path: root/src/lib/Server/Plugins
diff options
authorNarayan Desai <>2006-11-22 21:33:55 +0000
committerNarayan Desai <>2006-11-22 21:33:55 +0000
commitb69b4accf692afe3a8151798fe2a8b942788c768 (patch)
tree1ed5abfe2d23c54c5f78fb4655565744b5378dce /src/lib/Server/Plugins
parent83bfca94f8d864846e22ad79a9d96bf805e1b515 (diff)
Part2 of metadata changes
git-svn-id: ce84e21b-d406-0410-9b95-82705330c041
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/Server/Plugins')
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Server/Plugins/ b/src/lib/Server/Plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61fbaa95c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Server/Plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+'''This file stores persistent metadata for the BCFG Configuration Repository'''
+__revision__ = '$Revision$'
+import lxml.etree, re, socket
+import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin
+class MetadataConsistencyError(Exception):
+ '''This error gets raised when metadata is internally inconsistent'''
+ pass
+class MetadataRuntimeError(Exception):
+ '''This error is raised when the metadata engine is called prior to reading enough data'''
+ pass
+class ClientMetadata(object):
+ '''This object contains client metadata'''
+ def __init__(self, client, groups, bundles, toolset, categories, probed):
+ self.hostname = client
+ self.bundles = bundles
+ self.groups = groups
+ self.toolset = toolset
+ self.categories = categories
+ self.probes = probed
+class Metadata(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin):
+ '''This class contains data for bcfg2 server metadata'''
+ __version__ = '$Id$'
+ __author__ = ''
+ __name__ = "Metadata"
+ def __init__(self, core, datastore):
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin.__init__(self, core, datastore)
+ self.__name__ = 'Metadata'
+ core.fam.AddMonitor("%s/%s" % (, "groups.xml"), self)
+ core.fam.AddMonitor("%s/%s" % (, "clients.xml"), self)
+ self.states = {'groups.xml':False, 'clients.xml':False}
+ self.addresses = {}
+ self.clients = {}
+ self.aliases = {}
+ self.groups = {}
+ self.public = []
+ self.profiles = []
+ self.toolsets = {}
+ self.categories = {}
+ self.clientdata = None
+ self.default = None
+ try:
+ self.probes = Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.DirectoryBacked(datastore + "/Probes",
+ core.fam)
+ except:
+ self.probes = False
+ self.probedata = {}
+ def HandleEvent(self, event):
+ '''Handle update events for data files'''
+ filename = event.filename.split('/')[-1]
+ if filename not in ['groups.xml', 'clients.xml']:
+ return
+ if event.code2str() == 'endExist':
+ return
+ try:
+ xdata = lxml.etree.parse("%s/%s" % (, filename))
+ except lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError:
+ self.logger.error('Failed to parse %s' % (filename))
+ return
+ if filename == 'clients.xml':
+ self.clients = {}
+ self.aliases = {}
+ self.clientdata = xdata
+ for client in xdata.findall('./Client'):
+ if 'address' in client.attrib:
+ self.addresses[client.get('address')] = client.get('name')
+ for alias in [alias for alias in client.findall('Alias') if 'address' in alias.attrib]:
+ self.addresses[alias.get('address')] = client.get('name')
+ self.clients.update({client.get('name'): client.get('profile')})
+ [self.aliases.update({alias.get('name'): client.get('name')}) for alias in client.findall('Alias')]
+ elif filename == 'groups.xml':
+ self.public = []
+ self.profiles = []
+ self.toolsets = {}
+ self.groups = {}
+ grouptmp = {}
+ self.categories = {}
+ for group in xdata.findall('./Group'):
+ grouptmp[group.get('name')] = tuple([[item.get('name') for item in group.findall(spec)]
+ for spec in ['./Bundle', './Group']])
+ grouptmp[group.get('name')][1].append(group.get('name'))
+ if group.get('default', 'false') == 'true':
+ self.default = group.get('name')
+ if group.get('profile', 'false') == 'true':
+ self.profiles.append(group.get('name'))
+ if group.get('public', 'false') == 'true':
+ self.public.append(group.get('name'))
+ if group.attrib.has_key('toolset'):
+ self.toolsets[group.get('name')] = group.get('toolset')
+ if group.attrib.has_key('category'):
+ self.categories[group.get('name')] = group.get('category')
+ for group in grouptmp:
+ # self.groups[group] => (bundles, groups, categories)
+ self.groups[group] = ([], [], {})
+ tocheck = [group]
+ while tocheck:
+ now = tocheck.pop()
+ if now not in self.groups[group][1]:
+ self.groups[group][1].append(now)
+ if grouptmp.has_key(now):
+ (bundles, groups) = grouptmp[now]
+ for ggg in [ggg for ggg in groups if ggg not in self.groups[group][1]]:
+ if not self.categories.has_key(ggg) or not self.groups[group][2].has_key(self.categories[ggg]):
+ self.groups[group][1].append(ggg)
+ tocheck.append(ggg)
+ if self.categories.has_key(ggg):
+ self.groups[group][2][self.categories[ggg]] = ggg
+ [self.groups[group][0].append(bund) for bund in bundles
+ if bund not in self.groups[group][0]]
+ self.states[filename] = True
+ if False not in self.states.values():
+ # check that all client groups are real and complete
+ real = self.groups.keys()
+ for client in self.clients.keys():
+ if self.clients[client] not in real or self.clients[client] not in self.profiles:
+ self.logger.error("Client %s set as nonexistant or incomplete group %s" \
+ % (client, self.clients[client]))
+ self.logger.error("Removing client mapping for %s" % (client))
+ del self.clients[client]
+ def set_profile(self, client, profile):
+ '''Set group parameter for provided client'''
+"Asserting client %s profile to %s" % (client, profile))
+ if False in self.states.values():
+ raise MetadataRuntimeError
+ if profile not in self.public:
+ self.logger.error("Failed to set client %s to private group %s" % (client, profile))
+ raise MetadataConsistencyError
+ if self.clients.has_key(client):
+"Changing %s group from %s to %s" % (client, self.clients[client], profile))
+ cli = self.clientdata.xpath('/Clients/Client[@name="%s"]' % (client))
+ cli[0].set('profile', profile)
+ else:
+ lxml.etree.SubElement(self.clientdata.getroot(), 'Client', name=client, profile=profile)
+ self.clients[client] = profile
+ self.write_back_clients()
+ def write_back_clients(self):
+ '''Write changes to client.xml back to disk'''
+ try:
+ datafile = open("%s/%s" % (, 'clients.xml'), 'w')
+ except IOError:
+ self.logger.error("Failed to write clients.xml")
+ raise MetadataRuntimeError
+ datafile.write(lxml.etree.tostring(self.clientdata.getroot()))
+ datafile.close()
+ def find_toolset(self, client):
+ '''Find the toolset for a given client'''
+ tgroups = [self.toolsets[group] for group in self.groups[client][1] if self.toolsets.has_key(group)]
+ if len(tgroups) == 1:
+ return tgroups[0]
+ elif len(tgroups) == 0:
+ self.logger.error("Couldn't find toolset for client %s" % (client))
+ raise MetadataConsistencyError
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("Got goofy toolset result for client %s" % (client))
+ raise MetadataConsistencyError
+ def get_config_template(self, client):
+ '''Build the configuration header for a client configuration'''
+ return lxml.etree.Element("Configuration", version='2.0', toolset=self.find_toolset(client))
+ def resolve_client(self, address):
+ '''Lookup address locally or in DNS to get a hostname'''
+ if self.addresses.has_key(address):
+ return self.addresses[address]
+ try:
+ return socket.gethostbyaddr(address)[0]
+ except socket.herror:
+ warning = "address resolution error for %s" % (address)
+ self.logger.warning(warning)
+ raise MetadataConsistencyError
+ def get_metadata(self, client):
+ '''Return the metadata for a given client'''
+ if self.aliases.has_key(client):
+ client = self.aliases[client]
+ if self.clients.has_key(client):
+ (bundles, groups, categories) = self.groups[self.clients[client]]
+ else:
+ if self.default == None:
+ self.logger.error("Cannot set group for client %s; no default group set" % (client))
+ raise MetadataConsistencyError
+ [bundles, groups] = self.groups[self.default]
+ toolinfo = [self.toolsets[group] for group in groups if self.toolsets.has_key(group)]
+ if len(toolinfo) > 1:
+ self.logger.error("Found multiple toolsets for client %s; choosing one" % (client))
+ elif len(toolinfo) == 0:
+ self.logger.error("Cannot determine toolset for client %s" % (client))
+ raise MetadataConsistencyError
+ toolset = toolinfo[0]
+ probed = self.probedata.get(client, {})
+ return ClientMetadata(client, groups, bundles, toolset, categories, probed)
+ def GetProbes(self, _):
+ '''Return a set of probes for execution on client'''
+ ret = []
+ if self.probes:
+ bangline = re.compile('^#!(?P<interpreter>(/\w+)+)$')
+ for name, entry in [x for x in self.probes.entries.iteritems() if]:
+ probe = lxml.etree.Element('probe')
+ probe.set('name', name )
+ probe.set('source', self.__name__)
+ probe.text =
+ match = bangline.match('\n')[0])
+ if match:
+ probe.set('interpreter','interpreter'))
+ else:
+ probe.set('interpreter', '/bin/sh')
+ ret.append(probe)
+ return ret
+ def ReceiveData(self, client, data):
+ '''Receive probe results pertaining to client'''
+ try:
+ self.probedata[client.hostname].update({ data.get('name'):data.text })
+ except KeyError:
+ self.probedata[client.hostname] = { data.get('name'):data.text }