path: root/encap/src/encap-profiles/Makefile
diff options
authorDaniel Joseph Barnhart Clark <>2006-08-24 03:21:17 +0000
committerDaniel Joseph Barnhart Clark <>2006-08-24 03:21:17 +0000
commit144f1344adf60815c8c57e93b5ed0acf98bbc40f (patch)
treef9035e2b49da8139e99cc858ea1d2939f8a9cdc0 /encap/src/encap-profiles/Makefile
parent12b22256f2430dbdbb59a6119eb7732ba942fca1 (diff)
EncapPackages: A bunch of changes, including but not limited to:
* Cleaner directory structure * Numerous Makefile improvements * Makefile no longer tied to specific versions of encap packages (except in the case of python-apt, which is distro-specific) * Automatic dependancy generation from encap package files * bcfg2-site pretty much done git-svn-id: ce84e21b-d406-0410-9b95-82705330c041
Diffstat (limited to 'encap/src/encap-profiles/Makefile')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/encap/src/encap-profiles/Makefile b/encap/src/encap-profiles/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..357758f02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/encap/src/encap-profiles/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# $Id$
+.PHONY : test log all install clean distclean uninstall encaps rename bcfg2only
+.SUFFIXES : .ep .sh .installed .packaged .d
+export BASEDIR = /usr/local
+export ENCAPDIR := ${BASEDIR}/encap
+export EPKG := ${BASEDIR}/bin/epkg
+export MKENCAP := ${BASEDIR}/bin/mkencap
+export SHELL = /bin/sh
+srcdir = .
+export EP2TARGET := $(srcdir)/ep2target
+BCFG2 := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-[0-9].[0-9]*.ep))
+BCFG2_CHEETAH := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-cheetah-[0-9].[0-9]*.ep))
+BCFG2_CHEETAH_DOC := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-cheetah-doc-*.ep))
+BCFG2_GAMIN := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-gamin-*.ep))
+BCFG2_GETTEXT := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-gettext-*.ep))
+BCFG2_GLIB := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-glib-*.ep))
+BCFG2_LIBGCC := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-libgcc-*.sh))
+BCFG2_LIBICONV := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-libiconv-*.ep))
+BCFG2_LIBSTDCXX := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-libstdc++-*.sh))
+BCFG2_LIBXML2 := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-libxml2-*.ep))
+BCFG2_LIBXSLT := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-libxslt-*.ep))
+BCFG2_LXML := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-lxml-*.ep))
+BCFG2_OPENSSL := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-openssl-*.ep))
+BCFG2_PKG_CONFIG := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-pkg-config-*.ep))
+BCFG2_PYOPENSSL := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-pyopenssl-*.ep))
+BCFG2_PYREX := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-pyrex-*.ep))
+BCFG2_PYTHON := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-python-[0-9].[0-9]*.ep))
+BCFG2_ZLIB := $(basename $(wildcard bcfg2-zlib-*.ep))
+DAEMONTOOLS := $(basename $(wildcard daemontools-[0-9].[0-9]*.ep))
+DAEMONTOOLS_DOC := $(basename $(wildcard daemontools-doc-*.ep))
+M4 := $(basename $(wildcard m4-*.sh))
+MAKESELF := $(basename $(wildcard makeself-*.ep))
+OSTIARTY := $(basename $(wildcard ostiary-[0-9].[0-9]*.ep))
+OSTIARTY_DOC := $(basename $(wildcard ostiary-doc-*.ep))
+PATCH := $(basename $(wildcard patch-*.ep))
+sources_sh := $(sort $(BCFG2_LIBGCC) $(BCFG2_LIBSTDCXX) $(M4))
+# Only compile bcfg2-glib and bcfg2-gamin (needed by bcfg2 server) on Linux
+# (Gamin only supports Linux), and only compile bcfg2-python-apt on known
+# Debian and Ubuntu systems (as python-apt is distribution-specific)
+UNAME := $(shell uname)
+ifeq ($(UNAME),Linux)
+sources_ep += $(BCFG2_GLIB) $(BCFG2_GAMIN)
+DISTRO := $(shell cat /etc/issue | head -1)
+ifeq ($(DISTRO),Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 \n \l)
+BCFG2_PYTHON_APT = bcfg2-python-apt-0.5.10
+OS ?= linux_debian_sarge
+ifeq ($(DISTRO),Debian GNU/Linux testing/unstable \n \l)
+BCFG2_PYTHON_APT = bcfg2-python-apt-0.6.19
+OS ?= linux_debian_sid
+ifeq ($(DISTRO),Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS \n \l)
+BCFG2_PYTHON_APT = bcfg2-python-apt-
+OS ?= linux_ubuntu_dapper
+sources_ep += $(BCFG2_PYTHON_APT)
+# List of all sources...
+sources := $(sort $(sources_ep) $(sources_sh))
+%.installed : %.ep # Clean, compile and install an encap package
+ @printf "***** START .ep.installed for |$*| ***** \n"
+ -$(EPKG) -q -r $(ENCAPDIR)/$*
+ -rm -rf $(ENCAPDIR)/$*
+ -$(MKENCAP) -m /usr/local/bin/m4 -b -DUP $(srcdir)/$*.ep > ./$*.log 2>&1
+ -$(MKENCAP) -m /usr/local/bin/m4 -b -T $(srcdir)/$*.ep >> ./$*.log 2>&1
+ $(MKENCAP) -m /usr/local/bin/m4 -b -CBI $(srcdir)/$*.ep >> ./$*.log 2>&1
+ $(EPKG) -q -i $(ENCAPDIR)/$*
+ test -h $(BASEDIR)/var/encap/$*
+ touch ./$*.installed
+ @printf "***** STOP .ep.installed for |$*| ***** \n"
+%.installed : # Create and install a "fake" encap package
+ @printf "***** START .sh.installed for |$*| ***** \n"
+ -$(EPKG) -q -r $(ENCAPDIR)/$*
+ -rm -rf $(ENCAPDIR)/$*
+ chmod 755 $(srcdir)/$*.sh && $(srcdir)/$*.sh
+ $(EPKG) -q -i $(ENCAPDIR)/$*
+ test -h $(BASEDIR)/var/encap/$*
+ touch ./$*.installed
+ @printf "***** STOP .sh.installed for |$*| ***** \n"
+%.packaged : %.installed # Create .tar.gz encap packages
+ @printf "***** START .installed.packaged for |$*| ***** \n"
+ -rm $(ENCAPDIR)/$*-*.tar.gz
+ -(cd $(ENCAPDIR) && $(MKENCAP) -e $*)
+ -(cd $(ENCAPDIR) && $(MKENCAP) -c $*)
+ mv $(ENCAPDIR)/$*-encap-*.tar.gz ./
+ touch ./$*.packaged
+ @printf "***** STOP .installed.packaged for |$*| ***** \n"
+%.d : %.ep # Create dependancy files from .ep files
+ @printf "***** START .d.ep for |$*| ***** \n"
+ chmod 755 $(EP2TARGET) && $(EP2TARGET) $< > $@
+ @printf "***** STOP .d.ep for |$*| ***** \n"
+%.d : # Create dependancy files from .sh files
+ @printf "***** START for |$*| ***** \n"
+ chmod 755 $(EP2TARGET) && $(EP2TARGET) $< > $@
+ @printf "***** STOP for |$*| ***** \n"
+log :
+ ( $(MAKE) install > ./make.log 2>&1 \
+ && $(MAKE) encaps >> ./make.log 2>&1 \
+ && $(MAKE) rename >> ./make.log 2>&1 ) &
+all : install encaps rename
+.DELETE_ON_ERROR : # delete the target of a rule if it has changed and its
+ # commands exit with a nonzero exit status
+install : $(EPKG) $(MKENCAP) $(EP2TARGET) $(addsuffix .installed,$(sources))
+encaps : $(EPKG) $(MKENCAP) $(EP2TARGET) $(addsuffix .packaged,$(sources))
+rename : encaps
+ if [ "$(OS)x" != "x" ]; then OS="$(OS)"; fi && \
+ if [ "$${OS}x" != "x" ]; then \
+ for OLDNAME in `ls ./*-encap-*.tar.gz`; do \
+ NEWNAME="`printf $${OLDNAME} \
+ | awk -F- '{$$NF = "OSDIST.tar.gz" ; print}' \
+ | sed s:\ :-:g | sed s:OSDIST:\$${OS}:g`" ; \
+ if [ "$${OLDNAME}x" != "$${NEWNAME}x" ]; then \
+ mv ./$${OLDNAME} ./$${NEWNAME}; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ fi
+clean :
+ -(rm ./*.log; rm ./*.packaged; rm ./*.gz; rm ./*~)
+distclean : clean
+ -rm ./*.d
+uninstall : distclean
+ -(find $(BASEDIR)/lib/bcfg2 | grep "\.pyc" | xargs -n1 rm)
+ -(ENCAPS="m4 patch daemontools makeself ostiary bcfg2"; \
+ for ENCAP in $${ENCAPS}; do \
+ $(EPKG) -q -r $(ENCAPDIR)/$${ENCAP}-*; \
+ rm -rf $(ENCAPDIR)/$${ENCAP}-*; \
+ rm ./$${ENCAP}-*.installed; \
+ done)
+ test ! -d $(BASEDIR)/lib/bcfg2
+bcfg2only :
+ $(MAKE) -t; sleep 2; touch $(srcdir)/$(BCFG2).ep; $(MAKE)
+include $(addsuffix .d,$(sources))