path: root/doc/exts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/exts')
1 files changed, 810 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/exts/ b/doc/exts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc5788107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/exts/
@@ -0,0 +1,810 @@
+""" Sphinx extension to generate documention from XML schemas. Known
+to be woefully imcomplete, probably buggy, terrible error handling,
+but it *works* for the subset of XML schema we use in Bcfg2.
+Provides the following directives:
+* ``.. xml:schema:: <filename>``: Document an XML schema
+* ``.. xml:type:: <name>``: Document a complexType or simpleType
+* ``.. xml:group:: <name>``: Document an element group
+* ``.. xml:attributegroup:: <name>``: Document an attributeGroup
+* ``.. xml:element:: <name>``: Document an XML element
+Provides the following roles to link to the objects documented above:
+* ``:xml:schema:`<name>```: Link to an XML schema
+* ``:xml:type:`<name>```: Link to a complexType or simpleType
+* ``:xml:group:`<name>```: Link to an element group
+* ``:xml:attributegroup:`<name>```: Link to an attributeGroup
+* ``:xml:element:`<name>```: Link to an element
+* ``:xml:attribute:`<context>:<name>```: Link to the attribute in the
+ given context. The context is the name of the containing object,
+ e.g., the parent attributeGroup, element, or complexType.
+* ``:xml:datatype:`<name>```: Link to a built-in XML data type.
+Note that the entity being linked to does not need to have been
+explicitly documented with a directive; e.g., if you document a schema
+that contains a complexType, you can link to that type without having
+used the ``xml:type::`` directive.
+Note also that it's far more reliable to link to a complexType than an
+element, since element name collisions are fairly common. You should
+avoid type name collisions whenever possible to maximize usability of
+this extension.
+There are two configuration items that may be added to
+* ``xmlschema_path`` gives the base path to all XML schemas.
+* ``xmlschema_datatype_url`` gives a string pattern that will be used
+ to generate links to built-in XML types. It must contain a single
+ ``%s``, which will be replaced by the name of the type.
+import os
+import operator
+import lxml.etree
+from docutils import nodes
+from sphinx import addnodes, roles
+from docutils.statemachine import ViewList
+from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
+from sphinx.util.nodes import make_refnode, split_explicit_title, \
+ nested_parse_with_titles
+from sphinx.util.compat import Directive
+from import ObjType, Domain
+XS = ""
+XS_NS = "{%s}" % XS
+NSMAP = dict(xs=XS)
+def comma_split(opt):
+ return opt.split(",")
+def flag_or_split(opt):
+ try:
+ return opt.split(",")
+ except AttributeError:
+ return True
+class _XMLDirective(Directive):
+ """ Superclass for the other XML schema directives. """
+ required_arguments = 1
+ option_spec = dict(namespace=directives.unchanged,
+ nochildren=directives.flag,
+ noattributegroups=directives.flag,
+ nodoc=directives.flag,
+ notext=directives.flag,
+ onlyattrs=comma_split,
+ requiredattrs=comma_split,
+ linktotype=flag_or_split,
+ noautodep=flag_or_split,
+ inlinetypes=comma_split)
+ types = []
+ def run(self):
+ name = self.arguments[0]
+ env = self.state.document.settings.env
+ ns_name = self.options.get('namespace')
+ try:
+ ns_uri = env.xmlschema_namespaces[ns_name]
+ except KeyError:
+ # URI given as namespace
+ ns_uri = ns_name
+ etype = None
+ for etype in self.types:
+ try:
+ entity = env.xmlschema_entities[ns_uri][etype][name]
+ break
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+"No XML %s %s found" %
+ (" or ".join(self.types), name))
+ documentor = XMLDocumentor(entity, env, self.state, name=name,
+ ns_uri=ns_uri,
+ include=self.process_include(),
+ options=self.process_options())
+ return documentor.document()
+ def process_include(self):
+ return dict(children='nochildren' not in self.options,
+ attributegroups='noattributegroups' not in self.options,
+ doc='nodoc' not in self.options,
+ text='notext' not in self.options)
+ def process_options(self):
+ return dict(onlyattrs=self.options.get('onlyattrs'),
+ requiredattrs=self.options.get('requiredattrs', []),
+ linktotype=self.options.get('linktotype', []),
+ noautodep=self.options.get('noautodep', False),
+ inlinetypes=self.options.get('inlinetypes', []))
+def XMLDirective(types):
+ class cls(_XMLDirective):
+ pass
+ cls.__name__ = 'XML%sDirective' % types[0]
+ cls.types = types
+ return cls
+class XMLDocumentor(object):
+ def __init__(self, entity, environment, state, name=None, ns_uri=None,
+ parent=None, include=None, options=None):
+ self.entity = entity
+ self.env = environment
+ self.entities = self.env.xmlschema_entities
+ self.namespaces = self.env.xmlschema_namespaces
+ self.namespaces_by_uri = self.env.xmlschema_namespaces_by_uri
+ self.state = state
+ self.include = include
+ self.options = options
+ =
+ if name is None:
+ self.ns_uri = ns_uri
+ self.fqname = self.entity.get("name")
+ self.ns_name, = self.split_ns(self.fqname)
+ if self.ns_uri is None and self.ns_name is not None:
+ self.ns_uri = self.namespaces[self.ns_name]
+ else:
+ self.ns_uri = ns_uri
+ self.ns_name = self.namespaces_by_uri[self.ns_uri]
+ = name
+ if self.ns_name:
+ self.fqname = "%s:%s" % (self.ns_name,
+ else:
+ self.fqname = name
+ self.tname = nodes.strong(self.fqname, self.fqname)
+ self.tag = self.entity.tag[len(XS_NS):]
+ self.type = tag2type(self.tag)
+ self.parent = parent
+ if self.parent is None:
+ self.dependencies = []
+ self.documented = []
+ else:
+ self.dependencies = self.parent.dependencies
+ self.documented = self.parent.documented
+ def document(self):
+ eid = (self.tag, self.fqname)
+ if eid in self.documented:
+ return [build_paragraph(get_xref(self.tag, eid[1]))]
+ else:
+ self.documented.append(eid)
+ rv = [self.target_node(self.tag, self.ns_name,]
+ data = addnodes.desc(objtype=self.tag)
+ targetid = get_target_id(self.tag, self.ns_name,
+ header = addnodes.desc_signature('', '',
+ first=True,
+ ids=[targetid])
+ if self.include['doc']:
+ header.extend([nodes.emphasis(self.tag, self.tag),
+ text(" "), self.tname])
+ data.append(header)
+ contents = nodes.definition()
+ if self.include['doc']:
+ contents.append(self.get_doc(self.entity))
+ contents.extend(getattr(self, "document_%s" % self.tag)())
+ data.append(contents)
+ rv.append(data)
+ if self.parent is None:
+ # avoid adding duplicate dependencies
+ added = [(self.type,]
+ for typ, name, entity in self.dependencies:
+ if not name:
+ name = entity.get('name')
+ if (typ, name) in added:
+ continue
+ ns_name, name = self.split_ns(name)
+ ns_uri = self.namespaces[ns_name]
+ if not entity:
+ try:
+ entity = self.entities[ns_uri][typ][name]
+ except KeyError:
+"Dependency %s not found in schemas" %
+ get_target_id(typ, ns_name, name))
+ continue
+ doc = self.get_documentor(entity, name=name, ns_uri=ns_uri)
+ rv.extend(doc.document())
+ added.append((typ, name))
+ return rv
+ def document_schema(self):
+ element = self.entity.find("xs:element", namespaces=NSMAP)
+ if element is not None:
+ ns, name = self.split_ns(element.get("name"))
+ doc = self.get_documentor(element, name=name,
+ ns_uri=self.namespaces[ns])
+ return doc.document()
+ else:
+ # no top-level element or group -- just a list of
+ # (abstract) complexTypes?
+ rv = []
+ for ctype in self.entity.findall("xs:complexType",
+ namespaces=NSMAP):
+ ns, name = self.split_ns(ctype.get("name"))
+ doc = self.get_documentor(ctype, name=name,
+ ns_uri=self.namespaces[ns])
+ rv.extend(doc.document())
+ return rv
+ def document_group(self):
+ rv = nodes.definition_list()
+ try:
+ (children, groups) = \
+ self.get_child_elements(self.entity, nodeclass=nodes.paragraph)
+ except TypeError:
+ return [build_paragraph(nodes.strong("Any", "Any"),
+ " arbitrary element allowed")]
+ append_node(rv, nodes.term, text("Elements:"))
+ append_node(rv, nodes.definition, *children)
+ if len(groups):
+ append_node(rv, nodes.term, text("Element groups:"))
+ append_node(rv, nodes.definition, *groups)
+ return rv
+ def document_element(self):
+ fqtype = self.entity.get("type")
+ if fqtype:
+ (etype_ns, etype) = self.split_ns(fqtype)
+ ns_uri = self.get_namespace_uri(etype_ns)
+ values = self.get_values_from_type()
+ if values != "Any":
+ return [build_paragraph(
+ self.tname,
+ " takes only text content, which may be the ",
+ "following values: ",
+ values)]
+ elif etype in self.entities[ns_uri]["complexType"]:
+ if ((self.options['linktotype'] is True or
+ in self.options['linktotype'] or
+ etype in self.options['linktotype'] or
+ fqtype in self.options['linktotype']) and
+ not in self.options['inlinetypes'] and
+ etype not in self.options['inlinetypes']):
+ self.add_dep('complexType', fqtype, None)
+ return [build_paragraph("Type: ",
+ get_xref("type", fqtype))]
+ typespec = self.entities[ns_uri]["complexType"][etype]
+ doc = self.get_documentor(typespec,
+ name=self.entity.get("name"))
+ rv = [self.target_node("complexType", etype_ns, etype)]
+ if self.include['doc'] and not self.get_doc(self.entity):
+ rv.append(self.get_doc(typespec))
+ rv.extend(doc.document_complexType())
+ return rv
+ else:
+"Unknown element type %s" % fqtype)
+ else:
+ rv = []
+ typespec = self.entity.find("xs:complexType", namespaces=NSMAP)
+ if self.include['doc'] and not self.get_doc(self.entity):
+ rv.append(self.get_doc(typespec))
+ if typespec is not None:
+ rv = [self.target_node("complexType", self.ns_name,]
+ doc = self.get_documentor(typespec)
+ rv.extend(doc.document_complexType())
+ return rv
+ def document_complexType(self):
+ rv = nodes.definition_list()
+ ##### ATTRIBUTES #####
+ table, tbody = self.get_attr_table()
+ attrs = self.get_attrs(self.entity)
+ if attrs:
+ tbody.extend(attrs)
+ foreign_attr_groups = nodes.bullet_list()
+ for agroup in self.entity.xpath("xs:attributeGroup",
+ namespaces=NSMAP):
+ # if the attribute group is in another namespace, just
+ # link to it
+ ns, name = self.split_ns(agroup.get('ref'))
+ if ns != self.ns_name:
+ append_node(
+ foreign_attr_groups,
+ nodes.list_item,
+ build_paragraph(get_xref(tag2type("attributeGroup"),
+ ":".join([ns, name]))))
+ else:
+ tbody.extend(self.get_attrs(
+ self.entities['attributeGroup'][name]))
+ if len(tbody):
+ append_node(rv, nodes.term, text("Attributes:"))
+ append_node(rv, nodes.definition, table)
+ if self.include['attributegroups'] and len(foreign_attr_groups):
+ append_node(rv, nodes.term, text("Attribute groups:"))
+ append_node(rv, nodes.definition, foreign_attr_groups)
+ ##### ELEMENTS #####
+ if self.include['children']:
+ # todo: distinguish between elements that may occur and
+ # elements that must occur
+ try:
+ (children, groups) = self.get_child_elements(self.entity)
+ except TypeError:
+ children = None
+ groups = None
+ rv.append(build_paragraph(nodes.strong("Any", "Any"),
+ " arbitrary child elements allowed"))
+ if children:
+ append_node(rv, nodes.term, text("Child elements:"))
+ append_node(rv, nodes.definition,
+ build_node(nodes.bullet_list, *children))
+ if groups:
+ append_node(rv, nodes.term, text("Element groups:"))
+ append_node(rv, nodes.definition, *groups)
+ ##### TEXT CONTENT #####
+ if (self.include['text'] and
+ self.entity.get("mixed", "false").lower() == "true"):
+ append_node(rv, nodes.term, text("Text content:"))
+ append_node(rv, nodes.definition,
+ build_paragraph(self.get_values_from_simpletype()))
+ return [rv]
+ def document_attributeGroup(self):
+ attrs = self.get_attrs(self.entity)
+ if attrs:
+ table, tbody = self.get_attr_table()
+ tbody.extend(attrs)
+ return [table]
+ else:
+ return []
+ def get_attr_table(self):
+ atable = nodes.table()
+ atgroup = build_node(nodes.tgroup('', cols=5),
+ nodes.colspec(colwidth=10),
+ nodes.colspec(colwidth=50),
+ nodes.colspec(colwidth=20),
+ nodes.colspec(colwidth=10),
+ nodes.colspec(colwidth=10),
+ nodes.thead('',
+ build_table_row("Name", "Description",
+ "Values", "Required",
+ "Default")))
+ atable.append(atgroup)
+ atable_body = nodes.tbody()
+ atgroup.append(atable_body)
+ return (atable, atable_body)
+ def get_child_elements(self, el, nodeclass=None):
+ """ returns a tuple of (child element nodes, element group
+ nodes). HOWEVER, if _any_ child is allowed, returns True. """
+ children = []
+ groups = []
+ if nodeclass is None:
+ nodeclass = nodes.list_item
+ if el.find("xs:any", namespaces=NSMAP) is not None:
+ return True
+ for child in el.findall("xs:element", namespaces=NSMAP):
+ node = nodeclass()
+ if child.get('ref'):
+ node.append(build_paragraph(get_xref('element',
+ child.get('ref'))))
+ else:
+ # child element given inline
+ doc = self.get_documentor(child, name=child.get('name'))
+ node.extend(doc.document())
+ children.append(node)
+ for group in el.findall("xs:group", namespaces=NSMAP):
+ if group.get('ref'):
+ name = group.get('ref')
+ node = nodeclass()
+ node.append(build_paragraph(get_xref('group', name)))
+ self.add_dep('group', name, None)
+ groups.append(node)
+ else:
+ rv = self.get_child_elements(group, nodeclass=nodeclass)
+ try:
+ children.extend(rv[0])
+ groups.extend(rv[1])
+ except TypeError:
+ return rv
+ for container in el.xpath("xs:all|xs:choice|xs:sequence",
+ namespaces=NSMAP):
+ rv = self.get_child_elements(container, nodeclass=nodeclass)
+ try:
+ children.extend(rv[0])
+ groups.extend(rv[1])
+ except TypeError:
+ return rv
+ return (children, groups)
+ def get_documentor(self, entity, name=None, ns_uri=None):
+ if name is None:
+ name =
+ if ns_uri is None:
+ ns_uri = self.ns_uri
+ return XMLDocumentor(entity, self.env, self.state, name=name,
+ ns_uri=ns_uri, parent=self, options=self.options,
+ include=self.include)
+ def get_attrs(self, el, context=None):
+ cnode = el
+ while context is None and cnode is not None:
+ context = cnode.get('name')
+ cnode = cnode.getparent()
+ rows = []
+ for attr in el.xpath("xs:attribute[@name]", namespaces=NSMAP):
+ name = attr.get("name")
+ if self.ns_name:
+ fqname = "%s:%s" % (self.ns_name, name)
+ else:
+ fqname = name
+ if (self.options['onlyattrs'] and
+ name not in self.options['onlyattrs'] and
+ fqname not in self.options['onlyattrs']):
+ continue
+ tag = attr.tag[len(XS_NS):]
+ row = [build_paragraph(self.target_node(tag, self.ns_name, context,
+ name),
+ nodes.literal(fqname, fqname))]
+ row.append(self.get_doc(attr))
+ if attr.get("type") is not None:
+ row.append(build_paragraph(
+ self.get_values_from_type(entity=attr)))
+ else:
+ atype = attr.find("xs:simpleType", namespaces=NSMAP)
+ if atype:
+ row.append(self.get_values_from_simpletype(atype))
+ else:
+ # todo: warn about no type found
+ pass
+ reqd = 0
+ if (name in self.options['requiredattrs'] or
+ attr.get("use", "optional") == "required"):
+ row.append("Yes")
+ reqd = 1
+ else:
+ row.append("No")
+ default = attr.get("default")
+ if default is None:
+ row.append("None")
+ else:
+ row.append(nodes.literal(default, default))
+ # we record name and required separately to make sorting
+ # easier
+ rows.append((name, reqd, build_table_row(*row)))
+ rows.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0))
+ rows.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
+ if not self.options['onlyattrs'] or '*' in self.options['onlyattrs']:
+ anyattr = el.find("xs:anyAttribute", namespaces=NSMAP)
+ if anyattr is not None:
+ rows.append((None, None,
+ build_table_row('*', self.get_doc(anyattr),
+ "Any", "No", "None")))
+ return [r[2] for r in rows]
+ def get_values_from_type(self, entity=None, typeattr='type'):
+ if entity is None:
+ entity = self.entity
+ ns_name, name = self.split_ns(entity.get(typeattr))
+ ns_uri = self.get_namespace_uri(ns_name, entity=entity)
+ if ns_uri == XS:
+ return self.get_builtin_type(name)
+ elif name in self.entities[ns_uri]['simpleType']:
+ return self.get_values_from_simpletype(
+ self.entities[ns_uri]['simpleType'][name])
+ else:
+ return "Any"
+ def get_builtin_type(self, vtype):
+ if vtype == "boolean":
+ return get_value_list(["true", "false"])
+ else:
+ return get_datatype_ref(vtype, vtype,
+ def get_doc(self, el):
+ try:
+ return self.parse(el.xpath("xs:annotation/xs:documentation",
+ namespaces=NSMAP)[0].text)
+ except IndexError:
+ return build_paragraph('')
+ def parse(self, text):
+ node = nodes.paragraph()
+ vl = ViewList()
+ for line in text.splitlines():
+ vl.append(line, '<xmlschema>')
+ nested_parse_with_titles(self.state, vl, node)
+ try:
+ return node[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ return build_paragraph(text)
+ def split_ns(self, name):
+ try:
+ (ns, name) = name.split(":")
+ except ValueError:
+ ns = self.ns_name
+ return (ns, name)
+ def get_values_from_simpletype(self, entity=None):
+ if entity is None:
+ entity = self.entity
+ # todo: xs:union, xs:list
+ restriction = entity.find("xs:restriction", namespaces=NSMAP)
+ if restriction is None:
+ return "Any"
+ doc = self.get_doc(restriction)
+ if len(doc) == 1 and len(doc[0]) == 0:
+ # if get_doc returns a paragraph node with an empty Text
+ # node
+ enum = [e.get("value")
+ for e in restriction.findall("xs:enumeration",
+ namespaces=NSMAP)]
+ if len(enum):
+ return get_value_list(enum)
+ else:
+ return self.get_values_from_type(entity=restriction,
+ typeattr='base')
+ else:
+ return doc
+ def add_dep(self, typ, name, entity):
+ try:
+ if name in self.options['noautodep']:
+ return
+ except TypeError:
+ if self.options['noautodep']:
+ return
+ self.dependencies.append((typ, name, entity))
+ def target_node(self, tag, ns, *extra):
+ targetid = get_target_id(tag, ns, *extra)
+ fqname = targetid[len(tag) + 1:]
+ rv ='', '', ids=[targetid])
+ self.add_domain_data(tag2type(tag), fqname,
+ (self.env.docname, targetid))
+ return rv
+ def add_domain_data(self, typ, key, data):
+ if key not in self.env.domaindata['xml'][typ]:
+ self.env.domaindata['xml'][typ][key] = data
+ def get_namespace_uri(self, ns_name, entity=None):
+ if entity is None:
+ entity = self.entity
+ xs_ns = get_xs_ns(entity)
+ if ns_name == xs_ns:
+ return XS
+ else:
+ return self.namespaces[ns_name]
+def tag2type(tag):
+ if tag in ['complexType', 'simpleType']:
+ return 'type'
+ elif tag == 'attributeGroup':
+ return 'attributegroup'
+ return tag
+def text(txt):
+ return nodes.Text(txt, txt)
+def append_node(parent, cls_or_node, *contents):
+ parent.append(build_node(cls_or_node, *contents))
+def build_node(cls_or_node, *contents):
+ if isinstance(cls_or_node, type):
+ rv = cls_or_node()
+ else:
+ rv = cls_or_node
+ rv.extend(contents)
+ return rv
+def get_xref(typ, target, title=None):
+ if title is None:
+ title = target
+ ref = addnodes.pending_xref(title,
+ reftype=typ,
+ refdomain="xml",
+ reftarget=target)
+ ref.append(nodes.literal(title, title))
+ return ref
+def build_table_row(*vals):
+ rv = nodes.row('')
+ for val in vals:
+ if isinstance(val, nodes.Node):
+ node = val
+ else:
+ node = nodes.paragraph(val, val)
+ rv.append(nodes.entry(node, node))
+ return rv
+def build_paragraph(*args):
+ """ convenience method to build a paragraph node """
+ rv = nodes.paragraph()
+ for content in args:
+ if isinstance(content, nodes.Node):
+ rv.append(content)
+ else:
+ rv.append(text(content))
+ return rv
+def get_target_id(etype, ns_name, *extra):
+ if ns_name:
+ return ":".join([etype, ns_name] + list(extra))
+ else:
+ return ":".join([etype] + list(extra))
+def get_value_list(vals):
+ rv = nodes.paragraph()
+ if vals:
+ rv.append(nodes.literal(vals[0], vals[0]))
+ for i in range(1, len(vals)):
+ rv.append(text(" | "))
+ rv.append(nodes.literal(vals[i], vals[i]))
+ return rv
+def get_xs_ns(el):
+ return get_namespace_name(el, XS)
+def get_namespace_name(el, ns_uri):
+ for name, ns in el.nsmap.items():
+ if ns == ns_uri:
+ return name
+ return None
+def get_datatype_ref(title, target, baseurl):
+ return build_node(nodes.reference('', '', refuri=baseurl % target),
+ nodes.literal(title, title))
+class XMLDatatypeRole(object):
+ def __init__(self, baseurl):
+ self.baseurl = baseurl
+ def __call__(self, name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={},
+ content=[]):
+ has_explicit_title, title, target = split_explicit_title(text)
+ return [get_datatype_ref(title, target, self.baseurl)], []
+class XMLXRefRole(roles.XRefRole):
+ def __init__(self, typ, **kwargs):
+ roles.XRefRole.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+ self.type = typ
+ def process_link(self, env, refnode, has_explicit_title, title, target):
+ if (self.type == 'attribute' and
+ not has_explicit_title and
+ ':' in title):
+ title = title.split(':')[-1]
+ return roles.XRefRole.process_link(self, env, refnode,
+ has_explicit_title, title, target)
+class XMLDomain(Domain):
+ name = "xml"
+ label = "XML"
+ types = dict(schema=['schema'],
+ type=['complexType', 'simpleType'],
+ group=['group'],
+ attributegroup=['attributeGroup'],
+ element=['element'],
+ attribute=None)
+ object_types = dict([(t, ObjType("XML %s" % t.title(), t))
+ for t in types.keys()])
+ directives = dict([(t, XMLDirective(h))
+ for t, h in types.items() if h is not None])
+ roles = dict([(t, XMLXRefRole(t)) for t in types.keys()])
+ dangling_warnings = dict([(t, "unknown XML %s: %%(target)s" % t)
+ for t in types.keys()])
+ initial_data = dict([(t, dict()) for t in types.keys()])
+ data_version = 3
+ def clear_doc(self, docname):
+ to_del = []
+ for dtype in self.types.keys():
+ for key, (doc, _) in[dtype].iteritems():
+ if doc == docname:
+ to_del.append((dtype, key))
+ for dtype, key in to_del:
+ del[dtype][key]
+ def resolve_xref(self, env, fromdocname, builder, typ, target, node,
+ contnode):
+ if target in[typ]:
+ docname, labelid =[typ][target]
+ else:
+ return None
+ return make_refnode(builder, fromdocname, docname,
+ labelid, contnode)
+ def get_objects(self):
+ for dtype in self.types.keys():
+ for name, (docname, tgtid) in[dtype].iteritems():
+ yield (name, name, dtype, docname, tgtid,
+ self.object_types[dtype].attrs['searchprio'])
+def setup(app):
+ app.add_config_value('xmlschema_path', '.', False)
+ app.add_config_value('xmlschema_datatype_url',
+ '', False)
+ app.add_domain(XMLDomain)
+ app.connect('builder-inited', load_xml_schemas)
+ app.connect('builder-inited', add_xml_datatype_role)
+def add_xml_datatype_role(app):
+ app.add_role_to_domain('xml', 'datatype',
+ XMLDatatypeRole(app.config.xmlschema_datatype_url))
+def load_xml_schemas(app):
+ entities = dict()
+ namespaces = dict()
+ namespaces_by_uri = dict()
+ schemapath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(app.builder.env.srcdir,
+ app.config.xmlschema_path))
+ for root, _, files in os.walk(schemapath):
+ for fname in files:
+ if not fname.endswith(".xsd"):
+ continue
+ path = os.path.join(root, fname)
+ relpath = path[len(schemapath):].strip("/")
+ schema = lxml.etree.parse(path).getroot()
+ ns = schema.get("targetNamespace")
+ ns_name = get_namespace_name(schema, ns)
+ if ns_name not in namespaces:
+ namespaces[ns_name] = ns
+ if ns not in namespaces_by_uri:
+ namespaces_by_uri[ns] = ns_name
+ if ns not in entities:
+ entities[ns] = dict(schema=dict(),
+ group=dict(),
+ attributeGroup=dict(),
+ element=dict(),
+ simpleType=dict(),
+ complexType=dict())
+ # schemas don't require namespaces to be identified
+ # uniquely, but we let the user identify them either with
+ # or without the namespace
+ entities[None]['schema'][relpath] = schema
+ entities[ns]['schema'][relpath] = schema
+ for entity in schema.xpath("//xs:*[@name]", namespaces=NSMAP):
+ tag = entity.tag[len(XS_NS):]
+ if tag in entities[ns]:
+ entities[ns][tag][entity.get("name")] = entity
+ app.builder.env.xmlschema_namespaces = namespaces
+ app.builder.env.xmlschema_namespaces_by_uri = namespaces_by_uri
+ app.builder.env.xmlschema_entities = entities