path: root/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Reports/
diff options
authorTim Laszlo <>2012-06-01 09:00:00 -0500
committerTim Laszlo <>2012-06-01 09:04:42 -0500
commitb9c8a6c4c0245db0515a164f1b89247688e3b4fa (patch)
tree4565843b30bef6ede7a58cff2ebf209f37eabfdd /src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Reports/
parenteae8bbd6d211d711be4f414f108aa597b38891e0 (diff)
DBStats: New db update routines
Replace with the Updater class. This streamlines some of the common tasks and groups database updates by release. Upgrades from pre 1.1.x are no longer supported.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Reports/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 323 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Reports/ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Reports/
deleted file mode 100644
index b93ae0eb9..000000000
--- a/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Reports/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-import Bcfg2.Server.Reports.settings
-from django.db import connection, DatabaseError, backend
-import logging
-import sys
-import traceback
-from Bcfg2.Server.Reports.reports.models import InternalDatabaseVersion, \
-logger = logging.getLogger('Bcfg2.Server.Reports.UpdateFix')
-# all update function should go here
-def _merge_database_table_entries():
- cursor = connection.cursor()
- insert_cursor = connection.cursor()
- find_cursor = connection.cursor()
- cursor.execute("""
- Select name, kind from reports_bad
- union
- select name, kind from reports_modified
- union
- select name, kind from reports_extra
- """)
- # this fetch could be better done
- entries_map = {}
- for row in cursor.fetchall():
- insert_cursor.execute("insert into reports_entries (name, kind) \
- values (%s, %s)", (row[0], row[1]))
- entries_map[(row[0], row[1])] = insert_cursor.lastrowid
- cursor.execute("""
- Select name, kind, reason_id, interaction_id, 1 from reports_bad
- inner join reports_bad_interactions on
- union
- Select name, kind, reason_id, interaction_id, 2 from reports_modified
- inner join reports_modified_interactions on
- union
- Select name, kind, reason_id, interaction_id, 3 from reports_extra
- inner join reports_extra_interactions on
- """)
- for row in cursor.fetchall():
- key = (row[0], row[1])
- if entries_map.get(key, None):
- entry_id = entries_map[key]
- else:
- find_cursor.execute("Select id from reports_entries where name=%s and kind=%s", key)
- rowe = find_cursor.fetchone()
- entry_id = rowe[0]
- insert_cursor.execute("insert into reports_entries_interactions \
- (entry_id, interaction_id, reason_id, type) values (%s, %s, %s, %s)", (entry_id, row[3], row[2], row[4]))
-def _interactions_constraint_or_idx():
- """sqlite doesn't support alter tables.. or constraints"""
- cursor = connection.cursor()
- try:
- cursor.execute('alter table reports_interaction add constraint reports_interaction_20100601 unique (client_id,timestamp)')
- except:
- cursor.execute('create unique index reports_interaction_20100601 on reports_interaction (client_id,timestamp)')
-def _rebuild_reports_reason():
- """Rebuild the reports_reason table with better data types"""
- cursor = connection.cursor()
- columns = ['owner', 'current_owner',
- 'group', 'current_group',
- 'perms', 'current_perms',
- 'status', 'current_status',
- 'to', 'current_to']
- tbl_name = backend.DatabaseOperations().quote_name('reports_reason')
- db_engine = Bcfg2.Server.Reports.settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE']
- if db_engine == 'django.db.backends.mysql':
- modify_cmd = 'MODIFY '
- elif db_engine == 'django.db.backends.sqlite3':
- """ Sqlite is a special case. Altering columns is not supported. """
- tmp_tbl_name = backend.DatabaseOperations().quote_name('reports_reason_temp')
- cursor.execute('ALTER TABLE %s RENAME TO %s' % (tbl_name, tmp_tbl_name))
-"syncdb", interactive=False, verbosity=0)
- columns = ",".join([backend.DatabaseOperations().quote_name( \
- for f in Reason._meta.fields])
- cursor.execute('insert into %s(%s) select %s from %s;' % (tbl_name,
- columns,
- columns,
- tmp_tbl_name))
- cursor.execute('DROP TABLE %s;' % tmp_tbl_name)
- return
- else:
- modify_cmd = 'ALTER COLUMN '
- col_strings = []
- for column in columns:
- col_strings.append("%s %s %s" % ( \
- modify_cmd,
- backend.DatabaseOperations().quote_name(column),
- Reason._meta.get_field(column).db_type()
- ))
- cursor.execute('ALTER TABLE %s %s' % (tbl_name, ", ".join(col_strings)))
-def _remove_table_column(tbl, col):
- """sqlite doesn't support deleting a column via alter table"""
- cursor = connection.cursor()
- db_engine = Bcfg2.Server.Reports.settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE']
- if db_engine == 'django.db.backends.mysql':
- db_name = Bcfg2.Server.Reports.settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME']
- column_exists = cursor.execute('select * from information_schema.columns '
- 'where table_schema="%s" and '
- 'table_name="%s" '
- 'and column_name="%s";' % (db_name, tbl, col))
- if not column_exists:
- # column doesn't exist
- return
- # if column exists from previous database, remove it
- cursor.execute('alter table %s '
- 'drop column %s;' % (tbl, col))
- elif db_engine == 'django.db.backends.sqlite3':
- # check if table exists
- try:
- cursor.execute('select * from sqlite_master where name=%s and type="table";' % tbl)
- except DatabaseError:
- # table doesn't exist
- return
- # sqlite wants us to create a new table containing the columns we want
- # and copy into it
- tmptbl_name = "t_backup"
- _tmptbl_create = \
-"""create temporary table "%s" (
- "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
- "client_id" integer NOT NULL REFERENCES "reports_client" ("id"),
- "timestamp" datetime NOT NULL,
- "state" varchar(32) NOT NULL,
- "repo_rev_code" varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- "goodcount" integer NOT NULL,
- "totalcount" integer NOT NULL,
- "server" varchar(256) NOT NULL,
- "bad_entries" integer NOT NULL,
- "modified_entries" integer NOT NULL,
- "extra_entries" integer NOT NULL,
- UNIQUE ("client_id", "timestamp")
-);""" % tmptbl_name
- _newtbl_create = \
-"""create table "%s" (
- "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
- "client_id" integer NOT NULL REFERENCES "reports_client" ("id"),
- "timestamp" datetime NOT NULL,
- "state" varchar(32) NOT NULL,
- "repo_rev_code" varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- "goodcount" integer NOT NULL,
- "totalcount" integer NOT NULL,
- "server" varchar(256) NOT NULL,
- "bad_entries" integer NOT NULL,
- "modified_entries" integer NOT NULL,
- "extra_entries" integer NOT NULL,
- UNIQUE ("client_id", "timestamp")
-);""" % tbl
- new_cols = "id,\
- client_id,\
- timestamp,\
- state,\
- repo_rev_code,\
- goodcount,\
- totalcount,\
- server,\
- bad_entries,\
- modified_entries,\
- extra_entries"
- delete_col = [_tmptbl_create,
- "insert into %s select %s from %s;" % (tmptbl_name, new_cols, tbl),
- "drop table %s" % tbl,
- _newtbl_create,
- "create index reports_interaction_client_id on %s (client_id);" % tbl,
- "insert into %s select %s from %s;" % (tbl, new_cols,
- tmptbl_name),
- "drop table %s;" % tmptbl_name]
- for sql in delete_col:
- cursor.execute(sql)
-def _populate_interaction_entry_counts():
- '''Populate up the type totals for the interaction table'''
- cursor = connection.cursor()
- count_field = {TYPE_BAD: 'bad_entries',
- TYPE_MODIFIED: 'modified_entries',
- TYPE_EXTRA: 'extra_entries'}
- for type in list(count_field.keys()):
- cursor.execute("select count(type), interaction_id " +
- "from reports_entries_interactions where type = %s group by interaction_id" % type)
- updates = []
- for row in cursor.fetchall():
- updates.append(row)
- try:
- cursor.executemany("update reports_interaction set " + count_field[type] + "=%s where id = %s", updates)
- except Exception:
- e = sys.exc_info()[1]
- print(e)
- cursor.close()
-# be sure to test your upgrade query before reflecting the change in the models
-# the list of function and sql command to do should go here
-_fixes = [_merge_database_table_entries,
- # this will remove unused tables
- "drop table reports_bad;",
- "drop table reports_bad_interactions;",
- "drop table reports_extra;",
- "drop table reports_extra_interactions;",
- "drop table reports_modified;",
- "drop table reports_modified_interactions;",
- "drop table reports_repository;",
- "drop table reports_metadata;",
- "alter table reports_interaction add server varchar(256) not null default 'N/A';",
- # fix revision data type to support $VCS hashes
- "alter table reports_interaction add repo_rev_code varchar(64) default '';",
- # Performance enhancements for large sites
- 'alter table reports_interaction add column bad_entries integer not null default -1;',
- 'alter table reports_interaction add column modified_entries integer not null default -1;',
- 'alter table reports_interaction add column extra_entries integer not null default -1;',
- _populate_interaction_entry_counts,
- _interactions_constraint_or_idx,
- 'alter table reports_reason add is_binary bool NOT NULL default False;',
- 'alter table reports_reason add is_sensitive bool NOT NULL default False;',
- _remove_table_column('reports_interaction', 'client_version'),
- "alter table reports_reason add unpruned varchar(1280) not null default '';",
- _rebuild_reports_reason,
-# this will calculate the last possible version of the database
-lastversion = len(_fixes)
-def rollupdate(current_version):
- """function responsible to coordinates all the updates
- need current_version as integer
- """
- ret = None
- if current_version < lastversion:
- for i in range(current_version, lastversion):
- try:
- if type(_fixes[i]) == str:
- connection.cursor().execute(_fixes[i])
- else:
- _fixes[i]()
- except:
- logger.error("Failed to perform db update %s" % (_fixes[i]),
- exc_info=1)
- # since the array starts at 0 but version
- # starts at 1 we add 1 to the normal count
- ret = InternalDatabaseVersion.objects.create(version=i + 1)
- return ret
- else:
- return None
-def dosync():
- """Function to do the syncronisation for the models"""
- # try to detect if it's a fresh new database
- try:
- cursor = connection.cursor()
- # If this table goes missing,
- # don't forget to change it to the new one
- cursor.execute("Select * from reports_client")
- # if we get here with no error then the database has existing tables
- fresh = False
- except:
- logger.debug("there was an error while detecting "
- "the freshness of the database")
- #we should get here if the database is new
- fresh = True
- # ensure database connections are closed
- # so that the management can do its job right
- try:
- cursor.close()
- connection.close()
- except:
- # ignore any errors from missing/invalid dbs
- pass
- # Do the syncdb according to the django version
- if "call_command" in dir(
- # this is available since django 1.0 alpha.
- # not yet tested for full functionnality
-"syncdb", interactive=False, verbosity=0)
- if fresh:
- iv = InternalDatabaseVersion.objects.create(version=len(_fixes))
- logger.debug("loading the initial version at %s" % iv.version)
- elif "syncdb" in dir(
- # this exist only for django 0.96.*
-, verbosity=0)
- if fresh:
- iv = InternalDatabaseVersion.objects.create(version=len(_fixes))
- logger.debug("loading the initial version at %s" % iv.version)
- else:
- logger.warning("Don't forget to run syncdb")
-def update_database():
- """method to search where we are in the revision
- of the database models and update them"""
- try:
- logger.debug("Running upgrade of models to the new one")
- dosync()
- know_version = InternalDatabaseVersion.objects.order_by('-version')
- if not know_version:
- logger.debug("No version, creating initial version")
- know_version = InternalDatabaseVersion.objects.create(version=0)
- else:
- know_version = know_version[0]
- logger.debug("Presently at %s" % know_version)
- if know_version.version < lastversion:
-"upgrading database")
- new_version = rollupdate(know_version.version)
- if new_version:
-"upgraded to %s" % new_version)
- except:
- logger.error("Error while updating the database")
- for x in traceback.format_exc().splitlines():
- logger.error(x)