diff options
2 files changed, 11 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/src/sbin/bcfg2-query b/src/sbin/bcfg2-query
index 9880035d5..3f0209192 100755
--- a/src/sbin/bcfg2-query
+++ b/src/sbin/bcfg2-query
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "Usage bcfg2-query -d|u|p <profile name>"
print "\t -d\t\t shows the clients that are currently down"
print "\t -u\t\t shows the clients that are currently up"
+ print "\t -c\t\t prints node names in a comma delimited list"
+ print "\t -s\t\t prints node names in a space delimited list"
+ print "\t -n\t\t prints node names in a newline delimited list (default)"
print "\t -p <profile name>\t shows all the clients of that profile"
print "\t -a\t shows all clients"
@@ -28,5 +31,11 @@ elif '-u' in sys.argv:
elif '-a' in sys.argv:
clients = xml.xpath(".//Client")
-for client in clients:
- print client.get('name')
+cnames = [client.get('name') for client in clients]
+if '-c' in sys.argv:
+ print ",".join(cnames)
+elif '-s' in sys.argv:
+ print " ".join(cnames)
+ print "\n".join(cnames)
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
deleted file mode 100644
index db769fdd8..000000000
--- a/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-from elementtree.ElementTree import XML, tostring
-from pdis.xpath import compile as xcompile
-from sys import argv
-outputmode = argv[1]
-attr = argv[2]
-#this will need to be extrapolated from the bcfg2.conf file
-#but for testing it can stay as is
-file=open(xmlfile, 'r').readlines()
-for line in file:
- myxmlfile+=line
-if level.lower() == 'image':
- xexpression="/*/Client[@image='%s']"%searchterm
- path = xcompile(xexpression)
- nodelist += [ element.attrib['name'] for element in path.evaluate(metadata) ]
- profilelist=[]
- if level.lower() == "profile":
- profilelist.append(searchterm)
- else:
- classlist=[]
- xexpression="/*/Profile"
- path=xcompile(xexpression)
- for profile in path.evaluate(metadata):
- if level.lower() == 'class':
- xexpression="/*/Class[@name='%s']"%searchterm
- path=xcompile(xexpression)
- if path.evaluate(profile) and profile.attrib['name'] not in profilelist:
- profilelist.append(profile.attrib['name'])
- else:
- xexpression="/*/Class"
- path=xcompile(xexpression)
- for profclass in path.evaluate(profile):
- xepression="/*/Class[@name='%s']"%profclass.attrib['name']
- path = xcompile(xexpression)
- for myclass in path.evaluate(metadata):
- xexpression="/*/Bundle[@name='%s']"%searchterm
- path=xcompile(xexpression)
- if path.evaluate(myclass) and myclass.attrib['name'] not in classlist:
- classlist.append(myclass.attrib['name'])
- xexpression="/*/Profile"
- path=xcompile(xexpression)
- for profile in path.evaluate(metadata):
- for myclass in classlist:
- xexpression="/*/Class[@name='%s']"%myclass
- path=xcompile(xexpression)
- if path.evaluate(profile) and profile.attrib['name'] not in profilelist:
- profilelist.append(profile.attrib['name'])
- for profile in profilelist:
- xexpression="/*/Client[@profile='%s']"%profile
- path = xcompile(xexpression)
- nodelist += [ element.attrib['name'] for element in path.evaluate(metadata) ]
-if outputmode == '-c':
- print ",".join(nodelist)
-if outputmode == '-n':
- for node in nodelist:
- print node
-if outputmode == '-s':
- print "not yet implemented"