path: root/doc/man
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/man')
10 files changed, 1782 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/man/bcfg2-admin.txt b/doc/man/bcfg2-admin.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26e75050f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/man/bcfg2-admin.txt
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+.. vim: ft=rst
+.. program:: bcfg2-admin
+**bcfg2-admin** [-C *configfile*] *mode* [*mode args*] [*mode options*]
+:program:`bcfg2-admin` is used to perform Bcfg2 repository
+-C *configfile*
+ Specify alternate bcfg2.conf location.
+-E *encoding*
+ Specify the encoding of Cfg files.
+-Q *path*
+ Specify the path to the server repository.
+-S *https://server:port*
+ Manually specify the server location (as opposed to using the value
+ in bcfg2.conf).
+ Enable debugging output.
+ Print usage information.
+-o *logfile*
+ Writes a log to the specified path.
+--ssl-key=\ *key*
+ Specify the path to the SSL key.
+ Enable verbose output.
+-x *password*
+ Use 'password' for client communication.
+ Create an archive of the entire Bcfg2 repository.
+bundle *action*
+ Display details about the available bundles (See BUNDLE OPTIONS
+ below).
+client *action* *client* [attribute=value]
+ Add, edit, or remove clients entries in metadata (See CLIENT OPTIONS
+ below).
+compare *old* *new*
+ Compare two client configurations. Can be used to verify consistent
+ behavior between releases. Determine differences between files or
+ directories (See COMPARE OPTIONS below).
+ Initialize a new repository (interactive).
+minestruct *client* [-f xml-file] [-g groups]
+ Build structure entries based on client statistics extra entries
+ Query server for performance data.
+pull *client* *entry-type* *entry-name*
+ Install configuration information into repo based on client bad
+ entries (See PULL OPTIONS below).
+reports [init|load_stats|purge|scrub|update]
+ Interact with the dynamic reporting system (See REPORTS OPTIONS
+ below).
+snapshots [init|dump|query|reports]
+ Interact with the Snapshots database (See SNAPSHOTS OPTIONS below).
+ Sync the Django ORM with the configured database.
+ Remove unused files from repository.
+viz [-H] [-b] [-k] [-o png-file]
+ Create a graphviz diagram of client, group and bundle information
+ (See VIZ OPTIONS below).
+ Provides a XML-RPC Command Interface to the bcfg2-server.
+ One of the following.
+ *list-xml*
+ List all available xml bundles
+ *list-genshi*
+ List all available genshi bundles
+ *show*
+ Interactive dialog to get details about the available bundles
+ One of the following.
+ *add*
+ Add a client
+ *del*
+ Delete a client
+ *list*
+ List all client entries
+ Specify the client's name.
+ Set attribute values when adding a new client. Allowed attributes
+ are 'profile', 'uuid', 'password', 'location', 'secure, and
+ 'address'.
+ Specify the location of the old configuration file.
+ Specify the location of the new configuration file.
+ Client whose metadata is to be searched for extra entries.
+-g *groups*
+ Hierarchy of groups in which to place the extra entries in.
+-f *outputfile*
+ Specify the xml file in which to write the extra entries.
+ Specify the name of the client to search for.
+entry type
+ Specify the type of the entry to pull.
+entry name
+ Specify the name of the entry to pull.
+load_stats [-s] [-c] [-03]
+ Load statistics data.
+purge [--client [n]] [--days [n]] [--expired]
+ Purge historic and expired data.
+ Scrub the database for duplicate reasons and orphaned entries.
+ Apply any updates to the reporting database.
+ Initialize the snapshots database.
+ Query the snapshots database.
+ Dump some of the contents of the snapshots database.
+reports [-a] [-b] [-e] [--date=MM-DD-YYYY]
+ Generate reports for clients in the snapshots database.
+ Include hosts in diagram.
+ Include bundles in diagram.
+-o <outfile>
+ Write to outfile file instead of stdout.
+ Add a shape/color key.
+See Also
+:manpage:`bcfg2-info(8)`, :manpage:`bcfg2-server(8)`
diff --git a/doc/man/bcfg2-build-reports.txt b/doc/man/bcfg2-build-reports.txt
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+.. vim: ft=rst
+.. program:: bcfg2-build-reports
+**bcfg2-build-reports** [*-A*] [*-c*] [*-s*]
+:program:`bcfg2-build-reports` is used to build all client state
+reports. See the Bcfg2 manual for report setup information.
+ Displays all data.
+-c *configuration file*
+ Specify an alternate report configuration path. The default is
+ `repo/etc/reports-configuration.xml`.
+ Produce a help message.
+-s *statistics path*
+ Use an alternative path for the statistics file. The default is
+ `repo/etc/statistics.xml`.
+See Also
+:manpage:`bcfg2(1)`, :manpage:`bcfg2-server(8)`
diff --git a/doc/man/bcfg2-crypt.txt b/doc/man/bcfg2-crypt.txt
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index 000000000..37e60482e
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+++ b/doc/man/bcfg2-crypt.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+.. vim: ft=rst
+.. program:: bcfg2-crypt
+**bcfg2-crypt** [-C *configfile*] [--decrypt|--encrypt]
+[--cfg|--properties] [--stdout] [--remove] [--xpath *xpath*]
+[-p *passphrase-or-name*] [-v] [-I] *filename* [*filename*...]
+:program:`bcfg2-crypt` performs encryption and decryption of Cfg and
+Properties files. It's often sufficient to run :program:`bcfg2-crypt`
+with only the name of the file you wish to encrypt or decrypt; it can
+usually figure out what to do.
+-C *configfile*
+ Specify alternate bcfg2.conf location.
+--decrypt, --encrypt
+ Specify which operation you'd like to perform.
+ :program:`bcfg2-crypt` can usually determine which is necessary
+ based on the contents of each file.
+ Tell :program:`bcfg2-crypt` that an XML file should be encrypted in
+ its entirety rather than element-by-element. This is only necessary
+ if the file is an XML file whose name ends with *.xml* and whose
+ top-level tag is *<Properties>*. See [MODES] below for details.
+ Tell :program:`bcfg2-crypt` to process a file as an XML Properties
+ file, and encrypt the text of each element separately. This is
+ necessary if, for example, you've used a different top-level tag
+ than *Properties* in your Properties files. See [MODES] below for
+ details.
+ Print the resulting file to stdout instead of writing it to a file.
+ Remove the plaintext file after it has been encrypted. Only
+ meaningful for Cfg files.
+--xpath *xpath*
+ Encrypt the character content of all elements that match the
+ specified XPath expression. The default is *\*[@encrypted]* or
+ *\**; see [MODES] below for more details. Only meaningful for
+ Properties files.
+-p *passphrase*
+ Specify the name of a passphrase specified in the *[encryption]*
+ section of *bcfg2.conf*. See [SELECTING PASSPHRASE] below for more
+ details.
+ Be verbose.
+ When encrypting a Properties file, interactively select the elements
+ whose data should be encrypted.
+ Display help and exit.
+:program:`bcfg2-crypt` can encrypt Cfg files or Properties files; they
+are handled very differently.
+ When :program:`bcfg2-crypt` is used on a Cfg file, the entire file
+ is encrypted. This is the default behavior on files that are not
+ XML, or that are XML but whose top-level tag is not *<Properties>*.
+ This can be enforced by use of the *--cfg* option.
+ When :program:`bcfg2-crypt` is used on a Properties file, it
+ encrypts the character content of elements matching the XPath
+ expression given by *--xpath*. By default the expression is
+ *\*[@encrypted]*, which matches all elements with an *encrypted*
+ attribute. If you are encrypting a file and that expression doesn't
+ match any elements, then the default is *\**, which matches
+ everything. When :program:`bcfg2-crypt` encrypts the character
+ content of an element, it also adds the *encrypted* attribute, set
+ to the name of the passphrase used to encrypt that element. When it
+ decrypts an element it does not remove *encrypted*, though; this
+ lets you easily and efficiently run :program:`bcfg2-crypt` against a
+ single Properties file to encrypt and decrypt it without needing to
+ specify a long list of options. See the online Bcfg2 docs on
+ Properties files for more information on how this works.
+Selecting passphrase
+The passphrase used to encrypt or decrypt a file is discovered in the
+following order.
+#. The passphrase given on the command line using *-p* is used.
+#. If exactly one passphrase is specified in *bcfg2.conf*, it will be
+ used.
+#. If operating in Properties mode, *bcfg2.conf* will attempt to read
+ the name of the passphrase from the encrypted elements.
+#. If decrypting, all passphrases will be tried sequentially.
+#. If no passphrase has been determined at this point, an error is
+ produced and the file being encrypted or decrypted is skipped.
+See Also
diff --git a/doc/man/bcfg2-info.txt b/doc/man/bcfg2-info.txt
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index 000000000..93d159474
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+++ b/doc/man/bcfg2-info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+.. vim: ft=rst
+.. program:: bcfg2-info
+**bcfg2-info** [-C *configfile*] [-E *encoding*] [-Q *repository path*]
+[-h] [-p] [-x *password*] [*mode*] [*mode args*] [*mode options*]
+:program:`bcfg2-info` instantiates an instance of the Bcfg2 core for
+data examination and debugging purposes.
+-C *configfile*
+ Specify alternate bcfg2.conf location.
+-E *encoding*
+ Specify the encoding of config files.
+-Q *repository path*
+ Specify the server repository path.
+ Run in debug mode.
+ Print usage information.
+-p *profile*
+ Specify a profile.
+-x *password*
+ Set the communication password.
+build *hostname* *filename*
+ Build config for hostname, writing to filename.
+buildall *directory*
+ Build configs for all clients in directory.
+buildallfile *directory* *filename* [*hostnames*]
+ Build config file for all clients in directory.
+buildbundle *filename* *hostname*
+ Build bundle for hostname (not written to disk). If filename is a
+ bundle template, it is rendered.
+builddir *hostname* *dirname*
+ Build config for hostname, writing separate files to dirname.
+buildfile [--altsrc=*altsrc*] *filename* *hostname*
+ Build config file for hostname (not written to disk).
+ Print out group/bundle information.
+ Print out client/profile information.
+ Print out the configuration of the Bcfg2 server.
+ Shell out to native python interpreter.
+ Display filesystem events as they are processed.
+ List groups.
+ Print the list of available commands.
+mappings [*entry type*] [*entry name*]
+ Print generator mappings for optional type and name.
+packageresolve *hostname* *package* [*package*...]
+ Resolve the specified set of packages.
+packagesources *hostname*
+ Show package sources.
+profile *command* *args*
+ Profile a single bcfg2-info command.
+ Exit bcfg2-info command line.
+showentries *hostname* *type*
+ Show abstract configuration entries for a given host.
+showclient *client1* *client2*
+ Show metadata for given hosts.
+ Process pending file events.
+ Print version of this tool.
+See Also
+:manpage:`bcfg2(1)`, :manpage:`bcfg2-server(8)`
diff --git a/doc/man/bcfg2-lint.conf.txt b/doc/man/bcfg2-lint.conf.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e0d237ee
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+++ b/doc/man/bcfg2-lint.conf.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+.. vim: ft=rst
+bcfg2-lint.conf includes configuration parameters for bcfg2-lint.
+File format
+The file is INI-style and consists of sections and options. A section
+begins with the name of the sections in square brackets and continues
+until the next section begins.
+Options are specified in the form "name=value".
+The file is line-based each newline-terminated line represents either a
+comment, a section name or an option.
+Any line beginning with a hash (#) is ignored, as are lines containing
+only whitespace.
+The file consists of one *[lint]* section, up to one *[errors]* section,
+and then any number of plugin-specific sections, documented below. (Note
+that this makes it quite feasible to combine your *bcfg2-lint.conf* into
+your :manpage:`bcfg2.conf(5)` file, if you so desire).
+Global options
+These options apply to *bcfg2-lint* generally, and must be in the
+*[lint]* section.
+ A comma-delimited list of plugins to run. By default, all plugins
+ are run. This can be overridden by listing plugins on the command
+ line. See :manpage:`bcfg2-lint(8)` for a list of the available
+ plugins.
+Error handling
+Error handling is configured in the *[errors]* section. Each option
+should be the name of an error and one of *error*, *warning*, or
+*silent*, which tells :program:`bcfg2-lint` how to handle the
+warning. Error names and their defaults can be displayed by running
+:program:`bcfg2-lint` with the *--list-errors* option.
+Plugin options
+These options apply only to a single plugin. Each option should be in a
+section named for its plugin; for instance, options for the InfoXML
+plugin would be in a section called *[InfoXML]*.
+If a plugin is not listed below, then it has no configuration.
+In many cases, the behavior of a plugin can be configured by modifying
+how errors from it are handled. See ERROR HANDLING, above.
+The *Comments* plugin configuration specifies which VCS keywords and
+comments are required for which file types. The valid types of file are
+*global* (all file types), *bundler* (non-templated bundle files),
+*genshibundler* (templated bundle files), *properties* (property files),
+*cfg* (non-templated Cfg files), *genshi* or *cheetah* (templated Cfg
+files), *infoxml* (info.xml files), and *probe* (probe files).
+The specific types (i.e., types other than "global") all supplement
+global; they do not override it. The exception is if you specify an
+empty option, e.g.:
+ cfg_keywords =
+By default, the *$Id$* keyword is checked for and nothing else.
+Multiple keywords or comments should be comma-delimited.
+ * *<type>_keywords*
+Ensure that files of the specified type have the given VCS keyword. Do
+*not* include the dollar signs. I.e.:
+ infoxml_keywords = Revision
+ infoxml_keywords = $Revision$
+ * *<type>_comments*
+Ensure that files of the specified type have a comment containing the
+given string. In XML files, only comments are checked. In plain text
+files, all lines are checked since comment characters may vary.
+ A comma-delimited list of attributes to require on *<Info>* tags.
+ Default is "owner,group,mode".
+ The threshold at which MergeFiles will suggest merging config files
+ and probes. Default is 75% similar.
+ The full path to the XML Schema files. Default is
+ `/usr/share/bcfg2/schema`. This can be overridden with the
+ *--schema* command-line option.
+See Also
diff --git a/doc/man/bcfg2-lint.txt b/doc/man/bcfg2-lint.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5d2eacee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/man/bcfg2-lint.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+.. vim: ft=rst
+.. program:: bcfg2-lint
+**bcfg2-lint** [*options*] [*plugin* [*plugin*...]]
+:program:`bcfg2-lint` checks the Bcfg2 specification for schema
+validity, common mistakes, and other criteria. It can be quite helpful
+in finding typos or malformed data.
+:program:`bcfg2-lint` exits with a return value of 2 if errors were
+found, and 3 if warnings (but no errors) were found. Any other non-0
+exit value denotes some failure in the script itself.
+:program:`bcfg2-lint` is a rewrite of the older bcfg2-repo-validate
+-C *configfile*
+ Specify alternate bcfg2.conf location.
+ Specify the server repository path.
+ Be verbose.
+ Specify path to bcfg2-lint.conf (default `/etc/bcfg2-lint.conf`).
+ Rather than operating on all files in the Bcfg2 specification, only
+ validate a list of files supplied on stdin. This mode is
+ particularly useful in pre-commit hooks.
+ This makes a few assumptions:
+ Metadata files will only be checked if a valid chain of
+ XIncludes can be followed all the way from clients.xml or
+ groups.xml. Since there are multiple formats of metadata stored
+ in Metadata/ (i.e., clients and groups), there is no way to
+ determine which sort of data a file contains unless there is a
+ valid chain of XIncludes. It may be useful to always specify all
+ metadata files should be checked, even if not all of them have
+ changed.
+ Property files will only be validated if both the property file
+ itself and its matching schema are included on stdin.
+See :manpage:`bcfg2-lint.conf(5)` for more information on the
+configuration of the plugins listed below.
+ Check the specification for several issues with Bundler: bundles
+ referenced in metadata but not found in *Bundler/*; bundles whose
+ *name* attribute does not match the filename; and Genshi template
+ bundles that use the *<Group>* tag (which is not processed in
+ templated bundles).
+ Check the specification for VCS keywords and any comments that are
+ required. By default, this only checks that the *$Id$* keyword is
+ included and expanded in all files. You may specify VCS keywords to
+ check and comments to be required in the config file. (For instance,
+ you might require that every file have a "Maintainer" comment.)
+ In XML files, only comments are checked for the keywords and
+ comments required.
+ Check for several types of duplicates in the Metadata: duplicate
+ groups; duplicate clients; and multiple default groups.
+ Check that certain attributes are specified in *info.xml* files. By
+ default, requires that *owner*, *group*, and *mode* are specified.
+ Can also require that an *info.xml* exists for all Cfg files, and
+ that paranoid mode be enabled for all files.
+ Suggest that similar probes and config files be merged into single
+ probes or TGenshi templates.
+ Check for duplicate packages specified in Pkgmgr.
+ Check that all *Path* and *BoundPath* tags have the attributes that
+ are required by their type (e.g., a path of type symlink must have
+ name and to specified to be valid). This sort of validation is
+ beyond the scope of an XML schema.
+ Validate the Bcfg2 specification against the XML schemas.
+ Property files are freeform XML, but if a *.xsd* file with a matching
+ filename is provided, then schema validation will be performed on
+ property files individually as well. For instance, if you have a
+ property file named *ntp.xml* then by placing a schema for that file
+ in *ntp.xsd* schema validation will be performed on *ntp.xml*.
+:program:`bcfg2-lint` may not handle some older plugins as well as it
+handles newer ones. For instance, there may be some places where it
+expects all of your configuration files to be handled by Cfg rather than
+by a mix of Cfg and TGenshi or TCheetah.
+See Also
+:manpage:`bcfg2(1)`, :manpage:`bcfg2-server(8)`,
diff --git a/doc/man/bcfg2-reports.txt b/doc/man/bcfg2-reports.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2fe72813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/man/bcfg2-reports.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+.. vim: ft=rst
+.. program:: bcfg2-reports
+**bcfg2-reports** [-a] [-b *NAME*] [-c] [-d] [-e *NAME*] [-h]
+[-m *NAME*] [-s *NAME*] [-x *NAME*] [--badentry=\ *KIND,NAME*]
+[--extraentry=\ *KIND,NAME*] [--fields=\ *ARG1,ARG2,...*]
+[--modifiedentry=\ *KIND,NAME*] [--sort=\ *ARG1,ARG2,...*] [--stale] [-v]
+:program:`bcfg2-reports` allows you to retrieve data from the database
+about clients, and the states of their current interactions. It also
+allows you to change the expired/unexpired states. The utility runs as a
+standalone application. It does, however, use the models from
+ Shows help and usage info about :program:`bcfg2-reports`.
+The following are various modes available for :program:`bcfg2-reports`.
+Single-Host Modes
+-b, --bad *hostname*
+ Shows bad entries from the current interaction of *hostname*.
+-e, --extra *hostname*
+ Shows extra entries from the current interaction of *hostname*.
+-m, --modified *hostname*
+ Shows modified entries from the current interaction of *hostname*.
+-s, --show *hostname*
+ Shows bad, modified, and extra entries from the current interaction
+ of *hostname*.
+-t, --total *hostname*
+ Shows total number of managed and good entries from the current
+ interaction of *hostname*.
+-x, --expire *hostname*
+ Toggles expired/unexpired state of *hostname*.
+-a, --all
+ Show all hosts, including expired hosts.
+Host Selection Modes
+-a, --all
+ Show all hosts, including expired hosts.
+-c, --clean
+ Show only clean hosts.
+-d, --dirty
+ Show only dirty hosts.
+ Show hosts that haven't run in the last 24 hours.
+Entry Modes
+--badentry=\ *entry type, entry name*
+ Shows only hosts whose current interaction has bad entries of type
+ *entry type* and name *entry name*.
+--extraentry=\ *entry type, entry name*
+ Shows only hosts whose current interaction has extra entries of type
+ *entry type* and name *entry name*.
+--entrystatus=\ *entry type, entry name*
+ Shows the status of entry type *entry type* and name *entry name*
+ on all hosts.
+ Shows only hosts whose current interaction has modifiedentries of
+ type *entry type* and name *entry name*.
+Entry Options
+The following options can be used with the above Entry Modes.
+--fields=\ *FIELD,FIELD,...*
+ Only display the listed fields.
+--file=\ *FILE*
+ Read TYPE:NAME pairs from the specified file instead of the command
+ line.
+See Also
+:manpage:`bcfg2(1)`, :manpage:`bcfg2-server(8)`
diff --git a/doc/man/bcfg2-server.txt b/doc/man/bcfg2-server.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dedc86549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/man/bcfg2-server.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+.. vim: ft=rst
+.. program:: bcfg2-server
+**bcfg2-server** [-d] [-v] [-C *configfile*] [-D *pidfile*] [-E
+*encoding*] [-Q *repo path*] [-S *server url*] [-o *logfile*] [-x
+*password*] [--ssl-key=\ *ssl key*]
+:program:`bcfg2-server` is the daemon component of Bcfg2 which serves
+configurations to clients based on the data in its repository.
+-C *configfile*
+ Specify alternate bcfg2.conf location.
+-D *pidfile*
+ Daemonize, placing the program pid in the specified pidfile.
+-E *encoding*
+ Specify the encoding of config files (default is UTF-8).
+-Q *repo path*
+ Set repository path.
+-S *https://server:port*
+ Set server address.
+ Run :program:`bcfg2-server` in debug mode.
+ Run :program:`bcfg2-server` in verbose mode.
+--ssl-key=\ *ssl key*
+ Set path to SSL key.
+See Also
+:manpage:`bcfg2(1)`, :manpage:`bcfg2-lint(8)`
diff --git a/doc/man/bcfg2.conf.txt b/doc/man/bcfg2.conf.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c085e0c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/man/bcfg2.conf.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,714 @@
+.. vim: ft=rst
+bcfg2.conf includes configuration parameters for the Bcfg2 server and
+File format
+The file is INI-style and consists of sections and options. A section
+begins with the name of the sections in square brackets and continues
+until the next section begins.
+Options are specified in the form "name=value".
+The file is line-based each newline-terminated line represents either a
+comment, a section name or an option.
+Any line beginning with a hash (#) is ignored, as are lines containing
+only whitespace.
+Server options
+These options are only necessary on the Bcfg2 server. They are specified
+in the **[server]** section of the configuration file.
+ Specifies the path to the Bcfg2 repository containing all of the
+ configuration specifications. The repository should be created using
+ the `bcfg2-admin init` command.
+ The file monitor used to watch for changes in the repository. The
+ default is the best available monitor. The following values are
+ valid::
+ inotify
+ gamin
+ fam
+ pseudo
+ A comma-separated list of globs that should be ignored by the file
+ monitor. Default values are::
+ *~
+ *#
+ #*
+ *.swp
+ *.swpx
+ *.swx
+ .svn
+ 4913
+ .gitignore
+ This setting tells the server to listen on all available interfaces.
+ The default is to only listen on those interfaces specified by the
+ bcfg2 setting in the components section of `bcfg2.conf`.
+ A comma-delimited list of enabled server plugins. Currently
+ available plugins are::
+ Account
+ Base
+ Bundler
+ Bzr
+ Cfg
+ Cvs
+ Darcs
+ DBStats
+ Decisions
+ Deps
+ Editor
+ FileProbes
+ Fossil
+ Git
+ GroupPatterns
+ Guppy
+ Hg
+ Hostbase
+ Ldap
+ Metadata
+ NagiosGen
+ Ohai
+ Packages
+ Pkgmgr
+ POSIXCompat
+ Probes
+ Properties
+ PuppetENC
+ Reporting
+ Rules
+ SEModules
+ ServiceCompat
+ Snapshots
+ SSHbase
+ Statistics
+ Svn
+ TCheetah
+ TemplateHelper
+ TGenshi
+ Trigger
+ Descriptions of each plugin can be found in their respective
+ sections below.
+ Specifies a prefix if the Bcfg2 installation isn't placed in the
+ default location (e.g. `/usr/local`).
+ Specifies which server core backend to use. Current available
+ options are::
+ cherrypy
+ builtin
+ best
+ The default is *best*, which is currently an alias for *builtin*.
+ More details on the backends can be found in the official
+ documentation.
+ The username or UID to run the daemon as. Default is *0*.
+ The group name or GID to run the daemon as. Default is *0*.
+ Specifies the path to the root of the VCS working copy that holds
+ your Bcfg2 specification, if it is different from *repository*.
+ E.g., if the VCS repository does not hold the bcfg2 data at the top
+ level, you may need to set this option.
+Server Plugins
+This section has a listing of all the plugins currently provided with
+Account Plugin
+The account plugin manages authentication data, including the following.
+* `/etc/passwd`
+* `/etc/group`
+* `/etc/security/limits.conf`
+* `/etc/sudoers`
+* `/root/.ssh/authorized_keys`
+Base Plugin
+The Base plugin is a structure plugin that provides the ability
+to add lists of unrelated entries into client configuration entry
+inventories. Base works much like Bundler in its file format. This
+structure plugin is good for the pile of independent configs needed for
+most actual systems.
+Bundler Plugin
+The Bundler plugin is used to describe groups of inter-dependent
+configuration entries, such as the combination of packages, configuration
+files, and service activations that comprise typical Unix daemons. Bundles
+are used to add groups of configuration entries to the inventory of
+client configurations, as opposed to describing particular versions of
+those entries.
+Bzr Plugin
+The Bzr plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository
+using a GNU Bazaar version control backend. Currently, it enables you to
+get revision information out of your repository for reporting purposes.
+Cfg Plugin
+The Cfg plugin provides a repository to describe configuration file
+contents for clients. In its simplest form, the Cfg repository is just a
+directory tree modeled off of the directory tree on your client
+Cvs Plugin (experimental)
+The Cvs plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository
+using a Concurrent version control backend. Currently, it enables you to
+get revision information out of your repository for reporting purposes.
+Darcs Plugin (experimental)
+The Darcs plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository
+using a Darcs version control backend. Currently, it enables you to get
+revision information out of your repository for reporting purposes.
+DBStats Plugin
+Direct to database statistics plugin.
+Decisions Plugin
+The Decisions plugin has support for a centralized set of per-entry
+installation decisions. This approach is needed when particular changes
+are deemed "*high risk*"; this gives the ability to centrally specify
+these changes, but only install them on clients when administrator
+supervision is available.
+Defaults Plugin
+The Defaults plugin can be used to populate default attributes for
+entries. Defaults is *not* a Generator plugin, so it does not actually
+bind an entry; Defaults are applied after an entry has been bound,
+and only populate attributes that are not yet set.
+Deps Plugin
+The Deps plugin allows you to make a series of assertions like "Package
+X requires Package Y (and optionally also Package Z etc.)"
+Editor Plugin
+The Editor plugin attempts to allow you to partially manage
+configuration for a file. Its use is not recommended and not well
+FileProbes Plugin
+The FileProbes plugin allows you to probe a client for a file, which is
+then added to the Cfg specification. If the file changes on the client,
+FileProbes can either update it in the specification or allow Cfg to
+replace it.
+Fossil Plugin
+The Fossil plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository
+using a Fossil SCM version control backend. Currently, it enables you to
+get revision information out of your repository for reporting purposes.
+Git Plugin
+The Git plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository
+using a Git version control backend. Currently, it enables you to get
+revision information out of your repository for reporting purposes.
+GroupPatterns Plugin
+The GroupPatterns plugin is a connector that can assign clients group
+membership based on patterns in client hostnames.
+Guppy Plugin
+The Guppy plugin is used to trace memory leaks within the bcfg2-server
+process using Guppy.
+Hg Plugin (experimental)
+The Hg plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository using
+a Mercurial version control backend. Currently, it enables you to get
+revision information out of your repository for reporting purposes.
+Hostbase Plugin
+The Hostbase plugin is an IP management system built on top of Bcfg2.
+Ldap Plugin
+The Ldap plugin makes it possible to fetch data from an LDAP directory,
+process it and attach it to your metadata.
+Metadata Plugin
+The Metadata plugin is the primary method of specifying Bcfg2 server
+NagiosGen Plugin
+The NagiosGen plugin dynamically generates Nagios configuration files
+based on Bcfg2 data.
+Ohai Plugin (experimental)
+The Ohai plugin is used to detect information about the client operating
+system. The data is reported back to the server using JSON.
+Packages Plugin
+The Packages plugin is an alternative to Pkgmgr for specifying package
+entries for clients. Where Pkgmgr explicitly specifies package entry
+information, Packages delegates control of package version information
+to the underlying package manager, installing the latest version
+available from through those channels.
+Pkgmgr Plugin
+The Pkgmgr plugin resolves the Abstract Configuration Entity "Package"
+to a package specification that the client can use to detect, verify and
+install the specified package.
+POSIXCompat Plugin
+The POSIXCompat plugin provides a compatibility layer for 1.3 POSIX
+Entries so that they are compatible with older clients.
+Probes Plugin
+The Probes plugin gives you the ability to gather information from a
+client machine before you generate its configuration. This information
+can be used with the various templating systems to generate
+configuration based on the results.
+Properties Plugin
+The Properties plugin is a connector plugin that adds information from
+properties files into client metadata instances.
+PuppetENC Plugin
+The PuppetENC plugin is a connector plugin that adds support for Puppet
+External Node Classifiers.
+Reporting Plugin
+The Reporting plugin enables the collection of data for use with Bcfg2's
+dynamic reporting system.
+Rules Plugin
+The Rules plugin provides literal configuration entries that resolve the
+abstract configuration entries normally found in the Bundler and Base
+plugins. The literal entries in Rules are suitable for consumption by
+the appropriate client drivers.
+SEModules Plugin
+The SEModules plugin provides a way to distribute SELinux modules via
+ServiceCompat Plugin
+The ServiceCompat plugin converts service entries for older clients.
+Snapshots Plugin
+The Snapshots plugin stores various aspects of a client’s state when the
+client checks in to the server.
+SSHbase Plugin
+The SSHbase generator plugin manages ssh host keys (both v1 and v2) for
+hosts. It also manages the ssh_known_hosts file. It can integrate host
+keys from other management domains and similarly export its keys.
+SSLCA Plugin
+The SSLCA plugin is designed to handle creation of SSL privatekeys and
+certificates on request.
+The Statistics plugin is deprecated (see Reporting).
+Svn Plugin
+The Svn plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository
+using a Subversion backend. Currently, it enables you to get revision
+information out of your repository for reporting purposes.
+TCheetah Plugin
+The TCheetah plugin allows you to use the cheetah templating system to
+create files. It also allows you to include the results of probes
+executed on the client in the created files.
+TGenshi Plugin
+The TGenshi plugin allows you to use the Genshi templating system to
+create files. It also allows you to include the results of probes
+executed on the client in the created files.
+Trigger Plugin
+The Trigger plugin provides a method for calling external scripts when
+clients are configured.
+Client options
+These options only affect client functionality. They can be specified in
+the **[client]** section.
+ decision
+ Specify the server decision list mode (whitelist or blacklist).
+ (This settiing will be ignored if the client is called with the
+ -f option).
+ drivers
+ Specify tool driver set to use. This option can be used to
+ explicitly specify the client tool drivers you want to use when
+ the client is run.
+ paranoid
+ Run the client in paranoid mode.
+ profile
+ Assert the given profile for the host.
+Communication options
+Specified in the **[communication]** section. These options define
+settings used for client-server communication.
+ ca
+ The path to a file containing the CA certificate. This file is
+ required on the server, and optional on clients. However, if the
+ cacert is not present on clients, the server cannot be verified.
+ certificate
+ The path to a file containing a PEM formatted certificate which
+ signs the key with the ca certificate. This setting is required
+ on the server in all cases, and required on clients if using
+ client certificates.
+ key
+ Specifies the path to a file containing the SSL Key. This is
+ required on the server in all cases, and required on clients if
+ using client certificates.
+ password
+ Required on both the server and clients. On the server, sets
+ the password clients need to use to communicate. On a client,
+ sets the password to use to connect to the server.
+ protocol
+ Communication protocol to use. Defaults to xmlrpc/ssl.
+ retries
+ A client-only option. Number of times to retry network
+ communication. Default is 3 retries.
+ retry_delay
+ A client-only option. Number of seconds to wait in between
+ retrying network communication. Default is 1 second.
+ serverCommonNames
+ A client-only option. A colon-separated list of Common Names the
+ client will accept in the SSL certificate presented by the server.
+ timeout
+ A client-only option. The network communication timeout.
+ user
+ A client-only option. The UUID of the client.
+Component options
+Specified in the **[components]** section.
+ bcfg2
+ URL of the server. On the server this specifies which interface
+ and port the server listens on. On the client, this specifies
+ where the client will attempt to contact the server.
+ e.g. `bcfg2 =`
+ encoding
+ Text encoding of configuration files. Defaults to UTF-8.
+ lockfile
+ The path to the client lock file, which is used to ensure that
+ only one Bcfg2 client runs at a time on a single client.
+Logging options
+Specified in the **[logging]** section. These options control the server
+logging functionality.
+ debug
+ Whether or not to enable debug-level log output. Default is false.
+ path
+ Server log file path.
+ syslog
+ Whether or not to send logging data to syslog. Default is true.
+ verbose
+ Whether or not to enable verbose log output. Default is false.
+MDATA options
+Specified in the **[mdata]** section. These options affect the default
+metadata settings for Paths with type='file'.
+ owner
+ Global owner for Paths (defaults to root)
+ group
+ Global group for Paths (defaults to root)
+ mode
+ Global permissions for Paths (defaults to 644)
+ secontext
+ Global SELinux context for Path entries (defaults to
+ *__default__*, which restores the expected context)
+ paranoid
+ Global paranoid settings for Paths (defaults to false)
+ sensitive
+ Global sensitive settings for Paths (defaults to false)
+ important
+ Global important settings for Paths. Defaults to false.
+Packages options
+The following options are specified in the **[packages]** section.
+ resolver
+ Enable dependency resolution. Default is 1 (true).
+ metadata
+ Enable metadata processing. Default is 1 (true). If metadata is
+ disabled, it’s implied that resolver is also disabled.
+ yum_config
+ The path at which to generate Yum configs. No default.
+ apt_config
+ The path at which to generate APT configs. No default.
+ gpg_keypath
+ The path on the client where RPM GPG keys will be copied before
+ they are imported on the client. Default is `/etc/pki/rpm-gpg`.
+ version
+ Set the version attribute used when binding Packages. Default is
+ auto.
+The following options are specified in the **[packages:yum]** section.
+ use_yum_libraries
+ By default, Bcfg2 uses an internal implementation of Yum’s
+ dependency resolution and other routines so that the Bcfg2 server
+ can be run on a host that does not support Yum itself. If you
+ run the Bcfg2 server on a machine that does have Yum libraries,
+ however, you can enable use of those native libraries in Bcfg2
+ by setting this to 1.
+ helper
+ Path to bcfg2-yum-helper. By default, Bcfg2 looks first in $PATH
+ and then in `/usr/sbin/bcfg2-yum-helper` for the helper.
+The following options are specified in the **[packages:pulp]** section.
+ username
+ The username of a Pulp user that will be used to register new
+ clients and bind them to repositories.
+ password
+ The password of a Pulp user that will be used to register new
+ clients and bind them to repositories.
+All other options in the **[packages:yum]** section will be passed along
+verbatim to the Yum configuration if you are using the native Yum
+library support.
+Paranoid options
+These options allow for finer-grained control of the paranoid mode on
+the Bcfg2 client. They are specified in the **[paranoid]** section of
+the configuration file.
+ path
+ Custom path for backups created in paranoid mode. The default is
+ in `/var/cache/bcfg2`.
+ max_copies
+ Specify a maximum number of copies for the server to keep when
+ running in paranoid mode. Only the most recent versions of these
+ copies will be kept.
+Snapshots options
+Specified in the **[snapshots]** section. These options control the
+server snapshots functionality.
+ driver
+ sqlite
+ database
+ The name of the database to use for statistics data.
+ e.g.: `$REPOSITORY_DIR/etc/bcfg2.sqlite`
+SSLCA options
+These options are necessary to configure the SSLCA plugin and can be
+found in the **[sslca_default]** section of the configuration file.
+ config
+ Specifies the location of the openssl configuration file for
+ your CA.
+ passphrase
+ Specifies the passphrase for the CA’s private key (if
+ necessary). If no passphrase exists, it is assumed that the
+ private key is stored unencrypted.
+ chaincert
+ Specifies the location of your ssl chaining certificate. This is
+ used when pre-existing certifcate hostfiles are found, so that
+ they can be validated and only regenerated if they no longer
+ meet the specification. If you’re using a self signing CA this
+ would be the CA cert that you generated.
+Database options
+Server-only, specified in the **[database]** section. These options
+control the database connection of the server.
+ engine
+ The database engine used by the statistics module. One of the
+ following::
+ postgresql
+ mysql
+ sqlite3
+ ado_mssql
+ name
+ The name of the database to use for statistics data. If
+ 'database_engine' is set to 'sqlite3' this is a file path to
+ the sqlite file and defaults to `$REPOSITORY_DIR/etc/brpt.sqlite`.
+ user
+ User for database connections. Not used for sqlite3.
+ password
+ Password for database connections. Not used for sqlite3.
+ host
+ Host for database connections. Not used for sqlite3.
+ port
+ Port for database connections. Not used for sqlite3.
+ time_zone
+ Specify a time zone other than that used on the system. (Note
+ that this will cause the Bcfg2 server to log messages in this
+ time zone as well).
+See Also
+:manpage:`bcfg2(1)`, :manpage:`bcfg2-server(8)`
diff --git a/doc/man/bcfg2.txt b/doc/man/bcfg2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54560127d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/man/bcfg2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+.. vim: ft=rst
+.. program:: bcfg2
+**bcfg2** [*options*]
+:program:`bcfg2` runs the Bcfg2 configuration process on the current
+host. This process consists of the following steps.
+* Fetch and execute probes
+* Upload probe results
+* Fetch the client configuration
+* Check the current client state
+* Attempt to install the desired configuration
+* Upload statistics about the Bcfg2 execution and client state
+ Configure everything except the given bundle(s).
+-C *configfile*
+ Specify alternate bcfg2.conf location.
+-D [*driver1,driver2*]
+ Specify a set of Bcfg2 tool drivers.
+ *NOTE: only drivers listed will be loaded. (e.g., if you do not
+ include POSIX, you will be unable to verify/install Path entries).*
+-E *encoding*
+ Specify the encoding of config files.
+ Run bcfg2 in interactive mode. The user will be prompted before
+ each change.
+ Omit lock check.
+ Run bcfg2 in paranoid mode. Diffs will be logged for configuration
+ files marked as paranoid by the Bcfg2 server.
+ Run bcfg2 in "bundle quick" mode, where only entries in a bundle are
+ verified or installed. This runs much faster than -q, but doesn't
+ provide statistics to the server at all. In order for this option to
+ work, the -b option must also be provided. This option is incompatible
+ with -r.
+-R *retrycount*
+ Specify the number of times that the client will attempt to retry
+ network communication.
+-S *https://server:port*
+ Manually specify the server location (as opposed to using the value
+ in bcfg2.conf).
+ Do not configure independent entries.
+-b *bundle1:bundle2*
+ Run bcfg2 against one or multiple bundles in the configuration.
+-c *cachefile*
+ Cache a copy of the configuration in cachefile.
+--ca-cert=\ *cacert*
+ Specifiy the path to the SSL CA certificate.
+ Run bcfg2 in debug mode.
+ When in verbose mode, display extra entry information (temporary
+ until verbosity rework).
+-f *path*
+ Configure from a file rather than querying the server.
+ Print usage information.
+ Run in bulletproof mode. This currently only affects behavior in
+ the debian toolset; it calls apt-get update and clean and dpkg
+ --configure --pending.
+-l *whitelist|blacklist|none*
+ Run the client in the server decision list mode (unless "none"
+ is specified, which can be done in order to override the decision
+ list mode specified in bcfg2.conf). This approach is needed when
+ particular changes are deemed "high risk". It gives the ability
+ tocentrally specify these changes, but only install them on clients
+ when administrator supervision is available. Because collaborative
+ configuration is one of the remaining hard issues in configuration
+ management, these issues typically crop up in environments with
+ several administrators and much configuration variety. (This setting
+ will be ignored if the -f option is also specified).
+ Run bcfg2 in dry-run mode. No changes will be made to the system.
+-o *logfile*
+ Writes a log to the specified path.
+-p *profile*
+ Assert a profile for the current client.
+ Run bcfg2 in quick mode. Package checksum verification won't be
+ performed. This mode relaxes the constraints of correctness, and
+ thus should only be used in safe conditions.
+-r *mode*
+ Cause bcfg2 to remove extra configuration elements it detects. Mode
+ is one of all, Services, or Packages. All removes all entries.
+ Likewise, Services and Packages remove only the extra configuration
+ elements of the respective type.
+-s *servicemode*
+ Set bcfg2 interaction level for services. Default behavior is to
+ modify all services affected by reconfiguration. build mode attempts
+ to stop all services started. disabled suppresses all attempts to
+ modify services.
+--ssl-cert=\ *cert*
+ Specify the path to the SSL certificate.
+--ssl-cns=\ *CN1:CN2*
+ List of acceptable SSL server Common Names.
+--ssl-key=\ *key*
+ Specify the path to the SSL key.
+-u *user*
+ Attempt to authenticate as 'user'.
+-t *timeout*
+ Set the timeout (in seconds) for client communication. Default is
+ 90 seconds.
+ Run bcfg2 in verbose mode.
+-x *password*
+ Use 'password' for client communication.
+ Only configure independent entries, ignore bundles.
+See Also
+:manpage:`bcfg2-server(8)`, :manpage:`bcfg2-info(8)`