path: root/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/
diff options
authorChris St. Pierre <>2013-06-27 10:29:12 -0400
committerChris St. Pierre <>2013-06-27 10:41:29 -0400
commit27f747b319f65ca9b01fddcbb0a73176dedf9541 (patch)
tree49992c6f904912307d850c7af094cc3e10665c28 /src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/
parent2d1f13115150af2dd9b74e1a928f40fc19cf0dd1 (diff)
Options: migrated bcfg2-info to new parser
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/')
1 files changed, 861 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76da861ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/
@@ -0,0 +1,861 @@
+""" Subcommands and helpers for bcfg2-info """
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
+import sys
+import cmd
+import math
+import time
+import copy
+import pipes
+import fnmatch
+import argparse
+import operator
+import lxml.etree
+from code import InteractiveConsole
+import Bcfg2.Logger
+import Bcfg2.Options
+import Bcfg2.Server.Core
+import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin
+import Bcfg2.Client.Tools.POSIX
+from Bcfg2.Compat import any # pylint: disable=W0622
+ try:
+ import cProfile as profile
+ except ImportError:
+ import profile
+ import pstats
+except ImportError:
+def print_tabular(rows):
+ """Print data in tabular format."""
+ cmax = tuple([max([len(str(row[index])) for row in rows]) + 1
+ for index in range(len(rows[0]))])
+ fstring = (" %%-%ss |" * len(cmax)) % cmax
+ fstring = ('|'.join([" %%-%ss "] * len(cmax))) % cmax
+ print(fstring % rows[0])
+ print((sum(cmax) + (len(cmax) * 2) + (len(cmax) - 1)) * '=')
+ for row in rows[1:]:
+ print(fstring % row)
+def display_trace(trace):
+ """ display statistics from a profile trace """
+ stats = pstats.Stats(trace)
+ stats.sort_stats('cumulative', 'calls', 'time')
+ stats.print_stats(200)
+def load_interpreters():
+ """ Load a dict of available Python interpreters """
+ interpreters = dict(python=lambda v: InteractiveConsole(v).interact())
+ default = "python"
+ try:
+ import bpython.cli
+ interpreters["bpython"] = lambda v: bpython.cli.main(args=[],
+ locals_=v)
+ default = "bpython"
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ # whether ipython is actually better than bpython is
+ # up for debate, but this is the behavior that existed
+ # before --interpreter was added, so we call IPython
+ # better
+ import IPython
+ # pylint: disable=E1101
+ if hasattr(IPython, "Shell"):
+ interpreters["ipython"] = lambda v: \
+ IPython.Shell.IPShell(argv=[], user_ns=v).mainloop()
+ default = "ipython"
+ elif hasattr(IPython, "embed"):
+ interpreters["ipython"] = lambda v: IPython.embed(user_ns=v)
+ default = "ipython"
+ else:
+ print("Unknown IPython API version")
+ # pylint: enable=E1101
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ return (interpreters, default)
+class InfoCmd(Bcfg2.Options.Subcommand):
+ """ Base class for bcfg2-info subcommands """
+ def _expand_globs(self, globs, candidates):
+ # special cases to speed things up:
+ if globs is None or '*' in globs:
+ return candidates
+ has_wildcards = False
+ for glob in globs:
+ # check if any wildcard characters are in the string
+ if set('*?[]') & set(glob):
+ has_wildcards = True
+ break
+ if not has_wildcards:
+ return globs
+ rv = set()
+ cset = set(candidates)
+ for glob in globs:
+ rv.update(c for c in cset if fnmatch.fnmatch(c, glob))
+ cset.difference_update(rv)
+ return list(rv)
+ def get_client_list(self, globs):
+ """ given a list of host globs, get a list of clients that
+ match them """
+ return self._expand_globs(globs, self.core.metadata.clients)
+ def get_group_list(self, globs):
+ """ given a list of group glob, get a list of groups that
+ match them"""
+ # special cases to speed things up:
+ return self._expand_globs(globs,
+ list(self.core.metadata.groups.keys()))
+class Help(InfoCmd, Bcfg2.Options.HelpCommand):
+ """ Get help on a specific subcommand """
+ def command_registry(self):
+ return self.core.commands
+class Debug(InfoCmd):
+ """ Shell out to a Python interpreter """
+ interpreters, default_interpreter = load_interpreters()
+ options = [
+ Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption(
+ "-n", "--non-interactive",
+ help="Do not enter the interactive debugger"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PathOption(
+ "-f", dest="cmd_list", type=argparse.FileType('r'),
+ help="File containing commands to run"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ "--interpreter", cf=("bcfg2-info", "interpreter"),
+ choices=interpreters.keys(), default=default_interpreter)]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ if setup.cmd_list:
+ console = InteractiveConsole(locals())
+ for command in setup.cmd_list.readlines():
+ command = command.strip()
+ if command:
+ console.push(command)
+ if not setup.non_interactive:
+ print("Dropping to interpreter; press ^D to resume")
+ self.interpreters[setup.interpreter](self.core.get_locals())
+class Build(InfoCmd):
+ """ Build config for hostname, writing to filename """
+ options = [Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("hostname"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("filename", nargs='?',
+ default=sys.stdout,
+ type=argparse.FileType('w'))]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ try:
+ lxml.etree.ElementTree(
+ self.core.BuildConfiguration(setup.hostname)).write(
+ setup.filename,
+ encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True,
+ pretty_print=True)
+ except IOError:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ print("Failed to write %s: %s" % (setup.filename, err))
+class Builddir(InfoCmd):
+ """ Build config for hostname, writing separate files to directory
+ """
+ # don't try to isntall these types of entries
+ blacklisted_types = ["nonexistent", "permissions"]
+ options = Bcfg2.Client.Tools.POSIX.POSIX.options + [
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("hostname"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PathOption("directory")]
+ help = """Generates a config for client <hostname> and writes the
+individual configuration files out separately in a tree under <output
+dir>. This only handles file entries, and does not respect 'owner' or
+'group' attributes unless run as root. """
+ def run(self, setup):
+ setup.paranoid = False
+ client_config = self.core.BuildConfiguration(setup.hostname)
+ if client_config.tag == 'error':
+ print("Building client configuration failed.")
+ return 1
+ entries = []
+ for struct in client_config:
+ for entry in struct:
+ if (entry.tag == 'Path' and
+ entry.get("type") not in self.blacklisted_types):
+ failure = entry.get("failure")
+ if failure is not None:
+ print("Skipping entry %s:%s with bind failure: %s" %
+ (entry.tag, entry.get("name"), failure))
+ continue
+ entry.set('name',
+ os.path.join(,
+ entry.get('name').lstrip("/")))
+ entries.append(entry)
+ Bcfg2.Client.Tools.POSIX.POSIX(client_config).Install(entries)
+class Buildfile(InfoCmd):
+ """ Build config file for hostname """
+ options = [
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option("-f", "--outfile", metavar="<path>",
+ type=argparse.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PathOption("--altsrc"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PathOption("filename"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("hostname")]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ entry = lxml.etree.Element('Path', name=setup.filename)
+ if setup.altsrc:
+ entry.set("altsrc", setup.altsrc)
+ try:
+ self.core.Bind(entry, self.core.build_metadata(setup.hostname))
+ except: # pylint: disable=W0702
+ print("Failed to build entry %s for host %s" % (setup.filename,
+ setup.hostname))
+ raise
+ try:
+ setup.outfile.write(
+ lxml.etree.tostring(entry,
+ xml_declaration=False).decode('UTF-8'))
+ setup.outfile.write("\n")
+ except IOError:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ print("Failed to write %s: %s" % (, err))
+class BuildAllMixin(object):
+ """ InfoCmd mixin to make a version of an existing command that
+ applies to multiple hosts"""
+ directory_arg = Bcfg2.Options.PathOption("directory")
+ hostname_arg = Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("hostname", nargs='*',
+ default=[])
+ options = [directory_arg, hostname_arg]
+ @property
+ def _parent(self):
+ """ the parent command """
+ for cls in self.__class__.__mro__:
+ if (cls != InfoCmd and cls != self.__class__ and
+ issubclass(cls, InfoCmd)):
+ return cls
+ def run(self, setup):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(
+ except OSError:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ if err.errno != 17:
+ print("Could not create %s: %s" % (, err))
+ return 1
+ clients = self.get_client_list(setup.hostname)
+ for client in clients:
+ csetup = self._get_setup(client, copy.copy(setup))
+ csetup.hostname = client
+, csetup) # pylint: disable=E1101
+ def _get_setup(self, client, setup):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class Buildallfile(Buildfile, BuildAllMixin):
+ """ Build config file for all clients in directory """
+ options = [BuildAllMixin.directory_arg,
+ Bcfg2.Options.PathOption("--altsrc"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PathOption("filename"),
+ BuildAllMixin.hostname_arg]
+ def run(self, setup):
+, setup)
+ def _get_setup(self, client, setup):
+ setup.outfile = open(os.path.join(, client), 'w')
+ return setup
+class Buildall(Build, BuildAllMixin):
+ """ Build configs for all clients in directory """
+ options = BuildAllMixin.options
+ def run(self, setup):
+, setup)
+ def _get_setup(self, client, setup):
+ setup.filename = os.path.join(, client + ".xml")
+ return setup
+class Buildbundle(InfoCmd):
+ """ Render a templated bundle for hostname """
+ options = [Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("bundle"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("hostname")]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ bundler = self.core.plugins['Bundler']
+ bundle = None
+ if setup.bundle in bundler.entries:
+ bundle = bundler.entries[setup.bundle]
+ elif not setup.bundle.endswith(".xml"):
+ fname = setup.bundle + ".xml"
+ if fname in bundler.entries:
+ bundle = bundler.entries[bundle]
+ if not bundle:
+ print("No such bundle %s" % setup.bundle)
+ return 1
+ try:
+ metadata = self.core.build_metadata(setup.hostname)
+ print(lxml.etree.tostring(bundle.XMLMatch(metadata),
+ xml_declaration=False,
+ pretty_print=True).decode('UTF-8'))
+ except: # pylint: disable=W0702
+ print("Failed to render bundle %s for host %s: %s" %
+ (setup.bundle, client, sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ raise
+class Automatch(InfoCmd):
+ """ Perform automatch on a Properties file """
+ options = [
+ Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption(
+ "-f", "--force",
+ help="Force automatch even if it's disabled"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("propertyfile"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("hostname")]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ try:
+ props = self.core.plugins['Properties']
+ except KeyError:
+ print("Properties plugin not enabled")
+ return 1
+ pfile = props.entries[setup.propertyfile]
+ if (not Bcfg2.Options.setup.force and
+ not Bcfg2.Options.setup.automatch and
+ pfile.xdata.get("automatch", "false").lower() != "true"):
+ print("Automatch not enabled on %s" % setup.propertyfile)
+ else:
+ metadata = self.core.build_metadata(setup.hostname)
+ print(lxml.etree.tostring(pfile.XMLMatch(metadata),
+ xml_declaration=False,
+ pretty_print=True).decode('UTF-8'))
+class Bundles(InfoCmd):
+ """ Print out group/bundle info """
+ options = [Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("group", nargs='*')]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ data = [('Group', 'Bundles')]
+ groups = self.get_group_list(
+ groups.sort()
+ for group in groups:
+ data.append((group,
+ ','.join(self.core.metadata.groups[group][0])))
+ print_tabular(data)
+class Clients(InfoCmd):
+ """ Print out client/profile info """
+ options = [Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("hostname", nargs='*',
+ default=[])]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ data = [('Client', 'Profile')]
+ for client in sorted(self.get_client_list(setup.hostname)):
+ imd = self.core.metadata.get_initial_metadata(client)
+ data.append((client, imd.profile))
+ print_tabular(data)
+class Config(InfoCmd):
+ """ Print out the current configuration of Bcfg2"""
+ options = [
+ Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption(
+ "--raw",
+ help="Produce more accurate but less readable raw output")]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ parser = Bcfg2.Options.get_parser()
+ data = [('Description', 'Value')]
+ for option in parser.option_list:
+ if hasattr(setup, option.dest):
+ value = getattr(setup, option.dest)
+ if any(issubclass(a.__class__,
+ Bcfg2.Options.ComponentAction)
+ for a in option.actions.values()):
+ if not setup.raw:
+ try:
+ if option.action.islist:
+ value = [v.__name__ for v in value]
+ else:
+ value = value.__name__
+ except AttributeError:
+ # just use the value as-is
+ pass
+ if setup.raw:
+ value = repr(value)
+ data.append((getattr(option, "help", option.dest), value))
+ print_tabular(data)
+class Probes(InfoCmd):
+ """ Get probes for the given host """
+ options = [
+ Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption("-p", "--pretty",
+ help="Human-readable output"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("hostname")]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ if setup.pretty:
+ probes = []
+ else:
+ probes = lxml.etree.Element('probes')
+ metadata = self.core.build_metadata(setup.hostname)
+ for plugin in self.core.plugins_by_type(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Probing):
+ for probe in plugin.GetProbes(metadata):
+ probes.append(probe)
+ if setup.pretty:
+ for probe in probes:
+ pname = probe.get("name")
+ print("=" * (len(pname) + 2))
+ print(" %s" % pname)
+ print("=" * (len(pname) + 2))
+ print("")
+ print(probe.text)
+ print("")
+ else:
+ print(lxml.etree.tostring(probes, xml_declaration=False,
+ pretty_print=True).decode('UTF-8'))
+class Showentries(InfoCmd):
+ """ Show abstract configuration entries for a given host """
+ options = [Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("hostname"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("type", nargs='?')]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ try:
+ metadata = self.core.build_metadata(setup.hostname)
+ except Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.MetadataConsistencyError:
+ print("Unable to build metadata for %s: %s" % (setup.hostname,
+ sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ structures = self.core.GetStructures(metadata)
+ output = [('Entry Type', 'Name')]
+ etypes = None
+ if setup.type:
+ etypes = [setup.type, "Bound%s" % setup.type]
+ for item in structures:
+ output.extend((child.tag, child.get('name'))
+ for child in item.getchildren()
+ if not etypes or child.tag in etypes)
+ print_tabular(output)
+class Groups(InfoCmd):
+ """ Print out group info """
+ options = [Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("group", nargs='*')]
+ def _profile_flag(self, group):
+ if self.core.metadata.groups[group].is_profile:
+ return 'yes'
+ else:
+ return 'no'
+ def run(self, setup):
+ data = [("Groups", "Profile", "Category")]
+ groups = self.get_group_list(
+ groups.sort()
+ for group in groups:
+ data.append((group,
+ self._profile_flag(group),
+ self.core.metadata.groups[group].category))
+ print_tabular(data)
+class Showclient(InfoCmd):
+ """ Show metadata for the given hosts """
+ options = [Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("hostname", nargs='*')]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ for client in self.get_client_list(setup.hostname):
+ try:
+ metadata = self.core.build_metadata(client)
+ except Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.MetadataConsistencyError:
+ print("Could not build metadata for %s: %s" %
+ (client, sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ continue
+ fmt = "%-10s %s"
+ print(fmt % ("Hostname:", metadata.hostname))
+ print(fmt % ("Profile:", metadata.profile))
+ group_fmt = "%-10s %-30s %s"
+ header = False
+ for group in list(metadata.groups):
+ category = ""
+ for cat, grp in metadata.categories.items():
+ if grp == group:
+ category = "Category: %s" % cat
+ break
+ if not header:
+ print(group_fmt % ("Groups:", group, category))
+ header = True
+ else:
+ print(group_fmt % ("", group, category))
+ if metadata.bundles:
+ print(fmt % ("Bundles:", list(metadata.bundles)[0]))
+ for bnd in list(metadata.bundles)[1:]:
+ print(fmt % ("", bnd))
+ if metadata.connectors:
+ print("Connector data")
+ print("=" * 80)
+ for conn in metadata.connectors:
+ if getattr(metadata, conn):
+ print(fmt % (conn + ":", getattr(metadata, conn)))
+ print("=" * 80)
+class Mappings(InfoCmd):
+ """ Print generator mappings for optional type and name """
+ options = [Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("type", nargs='?'),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("name", nargs='?')]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ data = [('Plugin', 'Type', 'Name')]
+ for generator in self.core.plugins_by_type(
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Generator):
+ etypes = setup.type or list(generator.Entries.keys())
+ if
+ interested = [(etype, []) for etype in etypes]
+ else:
+ interested = [(etype, generator.Entries[etype])
+ for etype in etypes
+ if etype in generator.Entries]
+ for etype, names in interested:
+ data.extend((, etype, name)
+ for name in names
+ if name in generator.Entries.get(etype, {}))
+ print_tabular(data)
+class Packageresolve(InfoCmd):
+ """ Resolve packages for the given host"""
+ options = [Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("hostname"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("package", nargs="*")]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ try:
+ pkgs = self.core.plugins['Packages']
+ except KeyError:
+ print("Packages plugin not enabled")
+ return 1
+ metadata = self.core.build_metadata(setup.hostname)
+ indep = lxml.etree.Element("Independent",
+ name=self.__class__.__name__.lower())
+ if setup.package:
+ structures = [lxml.etree.Element("Bundle", name="packages")]
+ for package in setup.package:
+ lxml.etree.SubElement(structures[0], "Package", name=package)
+ else:
+ structures = self.core.GetStructures(metadata)
+ pkgs._build_packages(metadata, indep, # pylint: disable=W0212
+ structures)
+ print("%d new packages added" % len(indep.getchildren()))
+ if len(indep.getchildren()):
+ print(" %s" % "\n ".join(lxml.etree.tostring(p)
+ for p in indep.getchildren()))
+class Packagesources(InfoCmd):
+ """ Show package sources """
+ options = [Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("hostname")]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ try:
+ pkgs = self.core.plugins['Packages']
+ except KeyError:
+ print("Packages plugin not enabled")
+ return 1
+ try:
+ metadata = self.core.build_metadata(setup.hostname)
+ except Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.MetadataConsistencyError:
+ print("Unable to build metadata for %s: %s" % (setup.hostname,
+ sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ return 1
+ print(pkgs.get_collection(metadata).sourcelist())
+class Query(InfoCmd):
+ """ Query clients """
+ options = [
+ Bcfg2.Options.ExclusiveOptionGroup(
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ "-g", "--group", metavar="<group>", dest="querygroups",
+ type=Bcfg2.Options.Types.comma_list),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ "-p", "--profile", metavar="<profile>", dest="queryprofiles",
+ type=Bcfg2.Options.Types.comma_list),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ "-b", "--bundle", metavar="<bundle>", dest="querybundles",
+ type=Bcfg2.Options.Types.comma_list),
+ required=True)]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ if setup.queryprofiles:
+ res = self.core.metadata.get_client_names_by_profiles(
+ setup.queryprofiles)
+ elif setup.querygroups:
+ res = self.core.metadata.get_client_names_by_groups(
+ setup.querygroups)
+ elif setup.querybundles:
+ res = self.core.metadata.get_client_names_by_bundles(
+ setup.querybundles)
+ print("\n".join(res))
+class Shell(InfoCmd):
+ """ Open an interactive shell to run multiple bcfg2-info commands """
+ interactive = False
+ def run(self, setup):
+ loop = True
+ while loop:
+ try:
+ self.core.cmdloop('Welcome to bcfg2-info\n'
+ 'Type "help" for more information')
+ except SystemExit:
+ raise
+ except Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginExecutionError:
+ continue
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print("Ctrl-C pressed, exiting...")
+ loop = False
+ except:
+ self.core.logger.error("Command failure", exc_info=1)
+class ProfileTemplates(InfoCmd):
+ """ Benchmark template rendering times """
+ options = [
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ "--clients", type=Bcfg2.Options.Types.comma_list,
+ help="Benchmark templates for the named clients"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ "--runs", help="Number of rendering passes per template",
+ default=5, type=int),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument(
+ "templates", nargs="*", default=[],
+ help="Profile the named templates instead of all templates")]
+ def profile_entry(self, entry, metadata, runs=5):
+ times = []
+ for i in range(runs): # pylint: disable=W0612
+ start = time.time()
+ try:
+ self.core.Bind(entry, metadata)
+ times.append(time.time() - start)
+ except: # pylint: disable=W0702
+ break
+ if times:
+ avg = sum(times) / len(times)
+ if avg:
+ self.logger.debug(" %s: %.02f sec" %
+ (metadata.hostname, avg))
+ return times
+ def profile_struct(self, struct, metadata, templates=None, runs=5):
+ times = dict()
+ entries = struct.xpath("//Path")
+ entry_count = 0
+ for entry in entries:
+ entry_count += 1
+ if templates is None or entry.get("name") in templates:
+"Rendering Path:%s (%s/%s)..." %
+ (entry.get("name"), entry_count,
+ len(entries)))
+ times.setdefault(entry.get("name"),
+ self.profile_entry(entry, metadata,
+ runs=runs))
+ return times
+ def profile_client(self, metadata, templates=None, runs=5):
+ structs = self.core.GetStructures(metadata)
+ struct_count = 0
+ times = dict()
+ for struct in structs:
+ struct_count += 1
+"Rendering templates from structure %s:%s "
+ "(%s/%s)" %
+ (struct.tag, struct.get("name"), struct_count,
+ len(structs)))
+ times.update(self.profile_struct(struct, metadata,
+ templates=templates, runs=runs))
+ return times
+ def stdev(self, nums):
+ mean = float(sum(nums)) / len(nums)
+ return math.sqrt(sum((n - mean)**2 for n in nums) / float(len(nums)))
+ def run(self, setup):
+ clients = self.get_client_list(setup.clients)
+ times = dict()
+ client_count = 0
+ for client in clients:
+ client_count += 1
+"Rendering templates for client %s (%s/%s)" %
+ (client, client_count, len(clients)))
+ times.update(self.profile_client(self.core.build_metadata(client),
+ templates=setup.templates,
+ runs=setup.runs))
+ # print out per-file results
+ tmpltimes = []
+ for tmpl, ptimes in times.items():
+ try:
+ mean = float(sum(ptimes)) / len(ptimes)
+ except ZeroDivisionError:
+ continue
+ ptimes.sort()
+ median = ptimes[len(ptimes) / 2]
+ std = self.stdev(ptimes)
+ if mean > 0.01 or median > 0.01 or std > 1 or setup.templates:
+ tmpltimes.append((tmpl, mean, median, std))
+ else:
+ print("%-50s %-9s %-11s %6s" %
+ ("Template", "Mean Time", "Median Time", "σ"))
+ for info in reversed(sorted(tmpltimes, key=operator.itemgetter(1))):
+ print("%-50s %9.02f %11.02f %6.02f" % info)
+ class Profile(InfoCmd):
+ """ Profile a single bcfg2-info command """
+ options = [Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("command"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("args", nargs="*")]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ prof = profile.Profile()
+ cls = self.core.commands[setup.command]
+ prof.runcall(cls, " ".join(pipes.quote(a) for a in setup.args))
+ display_trace(prof)
+class InfoCore(cmd.Cmd,
+ Bcfg2.Server.Core.Core,
+ Bcfg2.Options.CommandRegistry):
+ """Main class for bcfg2-info."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ cmd.Cmd.__init__(self)
+ Bcfg2.Server.Core.Core.__init__(self)
+ Bcfg2.Options.CommandRegistry.__init__(self)
+ self.prompt = '> '
+ def get_locals(self):
+ return locals()
+ def do_quit(self, _):
+ """ quit|exit - Exit program """
+ raise SystemExit(0)
+ do_EOF = do_quit
+ do_exit = do_quit
+ def do_eventdebug(self, _):
+ """ eventdebug - Enable debugging output for FAM events """
+ self.fam.set_debug(True)
+ do_event_debug = do_eventdebug
+ def do_update(self, _):
+ """ update - Process pending filesystem events """
+ self.fam.handle_events_in_interval(0.1)
+ def run(self):
+ self.load_plugins()
+ self.fam.handle_events_in_interval(1)
+ def _daemonize(self):
+ pass
+ def _run(self):
+ pass
+ def _block(self):
+ pass
+ def shutdown(self):
+ Bcfg2.Options.CommandRegistry.shutdown(self)
+ Bcfg2.Server.Core.Core.shutdown(self)
+class CLI(object):
+ options = [Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption("-p", "--profile", help="Profile")]
+ def __init__(self):
+ Bcfg2.Options.register_commands(InfoCore, globals().values(),
+ parent=InfoCmd)
+ parser = Bcfg2.Options.get_parser(
+ description="Inspect a running Bcfg2 server",
+ components=[self, InfoCore])
+ parser.parse()
+ if Bcfg2.Options.setup.profile and HAS_PROFILE:
+ prof = profile.Profile()
+ self.core = prof.runcall(InfoCore)
+ display_trace(prof)
+ else:
+ if Bcfg2.Options.setup.profile:
+ print("Profiling functionality not available.")
+ self.core = InfoCore()
+ for command in self.core.commands.values():
+ command.core = self.core
+ def run(self):
+ if Bcfg2.Options.setup.subcommand != 'help':
+ return self.core.runcommand()