path: root/generators
diff options
authorNarayan Desai <>2004-01-05 23:22:10 +0000
committerNarayan Desai <>2004-01-05 23:22:10 +0000
commit9430cbfb65df69726522e93c6c0d048c77705ca2 (patch)
treef1f2cd60d4f78c8e067836ca021c6f1231e4ac2a /generators
parent9047aa745fc3c84f8004cdde2d3eabdf3194a8c3 (diff)
old style config repos work now
2004/01/05 16:07:22-06:00!desai remove self. isms from __cbuild__ 2004/01/05 15:49:32-06:00!desai (Logical change 1.9) git-svn-id: ce84e21b-d406-0410-9b95-82705330c041
Diffstat (limited to 'generators')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/generators/ b/generators/
index e69de29bb..c2c373e30 100644
--- a/generators/
+++ b/generators/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+'''This is a code copy of the old cfg repo code, fit into the generator framework'''
+from os import listdir
+from re import compile
+from tempfile import mktemp
+from string import join
+from Error import CfgFileException
+from Generator import Generator
+from Types import ConfigFile
+class oldcfg(Generator):
+ __name__ = 'oldcfg'
+ __version__ = '$Id$'
+ __author__ = ''
+ __build__ = {'*':'fetchfile'}
+ infore = compile('^owner:(\s)*(?P<owner>\w+)|group:(\s)*(?P<group>\w+)|perms:(\s)*(?P<perms>\w+)|encoding:(\s)*(?P<encoding>\w+)$')
+ def fetchfile(self,name,client):
+ pass
+ def GetInfo(self,filename):
+ encoding='ascii'
+ for line in open("%s/%s/%s"%(,filename,':info')).readlines():
+ m = self.infore.match(line)
+ if not m:
+ continue
+ else:
+ d = m.groupdict()
+ if d['owner']:
+ owner=d['owner']
+ elif d['group']:
+ group=d['group']
+ elif d['encoding']:
+ encoding=d['encoding']
+ elif d['perms']:
+ perms=d['perms']
+ if len(perms) == 3:
+ perms="0%s"%perms
+ return (owner,group,encoding,perms)
+ def __cbuild__(self,filename,hostname,tags,bundles):
+ cfgroot =
+ basename = filename.split('/')[-1]
+ repfiles = listdir("%s/%s"%(cfgroot,filename))
+ if ':info' not in repfiles:
+ raise CfgFileException, ('info','%s/%s/:info'%(cfgroot,filename))
+ (owner,group,encoding,perms) = self.GetInfo(filename)
+ # These are templates for regexes used in repofile classification
+ globalmatch='^%s$'
+ bundlematch='^%s.B(?P<prio>\d)+_(?P<tag>%s)(.(?P<op>cat|udiff))?$'
+ tagmatch='^%s.T(?P<prio>\d)+_(?P<tag>%s)(.(?P<op>cat|udiff))?$'
+ hostmatch='^%s.H_%s(.(?P<op>cat|udiff))?$'
+ g = compile(globalmatch%(basename))
+ b = compile(bundlematch%(basename,join(bundles,'|')))
+ t = compile(tagmatch%(basename,join(tags,'|')))
+ h = compile(hostmatch%(basename,hostname))
+ (gmatch,bmatches,tmatches,hmatch)=(None,[],[],None)
+ try:
+ [gmatch]=[g.match(e) for e in repfiles if g.match(e)]
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ except OSError:
+ raise CfgFileException, ('repository',"%s/%s"%(cfgroot,filename))
+ try:
+ bmatches=filter(lambda x:x,map(b.match, repfiles))
+ bmatches.sort(self.order)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ tmatches=[t.match(e) for e in repfiles if t.match(e)]
+ tmatches.sort(self.order)
+ # now tmatches is ordered by
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ [hmatch]=[h.match(e) for e in repfiles if h.match(e)]
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ base=None
+ # First we find our base file
+ if filter(lambda x:not'op'), filter(lambda x:x,[hmatch])):
+ base=hmatch
+ elif filter(lambda x:not'op'), bmatches):
+ base=filter(lambda x:not'op'), bmatches)[-1]
+ elif filter(lambda x:not'op'), tmatches):
+ base=filter(lambda x:not'op'), tmatches)[-1]
+ elif gmatch:
+ base=gmatch
+ else:
+ raise CfgFileException, ('basefile',filename)
+ # Now we need to add all more specific deltas
+ # all more specific files are deltas (since base is most specific)
+ deltas=[]
+ if g.match(
+ deltas=filter(lambda x:x,tmatches+[hmatch])
+ elif b.match(
+ deltas=filter(lambda x:x,bmatches[bmatches.index(base)+1:]+tmatches+[hmatch])
+ elif t.match(
+ deltas=filter(lambda x:x,tmatches[tmatches.index(base)+1:]+[hmatch])
+ filedata=file("%s/%s/%s"%(cfgroot,filename,
+ for delta in deltas:
+ filedata=self.ApplyDelta(filedata,"%s/%s/%s"%(cfgroot,filename,,
+ if ":preinstall" in repfiles:
+ self.preinst=open("%s/%s/%s"%(cfgroot,filename,":preinstall")).read()
+ if ":postinstall" in repfiles:
+ self.postinst=open("%s/%s/%s"%(cfgroot,filename,':postinstall')).read()
+ print filename,owner,group,perms,filedata
+ return ConfigFile(filename,owner,group,perms,filedata)
+ def order(self,t1,t2):
+ if int('prio')) > int('prio')):
+ return 1
+ elif int('prio')) < int('prio')):
+ return -1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def ApplyDelta(self,data,delta,mode):
+ if mode == 'cat':
+ tdata = data.split('\n')
+ for line in filter(lambda x:x,split(file(delta).read(),'\n')):
+ if line[0] == '-':
+ if line[1:] in data:
+ tdata.remove(line[1:])
+ else:
+ raise CfgFileException, ('delta',delta)
+ elif line[0] == '+':
+ tdata.append(line[1:])
+ return join(tdata,'\n')
+ elif mode == 'udiff':
+ basefile=open(mktemp(),'w')
+ basefile.write(data)
+ basefile.close()
+ ret=system("patch -uf %s < %s > /dev/null 2>&1"%(,delta))
+ if ret>>8 != 0:
+ raise CfgFileException, ('delta',delta)
+ data=open(,'r').read()
+ unlink(
+ return data