysql> quit
- systemprompt#: mysql -u root hostbase
- BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION;
- mysql> quit
-As of Bcfg2 v0.8.7 configuration options for Hostbase have moved to
-``/etc/bcfg2.conf``. There is an example bcfg2.conf with Hostbase
-options located at ``bcfg2-tarball/examples/bcfg2.confHostbase``.
-Edit the hostbase options to correspond to the database you've
-initialized and copy the configuration to ``/etc/bcfg2.conf``. To
-finish creating the database, from your ``path to
-python/Bcfg2/Server/Hostbase`` directory, run ``python
-syncdb`` to do all table creation.
-Configure the web interface
-Now it's possible to explore the Hostbase web interface. For
-curiosity, you can run Django's built-in development server to take a
-peek. Do this by running ``python runserver
-[servername:port]`` from your Hostbase directory. Django will
-default to ``localhost:8000`` if no server or port is entered. Now
-you can explore the web interface. Try adding a host and a zone.
-You'll see that a ".rev" zone already exists. This is where
-information for reverse files will go.
-For production, you'll want to have this configured for Apache with
-mod_python. Here is an example of how to configure Hostbase as a
-virtual host.
-.. code-block:: html
- <VirtualHost>
- ServerAdmin
- DocumentRoot /var/www/hostbase/
- <Directory />
- AllowOverride None
- </Directory>
- # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
- # alert, emerg.
- LogLevel warn
- ServerSignature Off
- # Stop TRACE/TRACK vulnerability
- <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
- RewriteEngine on
- RewriteRule .* - [F]
- </IfModule>
- Redirect /
- </VirtualHost>
- <VirtualHost>
- ServerAdmin
- DocumentRoot /var/www/hostbase/
- <Directory />
- AllowOverride None
- </Directory>
- # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
- # alert, emerg.
- LogLevel warn
- ServerSignature Off
- # Stop TRACE/TRACK vulnerability
- <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
- RewriteEngine on
- RewriteRule .* - [F]
- </IfModule>
- SSLEngine On
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/hostbase_server.crt
- SSLCertificateKeyfile /etc/apache2/ssl/hostbase_server.key
- <Location "/">
- SetHandler python-program
- PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
- SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE Bcfg2.Server.Hostbase.settings
- PythonDebug On
- </Location>
- <Location "/site_media/">
- SetHandler None
- </Location>
- </VirtualHost>
-You'll need to copy the contents of ``Hostbase/media`` into
-``/var/www/hostbase/site_media`` in this configuration to serve the
-correct css files.
-Enable the Hostbase plugin
-Now that the database is accessible and there is some data in it, you can
-enable the Hostbase plugin on your Bcfg2 server to start generating some
-configuration files. All that needs to be done is to add ``Hostbase``
-to the end of the list of generators in your bcfg2.conf file. To see
-what's being generated by Hostbase, fire up a Bcfg2 development server:
-``bcfg2-info``. For more information on how to use the Bcfg2 development
-server, type help at the prompt. For our purposes, type ``debug``.
-This will bring you to an interactive python prompt where you can access
-bcfg's core data.
-.. code-block:: python
- for each in bcore.plugins['Hostbase'].filedata:
- print each
-The above loop will print out the name of each file that was generated
-by Hostbase. You can see the contents of any of these by typing ``print
-Create a bundle
-Bcfg2 needs a way to distribute the files generated by Hostbase.
-We'll do this with a bundle. In bcfg's ``Bundler`` directory, touch
-.. code-block:: xml
- <Bundle name='hostbase' version='0.1'>
- <Package name='dhcp3-server'/>
- <Package name='bind9'/>
- <Service name='dhcp3-server'/>
- <Service name='bind9'/>
- <Path name='/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf'/>
- <Path name='/etc/bind/[your domain]'/>
- <Path name='/etc/bind/'/>
- </Bundle>
-The above example is a bundle that will deliver both dhcp and dns files.
-This can be trivially split into separate bundles. It is planned that
-Hostbase will eventually be able to generate the list of ``Paths``
-in its bundles automatically.
-Do a Hostbase push
-You'll want to be able to trigger the Hostbase plugin to rebuild
-it's config files and push them out when data has been modified
-in the database. This can be done through and XMLRPC function
-available from the Bcfg2 server. From a client that is configured
-to receive one or more hostbase bundles, you'll need to first
-edit your ``python/site-packages/Bcfg2/Client/`` file.
-Add ``'Hostbase.rebuildState'`` to the list of methods in the Bcfg2
-client proxy object. The modified list is shown below:
-.. code-block:: python
- class bcfg2(ComponentProxy):
- '''bcfg2 client code'''
- name = 'bcfg2'
- methods = ['AssertProfile', 'GetConfig', 'GetProbes', 'RecvProbeData', 'RecvStats', 'Hostbase.rebuildState']
-Now copy the file ```` from ``bcfg2/tools`` in the Bcfg2
-source to your machine. When this command is run as root, it triggers
-the Hostbase to rebuild it's files, then runs the Bcfg2 client on your
-local machine to grab the new configs.
-NIS Authentication
-Django allows for custom authentication backends to its login procedure.
-Hostbase has an NIS authentication backend that verifies a user to be
-in the unix group allowed to modify Hostbase.
-To enable this feature:
-* first edit your ``Hostbase/`` file and uncomment
- the line **Hostbase.backends.NISBackend** in the list of
-* enter the name of the unix group you want to give access to Hostbase
- in the *AUTHORIZED_GROUP* variable
-* in your ``Hostbase/hostbase/`` file at the very bottom,
- uncomment the block(s) of lines that give you the desired level
- of access
-Hostbase will now direct the user to a login page if he or she is not
-authorized to view a certain page. Users should log in with their
-regular Unix username and password.
diff --git a/doc/server/plugins/generators/tcheetah.txt b/doc/server/plugins/generators/tcheetah.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ab147ce56..000000000
--- a/doc/server/plugins/generators/tcheetah.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-.. -*- mode: rst -*-
-.. _server-plugins-generators-tcheetah:
-.. warning::
- TCheetah is deprecated. You should instead use
- :ref:`server-plugins-generators-cfg-cheetah` in the Cfg plugin.
-This document reflects the ``TCheetah`` plugin.
-The ``TCheetah`` plugin allows you to use the `cheetah templating system
-<>`_ to create files, instead of the
-various diff-based methods offered by the ``Cfg`` plugin. It also allows
-you to include the results of probes executed on the client in the
-created files.
-To begin, you will need to download and install the Cheetah templating
-engine from Once it is installed,
-you can enable it by adding ``TCheetah`` to the ``plugins`` line in
-``/etc/bcfg2.conf`` on your Bcfg server. For example::
- plugins = Base,Bundler,Cfg,...,TCheetah
-The ``TCheetah`` plugin makes use of a ``Cfg``-like directory structure
-located in in a ``TCheetah`` subdirectory of your repository, usually
-``/var/lib/bcfg2/TCheetah``. Each file has a directory containing two
-files, ``template`` and ``info``. The template is a standard Cheetah
-template with two additions:
-* `self.metadata` is the client's :ref:`metadata <server-plugins-grouping-metadata-clientmetadata>`
-* `self.metadata.Properties.xdata` is an xml document of unstructured data
-The ``info`` file is formatted like ``:info`` files from Cfg.
-Mostly, people will want to use client metadata.
-File permissions
-File permissions for entries handled by TCheetah are controlled via the
-use of :ref:`server-info` files. Note that you **cannot** use both a
-Permissions entry and a Path entry to handle the same file.
-self.metadata variables
-self.metadata is an instance of the class ClientMetadata and documented
-:ref:`here <server-plugins-grouping-metadata-clientmetadata>`.
-.. note::
- If you want to use Properties, you will need to enable the
- :ref:`server-plugins-connectors-properties` plugin in
- ``/etc/bcfg2.conf``.
-Properties.xdata is a python `ElementTree <>`_
-object, loaded from the data in ``/var/lib/bcfg2/Properties/<properties
-file>.xml``. That file should have a ``Properties`` node at its root.
-Example ``Properties/example.xml``:
-.. code-block:: xml
- <Properties>
- <host>
- <>
- <rootdev>/dev/sda</rootdev>
- </>
- </host>
- </Properties>
-You may use any of the ElementTree methods to access data in your
-template. Several examples follow, each producing an identical result
-on the host ''::
- $self.metadata.Properties['example.xml'].xdata.find('host').find('').find('rootdev').text
- $self.metadata.Properties['example.xml'].xdata.find('host').find($self.metadata.hostname).find('rootdev').text
- ${self.metadata.Properties['example.xml'].xdata.xpath('host/')[0].text}
- ${self.metadata.Properties['example.xml'].xdata.xpath('host/' + self.metadata.hostname + '/rootdev')[0].text}
- #set $path = 'host/' + $self.metadata.hostname + '/rootdev'
- ${self.metadata.Properties['example.xml'].xdata.xpath($path)[0].text}
- ${self.metadata.Properties['example.xml'].xdata.xpath(path)[0].text}
-Other Variables
-* **Template.searchList(self)[1]['path']** is the Path name specified in a Bundle
-* **Template.searchList(self)[1]['source_path']** is the path to the TCheetah template on the Bcfg2 server
-Simple Example
-TCheetah works similar to Cfg in that you define all literal information
-about a particular file in a directory rooted at TGenshi/path_to_file.
-The actual file contents are placed in a file named `template` in that
-directory. Below is a simple example a file ``/foo``.
-.. code-block:: none
- > buildfile /foo <clientname>
- Hostname is $self.metadata.hostname
- Filename is $Template.searchList(self)[1]['path']
- Template is $Template.searchList(self)[1]['source_path']
- Groups:
- #for $group in $self.metadata.groups:
- * $group
- #end for
- Categories:
- #for $category in $self.metadata.categories:
- * $category -- $self.metadata.categories[$category]
- #end for
- Probes:
- #for $probe in $self.metadata.Probes:
- * $probe -- $self.metadata.Probes[$probe]
- #end for
-.. code-block:: none
- mode: 624
-The following output can be generated with bcfg2-info. Note that probe
-information is not persistent, hence, it only works when clients directly
-query the server. For this reason, bcfg2-info output doesn't reflect
-current client probe state.
-.. code-block:: xml
- <Path type="file" name="/foo" owner="root" mode="0624" group="root">
- Hostname is
- Filename is /foo
- Template is /var/lib/bcfg2/TCheetah/foo/template
- Groups:
- * desktop
- * mcs-base
- * ypbound
- * workstation
- * xserver
- * debian-sarge
- * debian
- * a
- Categories:
- * test -- a
- Probes:
- </Path>
-Example: Replace the crontab plugin
-In many cases you can use the TCheetah plugin to avoid writing custom
-plugins in Python. This example randomizes the time of cron.daily
-execution with a stable result. Cron.daily is run at a consistent,
-randomized time between midnight and 7am.::
- #import random
- #silent random.seed($self.metadata.hostname)
- # /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab
- # Unlike any other crontab you don't have to run the `crontab`
- # command to install the new version when you edit this file.
- # This file also has a username field, that none of the other crontabs do.
- SHELL=/bin/sh
- PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin://bin
- # m h dom mon dow user command
- 17 * * * * root run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly
- $random.randrange(0,59) $random.randrange(0,6) * * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily
- 47 6 * * 7 root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report /etc/cron.weekly
- 52 6 1 * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report /etc/cron.monthly.
-.. note:: Comments and Cheetah
- As Cheetah processes your templates it will consider hash "#" style
- comments to be actual comments in the template and will strip them
- from the final config file. If you would like to preserve the comment
- in the final config file you need to escape the hash character '\#'
- which will tell Cheetah (and Python) that you do in fact want the
- comment to appear in the final config file.::
- # This is a comment in my template which will be stripped when it's processed through Cheetah
- \# This comment will appear in the generated config file.
diff --git a/doc/server/plugins/generators/tgenshi.txt b/doc/server/plugins/generators/tgenshi.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 43a02f253..000000000
--- a/doc/server/plugins/generators/tgenshi.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-.. -*- mode: rst -*-
-.. _server-plugins-generators-tgenshi-index:
-.. warning::
- The TGenshi plugin is deprecated. You should instead use
- :ref:`server-plugins-generators-cfg-genshi` in the Cfg plugin.
-This page documents the TGenshi plugin. This plugin works with version
-0.4 and newer of the genshi library.
-The TGenshi plugin allows you to use the `Genshi
-<>`_ templating system to create files,
-instead of the various diff-based methods offered by the Cfg
-plugin. It also allows you to include the results of probes executed
-on the client in the created files.
-To begin, you will need to download and install the Genshi templating engine.
-To install on CentOS or RHEL, run::
- sudo yum install python-genshi
-Once it is installed, you can enable it by adding ``TGenshi`` to the
-generators line in ``/etc/bcfg2.conf`` on your Bcfg server. For example::
- plugins = Base,Bundler,Cfg,...,TGenshi
-The TGenshi plugin makes use of a Cfg-like directory structure
-located in in a TGenshi subdirectory of your repository, usually
-``/var/lib/bcfg2/TGenshi``. Each file has a directory containing two file
-types, template and info. Templates are named according to the genshi
-format used; template.txt uses the genshi text format, and template.xml
-uses the XML format.
-If used with Genshi 0.5 or later the plugin also supports the `new
-text template format for files named template.newtxt. One of the
-advantages of the new format is that it does not use # as a command
-delimiter, making it easier to utilize for configuration files that
-use # as a comment character.
-Only one template format may be used per file served. Info files are
-identical to those used in ``Cfg``, and ``info.xml`` files are
-Inside of templates
-* **metadata** is the client's :ref:`metadata
- <server-plugins-grouping-metadata-clientmetadata>`
-* **metadata.Properties** is an xml document of unstructured data (only
- available when used in conjunction with the
- :ref:`server-plugins-connectors-properties` plugin)
-* **name** is the path name specified in bcfg
-* **path** is the path to the TGenshi template. It starts with a
- leading slash, and is relative to the Bcfg2 specification root.
- E.g., ``/Cfg/etc/foo.conf/foo.conf.genshi`` or
- ``/TGenshi/etc/foo.conf/``
-See the genshi `documentation
-<>`_ for examples of
-Genshi syntax.
-Examples: Old Genshi Syntax
-Genshi's web pages recommend against using this syntax, as it may
-disappear from future releases.
-Group Negation
-Templates are also useful for cases where more sophisticated boolean
-operations than those supported by Cfg are needed. For example, the
- #if "ypbound" in metadata.groups and "workstation" in metadata.groups
- client is ypbound workstation
- #end
- #if "ubuntu" not in metadata.groups and "desktop" in metadata.groups
- client is a desktop, but not an ubuntu desktop
- #end
-.. code-block:: xml
- <Path type="file" name="/bar.conf" owner="root" mode="0644" group="root">client is ypbound workstation
- client is a desktop, but not an ubuntu desktop
- </Path>
-This flexibility provides the ability to build much more compact and
-succinct definitions of configuration contents than Cfg can.
-When developing a template, you can see what the template would
-generate on a client with :ref:`bcfg2-info <server-bcfg2-info>`::
- bcfg2-info buildfile <path> <hostname>
- bcfg2-info buildfile /etc/foo.conf
-To generate a file with an altsrc attribute, you can run::
- bcfg2-info buildfile /etc/foo/foo.conf --altsrc=/etc/foo.conf \
-Sometimes, it's useful to be able to do more in-depth troubleshooting
-by running the template manually. To do this, run ``bcfg2-info
-debug``, and, once in the Python interpreter, run::
- metadata = self.build_metadata("<hostname>")
- path = "<relative path to template (see note below)>"
-``path`` should be set to the path to the template file with a leading
-slash, relative to the Bcfg2 specification root. See `Inside of
-Templates`_ for examples.
-Then, run::
- import os, Bcfg2.Options
- from genshi.template import TemplateLoader, NewTextTemplate
- name = os.path.dirname(path[path.find('/', 1):])
- setup = Bcfg2.Options.OptionParser({'repo':
- setup.parse('--')
- template = TemplateLoader().load(setup['repo'] + path, cls=NewTextTemplate)
- print template.generate(metadata=metadata, path=path, name=name).render()
-This gives you more fine-grained control over how your template is
-You can also use this approach to render templates that depend on
-:ref:`altsrc <server-plugins-structures-altsrc>` tags by setting
-``path`` to the path to the template, and setting ``name`` to the path
-to the file to be generated, e.g.::
- metadata = self.build_metadata("")
- path = "/Cfg/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-template/ifcfg-template.genshi"
- name = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0"
-File permissions
-File permissions for entries handled by TGenshi are controlled via the
-use of :ref:`server-info` files. Note that you **cannot** use both a
-Permissions entry and a Path entry to handle the same file.
-Error handling
-Situations may arise where a templated file cannot be generated due to
-missing or incomplete information. A TemplateError can be raised to
-force a bind failure and prevent sending an incomplete file to the
-client. For example, this template::
- {% python
- from genshi.template import TemplateError
- grp = None
- for g in metadata.groups:
- if g.startswith('ganglia-gmond-'):
- grp = g
- break
- else:
- raise TemplateError, "Missing group"
- %}\
-will fail to bind if the client is not a member of a group starting with
-"ganglia-gmond-". The syslogs on the server will contain this message::
- bcfg2-server[5957]: Genshi template error: Missing group
- bcfg2-server[5957]: Failed to bind entry: Path /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf
-indicating the bind failure and message raised with the TemplateError.
-How do I escape the $ (dollar sign) in a TGenshi text template? For
-example, if I want to include SVN (subversion) keywords like $Id$ or
-$HeadURL$ in TGenshi-generated files, or am templating a bourne shell
-(sh/bash) script or Makefile (make).
-Use $$ (double dollar sign) to output a literal $ (dollarsign)
-in a TGenshi text template. So instead of $Id$, you'd use
-$$Id$$. See also Genshi tickets `#282: Document $$ escape
-convention <>`_ and
-`#283: Allow for redefinition of template syntax per-file
-.. toctree::
- :glob:
- :maxdepth: 1
- examples/genshi/*
diff --git a/doc/server/plugins/statistics/statistics.txt b/doc/server/plugins/statistics/statistics.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d16f5a828..000000000
--- a/doc/server/plugins/statistics/statistics.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-.. -*- mode: rst -*-
-.. _server-plugins-statistics-statistics:
diff --git a/doc/server/snapshots/index.txt b/doc/server/snapshots/index.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 13a9fe2c0..000000000
--- a/doc/server/snapshots/index.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-.. -*- mode: rst -*-
-.. _server-snapshots-index:
-Bcfg2 Snapshots
-.. versionadded:: 1.0.0
-This page describes the Snapshots plugin. This plugin is meant to replace
-the older :ref:`reports-dynamic`. It stores various aspects of a client's
-state when the client checks into the server.
-Before you begin
-Make sure you have version 0.5 or greater of sqlalchemy.
-On CentOS/RHEL 5
-* Download a tarball of SQLAlchemy.
-* Extract and build the RPM::
- tar xzf SQLAlchemy-0.5.6.tar.gz
- cd SQLAlchemy-0.5.6
- python bdist_rpm
-* Copy the RPM in ``SQLAlchemy-0.5.6/dist/`` to your Yum repository,
- and rebuild the repository using ``createrepo``.
-* Clear the Yum cache::
- sudo yum clean all
-* Install SQLAlchemy::
- sudo yum install SQLAlchemy
-* Manage the package in Bcfg2 as you would any other package.
-* A database location needs to be added to ``bcfg2.conf``. Three drivers
- are currently supported; mysql, postgres, and sqlite. When using the
- sqlite driver, only the driver and database lines are required.
- * For MySQL::
- [snapshots]
- driver = mysql
- database = snapshots
- user = snapshots
- password = snapshots
- host = dbserver
- * For SQLite::
- [snapshots]
- driver = sqlite
- database = /var/lib/bcfg2/var/snapshots.sqlite
-* The database needs to be initialized.::
- $ bcfg2-admin snapshots init
- 2009-03-22 21:40:24,683 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...3e2c PRAGMA table_info("connkeyval")
- PRAGMA table_info("connkeyval")
- 2009-03-22 21:40:24,684 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...3e2c ()
- ()
- 2009-03-22 21:40:24,686 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...3e2c PRAGMA table_info("package")
- PRAGMA table_info("package")
- 2009-03-22 21:40:24,687 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...3e2c ()
- ()
- .....
-* The Snapshots plugin needs to be enabled for the bcfg2-server (by adding
- Snapshots to the plugins line in ``/etc/bcfg2.conf``). Once done,
- this will cause the the server to store statistics information when
- clients run.
-Using the reports interface
-All hosts::
- $ bcfg2-admin snapshots reports -a
- ============= ========= ========================================== ============================
- Client Correct Revision Time
- ============= ========= ========================================== ============================
- bcfg2client True f46ac7773712bd3c3cfb765ae5d2a3b2a37ac9b7 2009-04-23 11:27:54.378941
- ============= ========= ========================================== ============================
-List bad entries for a single host::
- $ bcfg2-admin snapshots reports -b bcfg2client
- Bad entries:
- Package:nscd
- Package:cupsys
- File:/etc/ldap.conf
-List extra entries for a single host::
- $ bcfg2-admin snapshots reports -e bcfg2client
- Extra entries:
- Package:python-pyxattr
- Package:librsync1
- Package:python-pylibacl
- Package:gcc-4.2-multilib
- Package:nxlibs
- Package:freenx-session-launcher
- Package:dx-doc
- Package:dirdiff
- Package:libhdf4g
- Package:nxclient
- Package:freenx-rdp
- Package:freenx-vnc
- Package:libxml2-dev
- Package:mysql-client
- Package:mysql-client-5.0
- Package:libxcompext3
- Package:lib32gomp1
- Package:dx
- Package:freenx-media
- Package:dxsamples
- Package:gcc-multilib
- Package:rdiff-backup
- Package:libdbd-mysql-perl
- Package:libxcomp3
- Package:freenx-server
- Package:smbfs
- Package:planner
- Package:nxagent
- Package:libc6-dev-i386
- Package:libfltk1.1-dev
- Package:freenx
- Package:libdx4
- Package:libxcompshad3
- Service:freenx-server
-Detailed view of hosts for a particular date::
- $ bcfg2-admin snapshots reports --date 2009 5 30
- ============= ========= ========================================== ============================
- Client Correct Revision Time
- ============= ========= ========================================== ============================
- bcfg2client False 10c1a12c62c57c0861cc453b8d2640c4839a7357 2009-05-29 10:52:34.701056
-* Identify per-client changes in correctness over time
-* Detailed view for a particular date
-* Track entry changes over time (glibc updated on these dates to these versions)
diff --git a/doc/unsorted/index.txt b/doc/unsorted/index.txt
index a369ee1b3..74d045990 100644
--- a/doc/unsorted/index.txt
+++ b/doc/unsorted/index.txt
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ list below.
.. _TitleIndex:
-* `Plugins/Snapshots`
* `PrecompiledPackages`
* `SchemaEvolution`
* `SecurityDevPlan`