path: root/reports/brpt
diff options
authorJoey Hagedorn <>2006-07-10 16:00:35 +0000
committerJoey Hagedorn <>2006-07-10 16:00:35 +0000
commit921dd44a03856b81972d46dcab747f0951ca09fd (patch)
treebe0d62f0c5721e1a38ce91904738ec1ce5a48f8d /reports/brpt
parentca680aea4056f35ae275187557ca153b0e0d55a8 (diff)
Preliminary import script working version, imports Reasons, Interactions, Clients
git-svn-id: ce84e21b-d406-0410-9b95-82705330c041
Diffstat (limited to 'reports/brpt')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/reports/brpt/ b/reports/brpt/
index 381bd9cdb..56c1def1d 100755
--- a/reports/brpt/
+++ b/reports/brpt/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from lxml.etree import XML, XMLSyntaxError
from sys import argv
from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
from datetime import datetime
-from time import strptime
+from time import strptime, sleep
if __name__ == '__main__':
@@ -53,6 +53,108 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print("StatReports: Failed to parse %s"%(clientspath))
raise SystemExit, 1
+ from django.db import connection, backend
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ cursor.execute("SELECT name, id from reports_client;")
+ clients = {}
+ [clients.__setitem__(a,b) for a,b in cursor.fetchall()]
+ for node in statsdata.findall('Node'):
+ name = node.get('name')
+ if not clients.has_key(name):
+ cursor.execute("INSERT INTO reports_client VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, NULL)", [,name])
+ clients[name] = cursor.lastrowid
+# print("Client %s added to db"%name)
+# else:
+# print("Client %s already exists in db"%name)
+ cursor.execute("SELECT client_id, timestamp, id from reports_interaction")
+ interactions = cursor.fetchall()
+ #interactions_slice = [x[0:2] for x in interactions]
+ interactions_hash = {}
+ [interactions_hash.__setitem__(str(x[0])+"-"+x[1].isoformat(),x[2]) for x in interactions]
+ pingability = {}
+ [pingability.__setitem__(n.get('name'),n.get('pingable',default='N')) for n in clientsdata.findall('Client')]
+ cursor.execute("SELECT id, owner, current_owner, %s, current_group, perms, current_perms, status, current_status, %s, current_to, version, current_version, current_exists, current_diff from reports_reason"%(backend.quote_name("group"),backend.quote_name("to")))
+ reasons = cursor.fetchall()
+ cursor.execute("SELECT id, name, kind, reason_id from reports_bad")
+ bad_things = cursor.fetchall()
+ cursor.execute("SELECT id, name, kind, reason_id from reports_extra")
+ extra_things = cursor.fetchall()
+ cursor.execute("SELECT id, name, kind, reason_id from reports_modified")
+ modified_things = cursor.fetchall()
+ cursor.execute("SELECT id, metric, value from reports_performance")
+ performance_things = cursor.fetchall()
+ reasons_hash = {}
+ [reasons_hash.__setitem__(tuple(n[1:]),n[0]) for n in reasons]
+ for r in statsdata.findall('.//Bad/*')+statsdata.findall('.//Extra/*')+statsdata.findall('.//Modified/*'):
+ arguments = [r.get('owner', default=""), r.get('current_owner', default=""),
+ r.get('group', default=""), r.get('current_group', default=""),
+ eval(r.get('perms', default="''")), eval(r.get('current_perms', default="''")),
+ r.get('status', default=""), r.get('current_status', default=""),
+ r.get('to', default=""), r.get('current_to', default=""),
+ r.get('version', default=""), r.get('current_version', default=""),
+ eval(r.get('current_exists', default="True").capitalize()), r.get('current_diff', default="")]
+ if reasons_hash.has_key(tuple(arguments)):
+ current_reason_id = reasons_hash[tuple(arguments)]
+# print("Reason already exists..... It's ID is: %s"%current_reason_id)
+ else:
+ cursor.execute("INSERT INTO reports_reason VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);",
+ arguments)
+ current_reason_id = cursor.lastrowid
+ reasons.append([current_reason_id]+arguments)
+ reasons_hash[tuple(arguments)] = current_reason_id
+# print("Reason inserted with id %s"%current_reason_id)
+ print "----------------REASONS SYNCED------------------"
+ for node in statsdata.findall('Node'):
+ name = node.get('name')
+ try:
+ pingability[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ pingabilty[name] = 'N'
+ for statistics in node.findall('Statistics'):
+ t = strptime(statistics.get('time'))
+ timestamp = datetime(t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5])
+ if interactions_hash.has_key(str(clients[name]) +"-"+ timestamp.isoformat()):
+ current_interaction_id = interactions_hash[str(clients[name])+"-"+timestamp.isoformat()]
+# print("Interaction for %s at %s with id %s already exists"%(clients[name],
+# datetime(t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5]),current_interaction_id))
+ else:
+ cursor.execute("INSERT INTO reports_interaction VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);",
+ [clients[name],
+ timestamp,
+ statistics.get('state', default="unknown"),
+ statistics.get('revision',default="unknown"),
+ statistics.get('client_version',default="unknown"),
+ pingability[name],
+ statistics.get('good',default="0"),
+ statistics.get('total',default="0")])
+ current_interaction_id = cursor.lastrowid
+ interactions.append([clients[name], timestamp, current_interaction_id])
+ interactions_hash[str(clients[name])+"-"+timestamp.isoformat()] = current_interaction_id
+# print("Interaction for %s at %s with id %s INSERTED in to db"%(clients[name],
+# timestamp, current_interaction_id))
+ #insert bad children, extra children, modified children, performance items for this iteration of Client/Interaction
+ #use that crazy query to update all the latest client_interaction records.
+ connection._commit()
+ #Clients are consistent
+ for q in connection.queries:
+ print q
+ raise SystemExit, 0
+ #-------------------------------
for node in statsdata.findall('Node'):
(client_rec, cr_created) = Client.objects.get_or_create(name=node.get('name'),
defaults={'name': node.get('name'), 'creation':})