path: root/encap/src/makeself-dist
diff options
authorDaniel Joseph Barnhart Clark <>2009-11-11 19:30:54 +0000
committerDaniel Joseph Barnhart Clark <>2009-11-11 19:30:54 +0000
commitd63ea8a2fe1484dae8f23d388bf9e5e93bd0afb9 (patch)
treea28aed24c3d0606718a2a2a7a099447aab84a403 /encap/src/makeself-dist
parent2535920830fc57f30fd6eb9c4b6569a100d40126 (diff)
No longer being maintained, no one expressed interest on mailing list, so removing from trunk.
git-svn-id: ce84e21b-d406-0410-9b95-82705330c041
Diffstat (limited to 'encap/src/makeself-dist')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 282 deletions
diff --git a/encap/src/makeself-dist/Makefile b/encap/src/makeself-dist/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 1637aad88..000000000
--- a/encap/src/makeself-dist/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Variables
-export SHELL = /bin/sh
-export PATH = /usr/local/lib/bcfg2/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
-# Main
-.PHONY : all clean distclean
-all :
- chmod 755 ./ && ./
-clean :
- -rm ./*~ ./\#*
-distclean : clean
- -rm -rf ./bcfg2-*
diff --git a/encap/src/makeself-dist/ b/encap/src/makeself-dist/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2a7625978..000000000
--- a/encap/src/makeself-dist/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-# $Id$
-# Script to create the
-# bcfg2-<sitename>-<ver>-<arch>-<os>.run
-# (example:
-# one-step install bcfg2 client distribution file
-umask 002
-# Set Variables
-# Detect Variables
-BSEP="`basename $BSDIR/bcfg2-site-*-encap-share.tar.gz`"
-SITENAME="`echo $BSEP | awk -F\- '{print $3}'`"
-SITEVER="`echo $BSEP | awk -F\- '{print $4}'`"
-EPEP="`basename $EPDIR/m4-*-encap-*.tar.gz`"
-ARCH="`echo $EPEP | awk -F\- '{print $4}'`"
-OS="`echo $EPEP | awk -F\- '{print $5}' | sed s:\.tar\.gz$::g`"
-# Make temporary directory $DISTDIR from which distribution will be created
-cd $MDDIR
-if [ -d "$DISTDIR" ]; then rm -rf $DISTDIR; fi
-mkdir $DISTDIR
-# Copy epkg distribution to $DISTDIR
-VERS="2.3.8 2.3.9"
-for VER in $VERS; do
- if [ -d "$ENCAPDIR/epkg-${VER}" ]; then
- fi
-if [ "${EPKGDIR}x" = "x" ]; then
- printf "ERROR: Can't find your epkg directory to copy, exiting...\n"
- exit 1
-tar -cf $DISTDIR/epkg.tar $EPKGDIR/*
-# Copy bcfg2 and client deps to $DISTDIR
-BCFG2="`basename $EPDIR/bcfg2-[0-9].[0-9]*-encap-*.tar.gz`"
-BCFG2_ELEMENTTREE="`basename $EPDIR/bcfg2-elementtree-*-encap-*.tar.gz`"
-BCFG2_M2CRYPTO="`basename $EPDIR/bcfg2-m2crypto-*-encap-*.tar.gz`"
-BCFG2_OPENSSL="`basename $EPDIR/bcfg2-openssl-*-encap-*.tar.gz`"
-BCFG2_PYTHON="`basename $EPDIR/bcfg2-python-[0-9].[0-9]*-encap-*.tar.gz`"
-OSTIARTY="`basename $EPDIR/ostiary-[0-9].[0-9]*-encap-*.tar.gz`"
-RUNIT="`basename $EPDIR/runit-[0-9].[0-9]*-encap-*.tar.gz`"
-BCFG2_PYTHON_APT_TMP="`basename $EPDIR/bcfg2-python-apt-*-encap-*.tar.gz`"
-if [ "${BCFG2_PYTHON_APT_TMP}x" != 'bcfg2-python-apt-*-encap-*.tar.gzx' ]; then
-for FILE in ${FILES}; do
-# Copy bcfg2-site to $DISTDIR
-# Create in $DISTDIR
-if [ "`uname`x" = "SunOSx" ]; then
- printf "#!/bin/ksh\n\n" > $DISTDIR/
- EXPR="/usr/ucb/expr"
- printf "#!/bin/sh\n\n" > $DISTDIR/
- EXPR="expr"
-cat >> $DISTDIR/ << EOF
-# \$Id$
-# This is the script that is run by makeself after it extracts all the files
-# from the .run distribution. It installs epkg, and then all the encaps in the
-# right order (for client-side only, server side encaps just install manually)
-umask 002
-# Local Variables
-# Make sure /usr/local/man exists
-if [ ! -d /usr/local ]; then mkdir /usr/local; fi
-if [ -h /usr/local/man ]; then rm /usr/local/man; fi
-if [ ! -d /usr/local/man ]; then mkdir /usr/local/man; fi
-# Install epkg if it isn't installed
-if [ ! -h "$EPKG" -o ! -d "$ENCAPDIR/epkg-2.3.[89]" ]; then
- printf "epkg : (cd / && tar xf \$LOC_INSTALLDIR/epkg.tar)\n"
- (cd / && tar xf \$LOC_INSTALLDIR/epkg.tar)
- printf "epkg : $EPKGDIR/bin/epkg -i -q $EPKGDIR\n"
- $EPKGDIR/bin/epkg -i -q $EPKGDIR
-# Install everything else
- LOC_PKGSPEC="\`printf "%s\n" "\$LOC_PKG" | sed s:-encap.*::g\`"
- if [ -d "$ENCAPDIR/\$LOC_PKGSPEC" ]; then
- if [ "\${LOC_PKGSPEC}x" != "x" ]; then
- printf "\$LOC_PKGSPEC : removing $ENCAPDIR/\$LOC_PKGSPEC\n"
- ($EPKG -r -q $ENCAPDIR/\$LOC_PKGSPEC || true)
- fi
- fi
- printf "\$LOC_PKGSPEC : installing \${LOC_PKG}\n"
- $EPKG -i -q \$LOC_PKG
-## Handle passwords if not already set... [
-# Define variables
-LOC_BCFG2_RE='^password\ =\ $'
-# Check to see if passwords are set
-printf "Checking to see if password is set in \'\${LOC_BCFG2_CONF}\'... "
-grep "\${LOC_BCFG2_RE}" \$LOC_BCFG2_CONF >/dev/null && LOC_BCFG2_SET="no"
-if [ "\${LOC_BCFG2_SET}x" = "nox" ]; then
- printf "no\n"
- printf "yes\n"
-printf "Checking to see if passwords are set in \'\${LOC_OST_CFG}\'... "
-grep "\${LOC_OST_KILL_RE}" \$LOC_OST_CFG >/dev/null && LOC_OST_SET="no"
-grep "\${LOC_OST_ACTION_RE}" \$LOC_OST_CFG >/dev/null && LOC_OST_SET="no"
-if [ "\${LOC_OST_SET}x" = "nox" ]; then
- printf "no\n"
- printf "yes\n"
-# Password read function
-getpasswd() {
- password1=""; password2=""; password=""
- stty -echo
- trap "stty echo ; echo 'Interrupted' ; exit 1" 1 2 3 15
- printf "Enter \$1 password: "
- read -r password1
- printf "\n"
- printf "Enter \$1 password again: "
- read -r password2
- printf "\n"
- stty echo
- if [ "\${password1}x" != "\${password2}x" ]; then
- printf "The passwords did not match, please try again...\n"
- getpasswd "\$1"
- else
- password="\${password1}"
- fi
-# Securely prompt sysadmin for passwords that are not either already set or
-# in the environment as LOC_BCFG2_PASSWD and/or LOC_OST_PASSWD
-if [ "\${LOC_BCFG2_SET}x" = "nox" ]; then
- # You can set passwords as env variables to avoid interactive mode
- if [ "\${LOC_BCFG2_PASSWD}x" = "x" ]; then
- getpasswd bcfg2
- LOC_BCFG2_PASSWD="\$password"
- else
- printf "Got LOC_BCFG2_PASSWD from environment...\n"
- fi
-if [ "\${LOC_OST_SET}x" = "nox" ]; then
- # You can set passwords as env variables to avoid interactive mode
- if [ "\${LOC_OST_PASSWD}x" = "x" ]; then
- getpasswd "ostiary base"
- LOC_OST_PASSWD="\$password"
- else
- printf "Got LOC_OST_PASSWD from environment...\n"
- fi
-# Sed quoting function - quote the &, :, ' and \ characters
-sedquote() {
- i=1
- while [ \$i -le \`${EXPR} length \$1\` ]; do
- c=\`${EXPR} substr \$1 \$i 1\`
- if [ "\${c}x" = "&x" -o "\${c}x" = ":x" -o "\${c}x" = "'x" -o "\${c}x" = "\\\\x" ]; then
- c=\\\\\${c}
- fi
- printf "%s" "\$c"
- i=\`${EXPR} \$i + 1\`
- done
-# Edit files with supplied password values
-umask 077
-if [ "\${LOC_BCFG2_SET}x" = "nox" ]; then
- printf "Setting bcfg2 password...\n"
- chmod 600 \$LOC_BCFG2_CONF
- LOC_BCFG2_SED="\$LOC_INSTALLDIR/loc_bcfg2.sed"
- printf "s:%s:password = %s:g\n" "\$LOC_BCFG2_RE" "\`sedquote "\${LOC_BCFG2_PASSWD}"\`" > \$LOC_BCFG2_SED
- sed -f \$LOC_BCFG2_SED \$LOC_BCFG2_CONF > \${LOC_BCFG2_CONF}.withpasswords
- chmod 600 \${LOC_BCFG2_CONF}.withpasswords
- mv \${LOC_BCFG2_CONF}.withpasswords \${LOC_BCFG2_CONF}
-if [ "\${LOC_OST_SET}x" = "nox" ]; then
- printf "Setting ostiary passwords...\n"
- chmod 600 \$LOC_OST_CFG
- LOC_OST_KILL_SED="\$LOC_INSTALLDIR/loc_ost_kill.sed"
- LOC_OST_ACTION_SED="\$LOC_INSTALLDIR/loc_ost_action.sed"
- printf "s:%s:KILL=%s%s-kill%s:g\n" "\$LOC_OST_KILL_RE" '"' "\`sedquote "\${LOC_OST_PASSWD}"\`" '"' > \$LOC_OST_KILL_SED
- printf "s:%s:ACTION=\\"%s-bcfg2-:g\n" "\$LOC_OST_ACTION_RE" "\`sedquote "\${LOC_OST_PASSWD}"\`" > \$LOC_OST_ACTION_SED
- > \${LOC_OST_CFG}.withpasswords
- chmod 600 \${LOC_OST_CFG}.withpasswords
- mv \${LOC_OST_CFG}.withpasswords \${LOC_OST_CFG}
-## ]
-# Just to be paranoid...
-chown 0 \${LOC_BCFG2_CONF}*
-chown 0 \${LOC_OST_CFG}*
-chgrp 0 \${LOC_BCFG2_CONF}*
-chgrp 0 \${LOC_OST_CFG}*
-chmod 600 \${LOC_BCFG2_CONF}*
-chmod 600 \${LOC_OST_CFG}*
-# Restart services if they exist to catch any config file changes
-if [ -x /usr/local/bin/sv ]; then
- for LOC_SERVICE in bcfg2-client bcfg2-server ostiary; do
- if [ -h /usr/local/var/service/\${LOC_SERVICE} ]; then
- printf "Restarting runit service \${LOC_SERVICE}...\n"
- /usr/local/bin/sv restart /usr/local/var/service/\${LOC_SERVICE}
- sleep 2
- /usr/local/bin/sv status /usr/local/var/service/\${LOC_SERVICE}
- fi
- done
-exit 0
-chmod 755 $DISTDIR/
-# Create .run file from $DISTDIR with makeself
-BLURB="Bcfg2 Client install for $SITENAME (version $SITEVER) - export REPLACE_CONFIG=yes before running to force config file replacement"
-${MAKESELF} --nox11 $DISTDIR ${DISTDIR}.run "$BLURB" ./
-exit 0