path: root/doc/architecture.txt
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-.. -*- mode: rst -*-
-.. _architecture:
-Detailed Bcfg2 Architecture
-Bcfg2 is based on a client-server architecture. The client is responsible
-for interpreting (but not processing) the configuration served by the
-server. This configuration is literal, so no local process is required.
-After completion of the configuration process, the client uploads a set
-of statistics to the server. This section will describe the goals and
-then the architecture motivated by it.
-* **Model configurations using declarative semantics.**
- Declarative semantics maximize the utility of configuration management
- tools; they provide the most flexibility for the tool to determine
- the right course of action in any given situation. This means that
- users can focus on the task of describing the desired configuration,
- while leaving the task of transitioning clients states to the tool.
-* **Configuration descriptions should be comprehensive.**
- This means that configurations served to the client should be sufficient
- to reproduce all desired functionality. This assumption allows the
- use of heuristics to detect extra configuration, aiding in reliable,
- comprehensive configuration definitions.
-* **Provide a flexible approach to user interactions.**
- Most configuration management systems take a rigid approach to user
- interactions; that is, either the client system is always correct,
- or the central system is. This means that users are forced into an
- overly proscribed model where the system asserts where correct data
- is. Configuration data modification is frequently undertaken on both
- the configuration server and clients. Hence, the existence of a single
- canonical data location can easily pose a problem during normal tool
- use. Bcfg2 takes a different approach.
-The default assumption is that data on the server is correct, however,
-the client has the option to run in another mode where local changes are
-catalogued for server-side integration. If the Bcfg2 client is run in dry
-run mode, it can help to reconcile differences between current client
-state and the configuration described on the server. The Bcfg2 client
-also searches for extra configuration; that is, configuration that is
-not specified by the configuration description. When extra configuration
-is found, either configuration has been removed from the configuration
-description on the server, or manual configuration has occurred on the
-client. Options related to two-way verification and removal are useful
-for configuration reconciliation when interactive access is used.
-* Plugins and administrative applications.
-* Incremental operations.
-The Bcfg2 Client
-The Bcfg2 client performs all client configuration or reconfiguration
-operations. It renders a declarative configuration specification, provided
-by the Bcfg2 server, into a set of configuration operations which will,
-if executed, attempt to change the client's state into that described by
-the configuration specification. Conceptually, the Bcfg2 client serves to
-isolate the Bcfg2 server and specification from the imperative operations
-required to implement configuration changes.
-This isolation allows declarative specifications to be manipulated
-symbolically on the server, without needing to understand the properties
-of the underlying system tools. In this way, the Bcfg2 client acts
-as a sort of expert system that *knows* how to implement declarative
-configuration changes.
-The operation of the Bcfg2 client is intended to be as simple as
-possible. The normal configuration process consists of four main steps:
-* **Probe Execution**
- During the probe execution stage, the client connects to the server
- and downloads a series of probes to execute. These probes reveal
- local facts to the Bcfg2 server. For example, a probe could discover
- the type of video card in a system. The Bcfg2 client returns this
- data to the server, where it can influence the client configuration
- generation process.
-* **Configuration Download and Inventory**
- The Bcfg2 client now downloads a configuration specification from the
- Bcfg2 server. The configuration describes the complete target state
- of the machine. That is, all aspects of client configuration should
- be represented in this specification. For example, all software
- packages and services should be represented in the configuration
- specification. The client now performs a local system inventory.
- This process consists of verifying each entry present in the
- configuration specification. After this check is completed, heuristic
- checks are executed for configuration not included in the configuration
- specification. We refer to this inventory process as 2-way validation,
- as first we verify that the client contains all configuration that
- is included in the specification, then we check if the client has
- any extra configuration that isn't present. This provides a fairly
- rigorous notion of client configuration congruence. Once the 2-way
- verification process has been performed, the client has built a list of
- all configuration entries that are out of spec. This list has two parts:
- specified configuration that is incorrect (or missing) and unspecified
- configuration that should be removed.
-* **Configuration Update**
- The client now attempts to update its configuration to match the
- specification. Depending on options, changes may not (or only partially)
- be performed. First, if extra configuration correction is enabled,
- extra configuration can be removed. Then the remaining changes
- are processed. The Bcfg2 client loops while progress is made in the
- correction of these incorrect configuration entries. This loop results
- in the client being able to accomplish all it will be able to during
- one execution. Once all entries are fixed, or no progress is being
- made, the loop terminates. Once all configuration changes that can be
- performed have been, bundle dependencies are handled. Bundle groupings
- result in two different behaviors. Contained entries are assumed
- to be inter-dependent. To address this, the client re-verifies each
- entry in any bundle containing an updates configuration entry. Also,
- services contained in modified bundles are restarted.
-* **Statistics Upload**
- Once the reconfiguration process has concluded, the client reports
- information back to the server about the actions it performed during the
- reconfiguration process. Statistics function as a detailed return code
- from the client. The server stores statistics information. Information
- included in this statistics update includes (but is not limited to):
- * Overall client status (clean/dirty)
- * List of modified configuration entries
- * List of uncorrectable configuration entries
- * List of unmanaged configuration entries
-Architecture Abstraction
-The Bcfg2 client internally supports the administrative tools available
-on different architectures. For example, ``rpm`` and ``apt-get`` are
-both supported, allowing operation of Debian, Redhat, SUSE, and Mandriva
-systems. The client toolset is determined based on the availability of
-client tools. The client includes a series of libraries which describe
-how to interact with the system tools on a particular platform.
-Three of the libraries exist. There is a base set of functions, which
-contain definitions describing how to perform POSIX operations. Support
-for configuration files, directories, symlinks, hardlinks, etc., are
-included here. Two other libraries subclass this one, providing support
-for Debian and rpm-based systems.
-The Debian toolset includes support for apt-get and update-rc.d. These
-tools provide the ability to install and remove packages, and to install
-and remove services.
-The Redhat toolset includes support for rpm and chkconfig. Any other
-platform that uses these tools can also use this toolset. Hence, all
-of the other familiar rpm-based distributions can use this toolset
-without issue.
-Other platforms can easily use the POSIX toolset, ignoring support for
-packages or services. Alternatively, adding support for new toolsets
-isn't difficult. Each toolset consists of about 125 lines of python code.
-The Bcfg2 Server
-The Bcfg2 server is responsible for taking a network description and
-turning it into a series of configuration specifications for particular
-clients. It also manages probed data and tracks statistics for clients.
-The Bcfg2 server takes information from two sources when generating
-client configuration specifications. The first is a pool of metadata that
-describes clients as members of an aspect-based classing system. That is,
-clients are defined in terms of aspects of their behavior. The other is
-a file system repository that contains mappings from metadata to literal
-configuration. These are combined to form the literal configuration
-specifications for clients.
-The Configuration Specification Construction Process
-As we described in the previous section, the client connects to the server
-to request a configuration specification. The server uses the client's
-metadata and the file system repository to build a specification that
-is tailored for the client. This process consists of the following steps:
-* **Metadata Lookup**
- The server uses the client's IP address to initiate the metadata
- lookup. This initial metadata consists of a (profile, image) tuple. If
- the client already has metadata registered, then it is used. If not,
- then default values are used and stored for future use. This metadata
- tuple is expanded using some profile and class definitions also included
- in the metadata. The end result of this process is metadata consisting
- of hostname, profile, image, a list of classes, a list of attributes
- and a list of bundles.
-* **Abstract Configuration Construction**
- Once the server has the client metadata, it is used to create
- an abstract configuration. An abstract configuration contains
- all of the configuration elements that will exist in the final
- specification **without** any specifics. All entries will be typed
- (i.e. the tagname will be one of Package, Path, Action, etc) and will
- include a name. These configuration entries are grouped into bundles,
- which document installation time interdependencies.
-* **Configuration Binding**
- The abstract configuration determines the structure of the client
- configuration, however, it doesn't yet contain literal configuration
- information. After the abstract configuration is created, each
- configuration entry must be bound to a client-specific value. The Bcfg2
- server uses plugins to provide these client-specific bindings. The Bcfg2
- server core contains a dispatch table that describes which plugins can
- handle requests of a particular type. The responsible plugin is located
- for each entry. It is called, passing in the configuration entry and
- the client's metadata. The behavior of plugins is explicitly undefined,
- so as to allow maximum flexibility. The behaviours of the stock plugins
- are documented elsewhere in this manual. Once this binding process
- is completed, the server has a literal, client-specific configuration
- specification. This specification is complete and comprehensive; the
- client doesn't need to process it at all in order to use it. It also
- represents the totality of the configuration specified for the client.
-The Literal Configuration Specification
-Literal configuration specifications are served to clients by the
-Bcfg2 server. This is a differentiating factor for Bcfg2; all other
-major configuration management systems use a non-literal configuration
-specification. That is, the clients receive a symbolic configuration that
-they process to implement target states. We took the literal approach
-for a few reasons:
-* A small list of configuration element types can be defined, each of
- which can have a set of defined semantics. This allows the server to
- have a well-formed model of client-side operations. Without a static
- lexicon with defined semantics, this isn't possible. This allows the
- server, for example, to record the update of a package as a coherent
- event.
-* Literal configurations do not require client-side processing. Removing
- client-side processing reduces the critical footprint of the tool.
- That is, the Bcfg2 client (and the tools it calls) need to be
- functional, but the rest of the system can be in any state. Yet,
- the client will receive a correct configuration.
-* Having static, defined element semantics also requires that all
- operations be defined and implemented in advance. The implementation
- can maximize reliability and robustness. In more ad-hoc setups, these
- operations aren't necessarily safely implemented.
-The Structure of Specifications
-Configuration specifications contain some number of clauses. Two types
-of clauses exist. Bundles are groups of inter-dependent configuration
-entities. The purpose of bundles is to encode installation-time
-dependencies such that all new configuration is properly activated
-during reconfiguration operations. That is, if a daemon configuration
-file is changed, its daemon should be restarted. Another example of
-bundle usage is the reconfiguration of a software package. If a package
-contains a default configuration file, but it gets overwritten by an
-environment-specific one, then that updated configuration file should
-survive package upgrade. The purpose of bundles is to describe services,
-or reconfigured software packages. Independent clauses contain groups
-of configuration entities that aren't related in any way. This provides a
-convenient mechanism that can be used for bulk installations of software.
-Each of these clauses contains some number of configuration entities. A
-number of configuration entities exist including Path, Package, Service,
-etc. Each of these correspond to the obvious system item. Configuration
-specifications can get quite large; many systems have specifications
-that top one megabyte in size. An example of one is included in an
-appendix. These configurations can be written by hand, or generated by
-the server.
-Design Considerations
-This section will discuss several aspects of the design of Bcfg2, and the
-particular use cases that motivated them. Initially, this will consist
-of a discussion of the system metadata, and the intended usage model
-for package indices as well.
-System Metadata
-Bcfg2 system metadata describes the underlying patterns in system
-configurations. It describes commonalities and differences between these
-specifications in a rigorous way. The groups used by Bcfg2's metadata are
-responsible for differentiating clients from one another, and building
-collections of allocatable configuration.
-The Bcfg2 metadata system has been designed with several high-level
-goals in mind. Flexibility and precision are paramount concerns; no
-configuration should be undescribable using the constructs present in
-the Bcfg2 repository. We have found (generally the hard way) that any
-assumptions about the inherent simplicity of configuration patterns tend
-to be wrong, so obscenely complex configurations must be representable,
-even if these requirements seem illogical during the implementation.
-In particular, we wanted to streamline several operations that commonly
-occurred in our environment.
-* Copying one node's profile to another node.
- In many environments, many nodes are instances of a common configuration
- specification. They all have similar roles and software. In our
- environment, desktop machines were the best example of this. Other than
- strictly per-host configuration like SSH keys, all desktop machines
- use a common configuration specification. This trivializes the process
- of creating a new desktop machine.
-* Creating a specialized version of an existing profile.
- In environments with highly varied configurations, departmental
- infrastructure being a good example, "another machine like X but with
- extra software" is a common requirement. For this reason, it must be
- trivially possible to inherit most of a configuration specification
- from some more generic source, while being able to describe overriding
- aspects in a convenient fashion.
-* Compose several pre-existing configuration aspects to create a new profile.
- The ability to compose configuration aspects allows the easy creation
- of new profiles based on a series of predefined set of configuration
- specification fragments. The end result is more agility in environments
- where change is the norm.
- In order for a classing system to be comprehensive, it must be usable in
- complex ways. The Bcfg2 metadata system has constructs that map cleanly
- to first-order logic. This implies that any complex configuration
- pattern can be represented (at all) by the metadata, as first-order
- logic is provably comprehensive. (There is a discussion later in the
- document describing the metadata system in detail, and showing how it
- corresponds to first-order logic)
-These use cases motivate several of the design decisions that we
-made. There must be a many to one correspondence between clients and
-groups. Membership in a given profile group must imbue a client with
-all of its configuration properties.
-Package Management
-The interface provided in the Bcfg2 repository for package specification
-was designed with automation in mind. The goal was to support an
-append only interface to the repository, so that users do not need to
-continuously re-write already existing bits of specification.