path: root/reports/site_media/CalendarPopup.js
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authorNarayan Desai <>2011-05-10 11:24:28 -0500
committerNarayan Desai <>2011-05-10 11:24:28 -0500
commit0e75875e9bd9900a6a3c7ab118c448e48829eaef (patch)
tree391204747f48598c4e978d3724afbd5b8aa1d12c /reports/site_media/CalendarPopup.js
parentf2d218ccd2de93ef639347933ba127ef081b4401 (diff)
parent91634f9a3b888eee3cd5f9a777fcb075fc666c9a (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'reports/site_media/CalendarPopup.js')
1 files changed, 693 insertions, 693 deletions
diff --git a/reports/site_media/CalendarPopup.js b/reports/site_media/CalendarPopup.js
index b63ff2f11..8119032df 100644
--- a/reports/site_media/CalendarPopup.js
+++ b/reports/site_media/CalendarPopup.js
@@ -1,693 +1,693 @@
-// ===================================================================
-// Author: Matt Kruse <>
-// WWW:
-// NOTICE: You may use this code for any purpose, commercial or
-// private, without any further permission from the author. You may
-// remove this notice from your final code if you wish, however it is
-// appreciated by the author if at least my web site address is kept.
-// You may *NOT* re-distribute this code in any way except through its
-// use. That means, you can include it in your product, or your web
-// site, or any other form where the code is actually being used. You
-// may not put the plain javascript up on your site for download or
-// include it in your javascript libraries for download.
-// If you wish to share this code with others, please just point them
-// to the URL instead.
-// Please DO NOT link directly to my .js files from your site. Copy
-// the files to your server and use them there. Thank you.
-// ===================================================================
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Feb 7, 2005: Fixed a CSS styles to use px unit
-// March 29, 2004: Added check in select() method for the form field
-// being disabled. If it is, just return and don't do anything.
-// March 24, 2004: Fixed bug - when month name and abbreviations were
-// changed, date format still used original values.
-// January 26, 2004: Added support for drop-down month and year
-// navigation (Thanks to Chris Reid for the idea)
-// September 22, 2003: Fixed a minor problem in YEAR calendar with
-// CSS prefix.
-// August 19, 2003: Renamed the function to get styles, and made it
-// work correctly without an object reference
-// August 18, 2003: Changed showYearNavigation and
-// showYearNavigationInput to optionally take an argument of
-// true or false
-// July 31, 2003: Added text input option for year navigation.
-// Added a per-calendar CSS prefix option to optionally use
-// different styles for different calendars.
-// July 29, 2003: Fixed bug causing the Today link to be clickable
-// even though today falls in a disabled date range.
-// Changed formatting to use pure CSS, allowing greater control
-// over look-and-feel options.
-// June 11, 2003: Fixed bug causing the Today link to be unselectable
-// under certain cases when some days of week are disabled
-// March 14, 2003: Added ability to disable individual dates or date
-// ranges, display as light gray and strike-through
-// March 14, 2003: Removed dependency on graypixel.gif and instead
-/// use table border coloring
-// March 12, 2003: Modified showCalendar() function to allow optional
-// start-date parameter
-// March 11, 2003: Modified select() function to allow optional
-// start-date parameter
-DESCRIPTION: This object implements a popup calendar to allow the user to
-select a date, month, quarter, or year.
-COMPATABILITY: Works with Netscape 4.x, 6.x, IE 5.x on Windows. Some small
-positioning errors - usually with Window positioning - occur on the
-Macintosh platform.
-The calendar can be modified to work for any location in the world by
-changing which weekday is displayed as the first column, changing the month
-names, and changing the column headers for each day.
-// Create a new CalendarPopup object of type WINDOW
-var cal = new CalendarPopup();
-// Create a new CalendarPopup object of type DIV using the DIV named 'mydiv'
-var cal = new CalendarPopup('mydiv');
-// Easy method to link the popup calendar with an input box., anchorname, dateFormat);
-// Same method, but passing a default date other than the field's current value, anchorname, dateFormat, '01/02/2000');
-// This is an example call to the popup calendar from a link to populate an
-// input box. Note that to use this, date.js must also be included!!
-<A HREF="#" onClick="[0].date,'anchorname','MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;">Select</A>
-// Set the type of date select to be used. By default it is 'date'.
-// When a date, month, quarter, or year is clicked, a function is called and
-// passed the details. You must write this function, and tell the calendar
-// popup what the function name is.
-// Function to be called for 'date' select receives y, m, d
-// Function to be called for 'month' select receives y, m
-// Function to be called for 'quarter' select receives y, q
-// Function to be called for 'year' select receives y
-// Show the calendar relative to a given anchor
-// Hide the calendar. The calendar is set to autoHide automatically
-// Set the month names to be used. Default are English month names
-// Set the month abbreviations to be used. Default are English month abbreviations
-// Show navigation for changing by the year, not just one month at a time
-// Show month and year dropdowns, for quicker selection of month of dates
-// Set the text to be used above each day column. The days start with
-// sunday regardless of the value of WeekStartDay
-// Set the day for the first column in the calendar grid. By default this
-// is Sunday (0) but it may be changed to fit the conventions of other
-// countries.
-cal.setWeekStartDay(1); // week is Monday - Sunday
-// Set the weekdays which should be disabled in the 'date' select popup. You can
-// then allow someone to only select week end dates, or Tuedays, for example
-cal.setDisabledWeekDays(0,1); // To disable selecting the 1st or 2nd days of the week
-// Selectively disable individual days or date ranges. Disabled days will not
-// be clickable, and show as strike-through text on current browsers.
-// Date format is any format recognized by parseDate() in date.js
-// Pass a single date to disable:
-// Pass null as the first parameter to mean "anything up to and including" the
-// passed date:
-cal.addDisabledDates(null, "01/02/03");
-// Pass null as the second parameter to mean "including the passed date and
-// anything after it:
-cal.addDisabledDates("Jan 01, 2003", null);
-// Pass two dates to disable all dates inbetween and including the two
-cal.addDisabledDates("January 01, 2003", "Dec 31, 2003");
-// When the 'year' select is displayed, set the number of years back from the
-// current year to start listing years. Default is 2.
-// This is also used for year drop-down, to decide how many years +/- to display
-// Text for the word "Today" appearing on the calendar
-// The calendar uses CSS classes for formatting. If you want your calendar to
-// have unique styles, you can set the prefix that will be added to all the
-// classes in the output.
-// For example, normal output may have this:
-// <SPAN CLASS="cpTodayTextDisabled">Today<SPAN>
-// But if you set the prefix like this:
-// The output will then look like:
-// <SPAN CLASS="TestcpTodayTextDisabled">Today<SPAN>
-// And you can define that style somewhere in your page.
-// When using Year navigation, you can make the year be an input box, so
-// the user can manually change it and jump to any year
-// Set the calendar offset to be different than the default. By default it
-// will appear just below and to the right of the anchorname. So if you have
-// a text box where the date will go and and anchor immediately after the
-// text box, the calendar will display immediately under the text box.
-cal.offsetX = 20;
-cal.offsetY = 20;
-1) Requires the functions in AnchorPosition.js and PopupWindow.js
-2) Your anchor tag MUST contain both NAME and ID attributes which are the
- same. For example:
- <A NAME="test" ID="test"> </A>
-3) There must be at least a space between <A> </A> for IE5.5 to see the
- anchor tag correctly. Do not do <A></A> with no space.
-4) When a CalendarPopup object is created, a handler for 'onmouseup' is
- attached to any event handler you may have already defined. Do NOT define
- an event handler for 'onmouseup' after you define a CalendarPopup object
- or the autoHide() will not work correctly.
-5) The calendar popup display uses style sheets to make it look nice.
-// CONSTRUCTOR for the CalendarPopup Object
-function CalendarPopup() {
- var c;
- if (arguments.length>0) {
- c = new PopupWindow(arguments[0]);
- }
- else {
- c = new PopupWindow();
- c.setSize(150,175);
- }
- c.offsetX = -152;
- c.offsetY = 25;
- c.autoHide();
- // Calendar-specific properties
- c.monthNames = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");
- c.monthAbbreviations = new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec");
- c.dayHeaders = new Array("S","M","T","W","T","F","S");
- c.returnFunction = "CP_tmpReturnFunction";
- c.returnMonthFunction = "CP_tmpReturnMonthFunction";
- c.returnQuarterFunction = "CP_tmpReturnQuarterFunction";
- c.returnYearFunction = "CP_tmpReturnYearFunction";
- c.weekStartDay = 0;
- c.isShowYearNavigation = false;
- c.displayType = "date";
- c.disabledWeekDays = new Object();
- c.disabledDatesExpression = "";
- c.yearSelectStartOffset = 2;
- c.currentDate = null;
- c.todayText="Today";
- c.cssPrefix="";
- c.isShowNavigationDropdowns=false;
- c.isShowYearNavigationInput=false;
- window.CP_calendarObject = null;
- window.CP_targetInput = null;
- window.CP_dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy";
- // Method mappings
- c.copyMonthNamesToWindow = CP_copyMonthNamesToWindow;
- c.setReturnFunction = CP_setReturnFunction;
- c.setReturnMonthFunction = CP_setReturnMonthFunction;
- c.setReturnQuarterFunction = CP_setReturnQuarterFunction;
- c.setReturnYearFunction = CP_setReturnYearFunction;
- c.setMonthNames = CP_setMonthNames;
- c.setMonthAbbreviations = CP_setMonthAbbreviations;
- c.setDayHeaders = CP_setDayHeaders;
- c.setWeekStartDay = CP_setWeekStartDay;
- c.setDisplayType = CP_setDisplayType;
- c.setDisabledWeekDays = CP_setDisabledWeekDays;
- c.addDisabledDates = CP_addDisabledDates;
- c.setYearSelectStartOffset = CP_setYearSelectStartOffset;
- c.setTodayText = CP_setTodayText;
- c.showYearNavigation = CP_showYearNavigation;
- c.showCalendar = CP_showCalendar;
- c.hideCalendar = CP_hideCalendar;
- c.getStyles = getCalendarStyles;
- c.refreshCalendar = CP_refreshCalendar;
- c.getCalendar = CP_getCalendar;
- = CP_select;
- c.setCssPrefix = CP_setCssPrefix;
- c.showNavigationDropdowns = CP_showNavigationDropdowns;
- c.showYearNavigationInput = CP_showYearNavigationInput;
- c.copyMonthNamesToWindow();
- // Return the object
- return c;
- }
-function CP_copyMonthNamesToWindow() {
- // Copy these values over to the date.js
- if (typeof(window.MONTH_NAMES)!="undefined" && window.MONTH_NAMES!=null) {
- window.MONTH_NAMES = new Array();
- for (var i=0; i<this.monthNames.length; i++) {
- window.MONTH_NAMES[window.MONTH_NAMES.length] = this.monthNames[i];
- }
- for (var i=0; i<this.monthAbbreviations.length; i++) {
- window.MONTH_NAMES[window.MONTH_NAMES.length] = this.monthAbbreviations[i];
- }
- }
-// Temporary default functions to be called when items clicked, so no error is thrown
-function CP_tmpReturnFunction(y,m,d) {
- if (window.CP_targetInput!=null) {
- var dt = new Date(y,m-1,d,0,0,0);
- if (window.CP_calendarObject!=null) { window.CP_calendarObject.copyMonthNamesToWindow(); }
- window.CP_targetInput.value = formatDate(dt,window.CP_dateFormat);
- }
- else {
- alert('Use setReturnFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!');
- }
- }
-function CP_tmpReturnMonthFunction(y,m) {
- alert('Use setReturnMonthFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!\nYou clicked: year='+y+' , month='+m);
- }
-function CP_tmpReturnQuarterFunction(y,q) {
- alert('Use setReturnQuarterFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!\nYou clicked: year='+y+' , quarter='+q);
- }
-function CP_tmpReturnYearFunction(y) {
- alert('Use setReturnYearFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!\nYou clicked: year='+y);
- }
-// Set the name of the functions to call to get the clicked item
-function CP_setReturnFunction(name) { this.returnFunction = name; }
-function CP_setReturnMonthFunction(name) { this.returnMonthFunction = name; }
-function CP_setReturnQuarterFunction(name) { this.returnQuarterFunction = name; }
-function CP_setReturnYearFunction(name) { this.returnYearFunction = name; }
-// Over-ride the built-in month names
-function CP_setMonthNames() {
- for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.monthNames[i] = arguments[i]; }
- this.copyMonthNamesToWindow();
- }
-// Over-ride the built-in month abbreviations
-function CP_setMonthAbbreviations() {
- for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.monthAbbreviations[i] = arguments[i]; }
- this.copyMonthNamesToWindow();
- }
-// Over-ride the built-in column headers for each day
-function CP_setDayHeaders() {
- for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.dayHeaders[i] = arguments[i]; }
- }
-// Set the day of the week (0-7) that the calendar display starts on
-// This is for countries other than the US whose calendar displays start on Monday(1), for example
-function CP_setWeekStartDay(day) { this.weekStartDay = day; }
-// Show next/last year navigation links
-function CP_showYearNavigation() { this.isShowYearNavigation = (arguments.length>0)?arguments[0]:true; }
-// Which type of calendar to display
-function CP_setDisplayType(type) {
- if (type!="date"&&type!="week-end"&&type!="month"&&type!="quarter"&&type!="year") { alert("Invalid display type! Must be one of: date,week-end,month,quarter,year"); return false; }
- this.displayType=type;
- }
-// How many years back to start by default for year display
-function CP_setYearSelectStartOffset(num) { this.yearSelectStartOffset=num; }
-// Set which weekdays should not be clickable
-function CP_setDisabledWeekDays() {
- this.disabledWeekDays = new Object();
- for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.disabledWeekDays[arguments[i]] = true; }
- }
-// Disable individual dates or ranges
-// Builds an internal logical test which is run via eval() for efficiency
-function CP_addDisabledDates(start, end) {
- if (arguments.length==1) { end=start; }
- if (start==null && end==null) { return; }
- if (this.disabledDatesExpression!="") { this.disabledDatesExpression+= "||"; }
- if (start!=null) { start = parseDate(start); start=""+start.getFullYear()+LZ(start.getMonth()+1)+LZ(start.getDate());}
- if (end!=null) { end=parseDate(end); end=""+end.getFullYear()+LZ(end.getMonth()+1)+LZ(end.getDate());}
- if (start==null) { this.disabledDatesExpression+="(ds<="+end+")"; }
- else if (end ==null) { this.disabledDatesExpression+="(ds>="+start+")"; }
- else { this.disabledDatesExpression+="(ds>="+start+"&&ds<="+end+")"; }
- }
-// Set the text to use for the "Today" link
-function CP_setTodayText(text) {
- this.todayText = text;
- }
-// Set the prefix to be added to all CSS classes when writing output
-function CP_setCssPrefix(val) {
- this.cssPrefix = val;
- }
-// Show the navigation as an dropdowns that can be manually changed
-function CP_showNavigationDropdowns() { this.isShowNavigationDropdowns = (arguments.length>0)?arguments[0]:true; }
-// Show the year navigation as an input box that can be manually changed
-function CP_showYearNavigationInput() { this.isShowYearNavigationInput = (arguments.length>0)?arguments[0]:true; }
-// Hide a calendar object
-function CP_hideCalendar() {
- if (arguments.length > 0) { window.popupWindowObjects[arguments[0]].hidePopup(); }
- else { this.hidePopup(); }
- bcfg2_check_date();
- }
-// Refresh the contents of the calendar display
-function CP_refreshCalendar(index) {
- var calObject = window.popupWindowObjects[index];
- if (arguments.length>1) {
- calObject.populate(calObject.getCalendar(arguments[1],arguments[2],arguments[3],arguments[4],arguments[5]));
- }
- else {
- calObject.populate(calObject.getCalendar());
- }
- calObject.refresh();
- }
-// Populate the calendar and display it
-function CP_showCalendar(anchorname) {
- if (arguments.length>1) {
- if (arguments[1]==null||arguments[1]=="") {
- this.currentDate=new Date();
- }
- else {
- this.currentDate=new Date(parseDate(arguments[1]));
- }
- }
- this.populate(this.getCalendar());
- this.showPopup(anchorname);
- }
-// Simple method to interface popup calendar with a text-entry box
-function CP_select(inputobj, linkname, format) {
- var selectedDate=(arguments.length>3)?arguments[3]:null;
- if (!window.getDateFromFormat) {
- alert(" To use this method you must also include 'date.js' for date formatting");
- return;
- }
- if (this.displayType!="date"&&this.displayType!="week-end") {
- alert(" This function can only be used with displayType 'date' or 'week-end'");
- return;
- }
- if (inputobj.type!="text" && inputobj.type!="hidden" && inputobj.type!="textarea") {
- alert(" Input object passed is not a valid form input object");
- window.CP_targetInput=null;
- return;
- }
- if (inputobj.disabled) { return; } // Can't use calendar input on disabled form input!
- window.CP_targetInput = inputobj;
- window.CP_calendarObject = this;
- this.currentDate=null;
- var time=0;
- if (selectedDate!=null) {
- time = getDateFromFormat(selectedDate,format)
- }
- else if (inputobj.value!="") {
- time = getDateFromFormat(inputobj.value,format);
- }
- if (selectedDate!=null || inputobj.value!="") {
- if (time==0) { this.currentDate=null; }
- else { this.currentDate=new Date(time); }
- }
- window.CP_dateFormat = format;
- this.showCalendar(linkname);
- }
-// Get style block needed to display the calendar correctly
-function getCalendarStyles() {
- var result = "";
- var p = "";
- if (this!=null && typeof(this.cssPrefix)!="undefined" && this.cssPrefix!=null && this.cssPrefix!="") { p=this.cssPrefix; }
- result += "<STYLE>\n";
- result += "."+p+"cpYearNavigation,."+p+"cpMonthNavigation { background-color:#C0C0C0; text-align:center; vertical-align:center; text-decoration:none; color:#000000; font-weight:bold; }\n";
- result += "."+p+"cpDayColumnHeader, ."+p+"cpYearNavigation,."+p+"cpMonthNavigation,."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDate,."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDateDisabled,."+p+"cpOtherMonthDate,."+p+"cpOtherMonthDateDisabled,."+p+"cpCurrentDate,."+p+"cpCurrentDateDisabled,."+p+"cpTodayText,."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled,."+p+"cpText { font-family:arial; font-size:8pt; }\n";
- result += "TD."+p+"cpDayColumnHeader { text-align:right; border:solid thin #C0C0C0;border-width:0px 0px 1px 0px; }\n";
- result += "."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDate, ."+p+"cpOtherMonthDate, ."+p+"cpCurrentDate { text-align:right; text-decoration:none; }\n";
- result += "."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDateDisabled, ."+p+"cpOtherMonthDateDisabled, ."+p+"cpCurrentDateDisabled { color:#D0D0D0; text-align:right; text-decoration:line-through; }\n";
- result += "."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDate, .cpCurrentDate { color:#000000; }\n";
- result += "."+p+"cpOtherMonthDate { color:#808080; }\n";
- result += "TD."+p+"cpCurrentDate { color:white; background-color: #C0C0C0; border-width:1px; border:solid thin #800000; }\n";
- result += "TD."+p+"cpCurrentDateDisabled { border-width:1px; border:solid thin #FFAAAA; }\n";
- result += "TD."+p+"cpTodayText, TD."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled { border:solid thin #C0C0C0; border-width:1px 0px 0px 0px;}\n";
- result += "A."+p+"cpTodayText, SPAN."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled { height:20px; }\n";
- result += "A."+p+"cpTodayText { color:black; }\n";
- result += "."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled { color:#D0D0D0; }\n";
- result += "."+p+"cpBorder { border:solid thin #808080; }\n";
- result += "</STYLE>\n";
- return result;
- }
-// Return a string containing all the calendar code to be displayed
-function CP_getCalendar() {
- var now = new Date();
- // Reference to window
- if (this.type == "WINDOW") { var windowref = "window.opener."; }
- else { var windowref = ""; }
- var result = "";
- // If POPUP, write entire HTML document
- if (this.type == "WINDOW") {
- }
- else {
- result += '<TABLE CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpBorder" WIDTH=144 BORDER=1 BORDERWIDTH=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=1>\n';
- result += '<TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER>\n';
- result += '<CENTER>\n';
- }
- // Code for DATE display (default)
- // -------------------------------
- if (this.displayType=="date" || this.displayType=="week-end") {
- if (this.currentDate==null) { this.currentDate = now; }
- if (arguments.length > 0) { var month = arguments[0]; }
- else { var month = this.currentDate.getMonth()+1; }
- if (arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1]>0 && arguments[1]-0==arguments[1]) { var year = arguments[1]; }
- else { var year = this.currentDate.getFullYear(); }
- var daysinmonth= new Array(0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
- if ( ( (year%4 == 0)&&(year%100 != 0) ) || (year%400 == 0) ) {
- daysinmonth[2] = 29;
- }
- var current_month = new Date(year,month-1,1);
- var display_year = year;
- var display_month = month;
- var display_date = 1;
- var weekday= current_month.getDay();
- var offset = 0;
- offset = (weekday >= this.weekStartDay) ? weekday-this.weekStartDay : 7-this.weekStartDay+weekday ;
- if (offset > 0) {
- display_month--;
- if (display_month < 1) { display_month = 12; display_year--; }
- display_date = daysinmonth[display_month]-offset+1;
- }
- var next_month = month+1;
- var next_month_year = year;
- if (next_month > 12) { next_month=1; next_month_year++; }
- var last_month = month-1;
- var last_month_year = year;
- if (last_month < 1) { last_month=12; last_month_year--; }
- var date_class;
- if (this.type!="WINDOW") {
- }
- result += '<TR>\n';
- var refresh = windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar';
- var refreshLink = 'javascript:' + refresh;
- if (this.isShowNavigationDropdowns) {
- result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="78" COLSPAN="3"><select CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" name="cpMonth" onChange="'+refresh+'('+this.index+',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value-0,'+(year-0)+');">';
- for( var monthCounter=1; monthCounter<=12; monthCounter++ ) {
- var selected = (monthCounter==month) ? 'SELECTED' : '';
- result += '<option value="'+monthCounter+'" '+selected+'>'+this.monthNames[monthCounter-1]+'</option>';
- }
- result += '</select></TD>';
- result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10">&nbsp;</TD>';
- result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="56" COLSPAN="3"><select CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" name="cpYear" onChange="'+refresh+'('+this.index+','+month+',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value-0);">';
- for( var yearCounter=year-this.yearSelectStartOffset; yearCounter<=year+this.yearSelectStartOffset; yearCounter++ ) {
- var selected = (yearCounter==year) ? 'SELECTED' : '';
- result += '<option value="'+yearCounter+'" '+selected+'>'+yearCounter+'</option>';
- }
- result += '</select></TD>';
- }
- else {
- if (this.isShowYearNavigation) {
- result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+last_month+','+last_month_year+');">&lt;</A></TD>';
- result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="58"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation">'+this.monthNames[month-1]+'</SPAN></TD>';
- result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+next_month+','+next_month_year+');">&gt;</A></TD>';
- result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10">&nbsp;</TD>';
- result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+month+','+(year-1)+');">&lt;</A></TD>';
- if (this.isShowYearNavigationInput) {
- result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="36"><INPUT NAME="cpYear" CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" SIZE="4" MAXLENGTH="4" VALUE="'+year+'" onBlur="'+refresh+'('+this.index+','+month+',this.value-0);"></TD>';
- }
- else {
- result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="36"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation">'+year+'</SPAN></TD>';
- }
- result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+month+','+(year+1)+');">&gt;</A></TD>';
- }
- else {
- result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+last_month+','+last_month_year+');">&lt;&lt;</A></TD>\n';
- result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="100"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation">'+this.monthNames[month-1]+' '+year+'</SPAN></TD>\n';
- result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+next_month+','+next_month_year+');">&gt;&gt;</A></TD>\n';
- }
- }
- result += '</TR></TABLE>\n';
- result += '<TR>\n';
- for (var j=0; j<7; j++) {
- result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpDayColumnHeader" WIDTH="14%"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpDayColumnHeader">'+this.dayHeaders[(this.weekStartDay+j)%7]+'</TD>\n';
- }
- result += '</TR>\n';
- for (var row=1; row<=6; row++) {
- result += '<TR>\n';
- for (var col=1; col<=7; col++) {
- var disabled=false;
- if (this.disabledDatesExpression!="") {
- var ds=""+display_year+LZ(display_month)+LZ(display_date);
- eval("disabled=("+this.disabledDatesExpression+")");
- }
- var dateClass = "";
- if ((display_month == this.currentDate.getMonth()+1) && (display_date==this.currentDate.getDate()) && (display_year==this.currentDate.getFullYear())) {
- dateClass = "cpCurrentDate";
- }
- else if (display_month == month) {
- dateClass = "cpCurrentMonthDate";
- }
- else {
- dateClass = "cpOtherMonthDate";
- }
- if (disabled || this.disabledWeekDays[col-1]) {
- result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'Disabled">'+display_date+'</SPAN></TD>\n';
- }
- else {
- var selected_date = display_date;
- var selected_month = display_month;
- var selected_year = display_year;
- if (this.displayType=="week-end") {
- var d = new Date(selected_year,selected_month-1,selected_date,0,0,0,0);
- d.setDate(d.getDate() + (7-col));
- selected_year = d.getYear();
- if (selected_year < 1000) { selected_year += 1900; }
- selected_month = d.getMonth()+1;
- selected_date = d.getDate();
- }
- result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'"><A HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnFunction+'('+selected_year+','+selected_month+','+selected_date+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'">'+display_date+'</A></TD>\n';
- }
- display_date++;
- if (display_date > daysinmonth[display_month]) {
- display_date=1;
- display_month++;
- }
- if (display_month > 12) {
- display_month=1;
- display_year++;
- }
- }
- result += '</TR>';
- }
- var current_weekday = now.getDay() - this.weekStartDay;
- if (current_weekday < 0) {
- current_weekday += 7;
- }
- result += '<TR>\n';
- result += ' <TD COLSPAN=7 ALIGN=CENTER CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpTodayText">\n';
- if (this.disabledDatesExpression!="") {
- var ds=""+now.getFullYear()+LZ(now.getMonth()+1)+LZ(now.getDate());
- eval("disabled=("+this.disabledDatesExpression+")");
- }
- if (disabled || this.disabledWeekDays[current_weekday+1]) {
- result += ' <SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpTodayTextDisabled">'+this.todayText+'</SPAN>\n';
- }
- else {
- result += ' <A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpTodayText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnFunction+'(\''+now.getFullYear()+'\',\''+(now.getMonth()+1)+'\',\''+now.getDate()+'\');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');">'+this.todayText+'</A>\n';
- }
- result += ' <BR>\n';
- result += ' </TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>\n';
- }
- // Code common for MONTH, QUARTER, YEAR
- // ------------------------------------
- if (this.displayType=="month" || this.displayType=="quarter" || this.displayType=="year") {
- if (arguments.length > 0) { var year = arguments[0]; }
- else {
- if (this.displayType=="year") { var year = now.getFullYear()-this.yearSelectStartOffset; }
- else { var year = now.getFullYear(); }
- }
- if (this.displayType!="year" && this.isShowYearNavigation) {
- result += '<TR>\n';
- result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year-1)+');">&lt;&lt;</A></TD>\n';
- result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="100">'+year+'</TD>\n';
- result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year+1)+');">&gt;&gt;</A></TD>\n';
- result += '</TR></TABLE>\n';
- }
- }
- // Code for MONTH display
- // ----------------------
- if (this.displayType=="month") {
- // If POPUP, write entire HTML document
- for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
- result += '<TR>';
- for (var j=0; j<3; j++) {
- var monthindex = ((i*3)+j);
- result += '<TD WIDTH=33% ALIGN=CENTER><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnMonthFunction+'('+year+','+(monthindex+1)+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+date_class+'">'+this.monthAbbreviations[monthindex]+'</A></TD>';
- }
- result += '</TR>';
- }
- result += '</TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>\n';
- }
- // Code for QUARTER display
- // ------------------------
- if (this.displayType=="quarter") {
- for (var i=0; i<2; i++) {
- result += '<TR>';
- for (var j=0; j<2; j++) {
- var quarter = ((i*2)+j+1);
- result += '<TD WIDTH=50% ALIGN=CENTER><BR><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnQuarterFunction+'('+year+','+quarter+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+date_class+'">Q'+quarter+'</A><BR><BR></TD>';
- }
- result += '</TR>';
- }
- result += '</TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>\n';
- }
- // Code for YEAR display
- // ---------------------
- if (this.displayType=="year") {
- var yearColumnSize = 4;
- result += '<TR>\n';
- result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="50%"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year-(yearColumnSize*2))+');">&lt;&lt;</A></TD>\n';
- result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="50%"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year+(yearColumnSize*2))+');">&gt;&gt;</A></TD>\n';
- result += '</TR></TABLE>\n';
- for (var i=0; i<yearColumnSize; i++) {
- for (var j=0; j<2; j++) {
- var currentyear = year+(j*yearColumnSize)+i;
- result += '<TD WIDTH=50% ALIGN=CENTER><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnYearFunction+'('+currentyear+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+date_class+'">'+currentyear+'</A></TD>';
- }
- result += '</TR>';
- }
- result += '</TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>\n';
- }
- // Common
- if (this.type == "WINDOW") {
- result += "</BODY></HTML>\n";
- }
- return result;
- }
+// ===================================================================
+// Author: Matt Kruse <>
+// WWW:
+// NOTICE: You may use this code for any purpose, commercial or
+// private, without any further permission from the author. You may
+// remove this notice from your final code if you wish, however it is
+// appreciated by the author if at least my web site address is kept.
+// You may *NOT* re-distribute this code in any way except through its
+// use. That means, you can include it in your product, or your web
+// site, or any other form where the code is actually being used. You
+// may not put the plain javascript up on your site for download or
+// include it in your javascript libraries for download.
+// If you wish to share this code with others, please just point them
+// to the URL instead.
+// Please DO NOT link directly to my .js files from your site. Copy
+// the files to your server and use them there. Thank you.
+// ===================================================================
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Feb 7, 2005: Fixed a CSS styles to use px unit
+// March 29, 2004: Added check in select() method for the form field
+// being disabled. If it is, just return and don't do anything.
+// March 24, 2004: Fixed bug - when month name and abbreviations were
+// changed, date format still used original values.
+// January 26, 2004: Added support for drop-down month and year
+// navigation (Thanks to Chris Reid for the idea)
+// September 22, 2003: Fixed a minor problem in YEAR calendar with
+// CSS prefix.
+// August 19, 2003: Renamed the function to get styles, and made it
+// work correctly without an object reference
+// August 18, 2003: Changed showYearNavigation and
+// showYearNavigationInput to optionally take an argument of
+// true or false
+// July 31, 2003: Added text input option for year navigation.
+// Added a per-calendar CSS prefix option to optionally use
+// different styles for different calendars.
+// July 29, 2003: Fixed bug causing the Today link to be clickable
+// even though today falls in a disabled date range.
+// Changed formatting to use pure CSS, allowing greater control
+// over look-and-feel options.
+// June 11, 2003: Fixed bug causing the Today link to be unselectable
+// under certain cases when some days of week are disabled
+// March 14, 2003: Added ability to disable individual dates or date
+// ranges, display as light gray and strike-through
+// March 14, 2003: Removed dependency on graypixel.gif and instead
+/// use table border coloring
+// March 12, 2003: Modified showCalendar() function to allow optional
+// start-date parameter
+// March 11, 2003: Modified select() function to allow optional
+// start-date parameter
+DESCRIPTION: This object implements a popup calendar to allow the user to
+select a date, month, quarter, or year.
+COMPATABILITY: Works with Netscape 4.x, 6.x, IE 5.x on Windows. Some small
+positioning errors - usually with Window positioning - occur on the
+Macintosh platform.
+The calendar can be modified to work for any location in the world by
+changing which weekday is displayed as the first column, changing the month
+names, and changing the column headers for each day.
+// Create a new CalendarPopup object of type WINDOW
+var cal = new CalendarPopup();
+// Create a new CalendarPopup object of type DIV using the DIV named 'mydiv'
+var cal = new CalendarPopup('mydiv');
+// Easy method to link the popup calendar with an input box., anchorname, dateFormat);
+// Same method, but passing a default date other than the field's current value, anchorname, dateFormat, '01/02/2000');
+// This is an example call to the popup calendar from a link to populate an
+// input box. Note that to use this, date.js must also be included!!
+<A HREF="#" onClick="[0].date,'anchorname','MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;">Select</A>
+// Set the type of date select to be used. By default it is 'date'.
+// When a date, month, quarter, or year is clicked, a function is called and
+// passed the details. You must write this function, and tell the calendar
+// popup what the function name is.
+// Function to be called for 'date' select receives y, m, d
+// Function to be called for 'month' select receives y, m
+// Function to be called for 'quarter' select receives y, q
+// Function to be called for 'year' select receives y
+// Show the calendar relative to a given anchor
+// Hide the calendar. The calendar is set to autoHide automatically
+// Set the month names to be used. Default are English month names
+// Set the month abbreviations to be used. Default are English month abbreviations
+// Show navigation for changing by the year, not just one month at a time
+// Show month and year dropdowns, for quicker selection of month of dates
+// Set the text to be used above each day column. The days start with
+// sunday regardless of the value of WeekStartDay
+// Set the day for the first column in the calendar grid. By default this
+// is Sunday (0) but it may be changed to fit the conventions of other
+// countries.
+cal.setWeekStartDay(1); // week is Monday - Sunday
+// Set the weekdays which should be disabled in the 'date' select popup. You can
+// then allow someone to only select week end dates, or Tuedays, for example
+cal.setDisabledWeekDays(0,1); // To disable selecting the 1st or 2nd days of the week
+// Selectively disable individual days or date ranges. Disabled days will not
+// be clickable, and show as strike-through text on current browsers.
+// Date format is any format recognized by parseDate() in date.js
+// Pass a single date to disable:
+// Pass null as the first parameter to mean "anything up to and including" the
+// passed date:
+cal.addDisabledDates(null, "01/02/03");
+// Pass null as the second parameter to mean "including the passed date and
+// anything after it:
+cal.addDisabledDates("Jan 01, 2003", null);
+// Pass two dates to disable all dates inbetween and including the two
+cal.addDisabledDates("January 01, 2003", "Dec 31, 2003");
+// When the 'year' select is displayed, set the number of years back from the
+// current year to start listing years. Default is 2.
+// This is also used for year drop-down, to decide how many years +/- to display
+// Text for the word "Today" appearing on the calendar
+// The calendar uses CSS classes for formatting. If you want your calendar to
+// have unique styles, you can set the prefix that will be added to all the
+// classes in the output.
+// For example, normal output may have this:
+// <SPAN CLASS="cpTodayTextDisabled">Today<SPAN>
+// But if you set the prefix like this:
+// The output will then look like:
+// <SPAN CLASS="TestcpTodayTextDisabled">Today<SPAN>
+// And you can define that style somewhere in your page.
+// When using Year navigation, you can make the year be an input box, so
+// the user can manually change it and jump to any year
+// Set the calendar offset to be different than the default. By default it
+// will appear just below and to the right of the anchorname. So if you have
+// a text box where the date will go and and anchor immediately after the
+// text box, the calendar will display immediately under the text box.
+cal.offsetX = 20;
+cal.offsetY = 20;
+1) Requires the functions in AnchorPosition.js and PopupWindow.js
+2) Your anchor tag MUST contain both NAME and ID attributes which are the
+ same. For example:
+ <A NAME="test" ID="test"> </A>
+3) There must be at least a space between <A> </A> for IE5.5 to see the
+ anchor tag correctly. Do not do <A></A> with no space.
+4) When a CalendarPopup object is created, a handler for 'onmouseup' is
+ attached to any event handler you may have already defined. Do NOT define
+ an event handler for 'onmouseup' after you define a CalendarPopup object
+ or the autoHide() will not work correctly.
+5) The calendar popup display uses style sheets to make it look nice.
+// CONSTRUCTOR for the CalendarPopup Object
+function CalendarPopup() {
+ var c;
+ if (arguments.length>0) {
+ c = new PopupWindow(arguments[0]);
+ }
+ else {
+ c = new PopupWindow();
+ c.setSize(150,175);
+ }
+ c.offsetX = -152;
+ c.offsetY = 25;
+ c.autoHide();
+ // Calendar-specific properties
+ c.monthNames = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");
+ c.monthAbbreviations = new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec");
+ c.dayHeaders = new Array("S","M","T","W","T","F","S");
+ c.returnFunction = "CP_tmpReturnFunction";
+ c.returnMonthFunction = "CP_tmpReturnMonthFunction";
+ c.returnQuarterFunction = "CP_tmpReturnQuarterFunction";
+ c.returnYearFunction = "CP_tmpReturnYearFunction";
+ c.weekStartDay = 0;
+ c.isShowYearNavigation = false;
+ c.displayType = "date";
+ c.disabledWeekDays = new Object();
+ c.disabledDatesExpression = "";
+ c.yearSelectStartOffset = 2;
+ c.currentDate = null;
+ c.todayText="Today";
+ c.cssPrefix="";
+ c.isShowNavigationDropdowns=false;
+ c.isShowYearNavigationInput=false;
+ window.CP_calendarObject = null;
+ window.CP_targetInput = null;
+ window.CP_dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy";
+ // Method mappings
+ c.copyMonthNamesToWindow = CP_copyMonthNamesToWindow;
+ c.setReturnFunction = CP_setReturnFunction;
+ c.setReturnMonthFunction = CP_setReturnMonthFunction;
+ c.setReturnQuarterFunction = CP_setReturnQuarterFunction;
+ c.setReturnYearFunction = CP_setReturnYearFunction;
+ c.setMonthNames = CP_setMonthNames;
+ c.setMonthAbbreviations = CP_setMonthAbbreviations;
+ c.setDayHeaders = CP_setDayHeaders;
+ c.setWeekStartDay = CP_setWeekStartDay;
+ c.setDisplayType = CP_setDisplayType;
+ c.setDisabledWeekDays = CP_setDisabledWeekDays;
+ c.addDisabledDates = CP_addDisabledDates;
+ c.setYearSelectStartOffset = CP_setYearSelectStartOffset;
+ c.setTodayText = CP_setTodayText;
+ c.showYearNavigation = CP_showYearNavigation;
+ c.showCalendar = CP_showCalendar;
+ c.hideCalendar = CP_hideCalendar;
+ c.getStyles = getCalendarStyles;
+ c.refreshCalendar = CP_refreshCalendar;
+ c.getCalendar = CP_getCalendar;
+ = CP_select;
+ c.setCssPrefix = CP_setCssPrefix;
+ c.showNavigationDropdowns = CP_showNavigationDropdowns;
+ c.showYearNavigationInput = CP_showYearNavigationInput;
+ c.copyMonthNamesToWindow();
+ // Return the object
+ return c;
+ }
+function CP_copyMonthNamesToWindow() {
+ // Copy these values over to the date.js
+ if (typeof(window.MONTH_NAMES)!="undefined" && window.MONTH_NAMES!=null) {
+ window.MONTH_NAMES = new Array();
+ for (var i=0; i<this.monthNames.length; i++) {
+ window.MONTH_NAMES[window.MONTH_NAMES.length] = this.monthNames[i];
+ }
+ for (var i=0; i<this.monthAbbreviations.length; i++) {
+ window.MONTH_NAMES[window.MONTH_NAMES.length] = this.monthAbbreviations[i];
+ }
+ }
+// Temporary default functions to be called when items clicked, so no error is thrown
+function CP_tmpReturnFunction(y,m,d) {
+ if (window.CP_targetInput!=null) {
+ var dt = new Date(y,m-1,d,0,0,0);
+ if (window.CP_calendarObject!=null) { window.CP_calendarObject.copyMonthNamesToWindow(); }
+ window.CP_targetInput.value = formatDate(dt,window.CP_dateFormat);
+ }
+ else {
+ alert('Use setReturnFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!');
+ }
+ }
+function CP_tmpReturnMonthFunction(y,m) {
+ alert('Use setReturnMonthFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!\nYou clicked: year='+y+' , month='+m);
+ }
+function CP_tmpReturnQuarterFunction(y,q) {
+ alert('Use setReturnQuarterFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!\nYou clicked: year='+y+' , quarter='+q);
+ }
+function CP_tmpReturnYearFunction(y) {
+ alert('Use setReturnYearFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!\nYou clicked: year='+y);
+ }
+// Set the name of the functions to call to get the clicked item
+function CP_setReturnFunction(name) { this.returnFunction = name; }
+function CP_setReturnMonthFunction(name) { this.returnMonthFunction = name; }
+function CP_setReturnQuarterFunction(name) { this.returnQuarterFunction = name; }
+function CP_setReturnYearFunction(name) { this.returnYearFunction = name; }
+// Over-ride the built-in month names
+function CP_setMonthNames() {
+ for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.monthNames[i] = arguments[i]; }
+ this.copyMonthNamesToWindow();
+ }
+// Over-ride the built-in month abbreviations
+function CP_setMonthAbbreviations() {
+ for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.monthAbbreviations[i] = arguments[i]; }
+ this.copyMonthNamesToWindow();
+ }
+// Over-ride the built-in column headers for each day
+function CP_setDayHeaders() {
+ for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.dayHeaders[i] = arguments[i]; }
+ }
+// Set the day of the week (0-7) that the calendar display starts on
+// This is for countries other than the US whose calendar displays start on Monday(1), for example
+function CP_setWeekStartDay(day) { this.weekStartDay = day; }
+// Show next/last year navigation links
+function CP_showYearNavigation() { this.isShowYearNavigation = (arguments.length>0)?arguments[0]:true; }
+// Which type of calendar to display
+function CP_setDisplayType(type) {
+ if (type!="date"&&type!="week-end"&&type!="month"&&type!="quarter"&&type!="year") { alert("Invalid display type! Must be one of: date,week-end,month,quarter,year"); return false; }
+ this.displayType=type;
+ }
+// How many years back to start by default for year display
+function CP_setYearSelectStartOffset(num) { this.yearSelectStartOffset=num; }
+// Set which weekdays should not be clickable
+function CP_setDisabledWeekDays() {
+ this.disabledWeekDays = new Object();
+ for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.disabledWeekDays[arguments[i]] = true; }
+ }
+// Disable individual dates or ranges
+// Builds an internal logical test which is run via eval() for efficiency
+function CP_addDisabledDates(start, end) {
+ if (arguments.length==1) { end=start; }
+ if (start==null && end==null) { return; }
+ if (this.disabledDatesExpression!="") { this.disabledDatesExpression+= "||"; }
+ if (start!=null) { start = parseDate(start); start=""+start.getFullYear()+LZ(start.getMonth()+1)+LZ(start.getDate());}
+ if (end!=null) { end=parseDate(end); end=""+end.getFullYear()+LZ(end.getMonth()+1)+LZ(end.getDate());}
+ if (start==null) { this.disabledDatesExpression+="(ds<="+end+")"; }
+ else if (end ==null) { this.disabledDatesExpression+="(ds>="+start+")"; }
+ else { this.disabledDatesExpression+="(ds>="+start+"&&ds<="+end+")"; }
+ }
+// Set the text to use for the "Today" link
+function CP_setTodayText(text) {
+ this.todayText = text;
+ }
+// Set the prefix to be added to all CSS classes when writing output
+function CP_setCssPrefix(val) {
+ this.cssPrefix = val;
+ }
+// Show the navigation as an dropdowns that can be manually changed
+function CP_showNavigationDropdowns() { this.isShowNavigationDropdowns = (arguments.length>0)?arguments[0]:true; }
+// Show the year navigation as an input box that can be manually changed
+function CP_showYearNavigationInput() { this.isShowYearNavigationInput = (arguments.length>0)?arguments[0]:true; }
+// Hide a calendar object
+function CP_hideCalendar() {
+ if (arguments.length > 0) { window.popupWindowObjects[arguments[0]].hidePopup(); }
+ else { this.hidePopup(); }
+ bcfg2_check_date();
+ }
+// Refresh the contents of the calendar display
+function CP_refreshCalendar(index) {
+ var calObject = window.popupWindowObjects[index];
+ if (arguments.length>1) {
+ calObject.populate(calObject.getCalendar(arguments[1],arguments[2],arguments[3],arguments[4],arguments[5]));
+ }
+ else {
+ calObject.populate(calObject.getCalendar());
+ }
+ calObject.refresh();
+ }
+// Populate the calendar and display it
+function CP_showCalendar(anchorname) {
+ if (arguments.length>1) {
+ if (arguments[1]==null||arguments[1]=="") {
+ this.currentDate=new Date();
+ }
+ else {
+ this.currentDate=new Date(parseDate(arguments[1]));
+ }
+ }
+ this.populate(this.getCalendar());
+ this.showPopup(anchorname);
+ }
+// Simple method to interface popup calendar with a text-entry box
+function CP_select(inputobj, linkname, format) {
+ var selectedDate=(arguments.length>3)?arguments[3]:null;
+ if (!window.getDateFromFormat) {
+ alert(" To use this method you must also include 'date.js' for date formatting");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.displayType!="date"&&this.displayType!="week-end") {
+ alert(" This function can only be used with displayType 'date' or 'week-end'");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (inputobj.type!="text" && inputobj.type!="hidden" && inputobj.type!="textarea") {
+ alert(" Input object passed is not a valid form input object");
+ window.CP_targetInput=null;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (inputobj.disabled) { return; } // Can't use calendar input on disabled form input!
+ window.CP_targetInput = inputobj;
+ window.CP_calendarObject = this;
+ this.currentDate=null;
+ var time=0;
+ if (selectedDate!=null) {
+ time = getDateFromFormat(selectedDate,format)
+ }
+ else if (inputobj.value!="") {
+ time = getDateFromFormat(inputobj.value,format);
+ }
+ if (selectedDate!=null || inputobj.value!="") {
+ if (time==0) { this.currentDate=null; }
+ else { this.currentDate=new Date(time); }
+ }
+ window.CP_dateFormat = format;
+ this.showCalendar(linkname);
+ }
+// Get style block needed to display the calendar correctly
+function getCalendarStyles() {
+ var result = "";
+ var p = "";
+ if (this!=null && typeof(this.cssPrefix)!="undefined" && this.cssPrefix!=null && this.cssPrefix!="") { p=this.cssPrefix; }
+ result += "<STYLE>\n";
+ result += "."+p+"cpYearNavigation,."+p+"cpMonthNavigation { background-color:#C0C0C0; text-align:center; vertical-align:center; text-decoration:none; color:#000000; font-weight:bold; }\n";
+ result += "."+p+"cpDayColumnHeader, ."+p+"cpYearNavigation,."+p+"cpMonthNavigation,."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDate,."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDateDisabled,."+p+"cpOtherMonthDate,."+p+"cpOtherMonthDateDisabled,."+p+"cpCurrentDate,."+p+"cpCurrentDateDisabled,."+p+"cpTodayText,."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled,."+p+"cpText { font-family:arial; font-size:8pt; }\n";
+ result += "TD."+p+"cpDayColumnHeader { text-align:right; border:solid thin #C0C0C0;border-width:0px 0px 1px 0px; }\n";
+ result += "."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDate, ."+p+"cpOtherMonthDate, ."+p+"cpCurrentDate { text-align:right; text-decoration:none; }\n";
+ result += "."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDateDisabled, ."+p+"cpOtherMonthDateDisabled, ."+p+"cpCurrentDateDisabled { color:#D0D0D0; text-align:right; text-decoration:line-through; }\n";
+ result += "."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDate, .cpCurrentDate { color:#000000; }\n";
+ result += "."+p+"cpOtherMonthDate { color:#808080; }\n";
+ result += "TD."+p+"cpCurrentDate { color:white; background-color: #C0C0C0; border-width:1px; border:solid thin #800000; }\n";
+ result += "TD."+p+"cpCurrentDateDisabled { border-width:1px; border:solid thin #FFAAAA; }\n";
+ result += "TD."+p+"cpTodayText, TD."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled { border:solid thin #C0C0C0; border-width:1px 0px 0px 0px;}\n";
+ result += "A."+p+"cpTodayText, SPAN."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled { height:20px; }\n";
+ result += "A."+p+"cpTodayText { color:black; }\n";
+ result += "."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled { color:#D0D0D0; }\n";
+ result += "."+p+"cpBorder { border:solid thin #808080; }\n";
+ result += "</STYLE>\n";
+ return result;
+ }
+// Return a string containing all the calendar code to be displayed
+function CP_getCalendar() {
+ var now = new Date();
+ // Reference to window
+ if (this.type == "WINDOW") { var windowref = "window.opener."; }
+ else { var windowref = ""; }
+ var result = "";
+ // If POPUP, write entire HTML document
+ if (this.type == "WINDOW") {
+ }
+ else {
+ result += '<TABLE CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpBorder" WIDTH=144 BORDER=1 BORDERWIDTH=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=1>\n';
+ result += '<TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER>\n';
+ result += '<CENTER>\n';
+ }
+ // Code for DATE display (default)
+ // -------------------------------
+ if (this.displayType=="date" || this.displayType=="week-end") {
+ if (this.currentDate==null) { this.currentDate = now; }
+ if (arguments.length > 0) { var month = arguments[0]; }
+ else { var month = this.currentDate.getMonth()+1; }
+ if (arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1]>0 && arguments[1]-0==arguments[1]) { var year = arguments[1]; }
+ else { var year = this.currentDate.getFullYear(); }
+ var daysinmonth= new Array(0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
+ if ( ( (year%4 == 0)&&(year%100 != 0) ) || (year%400 == 0) ) {
+ daysinmonth[2] = 29;
+ }
+ var current_month = new Date(year,month-1,1);
+ var display_year = year;
+ var display_month = month;
+ var display_date = 1;
+ var weekday= current_month.getDay();
+ var offset = 0;
+ offset = (weekday >= this.weekStartDay) ? weekday-this.weekStartDay : 7-this.weekStartDay+weekday ;
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ display_month--;
+ if (display_month < 1) { display_month = 12; display_year--; }
+ display_date = daysinmonth[display_month]-offset+1;
+ }
+ var next_month = month+1;
+ var next_month_year = year;
+ if (next_month > 12) { next_month=1; next_month_year++; }
+ var last_month = month-1;
+ var last_month_year = year;
+ if (last_month < 1) { last_month=12; last_month_year--; }
+ var date_class;
+ if (this.type!="WINDOW") {
+ }
+ result += '<TR>\n';
+ var refresh = windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar';
+ var refreshLink = 'javascript:' + refresh;
+ if (this.isShowNavigationDropdowns) {
+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="78" COLSPAN="3"><select CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" name="cpMonth" onChange="'+refresh+'('+this.index+',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value-0,'+(year-0)+');">';
+ for( var monthCounter=1; monthCounter<=12; monthCounter++ ) {
+ var selected = (monthCounter==month) ? 'SELECTED' : '';
+ result += '<option value="'+monthCounter+'" '+selected+'>'+this.monthNames[monthCounter-1]+'</option>';
+ }
+ result += '</select></TD>';
+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10">&nbsp;</TD>';
+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="56" COLSPAN="3"><select CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" name="cpYear" onChange="'+refresh+'('+this.index+','+month+',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value-0);">';
+ for( var yearCounter=year-this.yearSelectStartOffset; yearCounter<=year+this.yearSelectStartOffset; yearCounter++ ) {
+ var selected = (yearCounter==year) ? 'SELECTED' : '';
+ result += '<option value="'+yearCounter+'" '+selected+'>'+yearCounter+'</option>';
+ }
+ result += '</select></TD>';
+ }
+ else {
+ if (this.isShowYearNavigation) {
+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+last_month+','+last_month_year+');">&lt;</A></TD>';
+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="58"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation">'+this.monthNames[month-1]+'</SPAN></TD>';
+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+next_month+','+next_month_year+');">&gt;</A></TD>';
+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10">&nbsp;</TD>';
+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+month+','+(year-1)+');">&lt;</A></TD>';
+ if (this.isShowYearNavigationInput) {
+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="36"><INPUT NAME="cpYear" CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" SIZE="4" MAXLENGTH="4" VALUE="'+year+'" onBlur="'+refresh+'('+this.index+','+month+',this.value-0);"></TD>';
+ }
+ else {
+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="36"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation">'+year+'</SPAN></TD>';
+ }
+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+month+','+(year+1)+');">&gt;</A></TD>';
+ }
+ else {
+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+last_month+','+last_month_year+');">&lt;&lt;</A></TD>\n';
+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="100"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation">'+this.monthNames[month-1]+' '+year+'</SPAN></TD>\n';
+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+next_month+','+next_month_year+');">&gt;&gt;</A></TD>\n';
+ }
+ }
+ result += '</TR></TABLE>\n';
+ result += '<TR>\n';
+ for (var j=0; j<7; j++) {
+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpDayColumnHeader" WIDTH="14%"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpDayColumnHeader">'+this.dayHeaders[(this.weekStartDay+j)%7]+'</TD>\n';
+ }
+ result += '</TR>\n';
+ for (var row=1; row<=6; row++) {
+ result += '<TR>\n';
+ for (var col=1; col<=7; col++) {
+ var disabled=false;
+ if (this.disabledDatesExpression!="") {
+ var ds=""+display_year+LZ(display_month)+LZ(display_date);
+ eval("disabled=("+this.disabledDatesExpression+")");
+ }
+ var dateClass = "";
+ if ((display_month == this.currentDate.getMonth()+1) && (display_date==this.currentDate.getDate()) && (display_year==this.currentDate.getFullYear())) {
+ dateClass = "cpCurrentDate";
+ }
+ else if (display_month == month) {
+ dateClass = "cpCurrentMonthDate";
+ }
+ else {
+ dateClass = "cpOtherMonthDate";
+ }
+ if (disabled || this.disabledWeekDays[col-1]) {
+ result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'Disabled">'+display_date+'</SPAN></TD>\n';
+ }
+ else {
+ var selected_date = display_date;
+ var selected_month = display_month;
+ var selected_year = display_year;
+ if (this.displayType=="week-end") {
+ var d = new Date(selected_year,selected_month-1,selected_date,0,0,0,0);
+ d.setDate(d.getDate() + (7-col));
+ selected_year = d.getYear();
+ if (selected_year < 1000) { selected_year += 1900; }
+ selected_month = d.getMonth()+1;
+ selected_date = d.getDate();
+ }
+ result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'"><A HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnFunction+'('+selected_year+','+selected_month+','+selected_date+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'">'+display_date+'</A></TD>\n';
+ }
+ display_date++;
+ if (display_date > daysinmonth[display_month]) {
+ display_date=1;
+ display_month++;
+ }
+ if (display_month > 12) {
+ display_month=1;
+ display_year++;
+ }
+ }
+ result += '</TR>';
+ }
+ var current_weekday = now.getDay() - this.weekStartDay;
+ if (current_weekday < 0) {
+ current_weekday += 7;
+ }
+ result += '<TR>\n';
+ result += ' <TD COLSPAN=7 ALIGN=CENTER CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpTodayText">\n';
+ if (this.disabledDatesExpression!="") {
+ var ds=""+now.getFullYear()+LZ(now.getMonth()+1)+LZ(now.getDate());
+ eval("disabled=("+this.disabledDatesExpression+")");
+ }
+ if (disabled || this.disabledWeekDays[current_weekday+1]) {
+ result += ' <SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpTodayTextDisabled">'+this.todayText+'</SPAN>\n';
+ }
+ else {
+ result += ' <A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpTodayText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnFunction+'(\''+now.getFullYear()+'\',\''+(now.getMonth()+1)+'\',\''+now.getDate()+'\');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');">'+this.todayText+'</A>\n';
+ }
+ result += ' <BR>\n';
+ result += ' </TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>\n';
+ }
+ // Code common for MONTH, QUARTER, YEAR
+ // ------------------------------------
+ if (this.displayType=="month" || this.displayType=="quarter" || this.displayType=="year") {
+ if (arguments.length > 0) { var year = arguments[0]; }
+ else {
+ if (this.displayType=="year") { var year = now.getFullYear()-this.yearSelectStartOffset; }
+ else { var year = now.getFullYear(); }
+ }
+ if (this.displayType!="year" && this.isShowYearNavigation) {
+ result += '<TR>\n';
+ result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year-1)+');">&lt;&lt;</A></TD>\n';
+ result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="100">'+year+'</TD>\n';
+ result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year+1)+');">&gt;&gt;</A></TD>\n';
+ result += '</TR></TABLE>\n';
+ }
+ }
+ // Code for MONTH display
+ // ----------------------
+ if (this.displayType=="month") {
+ // If POPUP, write entire HTML document
+ for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ result += '<TR>';
+ for (var j=0; j<3; j++) {
+ var monthindex = ((i*3)+j);
+ result += '<TD WIDTH=33% ALIGN=CENTER><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnMonthFunction+'('+year+','+(monthindex+1)+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+date_class+'">'+this.monthAbbreviations[monthindex]+'</A></TD>';
+ }
+ result += '</TR>';
+ }
+ result += '</TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>\n';
+ }
+ // Code for QUARTER display
+ // ------------------------
+ if (this.displayType=="quarter") {
+ for (var i=0; i<2; i++) {
+ result += '<TR>';
+ for (var j=0; j<2; j++) {
+ var quarter = ((i*2)+j+1);
+ result += '<TD WIDTH=50% ALIGN=CENTER><BR><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnQuarterFunction+'('+year+','+quarter+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+date_class+'">Q'+quarter+'</A><BR><BR></TD>';
+ }
+ result += '</TR>';
+ }
+ result += '</TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>\n';
+ }
+ // Code for YEAR display
+ // ---------------------
+ if (this.displayType=="year") {
+ var yearColumnSize = 4;
+ result += '<TR>\n';
+ result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="50%"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year-(yearColumnSize*2))+');">&lt;&lt;</A></TD>\n';
+ result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="50%"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year+(yearColumnSize*2))+');">&gt;&gt;</A></TD>\n';
+ result += '</TR></TABLE>\n';
+ for (var i=0; i<yearColumnSize; i++) {
+ for (var j=0; j<2; j++) {
+ var currentyear = year+(j*yearColumnSize)+i;
+ result += '<TD WIDTH=50% ALIGN=CENTER><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnYearFunction+'('+currentyear+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+date_class+'">'+currentyear+'</A></TD>';
+ }
+ result += '</TR>';
+ }
+ result += '</TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>\n';
+ }
+ // Common
+ if (this.type == "WINDOW") {
+ result += "</BODY></HTML>\n";
+ }
+ return result;
+ }