path: root/src/lib/tlslite/integration/
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authorNarayan Desai <>2007-03-12 16:22:51 +0000
committerNarayan Desai <>2007-03-12 16:22:51 +0000
commit6e5e9c8e969207e68665f12665a54768090897e4 (patch)
treede198777d5041073db4634a24ca37efad2a1017f /src/lib/tlslite/integration/
parentac3eb44f16bc14e41ed62169ca36e9992509d7d6 (diff)
Merged in certs branch in preparation for 0.9.3pre2
git-svn-id: ce84e21b-d406-0410-9b95-82705330c041
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/tlslite/integration/')
1 files changed, 163 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/tlslite/integration/ b/src/lib/tlslite/integration/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6de4ab7a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/tlslite/integration/
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+A helper class for using TLS Lite with stdlib clients
+(httplib, xmlrpclib, imaplib, poplib).
+from Bcfg2.tlslite.Checker import Checker
+class ClientHelper:
+ """This is a helper class used to integrate TLS Lite with various
+ TLS clients (e.g. poplib, smtplib, httplib, etc.)"""
+ def __init__(self,
+ username=None, password=None, sharedKey=None,
+ certChain=None, privateKey=None,
+ cryptoID=None, protocol=None,
+ x509Fingerprint=None,
+ x509TrustList=None, x509CommonName=None,
+ settings = None):
+ """
+ For client authentication, use one of these argument
+ combinations:
+ - username, password (SRP)
+ - username, sharedKey (shared-key)
+ - certChain, privateKey (certificate)
+ For server authentication, you can either rely on the
+ implicit mutual authentication performed by SRP or
+ shared-keys, or you can do certificate-based server
+ authentication with one of these argument combinations:
+ - cryptoID[, protocol] (requires cryptoIDlib)
+ - x509Fingerprint
+ - x509TrustList[, x509CommonName] (requires cryptlib_py)
+ Certificate-based server authentication is compatible with
+ SRP or certificate-based client authentication. It is
+ not compatible with shared-keys.
+ The constructor does not perform the TLS handshake itself, but
+ simply stores these arguments for later. The handshake is
+ performed only when this class needs to connect with the
+ server. Then you should be prepared to handle TLS-specific
+ exceptions. See the client handshake functions in
+ L{tlslite.TLSConnection.TLSConnection} for details on which
+ exceptions might be raised.
+ @type username: str
+ @param username: SRP or shared-key username. Requires the
+ 'password' or 'sharedKey' argument.
+ @type password: str
+ @param password: SRP password for mutual authentication.
+ Requires the 'username' argument.
+ @type sharedKey: str
+ @param sharedKey: Shared key for mutual authentication.
+ Requires the 'username' argument.
+ @type certChain: L{tlslite.X509CertChain.X509CertChain} or
+ L{cryptoIDlib.CertChain.CertChain}
+ @param certChain: Certificate chain for client authentication.
+ Requires the 'privateKey' argument. Excludes the SRP or
+ shared-key related arguments.
+ @type privateKey: L{tlslite.utils.RSAKey.RSAKey}
+ @param privateKey: Private key for client authentication.
+ Requires the 'certChain' argument. Excludes the SRP or
+ shared-key related arguments.
+ @type cryptoID: str
+ @param cryptoID: cryptoID for server authentication. Mutually
+ exclusive with the 'x509...' arguments.
+ @type protocol: str
+ @param protocol: cryptoID protocol URI for server
+ authentication. Requires the 'cryptoID' argument.
+ @type x509Fingerprint: str
+ @param x509Fingerprint: Hex-encoded X.509 fingerprint for
+ server authentication. Mutually exclusive with the 'cryptoID'
+ and 'x509TrustList' arguments.
+ @type x509TrustList: list of L{tlslite.X509.X509}
+ @param x509TrustList: A list of trusted root certificates. The
+ other party must present a certificate chain which extends to
+ one of these root certificates. The cryptlib_py module must be
+ installed to use this parameter. Mutually exclusive with the
+ 'cryptoID' and 'x509Fingerprint' arguments.
+ @type x509CommonName: str
+ @param x509CommonName: The end-entity certificate's 'CN' field
+ must match this value. For a web server, this is typically a
+ server name such as ''. Mutually exclusive with
+ the 'cryptoID' and 'x509Fingerprint' arguments. Requires the
+ 'x509TrustList' argument.
+ @type settings: L{tlslite.HandshakeSettings.HandshakeSettings}
+ @param settings: Various settings which can be used to control
+ the ciphersuites, certificate types, and SSL/TLS versions
+ offered by the client.
+ """
+ self.username = None
+ self.password = None
+ self.sharedKey = None
+ self.certChain = None
+ self.privateKey = None
+ self.checker = None
+ #SRP Authentication
+ if username and password and not \
+ (sharedKey or certChain or privateKey):
+ self.username = username
+ self.password = password
+ #Shared Key Authentication
+ elif username and sharedKey and not \
+ (password or certChain or privateKey):
+ self.username = username
+ self.sharedKey = sharedKey
+ #Certificate Chain Authentication
+ elif certChain and privateKey and not \
+ (username or password or sharedKey):
+ self.certChain = certChain
+ self.privateKey = privateKey
+ #No Authentication
+ elif not password and not username and not \
+ sharedKey and not certChain and not privateKey:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Bad parameters")
+ #Authenticate the server based on its cryptoID or fingerprint
+ if sharedKey and (cryptoID or protocol or x509Fingerprint):
+ raise ValueError("Can't use shared keys with other forms of"\
+ "authentication")
+ self.checker = Checker(cryptoID, protocol, x509Fingerprint,
+ x509TrustList, x509CommonName)
+ self.settings = settings
+ self.tlsSession = None
+ def _handshake(self, tlsConnection):
+ if self.username and self.password:
+ tlsConnection.handshakeClientSRP(username=self.username,
+ password=self.password,
+ checker=self.checker,
+ settings=self.settings,
+ session=self.tlsSession)
+ elif self.username and self.sharedKey:
+ tlsConnection.handshakeClientSharedKey(username=self.username,
+ sharedKey=self.sharedKey,
+ settings=self.settings)
+ else:
+ tlsConnection.handshakeClientCert(certChain=self.certChain,
+ privateKey=self.privateKey,
+ checker=self.checker,
+ settings=self.settings,
+ session=self.tlsSession)
+ self.tlsSession = tlsConnection.session