path: root/doc/server/plugins/generators/tgenshi.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/server/plugins/generators/tgenshi.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 213 deletions
diff --git a/doc/server/plugins/generators/tgenshi.txt b/doc/server/plugins/generators/tgenshi.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 43a02f253..000000000
--- a/doc/server/plugins/generators/tgenshi.txt
+++ /dev/null
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-.. -*- mode: rst -*-
-.. _server-plugins-generators-tgenshi-index:
-.. warning::
- The TGenshi plugin is deprecated. You should instead use
- :ref:`server-plugins-generators-cfg-genshi` in the Cfg plugin.
-This page documents the TGenshi plugin. This plugin works with version
-0.4 and newer of the genshi library.
-The TGenshi plugin allows you to use the `Genshi
-<>`_ templating system to create files,
-instead of the various diff-based methods offered by the Cfg
-plugin. It also allows you to include the results of probes executed
-on the client in the created files.
-To begin, you will need to download and install the Genshi templating engine.
-To install on CentOS or RHEL, run::
- sudo yum install python-genshi
-Once it is installed, you can enable it by adding ``TGenshi`` to the
-generators line in ``/etc/bcfg2.conf`` on your Bcfg server. For example::
- plugins = Base,Bundler,Cfg,...,TGenshi
-The TGenshi plugin makes use of a Cfg-like directory structure
-located in in a TGenshi subdirectory of your repository, usually
-``/var/lib/bcfg2/TGenshi``. Each file has a directory containing two file
-types, template and info. Templates are named according to the genshi
-format used; template.txt uses the genshi text format, and template.xml
-uses the XML format.
-If used with Genshi 0.5 or later the plugin also supports the `new
-text template format for files named template.newtxt. One of the
-advantages of the new format is that it does not use # as a command
-delimiter, making it easier to utilize for configuration files that
-use # as a comment character.
-Only one template format may be used per file served. Info files are
-identical to those used in ``Cfg``, and ``info.xml`` files are
-Inside of templates
-* **metadata** is the client's :ref:`metadata
- <server-plugins-grouping-metadata-clientmetadata>`
-* **metadata.Properties** is an xml document of unstructured data (only
- available when used in conjunction with the
- :ref:`server-plugins-connectors-properties` plugin)
-* **name** is the path name specified in bcfg
-* **path** is the path to the TGenshi template. It starts with a
- leading slash, and is relative to the Bcfg2 specification root.
- E.g., ``/Cfg/etc/foo.conf/foo.conf.genshi`` or
- ``/TGenshi/etc/foo.conf/``
-See the genshi `documentation
-<>`_ for examples of
-Genshi syntax.
-Examples: Old Genshi Syntax
-Genshi's web pages recommend against using this syntax, as it may
-disappear from future releases.
-Group Negation
-Templates are also useful for cases where more sophisticated boolean
-operations than those supported by Cfg are needed. For example, the
- #if "ypbound" in metadata.groups and "workstation" in metadata.groups
- client is ypbound workstation
- #end
- #if "ubuntu" not in metadata.groups and "desktop" in metadata.groups
- client is a desktop, but not an ubuntu desktop
- #end
-.. code-block:: xml
- <Path type="file" name="/bar.conf" owner="root" mode="0644" group="root">client is ypbound workstation
- client is a desktop, but not an ubuntu desktop
- </Path>
-This flexibility provides the ability to build much more compact and
-succinct definitions of configuration contents than Cfg can.
-When developing a template, you can see what the template would
-generate on a client with :ref:`bcfg2-info <server-bcfg2-info>`::
- bcfg2-info buildfile <path> <hostname>
- bcfg2-info buildfile /etc/foo.conf
-To generate a file with an altsrc attribute, you can run::
- bcfg2-info buildfile /etc/foo/foo.conf --altsrc=/etc/foo.conf \
-Sometimes, it's useful to be able to do more in-depth troubleshooting
-by running the template manually. To do this, run ``bcfg2-info
-debug``, and, once in the Python interpreter, run::
- metadata = self.build_metadata("<hostname>")
- path = "<relative path to template (see note below)>"
-``path`` should be set to the path to the template file with a leading
-slash, relative to the Bcfg2 specification root. See `Inside of
-Templates`_ for examples.
-Then, run::
- import os, Bcfg2.Options
- from genshi.template import TemplateLoader, NewTextTemplate
- name = os.path.dirname(path[path.find('/', 1):])
- setup = Bcfg2.Options.OptionParser({'repo':
- setup.parse('--')
- template = TemplateLoader().load(setup['repo'] + path, cls=NewTextTemplate)
- print template.generate(metadata=metadata, path=path, name=name).render()
-This gives you more fine-grained control over how your template is
-You can also use this approach to render templates that depend on
-:ref:`altsrc <server-plugins-structures-altsrc>` tags by setting
-``path`` to the path to the template, and setting ``name`` to the path
-to the file to be generated, e.g.::
- metadata = self.build_metadata("")
- path = "/Cfg/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-template/ifcfg-template.genshi"
- name = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0"
-File permissions
-File permissions for entries handled by TGenshi are controlled via the
-use of :ref:`server-info` files. Note that you **cannot** use both a
-Permissions entry and a Path entry to handle the same file.
-Error handling
-Situations may arise where a templated file cannot be generated due to
-missing or incomplete information. A TemplateError can be raised to
-force a bind failure and prevent sending an incomplete file to the
-client. For example, this template::
- {% python
- from genshi.template import TemplateError
- grp = None
- for g in metadata.groups:
- if g.startswith('ganglia-gmond-'):
- grp = g
- break
- else:
- raise TemplateError, "Missing group"
- %}\
-will fail to bind if the client is not a member of a group starting with
-"ganglia-gmond-". The syslogs on the server will contain this message::
- bcfg2-server[5957]: Genshi template error: Missing group
- bcfg2-server[5957]: Failed to bind entry: Path /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf
-indicating the bind failure and message raised with the TemplateError.
-How do I escape the $ (dollar sign) in a TGenshi text template? For
-example, if I want to include SVN (subversion) keywords like $Id$ or
-$HeadURL$ in TGenshi-generated files, or am templating a bourne shell
-(sh/bash) script or Makefile (make).
-Use $$ (double dollar sign) to output a literal $ (dollarsign)
-in a TGenshi text template. So instead of $Id$, you'd use
-$$Id$$. See also Genshi tickets `#282: Document $$ escape
-convention <>`_ and
-`#283: Allow for redefinition of template syntax per-file
-.. toctree::
- :glob:
- :maxdepth: 1
- examples/genshi/*