path: root/src/lib/tlslite/
diff options
authorNarayan Desai <>2007-03-12 16:22:51 +0000
committerNarayan Desai <>2007-03-12 16:22:51 +0000
commit6e5e9c8e969207e68665f12665a54768090897e4 (patch)
treede198777d5041073db4634a24ca37efad2a1017f /src/lib/tlslite/
parentac3eb44f16bc14e41ed62169ca36e9992509d7d6 (diff)
Merged in certs branch in preparation for 0.9.3pre2
git-svn-id: ce84e21b-d406-0410-9b95-82705330c041
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/tlslite/')
1 files changed, 1131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/tlslite/ b/src/lib/tlslite/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..002a56862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/tlslite/
@@ -0,0 +1,1131 @@
+"""Helper class for TLSConnection."""
+from __future__ import generators
+from utils.compat import *
+from utils.cryptomath import *
+from utils.cipherfactory import createAES, createRC4, createTripleDES
+from utils.codec import *
+from errors import *
+from messages import *
+from mathtls import *
+from constants import *
+from utils.cryptomath import getRandomBytes
+from utils import hmac
+from FileObject import FileObject
+import sha
+import md5
+import socket
+import errno
+import traceback
+ GeneratorExit
+except NameError:
+ class GeneratorExit(Exception):
+ pass
+class _ConnectionState:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.macContext = None
+ self.encContext = None
+ self.seqnum = 0
+ def getSeqNumStr(self):
+ w = Writer(8)
+ w.add(self.seqnum, 8)
+ seqnumStr = bytesToString(w.bytes)
+ self.seqnum += 1
+ return seqnumStr
+class TLSRecordLayer:
+ """
+ This class handles data transmission for a TLS connection.
+ Its only subclass is L{tlslite.TLSConnection.TLSConnection}. We've
+ separated the code in this class from TLSConnection to make things
+ more readable.
+ @type sock: socket.socket
+ @ivar sock: The underlying socket object.
+ @type session: L{tlslite.Session.Session}
+ @ivar session: The session corresponding to this connection.
+ Due to TLS session resumption, multiple connections can correspond
+ to the same underlying session.
+ @type version: tuple
+ @ivar version: The TLS version being used for this connection.
+ (3,0) means SSL 3.0, and (3,1) means TLS 1.0.
+ @type closed: bool
+ @ivar closed: If this connection is closed.
+ @type resumed: bool
+ @ivar resumed: If this connection is based on a resumed session.
+ @type allegedSharedKeyUsername: str or None
+ @ivar allegedSharedKeyUsername: This is set to the shared-key
+ username asserted by the client, whether the handshake succeeded or
+ not. If the handshake fails, this can be inspected to
+ determine if a guessing attack is in progress against a particular
+ user account.
+ @type allegedSrpUsername: str or None
+ @ivar allegedSrpUsername: This is set to the SRP username
+ asserted by the client, whether the handshake succeeded or not.
+ If the handshake fails, this can be inspected to determine
+ if a guessing attack is in progress against a particular user
+ account.
+ @type closeSocket: bool
+ @ivar closeSocket: If the socket should be closed when the
+ connection is closed (writable).
+ If you set this to True, TLS Lite will assume the responsibility of
+ closing the socket when the TLS Connection is shutdown (either
+ through an error or through the user calling close()). The default
+ is False.
+ @type ignoreAbruptClose: bool
+ @ivar ignoreAbruptClose: If an abrupt close of the socket should
+ raise an error (writable).
+ If you set this to True, TLS Lite will not raise a
+ L{tlslite.errors.TLSAbruptCloseError} exception if the underlying
+ socket is unexpectedly closed. Such an unexpected closure could be
+ caused by an attacker. However, it also occurs with some incorrect
+ TLS implementations.
+ You should set this to True only if you're not worried about an
+ attacker truncating the connection, and only if necessary to avoid
+ spurious errors. The default is False.
+ @sort: __init__, read, readAsync, write, writeAsync, close, closeAsync,
+ getCipherImplementation, getCipherName
+ """
+ def __init__(self, sock):
+ self.sock = sock
+ #My session object (Session instance; read-only)
+ self.session = None
+ #Am I a client or server?
+ self._client = None
+ #Buffers for processing messages
+ self._handshakeBuffer = []
+ self._readBuffer = ""
+ #Handshake digests
+ self._handshake_md5 = md5.md5()
+ self._handshake_sha = sha.sha()
+ #TLS Protocol Version
+ self.version = (0,0) #read-only
+ self._versionCheck = False #Once we choose a version, this is True
+ #Current and Pending connection states
+ self._writeState = _ConnectionState()
+ self._readState = _ConnectionState()
+ self._pendingWriteState = _ConnectionState()
+ self._pendingReadState = _ConnectionState()
+ #Is the connection open?
+ self.closed = True #read-only
+ self._refCount = 0 #Used to trigger closure
+ #Is this a resumed (or shared-key) session?
+ self.resumed = False #read-only
+ #What username did the client claim in his handshake?
+ self.allegedSharedKeyUsername = None
+ self.allegedSrpUsername = None
+ #On a call to close(), do we close the socket? (writeable)
+ self.closeSocket = False
+ #If the socket is abruptly closed, do we ignore it
+ #and pretend the connection was shut down properly? (writeable)
+ self.ignoreAbruptClose = False
+ #Fault we will induce, for testing purposes
+ self.fault = None
+ #*********************************************************
+ # Public Functions START
+ #*********************************************************
+ def read(self, max=None, min=1):
+ """Read some data from the TLS connection.
+ This function will block until at least 'min' bytes are
+ available (or the connection is closed).
+ If an exception is raised, the connection will have been
+ automatically closed.
+ @type max: int
+ @param max: The maximum number of bytes to return.
+ @type min: int
+ @param min: The minimum number of bytes to return
+ @rtype: str
+ @return: A string of no more than 'max' bytes, and no fewer
+ than 'min' (unless the connection has been closed, in which
+ case fewer than 'min' bytes may be returned).
+ @raise socket.error: If a socket error occurs.
+ @raise tlslite.errors.TLSAbruptCloseError: If the socket is closed
+ without a preceding alert.
+ @raise tlslite.errors.TLSAlert: If a TLS alert is signalled.
+ """
+ for result in self.readAsync(max, min):
+ pass
+ return result
+ def readAsync(self, max=None, min=1):
+ """Start a read operation on the TLS connection.
+ This function returns a generator which behaves similarly to
+ read(). Successive invocations of the generator will return 0
+ if it is waiting to read from the socket, 1 if it is waiting
+ to write to the socket, or a string if the read operation has
+ completed.
+ @rtype: iterable
+ @return: A generator; see above for details.
+ """
+ try:
+ while len(self._readBuffer)<min and not self.closed:
+ try:
+ for result in self._getMsg(ContentType.application_data):
+ if result in (0,1):
+ yield result
+ applicationData = result
+ self._readBuffer += bytesToString(applicationData.write())
+ except TLSRemoteAlert, alert:
+ if alert.description != AlertDescription.close_notify:
+ raise
+ except TLSAbruptCloseError:
+ if not self.ignoreAbruptClose:
+ raise
+ else:
+ self._shutdown(True)
+ if max == None:
+ max = len(self._readBuffer)
+ returnStr = self._readBuffer[:max]
+ self._readBuffer = self._readBuffer[max:]
+ yield returnStr
+ except GeneratorExit:
+ pass
+ except:
+ self._shutdown(False)
+ raise
+ def write(self, s):
+ """Write some data to the TLS connection.
+ This function will block until all the data has been sent.
+ If an exception is raised, the connection will have been
+ automatically closed.
+ @type s: str
+ @param s: The data to transmit to the other party.
+ @raise socket.error: If a socket error occurs.
+ """
+ for result in self.writeAsync(s):
+ pass
+ def writeAsync(self, s):
+ """Start a write operation on the TLS connection.
+ This function returns a generator which behaves similarly to
+ write(). Successive invocations of the generator will return
+ 1 if it is waiting to write to the socket, or will raise
+ StopIteration if the write operation has completed.
+ @rtype: iterable
+ @return: A generator; see above for details.
+ """
+ try:
+ if self.closed:
+ raise ValueError()
+ index = 0
+ blockSize = 16384
+ skipEmptyFrag = False
+ while 1:
+ startIndex = index * blockSize
+ endIndex = startIndex + blockSize
+ if startIndex >= len(s):
+ break
+ if endIndex > len(s):
+ endIndex = len(s)
+ block = stringToBytes(s[startIndex : endIndex])
+ applicationData = ApplicationData().create(block)
+ for result in self._sendMsg(applicationData, skipEmptyFrag):
+ yield result
+ skipEmptyFrag = True #only send an empy fragment on 1st message
+ index += 1
+ except:
+ self._shutdown(False)
+ raise
+ def close(self):
+ """Close the TLS connection.
+ This function will block until it has exchanged close_notify
+ alerts with the other party. After doing so, it will shut down the
+ TLS connection. Further attempts to read through this connection
+ will return "". Further attempts to write through this connection
+ will raise ValueError.
+ If makefile() has been called on this connection, the connection
+ will be not be closed until the connection object and all file
+ objects have been closed.
+ Even if an exception is raised, the connection will have been
+ closed.
+ @raise socket.error: If a socket error occurs.
+ @raise tlslite.errors.TLSAbruptCloseError: If the socket is closed
+ without a preceding alert.
+ @raise tlslite.errors.TLSAlert: If a TLS alert is signalled.
+ """
+ if not self.closed:
+ for result in self._decrefAsync():
+ pass
+ def closeAsync(self):
+ """Start a close operation on the TLS connection.
+ This function returns a generator which behaves similarly to
+ close(). Successive invocations of the generator will return 0
+ if it is waiting to read from the socket, 1 if it is waiting
+ to write to the socket, or will raise StopIteration if the
+ close operation has completed.
+ @rtype: iterable
+ @return: A generator; see above for details.
+ """
+ if not self.closed:
+ for result in self._decrefAsync():
+ yield result
+ def _decrefAsync(self):
+ self._refCount -= 1
+ if self._refCount == 0 and not self.closed:
+ try:
+ for result in self._sendMsg(Alert().create(\
+ AlertDescription.close_notify, AlertLevel.warning)):
+ yield result
+ alert = None
+ while not alert:
+ for result in self._getMsg((ContentType.alert, \
+ ContentType.application_data)):
+ if result in (0,1):
+ yield result
+ if result.contentType == ContentType.alert:
+ alert = result
+ if alert.description == AlertDescription.close_notify:
+ self._shutdown(True)
+ else:
+ raise TLSRemoteAlert(alert)
+ except (socket.error, TLSAbruptCloseError):
+ #If the other side closes the socket, that's okay
+ self._shutdown(True)
+ except:
+ self._shutdown(False)
+ raise
+ def getCipherName(self):
+ """Get the name of the cipher used with this connection.
+ @rtype: str
+ @return: The name of the cipher used with this connection.
+ Either 'aes128', 'aes256', 'rc4', or '3des'.
+ """
+ if not self._writeState.encContext:
+ return None
+ return
+ def getCipherImplementation(self):
+ """Get the name of the cipher implementation used with
+ this connection.
+ @rtype: str
+ @return: The name of the cipher implementation used with
+ this connection. Either 'python', 'cryptlib', 'openssl',
+ or 'pycrypto'.
+ """
+ if not self._writeState.encContext:
+ return None
+ return self._writeState.encContext.implementation
+ #Emulate a socket, somewhat -
+ def send(self, s):
+ """Send data to the TLS connection (socket emulation).
+ @raise socket.error: If a socket error occurs.
+ """
+ self.write(s)
+ return len(s)
+ def sendall(self, s):
+ """Send data to the TLS connection (socket emulation).
+ @raise socket.error: If a socket error occurs.
+ """
+ self.write(s)
+ def recv(self, bufsize):
+ """Get some data from the TLS connection (socket emulation).
+ @raise socket.error: If a socket error occurs.
+ @raise tlslite.errors.TLSAbruptCloseError: If the socket is closed
+ without a preceding alert.
+ @raise tlslite.errors.TLSAlert: If a TLS alert is signalled.
+ """
+ return
+ def makefile(self, mode='r', bufsize=-1):
+ """Create a file object for the TLS connection (socket emulation).
+ @rtype: L{tlslite.FileObject.FileObject}
+ """
+ self._refCount += 1
+ return FileObject(self, mode, bufsize)
+ def getsockname(self):
+ """Return the socket's own address (socket emulation)."""
+ return self.sock.getsockname()
+ def getpeername(self):
+ """Return the remote address to which the socket is connected
+ (socket emulation)."""
+ return self.sock.getpeername()
+ def settimeout(self, value):
+ """Set a timeout on blocking socket operations (socket emulation)."""
+ return self.sock.settimeout(value)
+ def gettimeout(self):
+ """Return the timeout associated with socket operations (socket
+ emulation)."""
+ return self.sock.gettimeout()
+ def setsockopt(self, level, optname, value):
+ """Set the value of the given socket option (socket emulation)."""
+ return self.sock.setsockopt(level, optname, value)
+ #*********************************************************
+ # Public Functions END
+ #*********************************************************
+ def _shutdown(self, resumable):
+ self._writeState = _ConnectionState()
+ self._readState = _ConnectionState()
+ #Don't do this: self._readBuffer = ""
+ self.version = (0,0)
+ self._versionCheck = False
+ self.closed = True
+ if self.closeSocket:
+ self.sock.close()
+ #Even if resumable is False, we'll never toggle this on
+ if not resumable and self.session:
+ self.session.resumable = False
+ def _sendError(self, alertDescription, errorStr=None):
+ alert = Alert().create(alertDescription, AlertLevel.fatal)
+ for result in self._sendMsg(alert):
+ yield result
+ self._shutdown(False)
+ raise TLSLocalAlert(alert, errorStr)
+ def _sendMsgs(self, msgs):
+ skipEmptyFrag = False
+ for msg in msgs:
+ for result in self._sendMsg(msg, skipEmptyFrag):
+ yield result
+ skipEmptyFrag = True
+ def _sendMsg(self, msg, skipEmptyFrag=False):
+ bytes = msg.write()
+ contentType = msg.contentType
+ #Whenever we're connected and asked to send a message,
+ #we first send an empty Application Data message. This prevents
+ #an attacker from launching a chosen-plaintext attack based on
+ #knowing the next IV.
+ if not self.closed and not skipEmptyFrag and self.version == (3,1):
+ if self._writeState.encContext:
+ if self._writeState.encContext.isBlockCipher:
+ for result in self._sendMsg(ApplicationData(),
+ skipEmptyFrag=True):
+ yield result
+ #Update handshake hashes
+ if contentType == ContentType.handshake:
+ bytesStr = bytesToString(bytes)
+ self._handshake_md5.update(bytesStr)
+ self._handshake_sha.update(bytesStr)
+ #Calculate MAC
+ if self._writeState.macContext:
+ seqnumStr = self._writeState.getSeqNumStr()
+ bytesStr = bytesToString(bytes)
+ mac = self._writeState.macContext.copy()
+ mac.update(seqnumStr)
+ mac.update(chr(contentType))
+ if self.version == (3,0):
+ mac.update( chr( int(len(bytes)/256) ) )
+ mac.update( chr( int(len(bytes)%256) ) )
+ elif self.version in ((3,1), (3,2)):
+ mac.update(chr(self.version[0]))
+ mac.update(chr(self.version[1]))
+ mac.update( chr( int(len(bytes)/256) ) )
+ mac.update( chr( int(len(bytes)%256) ) )
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError()
+ mac.update(bytesStr)
+ macString = mac.digest()
+ macBytes = stringToBytes(macString)
+ if self.fault == Fault.badMAC:
+ macBytes[0] = (macBytes[0]+1) % 256
+ #Encrypt for Block or Stream Cipher
+ if self._writeState.encContext:
+ #Add padding and encrypt (for Block Cipher):
+ if self._writeState.encContext.isBlockCipher:
+ #Add TLS 1.1 fixed block
+ if self.version == (3,2):
+ bytes = self.fixedIVBlock + bytes
+ #Add padding: bytes = bytes + (macBytes + paddingBytes)
+ currentLength = len(bytes) + len(macBytes) + 1
+ blockLength = self._writeState.encContext.block_size
+ paddingLength = blockLength-(currentLength % blockLength)
+ paddingBytes = createByteArraySequence([paddingLength] * \
+ (paddingLength+1))
+ if self.fault == Fault.badPadding:
+ paddingBytes[0] = (paddingBytes[0]+1) % 256
+ endBytes = concatArrays(macBytes, paddingBytes)
+ bytes = concatArrays(bytes, endBytes)
+ #Encrypt
+ plaintext = stringToBytes(bytes)
+ ciphertext = self._writeState.encContext.encrypt(plaintext)
+ bytes = stringToBytes(ciphertext)
+ #Encrypt (for Stream Cipher)
+ else:
+ bytes = concatArrays(bytes, macBytes)
+ plaintext = bytesToString(bytes)
+ ciphertext = self._writeState.encContext.encrypt(plaintext)
+ bytes = stringToBytes(ciphertext)
+ #Add record header and send
+ r = RecordHeader3().create(self.version, contentType, len(bytes))
+ s = bytesToString(concatArrays(r.write(), bytes))
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ bytesSent = self.sock.send(s) #Might raise socket.error
+ except socket.error, why:
+ if why[0] == errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
+ yield 1
+ continue
+ else:
+ raise
+ if bytesSent == len(s):
+ return
+ s = s[bytesSent:]
+ yield 1
+ def _getMsg(self, expectedType, secondaryType=None, constructorType=None):
+ try:
+ if not isinstance(expectedType, tuple):
+ expectedType = (expectedType,)
+ #Spin in a loop, until we've got a non-empty record of a type we
+ #expect. The loop will be repeated if:
+ # - we receive a renegotiation attempt; we send no_renegotiation,
+ # then try again
+ # - we receive an empty application-data fragment; we try again
+ while 1:
+ for result in self._getNextRecord():
+ if result in (0,1):
+ yield result
+ recordHeader, p = result
+ #If this is an empty application-data fragment, try again
+ if recordHeader.type == ContentType.application_data:
+ if p.index == len(p.bytes):
+ continue
+ #If we received an unexpected record type...
+ if recordHeader.type not in expectedType:
+ #If we received an alert...
+ if recordHeader.type == ContentType.alert:
+ alert = Alert().parse(p)
+ #We either received a fatal error, a warning, or a
+ #close_notify. In any case, we're going to close the
+ #connection. In the latter two cases we respond with
+ #a close_notify, but ignore any socket errors, since
+ #the other side might have already closed the socket.
+ if alert.level == AlertLevel.warning or \
+ alert.description == AlertDescription.close_notify:
+ #If the sendMsg() call fails because the socket has
+ #already been closed, we will be forgiving and not
+ #report the error nor invalidate the "resumability"
+ #of the session.
+ try:
+ alertMsg = Alert()
+ alertMsg.create(AlertDescription.close_notify,
+ AlertLevel.warning)
+ for result in self._sendMsg(alertMsg):
+ yield result
+ except socket.error:
+ pass
+ if alert.description == \
+ AlertDescription.close_notify:
+ self._shutdown(True)
+ elif alert.level == AlertLevel.warning:
+ self._shutdown(False)
+ else: #Fatal alert:
+ self._shutdown(False)
+ #Raise the alert as an exception
+ raise TLSRemoteAlert(alert)
+ #If we received a renegotiation attempt...
+ if recordHeader.type == ContentType.handshake:
+ subType = p.get(1)
+ reneg = False
+ if self._client:
+ if subType == HandshakeType.hello_request:
+ reneg = True
+ else:
+ if subType == HandshakeType.client_hello:
+ reneg = True
+ #Send no_renegotiation, then try again
+ if reneg:
+ alertMsg = Alert()
+ alertMsg.create(AlertDescription.no_renegotiation,
+ AlertLevel.warning)
+ for result in self._sendMsg(alertMsg):
+ yield result
+ continue
+ #Otherwise: this is an unexpected record, but neither an
+ #alert nor renegotiation
+ for result in self._sendError(\
+ AlertDescription.unexpected_message,
+ "received type=%d" % recordHeader.type):
+ yield result
+ break
+ #Parse based on content_type
+ if recordHeader.type == ContentType.change_cipher_spec:
+ yield ChangeCipherSpec().parse(p)
+ elif recordHeader.type == ContentType.alert:
+ yield Alert().parse(p)
+ elif recordHeader.type == ContentType.application_data:
+ yield ApplicationData().parse(p)
+ elif recordHeader.type == ContentType.handshake:
+ #Convert secondaryType to tuple, if it isn't already
+ if not isinstance(secondaryType, tuple):
+ secondaryType = (secondaryType,)
+ #If it's a handshake message, check handshake header
+ if recordHeader.ssl2:
+ subType = p.get(1)
+ if subType != HandshakeType.client_hello:
+ for result in self._sendError(\
+ AlertDescription.unexpected_message,
+ "Can only handle SSLv2 ClientHello messages"):
+ yield result
+ if HandshakeType.client_hello not in secondaryType:
+ for result in self._sendError(\
+ AlertDescription.unexpected_message):
+ yield result
+ subType = HandshakeType.client_hello
+ else:
+ subType = p.get(1)
+ if subType not in secondaryType:
+ for result in self._sendError(\
+ AlertDescription.unexpected_message,
+ "Expecting %s, got %s" % (str(secondaryType), subType)):
+ yield result
+ #Update handshake hashes
+ sToHash = bytesToString(p.bytes)
+ self._handshake_md5.update(sToHash)
+ self._handshake_sha.update(sToHash)
+ #Parse based on handshake type
+ if subType == HandshakeType.client_hello:
+ yield ClientHello(recordHeader.ssl2).parse(p)
+ elif subType == HandshakeType.server_hello:
+ yield ServerHello().parse(p)
+ elif subType == HandshakeType.certificate:
+ yield Certificate(constructorType).parse(p)
+ elif subType == HandshakeType.certificate_request:
+ yield CertificateRequest().parse(p)
+ elif subType == HandshakeType.certificate_verify:
+ yield CertificateVerify().parse(p)
+ elif subType == HandshakeType.server_key_exchange:
+ yield ServerKeyExchange(constructorType).parse(p)
+ elif subType == HandshakeType.server_hello_done:
+ yield ServerHelloDone().parse(p)
+ elif subType == HandshakeType.client_key_exchange:
+ yield ClientKeyExchange(constructorType, \
+ self.version).parse(p)
+ elif subType == HandshakeType.finished:
+ yield Finished(self.version).parse(p)
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError()
+ #If an exception was raised by a Parser or Message instance:
+ except SyntaxError, e:
+ for result in self._sendError(AlertDescription.decode_error,
+ formatExceptionTrace(e)):
+ yield result
+ #Returns next record or next handshake message
+ def _getNextRecord(self):
+ #If there's a handshake message waiting, return it
+ if self._handshakeBuffer:
+ recordHeader, bytes = self._handshakeBuffer[0]
+ self._handshakeBuffer = self._handshakeBuffer[1:]
+ yield (recordHeader, Parser(bytes))
+ return
+ #Otherwise...
+ #Read the next record header
+ bytes = createByteArraySequence([])
+ recordHeaderLength = 1
+ ssl2 = False
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ s = self.sock.recv(recordHeaderLength-len(bytes))
+ except socket.error, why:
+ if why[0] == errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
+ yield 0
+ continue
+ else:
+ raise
+ #If the connection was abruptly closed, raise an error
+ if len(s)==0:
+ raise TLSAbruptCloseError()
+ bytes += stringToBytes(s)
+ if len(bytes)==1:
+ if bytes[0] in ContentType.all:
+ ssl2 = False
+ recordHeaderLength = 5
+ elif bytes[0] == 128:
+ ssl2 = True
+ recordHeaderLength = 2
+ else:
+ raise SyntaxError()
+ if len(bytes) == recordHeaderLength:
+ break
+ #Parse the record header
+ if ssl2:
+ r = RecordHeader2().parse(Parser(bytes))
+ else:
+ r = RecordHeader3().parse(Parser(bytes))
+ #Check the record header fields
+ if r.length > 18432:
+ for result in self._sendError(AlertDescription.record_overflow):
+ yield result
+ #Read the record contents
+ bytes = createByteArraySequence([])
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ s = self.sock.recv(r.length - len(bytes))
+ except socket.error, why:
+ if why[0] == errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
+ yield 0
+ continue
+ else:
+ raise
+ #If the connection is closed, raise a socket error
+ if len(s)==0:
+ raise TLSAbruptCloseError()
+ bytes += stringToBytes(s)
+ if len(bytes) == r.length:
+ break
+ #Check the record header fields (2)
+ #We do this after reading the contents from the socket, so that
+ #if there's an error, we at least don't leave extra bytes in the
+ #socket..
+ #
+ #
+ #if self._versionCheck and r.version != self.version:
+ # for result in self._sendError(AlertDescription.protocol_version,
+ # "Version in header field: %s, should be %s" % (str(r.version),
+ # str(self.version))):
+ # yield result
+ #Decrypt the record
+ for result in self._decryptRecord(r.type, bytes):
+ if result in (0,1):
+ yield result
+ else:
+ break
+ bytes = result
+ p = Parser(bytes)
+ #If it doesn't contain handshake messages, we can just return it
+ if r.type != ContentType.handshake:
+ yield (r, p)
+ #If it's an SSLv2 ClientHello, we can return it as well
+ elif r.ssl2:
+ yield (r, p)
+ else:
+ #Otherwise, we loop through and add the handshake messages to the
+ #handshake buffer
+ while 1:
+ if p.index == len(bytes): #If we're at the end
+ if not self._handshakeBuffer:
+ for result in self._sendError(\
+ AlertDescription.decode_error, \
+ "Received empty handshake record"):
+ yield result
+ break
+ #There needs to be at least 4 bytes to get a header
+ if p.index+4 > len(bytes):
+ for result in self._sendError(\
+ AlertDescription.decode_error,
+ "A record has a partial handshake message (1)"):
+ yield result
+ p.get(1) # skip handshake type
+ msgLength = p.get(3)
+ if p.index+msgLength > len(bytes):
+ for result in self._sendError(\
+ AlertDescription.decode_error,
+ "A record has a partial handshake message (2)"):
+ yield result
+ handshakePair = (r, bytes[p.index-4 : p.index+msgLength])
+ self._handshakeBuffer.append(handshakePair)
+ p.index += msgLength
+ #We've moved at least one handshake message into the
+ #handshakeBuffer, return the first one
+ recordHeader, bytes = self._handshakeBuffer[0]
+ self._handshakeBuffer = self._handshakeBuffer[1:]
+ yield (recordHeader, Parser(bytes))
+ def _decryptRecord(self, recordType, bytes):
+ if self._readState.encContext:
+ #Decrypt if it's a block cipher
+ if self._readState.encContext.isBlockCipher:
+ blockLength = self._readState.encContext.block_size
+ if len(bytes) % blockLength != 0:
+ for result in self._sendError(\
+ AlertDescription.decryption_failed,
+ "Encrypted data not a multiple of blocksize"):
+ yield result
+ ciphertext = bytesToString(bytes)
+ plaintext = self._readState.encContext.decrypt(ciphertext)
+ if self.version == (3,2): #For TLS 1.1, remove explicit IV
+ plaintext = plaintext[self._readState.encContext.block_size : ]
+ bytes = stringToBytes(plaintext)
+ #Check padding
+ paddingGood = True
+ paddingLength = bytes[-1]
+ if (paddingLength+1) > len(bytes):
+ paddingGood=False
+ totalPaddingLength = 0
+ else:
+ if self.version == (3,0):
+ totalPaddingLength = paddingLength+1
+ elif self.version in ((3,1), (3,2)):
+ totalPaddingLength = paddingLength+1
+ paddingBytes = bytes[-totalPaddingLength:-1]
+ for byte in paddingBytes:
+ if byte != paddingLength:
+ paddingGood = False
+ totalPaddingLength = 0
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError()
+ #Decrypt if it's a stream cipher
+ else:
+ paddingGood = True
+ ciphertext = bytesToString(bytes)
+ plaintext = self._readState.encContext.decrypt(ciphertext)
+ bytes = stringToBytes(plaintext)
+ totalPaddingLength = 0
+ #Check MAC
+ macGood = True
+ macLength = self._readState.macContext.digest_size
+ endLength = macLength + totalPaddingLength
+ if endLength > len(bytes):
+ macGood = False
+ else:
+ #Read MAC
+ startIndex = len(bytes) - endLength
+ endIndex = startIndex + macLength
+ checkBytes = bytes[startIndex : endIndex]
+ #Calculate MAC
+ seqnumStr = self._readState.getSeqNumStr()
+ bytes = bytes[:-endLength]
+ bytesStr = bytesToString(bytes)
+ mac = self._readState.macContext.copy()
+ mac.update(seqnumStr)
+ mac.update(chr(recordType))
+ if self.version == (3,0):
+ mac.update( chr( int(len(bytes)/256) ) )
+ mac.update( chr( int(len(bytes)%256) ) )
+ elif self.version in ((3,1), (3,2)):
+ mac.update(chr(self.version[0]))
+ mac.update(chr(self.version[1]))
+ mac.update( chr( int(len(bytes)/256) ) )
+ mac.update( chr( int(len(bytes)%256) ) )
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError()
+ mac.update(bytesStr)
+ macString = mac.digest()
+ macBytes = stringToBytes(macString)
+ #Compare MACs
+ if macBytes != checkBytes:
+ macGood = False
+ if not (paddingGood and macGood):
+ for result in self._sendError(AlertDescription.bad_record_mac,
+ "MAC failure (or padding failure)"):
+ yield result
+ yield bytes
+ def _handshakeStart(self, client):
+ self._client = client
+ self._handshake_md5 = md5.md5()
+ self._handshake_sha = sha.sha()
+ self._handshakeBuffer = []
+ self.allegedSharedKeyUsername = None
+ self.allegedSrpUsername = None
+ self._refCount = 1
+ def _handshakeDone(self, resumed):
+ self.resumed = resumed
+ self.closed = False
+ def _calcPendingStates(self, clientRandom, serverRandom, implementations):
+ if self.session.cipherSuite in CipherSuite.aes128Suites:
+ macLength = 20
+ keyLength = 16
+ ivLength = 16
+ createCipherFunc = createAES
+ elif self.session.cipherSuite in CipherSuite.aes256Suites:
+ macLength = 20
+ keyLength = 32
+ ivLength = 16
+ createCipherFunc = createAES
+ elif self.session.cipherSuite in CipherSuite.rc4Suites:
+ macLength = 20
+ keyLength = 16
+ ivLength = 0
+ createCipherFunc = createRC4
+ elif self.session.cipherSuite in CipherSuite.tripleDESSuites:
+ macLength = 20
+ keyLength = 24
+ ivLength = 8
+ createCipherFunc = createTripleDES
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError()
+ if self.version == (3,0):
+ createMACFunc = MAC_SSL
+ elif self.version in ((3,1), (3,2)):
+ createMACFunc = hmac.HMAC
+ outputLength = (macLength*2) + (keyLength*2) + (ivLength*2)
+ #Calculate Keying Material from Master Secret
+ if self.version == (3,0):
+ keyBlock = PRF_SSL(self.session.masterSecret,
+ concatArrays(serverRandom, clientRandom),
+ outputLength)
+ elif self.version in ((3,1), (3,2)):
+ keyBlock = PRF(self.session.masterSecret,
+ "key expansion",
+ concatArrays(serverRandom,clientRandom),
+ outputLength)
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError()
+ #Slice up Keying Material
+ clientPendingState = _ConnectionState()
+ serverPendingState = _ConnectionState()
+ p = Parser(keyBlock)
+ clientMACBlock = bytesToString(p.getFixBytes(macLength))
+ serverMACBlock = bytesToString(p.getFixBytes(macLength))
+ clientKeyBlock = bytesToString(p.getFixBytes(keyLength))
+ serverKeyBlock = bytesToString(p.getFixBytes(keyLength))
+ clientIVBlock = bytesToString(p.getFixBytes(ivLength))
+ serverIVBlock = bytesToString(p.getFixBytes(ivLength))
+ clientPendingState.macContext = createMACFunc(clientMACBlock,
+ digestmod=sha)
+ serverPendingState.macContext = createMACFunc(serverMACBlock,
+ digestmod=sha)
+ clientPendingState.encContext = createCipherFunc(clientKeyBlock,
+ clientIVBlock,
+ implementations)
+ serverPendingState.encContext = createCipherFunc(serverKeyBlock,
+ serverIVBlock,
+ implementations)
+ #Assign new connection states to pending states
+ if self._client:
+ self._pendingWriteState = clientPendingState
+ self._pendingReadState = serverPendingState
+ else:
+ self._pendingWriteState = serverPendingState
+ self._pendingReadState = clientPendingState
+ if self.version == (3,2) and ivLength:
+ #Choose fixedIVBlock for TLS 1.1 (this is encrypted with the CBC
+ #residue to create the IV for each sent block)
+ self.fixedIVBlock = getRandomBytes(ivLength)
+ def _changeWriteState(self):
+ self._writeState = self._pendingWriteState
+ self._pendingWriteState = _ConnectionState()
+ def _changeReadState(self):
+ self._readState = self._pendingReadState
+ self._pendingReadState = _ConnectionState()
+ def _sendFinished(self):
+ #Send ChangeCipherSpec
+ for result in self._sendMsg(ChangeCipherSpec()):
+ yield result
+ #Switch to pending write state
+ self._changeWriteState()
+ #Calculate verification data
+ verifyData = self._calcFinished(True)
+ if self.fault == Fault.badFinished:
+ verifyData[0] = (verifyData[0]+1)%256
+ #Send Finished message under new state
+ finished = Finished(self.version).create(verifyData)
+ for result in self._sendMsg(finished):
+ yield result
+ def _getFinished(self):
+ #Get and check ChangeCipherSpec
+ for result in self._getMsg(ContentType.change_cipher_spec):
+ if result in (0,1):
+ yield result
+ changeCipherSpec = result
+ if changeCipherSpec.type != 1:
+ for result in self._sendError(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter,
+ "ChangeCipherSpec type incorrect"):
+ yield result
+ #Switch to pending read state
+ self._changeReadState()
+ #Calculate verification data
+ verifyData = self._calcFinished(False)
+ #Get and check Finished message under new state
+ for result in self._getMsg(ContentType.handshake,
+ HandshakeType.finished):
+ if result in (0,1):
+ yield result
+ finished = result
+ if finished.verify_data != verifyData:
+ for result in self._sendError(AlertDescription.decrypt_error,
+ "Finished message is incorrect"):
+ yield result
+ def _calcFinished(self, send=True):
+ if self.version == (3,0):
+ if (self._client and send) or (not self._client and not send):
+ senderStr = "\x43\x4C\x4E\x54"
+ else:
+ senderStr = "\x53\x52\x56\x52"
+ verifyData = self._calcSSLHandshakeHash(self.session.masterSecret,
+ senderStr)
+ return verifyData
+ elif self.version in ((3,1), (3,2)):
+ if (self._client and send) or (not self._client and not send):
+ label = "client finished"
+ else:
+ label = "server finished"
+ handshakeHashes = stringToBytes(self._handshake_md5.digest() + \
+ self._handshake_sha.digest())
+ verifyData = PRF(self.session.masterSecret, label, handshakeHashes,
+ 12)
+ return verifyData
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError()
+ #Used for Finished messages and CertificateVerify messages in SSL v3
+ def _calcSSLHandshakeHash(self, masterSecret, label):
+ masterSecretStr = bytesToString(masterSecret)
+ imac_md5 = self._handshake_md5.copy()
+ imac_sha = self._handshake_sha.copy()
+ imac_md5.update(label + masterSecretStr + '\x36'*48)
+ imac_sha.update(label + masterSecretStr + '\x36'*40)
+ md5Str = md5.md5(masterSecretStr + ('\x5c'*48) + \
+ imac_md5.digest()).digest()
+ shaStr = sha.sha(masterSecretStr + ('\x5c'*40) + \
+ imac_sha.digest()).digest()
+ return stringToBytes(md5Str + shaStr)