path: root/src/lib/Server/Plugins/
diff options
authorSol Jerome <>2012-03-24 11:20:07 -0500
committerSol Jerome <>2012-03-24 11:20:07 -0500
commitdab1d03d81c538966d03fb9318a4588a9e803b44 (patch)
treef51e27fa55887e9fb961766805fe43f0da56c5b9 /src/lib/Server/Plugins/
parent5cd6238df496a3cea178e4596ecd87967cce1ce6 (diff)
Allow to run directly from a git checkout (#1037)
Signed-off-by: Sol Jerome <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/Server/Plugins/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 593 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Server/Plugins/ b/src/lib/Server/Plugins/
deleted file mode 100644
index e9c1c1cff..000000000
--- a/src/lib/Server/Plugins/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,593 +0,0 @@
-This file provides the Hostbase plugin.
-It manages dns/dhcp/nis host information
-import os
-os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'Bcfg2.Server.Hostbase.settings'
-from lxml.etree import Element, SubElement
-import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin
-from Bcfg2.Server.Plugin import PluginExecutionError, PluginInitError
-from time import strftime
-from sets import Set
-from django.template import Context, loader
-from django.db import connection
-import re
-# Compatibility imports
-from Bcfg2.Bcfg2Py3k import StringIO
-class Hostbase(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin,
- Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Structure,
- Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Generator):
- """The Hostbase plugin handles host/network info."""
- name = 'Hostbase'
- __author__ = ''
- filepath = '/my/adm/hostbase/files/bind'
- def __init__(self, core, datastore):
- self.ready = False
- Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin.__init__(self, core, datastore)
- Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Structure.__init__(self)
- Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Generator.__init__(self)
- files = ['zone.tmpl',
- 'reversesoa.tmpl',
- 'named.tmpl',
- 'reverseappend.tmpl',
- 'dhcpd.tmpl',
- 'hosts.tmpl',
- 'hostsappend.tmpl']
- self.filedata = {}
- self.dnsservers = []
- self.dhcpservers = []
- self.templates = {'zone': loader.get_template('zone.tmpl'),
- 'reversesoa': loader.get_template('reversesoa.tmpl'),
- 'named': loader.get_template('named.tmpl'),
- 'namedviews': loader.get_template('namedviews.tmpl'),
- 'reverseapp': loader.get_template('reverseappend.tmpl'),
- 'dhcp': loader.get_template('dhcpd.tmpl'),
- 'hosts': loader.get_template('hosts.tmpl'),
- 'hostsapp': loader.get_template('hostsappend.tmpl'),
- }
- self.Entries['ConfigFile'] = {}
- self.__rmi__ = ['rebuildState']
- try:
- self.rebuildState(None)
- except:
- raise PluginInitError
- def FetchFile(self, entry, metadata):
- """Return prebuilt file data."""
- fname = entry.get('name').split('/')[-1]
- if not fname in self.filedata:
- raise PluginExecutionError
- perms = {'owner': 'root',
- 'group': 'root',
- 'perms': '644'}
- [entry.attrib.__setitem__(key, value)
- for (key, value) in list(perms.items())]
- entry.text = self.filedata[fname]
- def BuildStructures(self, metadata):
- """Build hostbase bundle."""
- if metadata.hostname not in self.dnsservers or metadata.hostname not in self.dhcpservers:
- return []
- output = Element("Bundle", name='hostbase')
- if metadata.hostname in self.dnsservers:
- for configfile in self.Entries['ConfigFile']:
- if'/etc/bind/', configfile):
- SubElement(output, "ConfigFile", name=configfile)
- if metadata.hostname in self.dhcpservers:
- SubElement(output, "ConfigFile", name="/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf")
- return [output]
- def rebuildState(self, _):
- """Pre-cache all state information for hostbase config files
- callable as an XMLRPC function.
- """
- self.buildZones()
- self.buildDHCP()
- self.buildHosts()
- self.buildHostsLPD()
- self.buildPrinters()
- self.buildNetgroups()
- return True
- def buildZones(self):
- """Pre-build and stash zone files."""
- cursor = connection.cursor()
- cursor.execute("SELECT id, serial FROM hostbase_zone")
- zones = cursor.fetchall()
- for zone in zones:
- # update the serial number for all zone files
- todaydate = (strftime('%Y%m%d'))
- try:
- if todaydate == str(zone[1])[:8]:
- serial = zone[1] + 1
- else:
- serial = int(todaydate) * 100
- except (KeyError):
- serial = int(todaydate) * 100
- cursor.execute("""UPDATE hostbase_zone SET serial = \'%s\' WHERE id = \'%s\'""" % (str(serial), zone[0]))
- cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM hostbase_zone WHERE zone NOT LIKE \'%%.rev\'")
- zones = cursor.fetchall()
- iplist = []
- hosts = {}
- for zone in zones:
- zonefile = StringIO()
- externalzonefile = StringIO()
- cursor.execute("""SELECT FROM hostbase_zone_nameservers z
- INNER JOIN hostbase_nameserver n ON z.nameserver_id =
- WHERE z.zone_id = \'%s\'""" % zone[0])
- nameservers = cursor.fetchall()
- cursor.execute("""SELECT i.ip_addr FROM hostbase_zone_addresses z
- INNER JOIN hostbase_zoneaddress i ON z.zoneaddress_id =
- WHERE z.zone_id = \'%s\'""" % zone[0])
- addresses = cursor.fetchall()
- cursor.execute("""SELECT m.priority, FROM hostbase_zone_mxs z
- INNER JOIN hostbase_mx m ON z.mx_id =
- WHERE z.zone_id = \'%s\'""" % zone[0])
- mxs = cursor.fetchall()
- context = Context({
- 'zone': zone,
- 'nameservers': nameservers,
- 'addresses': addresses,
- 'mxs': mxs
- })
- zonefile.write(self.templates['zone'].render(context))
- externalzonefile.write(self.templates['zone'].render(context))
- querystring = """SELECT h.hostname, p.ip_addr,
-, c.cname, m.priority,, n.dns_view
- FROM (((((hostbase_host h INNER JOIN hostbase_interface i ON = i.host_id)
- INNER JOIN hostbase_ip p ON = p.interface_id)
- INNER JOIN hostbase_name n ON = n.ip_id)
- INNER JOIN hostbase_name_mxs x ON = x.name_id)
- INNER JOIN hostbase_mx m ON = x.mx_id)
- LEFT JOIN hostbase_cname c ON = c.name_id
- WHERE LIKE '%%%%%s'
- AND h.status = 'active'
- ORDER BY h.hostname,, p.ip_addr
- """ % zone[1]
- cursor.execute(querystring)
- zonehosts = cursor.fetchall()
- prevhost = (None, None, None, None)
- cnames = StringIO()
- cnamesexternal = StringIO()
- for host in zonehosts:
- if not host[2].split(".", 1)[1] == zone[1]:
- zonefile.write(cnames.getvalue())
- externalzonefile.write(cnamesexternal.getvalue())
- cnames = StringIO()
- cnamesexternal = StringIO()
- continue
- if not prevhost[1] == host[1] or not prevhost[2] == host[2]:
- zonefile.write(cnames.getvalue())
- externalzonefile.write(cnamesexternal.getvalue())
- cnames = StringIO()
- cnamesexternal = StringIO()
- zonefile.write("%-32s%-10s%-32s\n" %
- (host[2].split(".", 1)[0], 'A', host[1]))
- zonefile.write("%-32s%-10s%-3s%s.\n" %
- ('', 'MX', host[4], host[5]))
- if host[6] == 'global':
- externalzonefile.write("%-32s%-10s%-32s\n" %
- (host[2].split(".", 1)[0], 'A', host[1]))
- externalzonefile.write("%-32s%-10s%-3s%s.\n" %
- ('', 'MX', host[4], host[5]))
- elif not prevhost[5] == host[5]:
- zonefile.write("%-32s%-10s%-3s%s.\n" %
- ('', 'MX', host[4], host[5]))
- if host[6] == 'global':
- externalzonefile.write("%-32s%-10s%-3s%s.\n" %
- ('', 'MX', host[4], host[5]))
- if host[3]:
- try:
- if host[3].split(".", 1)[1] == zone[1]:
- cnames.write("%-32s%-10s%-32s\n" %
- (host[3].split(".", 1)[0],
- 'CNAME', host[2].split(".", 1)[0]))
- if host[6] == 'global':
- cnamesexternal.write("%-32s%-10s%-32s\n" %
- (host[3].split(".", 1)[0],
- 'CNAME', host[2].split(".", 1)[0]))
- else:
- cnames.write("%-32s%-10s%-32s\n" %
- (host[3] + ".",
- 'CNAME',
- host[2].split(".", 1)[0]))
- if host[6] == 'global':
- cnamesexternal.write("%-32s%-10s%-32s\n" %
- (host[3] + ".",
- 'CNAME',
- host[2].split(".", 1)[0]))
- except:
- pass
- prevhost = host
- zonefile.write(cnames.getvalue())
- externalzonefile.write(cnamesexternal.getvalue())
- zonefile.write("\n\n%s" % zone[9])
- externalzonefile.write("\n\n%s" % zone[9])
- self.filedata[zone[1]] = zonefile.getvalue()
- self.filedata[zone[1] + ".external"] = externalzonefile.getvalue()
- zonefile.close()
- externalzonefile.close()
- self.Entries['ConfigFile']["%s/%s" % (self.filepath, zone[1])] = self.FetchFile
- self.Entries['ConfigFile']["%s/%s.external" % (self.filepath, zone[1])] = self.FetchFile
- cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM hostbase_zone WHERE zone LIKE \'%%.rev\' AND zone <> \'.rev\'")
- reversezones = cursor.fetchall()
- reversenames = []
- for reversezone in reversezones:
- cursor.execute("""SELECT FROM hostbase_zone_nameservers z
- INNER JOIN hostbase_nameserver n ON z.nameserver_id =
- WHERE z.zone_id = \'%s\'""" % reversezone[0])
- reverse_nameservers = cursor.fetchall()
- context = Context({
- 'inaddr': reversezone[1].rstrip('.rev'),
- 'zone': reversezone,
- 'nameservers': reverse_nameservers,
- })
- self.filedata[reversezone[1]] = self.templates['reversesoa'].render(context)
- self.filedata[reversezone[1] + '.external'] = self.templates['reversesoa'].render(context)
- self.filedata[reversezone[1]] += reversezone[9]
- self.filedata[reversezone[1] + '.external'] += reversezone[9]
- subnet = reversezone[1].split(".")
- subnet.reverse()
- reversenames.append((reversezone[1].rstrip('.rev'), ".".join(subnet[1:])))
- for filename in reversenames:
- cursor.execute("""
- SELECT DISTINCT h.hostname, p.ip_addr, n.dns_view FROM ((hostbase_host h
- INNER JOIN hostbase_interface i ON = i.host_id)
- INNER JOIN hostbase_ip p ON = p.interface_id)
- INNER JOIN hostbase_name n ON n.ip_id =
- WHERE p.ip_addr LIKE '%s%%%%' AND h.status = 'active' ORDER BY p.ip_addr
- """ % filename[1])
- reversehosts = cursor.fetchall()
- zonefile = StringIO()
- externalzonefile = StringIO()
- if len(filename[0].split(".")) == 2:
- originlist = []
- [originlist.append((".".join([ip[1].split(".")[2], filename[0]]),
- ".".join([filename[1], ip[1].split(".")[2]])))
- for ip in reversehosts
- if (".".join([ip[1].split(".")[2], filename[0]]),
- ".".join([filename[1], ip[1].split(".")[2]])) not in originlist]
- for origin in originlist:
- hosts = [(host[1].split("."), host[0])
- for host in reversehosts
- if host[1].rstrip('0123456789').rstrip('.') == origin[1]]
- hosts_external = [(host[1].split("."), host[0])
- for host in reversehosts
- if (host[1].rstrip('0123456789').rstrip('.') == origin[1]
- and host[2] == 'global')]
- context = Context({
- 'hosts': hosts,
- 'inaddr': origin[0],
- 'fileorigin': filename[0],
- })
- zonefile.write(self.templates['reverseapp'].render(context))
- context = Context({
- 'hosts': hosts_external,
- 'inaddr': origin[0],
- 'fileorigin': filename[0],
- })
- externalzonefile.write(self.templates['reverseapp'].render(context))
- else:
- originlist = [filename[0]]
- hosts = [(host[1].split("."), host[0])
- for host in reversehosts
- if (host[1].split("."), host[0]) not in hosts]
- hosts_external = [(host[1].split("."), host[0])
- for host in reversehosts
- if ((host[1].split("."), host[0]) not in hosts_external
- and host[2] == 'global')]
- context = Context({
- 'hosts': hosts,
- 'inaddr': filename[0],
- 'fileorigin': None,
- })
- zonefile.write(self.templates['reverseapp'].render(context))
- context = Context({
- 'hosts': hosts_external,
- 'inaddr': filename[0],
- 'fileorigin': None,
- })
- externalzonefile.write(self.templates['reverseapp'].render(context))
- self.filedata['%s.rev' % filename[0]] += zonefile.getvalue()
- self.filedata['%s.rev.external' % filename[0]] += externalzonefile.getvalue()
- zonefile.close()
- externalzonefile.close()
- self.Entries['ConfigFile']['%s/%s.rev' % (self.filepath, filename[0])] = self.FetchFile
- self.Entries['ConfigFile']['%s/%s.rev.external' % (self.filepath, filename[0])] = self.FetchFile
- ## here's where the named.conf file gets written
- context = Context({
- 'zones': zones,
- 'reverses': reversenames,
- })
- self.filedata['named.conf'] = self.templates['named'].render(context)
- self.Entries['ConfigFile']['/my/adm/hostbase/files/named.conf'] = self.FetchFile
- self.filedata['named.conf.views'] = self.templates['namedviews'].render(context)
- self.Entries['ConfigFile']['/my/adm/hostbase/files/named.conf.views'] = self.FetchFile
- def buildDHCP(self):
- """Pre-build dhcpd.conf and stash in the filedata table."""
- # fetches all the hosts with DHCP == True
- cursor = connection.cursor()
- cursor.execute("""
- SELECT hostname, mac_addr, ip_addr
- FROM (hostbase_host h INNER JOIN hostbase_interface i ON = i.host_id)
- INNER JOIN hostbase_ip ip ON = ip.interface_id
- WHERE i.dhcp=1 AND h.status='active' AND i.mac_addr <> ''
- AND i.mac_addr <> 'float' AND i.mac_addr <> 'unknown'
- ORDER BY h.hostname, i.mac_addr
- """)
- dhcphosts = cursor.fetchall()
- count = 0
- hosts = []
- hostdata = [dhcphosts[0][0], dhcphosts[0][1], dhcphosts[0][2]]
- if len(dhcphosts) > 1:
- for x in range(1, len(dhcphosts)):
- # if an interface has 2 or more ip addresses
- # adds the ip to the current interface
- if hostdata[0].split(".")[0] == dhcphosts[x][0].split(".")[0] and hostdata[1] == dhcphosts[x][1]:
- hostdata[2] = ", ".join([hostdata[2], dhcphosts[x][2]])
- # if a host has 2 or more interfaces
- # writes the current one and grabs the next
- elif hostdata[0].split(".")[0] == dhcphosts[x][0].split(".")[0]:
- hosts.append(hostdata)
- count += 1
- hostdata = ["-".join([dhcphosts[x][0], str(count)]), dhcphosts[x][1], dhcphosts[x][2]]
- # new host found, writes current data to the template
- else:
- hosts.append(hostdata)
- count = 0
- hostdata = [dhcphosts[x][0], dhcphosts[x][1], dhcphosts[x][2]]
- #makes sure the last of the data gets written out
- if hostdata not in hosts:
- hosts.append(hostdata)
- context = Context({
- 'hosts': hosts,
- 'numips': len(hosts),
- })
- self.filedata['dhcpd.conf'] = self.templates['dhcp'].render(context)
- self.Entries['ConfigFile']['/my/adm/hostbase/files/dhcpd.conf'] = self.FetchFile
- def buildHosts(self):
- """Pre-build and stash /etc/hosts file."""
- append_data = []
- cursor = connection.cursor()
- cursor.execute("""
- SELECT hostname FROM hostbase_host ORDER BY hostname
- """)
- hostbase = cursor.fetchall()
- domains = [host[0].split(".", 1)[1] for host in hostbase]
- domains_set = Set(domains)
- domain_data = [(domain, domains.count(domain)) for domain in domains_set]
- domain_data.sort()
- cursor.execute("""
- SELECT ip_addr FROM hostbase_ip ORDER BY ip_addr
- """)
- ips = cursor.fetchall()
- three_octets = [ip[0].rstrip('0123456789').rstrip('.') \
- for ip in ips]
- three_octets_set = Set(three_octets)
- three_octets_data = [(octet, three_octets.count(octet)) \
- for octet in three_octets_set]
- three_octets_data.sort()
- for three_octet in three_octets_data:
- querystring = """SELECT h.hostname, h.primary_user,
- p.ip_addr,, c.cname
- FROM (((hostbase_host h INNER JOIN hostbase_interface i ON = i.host_id)
- INNER JOIN hostbase_ip p ON = p.interface_id)
- INNER JOIN hostbase_name n ON = n.ip_id)
- LEFT JOIN hostbase_cname c ON = c.name_id
- WHERE p.ip_addr LIKE \'%s.%%%%\' AND h.status = 'active'""" % three_octet[0]
- cursor.execute(querystring)
- tosort = list(cursor.fetchall())
- tosort.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(int(x[2].split(".")[-1]), int(y[2].split(".")[-1])))
- append_data.append((three_octet, tuple(tosort)))
- two_octets = [ip.rstrip('0123456789').rstrip('.') for ip in three_octets]
- two_octets_set = Set(two_octets)
- two_octets_data = [(octet, two_octets.count(octet))
- for octet in two_octets_set]
- two_octets_data.sort()
- context = Context({
- 'domain_data': domain_data,
- 'three_octets_data': three_octets_data,
- 'two_octets_data': two_octets_data,
- 'three_octets': three_octets,
- 'num_ips': len(three_octets),
- })
- self.filedata['hosts'] = self.templates['hosts'].render(context)
- for subnet in append_data:
- ips = []
- simple = True
- namelist = [name.split('.', 1)[0] for name in [subnet[1][0][3]]]
- cnamelist = []
- if subnet[1][0][4]:
- cnamelist.append(subnet[1][0][4].split('.', 1)[0])
- simple = False
- appenddata = subnet[1][0]
- for ip in subnet[1][1:]:
- if appenddata[2] == ip[2]:
- namelist.append(ip[3].split('.', 1)[0])
- if ip[4]:
- cnamelist.append(ip[4].split('.', 1)[0])
- simple = False
- appenddata = ip
- else:
- if appenddata[0] == ip[0]:
- simple = False
- ips.append((appenddata[2], appenddata[0], Set(namelist),
- cnamelist, simple, appenddata[1]))
- appenddata = ip
- simple = True
- namelist = [ip[3].split('.', 1)[0]]
- cnamelist = []
- if ip[4]:
- cnamelist.append(ip[4].split('.', 1)[0])
- simple = False
- ips.append((appenddata[2], appenddata[0], Set(namelist),
- cnamelist, simple, appenddata[1]))
- context = Context({
- 'subnet': subnet[0],
- 'ips': ips,
- })
- self.filedata['hosts'] += self.templates['hostsapp'].render(context)
- self.Entries['ConfigFile']['/mcs/etc/hosts'] = self.FetchFile
- def buildPrinters(self):
- """The /mcs/etc/ file"""
- header = """# This file is automatically generated. DO NOT EDIT IT!
-Name Room User Type Notes
-============== ========== ============================== ======================== ====================
- cursor = connection.cursor()
- # fetches all the printers from the database
- cursor.execute("""
- SELECT printq, location, primary_user, comments
- FROM hostbase_host
- WHERE whatami='printer' AND printq <> '' AND status = 'active'
- ORDER BY printq
- """)
- printers = cursor.fetchall()
- printersfile = header
- for printer in printers:
- # splits up the printq line and gets the
- # correct description out of the comments section
- temp = printer[3].split('\n')
- for printq in re.split(',[ ]*', printer[0]):
- if len(temp) > 1:
- printersfile += ("%-16s%-12s%-32s%-26s%s\n" %
- (printq, printer[1], printer[2], temp[1], temp[0]))
- else:
- printersfile += ("%-16s%-12s%-32s%-26s%s\n" %
- (printq, printer[1], printer[2], '', printer[3]))
- self.filedata[''] = printersfile
- self.Entries['ConfigFile']['/mcs/etc/'] = self.FetchFile
- def buildHostsLPD(self):
- """Creates the /mcs/etc/hosts.lpd file"""
- # this header needs to be changed to be more generic
- header = """+@machines
- cursor = connection.cursor()
- cursor.execute("""
- SELECT hostname FROM hostbase_host WHERE netgroup=\"red\" AND status = 'active'
- ORDER BY hostname""")
- redmachines = list(cursor.fetchall())
- cursor.execute("""
- SELECT FROM ((hostbase_host h INNER JOIN hostbase_interface i ON = i.host_id)
- INNER JOIN hostbase_ip p ON = p.interface_id) INNER JOIN hostbase_name n ON = n.ip_id
- WHERE netgroup=\"red\" AND n.only=1 AND h.status = 'active'
- """)
- redmachines.extend(list(cursor.fetchall()))
- cursor.execute("""
- SELECT hostname FROM hostbase_host WHERE netgroup=\"win\" AND status = 'active'
- ORDER BY hostname""")
- winmachines = list(cursor.fetchall())
- cursor.execute("""
- SELECT FROM ((hostbase_host h INNER JOIN hostbase_interface i ON = i.host_id)
- INNER JOIN hostbase_ip p ON = p.interface_id) INNER JOIN hostbase_name n ON = n.ip_id
- WHERE netgroup=\"win\" AND n.only=1 AND h.status = 'active'
- """)
- winmachines.__add__(list(cursor.fetchall()))
- hostslpdfile = header
- for machine in redmachines:
- hostslpdfile += machine[0] + "\n"
- hostslpdfile += "\n"
- for machine in winmachines:
- hostslpdfile += machine[0] + "\n"
- self.filedata['hosts.lpd'] = hostslpdfile
- self.Entries['ConfigFile']['/mcs/etc/hosts.lpd'] = self.FetchFile
- def buildNetgroups(self):
- """Makes the *-machine files"""
- header = """###################################################################
-# This file lists hosts in the '%s' machine netgroup, it is
-# automatically generated. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!
-# Number of hosts in '%s' machine netgroup: %i
- cursor = connection.cursor()
- # fetches all the hosts that with valid netgroup entries
- cursor.execute("""
- SELECT h.hostname,, h.netgroup, n.only FROM ((hostbase_host h
- INNER JOIN hostbase_interface i ON = i.host_id)
- INNER JOIN hostbase_ip p ON = p.interface_id)
- INNER JOIN hostbase_name n ON = n.ip_id
- WHERE h.netgroup <> '' AND h.netgroup <> 'none' AND h.status = 'active'
- ORDER BY h.netgroup, h.hostname
- """)
- nameslist = cursor.fetchall()
- # gets the first host and initializes the hash
- hostdata = nameslist[0]
- netgroups = {hostdata[2]: [hostdata[0]]}
- for row in nameslist:
- # if new netgroup, create it
- if row[2] not in netgroups:
- netgroups.update({row[2]: []})
- # if it belongs in the netgroup and has multiple interfaces, put them in
- if hostdata[0] == row[0] and row[3]:
- netgroups[row[2]].append(row[1])
- hostdata = row
- # if its a new host, write the old one to the hash
- elif hostdata[0] != row[0]:
- netgroups[row[2]].append(row[0])
- hostdata = row
- for netgroup in netgroups:
- fileoutput = StringIO()
- fileoutput.write(header % (netgroup, netgroup, len(netgroups[netgroup])))
- for each in netgroups[netgroup]:
- fileoutput.write(each + "\n")
- self.filedata['%s-machines' % netgroup] = fileoutput.getvalue()
- fileoutput.close()
- self.Entries['ConfigFile']['/my/adm/hostbase/makenets/machines/%s-machines' % netgroup] = self.FetchFile
- cursor.execute("""
- UPDATE hostbase_host SET dirty=0
- """)