path: root/doc/server/xml-common.txt
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1 files changed, 399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/server/xml-common.txt b/doc/server/xml-common.txt
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+++ b/doc/server/xml-common.txt
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+.. -*- mode: rst -*-
+.. _xml-features:
+ Common XML Features
+Most of the XML files in Bcfg2 have a common set of features that are
+supported. These are described in some detail below, and a precise
+rundown of which features are supported by which files is provided.
+.. _xml-group-client-tags:
+Group and Client tags
+These allow the portions of an XML document inside a Client or Group
+tag to only apply to the given client group. That is, they can be
+thought of as conditionals, where the following are roughly equivalent:
+.. code-block:: xml
+ <Group name="group1">
+ <Path name="/etc/foo.conf"/>
+ </Group>
+ If client is a member of group1 then
+ Manage the abstract path "/etc/foo.conf"
+Nested Group and Client tags are conjunctive (logical ``AND``). For
+instance, the following are roughly equivalent:
+.. code-block:: xml
+ <Group name="group1">
+ <Client name="">
+ <Package name="bar"/>
+ </Client>
+ <Package name="baz"/>
+ </Group>
+ If client is a member of group1 and has hostname "" then
+ Manage the abstract package "bar"
+ If client is a member of group1 then
+ Manage the abstract package "baz"
+There is no convenient ``else``; you must specify all conditions
+explicitly. To do this, Group and Client tags may be negated, as in:
+.. code-block:: xml
+ <Group name="group1">
+ <Service name="foo"/>
+ </Group>
+ <Group name="group1" negate="true">
+ <Service name="bar"/>
+ </Group>
+This is roughly equivalent to::
+ If client is a member of group1 then
+ Manage the abstract service "foo"
+ If client is not a member of group 1 then
+ Manage the abstract service "bar"
+Or, more compactly:
+ If client is a member of group1 then
+ Manage the abstract service "foo"
+ Else
+ Manage the abstract service "bar"
+As an example, consider the following :ref:`bundle
+.. code-block:: xml
+ <Bundle>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key'/>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key'/>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/'/>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/'/>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/ssh_host_key'/>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/'/>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/sshd_config'/>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/ssh_config'/>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts'/>
+ <Group name='rpm'>
+ <Package name='openssh'/>
+ <Package name='openssh-askpass'/>
+ <Service name='sshd'/>
+ <Group name='fedora' >
+ <Group name='fedora14' negate='true'>
+ <Package name='openssh-clients'/>
+ </Group>
+ <Package name='openssh-server'/>
+ </Group>
+ </Group>
+ <Group name='deb'>
+ <Package name='ssh'/>
+ <Service name='ssh'/>
+ </Group>
+ <Client name=''>
+ <Path name='/etc/ssh/shosts.equiv'/>
+ </Client>
+ </Bundle>
+In this bundle, most of the entries are common to all systems. Clients
+in group ``deb`` get one extra package and service, while clients in
+group ``rpm`` get two extra packages and an extra service. In
+addition, clients in group ``fedora`` *and* group ``rpm`` get one
+extra package entries, unless they are not in the ``fedora14`` group,
+in which case, they get an extra package. The client
+```` gets one extra file that is not distributed to
+any other clients.
+| Group/Hostname | Entry |
+| all | ``/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key`` |
+| all | ``/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key`` |
+| all | ``/etc/ssh/`` |
+| all | ``/etc/ssh/`` |
+| all | ``/etc/ssh/ssh_host_key`` |
+| all | ``/etc/ssh/`` |
+| all | ``/etc/ssh/sshd_config`` |
+| all | ``/etc/ssh/ssh_config`` |
+| all | ``/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts`` |
+| ``rpm`` | Package ``openssh`` |
+| ``rpm`` | Package ``openssh-askpass`` |
+| ``rpm`` | Service ``sshd`` |
+| ``rpm`` AND ``fedora`` | Package ``openssh-server`` |
+| ``rpm`` AND ``fedora`` | Package ``openssh-clients`` |
+| AND NOT ``fedora14`` | |
+| ``deb`` | Package ``ssh`` |
+| ``deb`` | Service ``ssh`` |
+| ```` | ``/etc/ssh/shosts.equiv`` |
+.. _xml-genshi-templating:
+Genshi templating
+Genshi XML templates allow you to use the `Genshi
+<>`_ templating system to dynamically
+generate XML file content for a given client. Genshi templating can
+be enabled on a file by adding the Genshi namespace to the top-level
+tag, e.g.:
+.. code-block:: xml
+ <Bundle xmlns:py="">
+Several variables are pre-defined inside Genshi XML templates:
+| Name | Description |
+| metadata | :ref:`Client metadata |
+| | <server-plugins-grouping-metadata-clientmetadata>` |
+| repo | The path to the Bcfg2 repository on the filesystem |
+.. note::
+ ``<Group>`` and ``<Client>`` tags can be used inside templates as
+ of Bcfg2 1.2, but they do not behave the same as using a Genshi
+ conditional, e.g.::
+ <py:if test="'groupname' in metadata.groups">
+ </py:if>
+ The conditional is evaluated when the template is rendered, so
+ code inside the conditional is not executed if the conditional
+ fails. A ``<Group>`` tag is evaluated *after* the template is
+ rendered, so code inside the tag is always executed. This is an
+ important distinction: if you have code that will fail on some
+ groups, you *must* use a Genshi conditional, not a ``<Group>``
+ tag. The same caveats apply to ``<Client>`` tags.
+.. _xml-genshi-reference:
+Genshi XML Template Reference
+The Genshi XML templating language is described in depth at `Genshi
+<>`_. The XML schema reference follows.
+Genshi Tags
+.. xml:group:: genshiElements
+ :namespace: py
+Genshi Attributes
+.. xml:attributegroup:: genshiAttrs
+ :namespace: py
+.. _xml-encryption:
+You can encrypt data in XML files to protect that data from other
+people who need access to the repository. The data is decrypted
+transparently on-the-fly by the server.
+.. note::
+ This feature is *not* intended to secure the files against a
+ malicious attacker who has gained access to your Bcfg2 server, as
+ the encryption passphrases are held in plaintext in
+ ``bcfg2.conf``. This is only intended to make it easier to use a
+ single Bcfg2 repository with multiple admins who should not
+ necessarily have access to each other's sensitive data.
+XML files are encrypted on a per-element basis; that is, rather than
+encrypting the whole file, only the character content of individual
+elements is encrypted. This makes it easier to track changes to the
+file in a VCS, and also lets unprivileged users work with the other
+data in the file. Only character content of an element can be
+encrypted; attribute content and XML elements themselves cannot be
+By default, decryption is *strict*; that is, if any element cannot be
+decrypted, parsing of the file is aborted. See
+:ref:`server-encryption-lax-strict` for information on changing this
+on a global or per-file basis.
+To encrypt or decrypt a file, use :ref:`bcfg2-crypt`.
+See :ref:`server-encryption` for more details on encryption in Bcfg2
+in general.
+.. versionadded:: 0.9.0
+`XInclude <>`_ is a W3C specification
+for the inclusion of external XML documents into XML source files,
+allowing complex definitions to be split into smaller, more manageable
+pieces. For instance, in the :ref:`server-plugins-grouping-metadata`
+``groups.xml`` file, you might do:
+.. code-block:: xml
+ <Groups xmlns:xi="">
+ <xi:include href="my-groups.xml" />
+ <xi:include href="their-groups.xml" />
+ </Groups>
+To enable XInclude on a file, you need only add the XInclude namespace
+to the top-level tag.
+You can also *optionally* include a file that may or may not exist
+with the ``fallback`` tag:
+.. code-block:: xml
+ <Groups xmlns:xi="">
+ <xi:include href="my-groups.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="their-groups.xml"><xi:fallback/></xi:include>
+ </Groups>
+In this case, if ``their-groups.xml`` does not exist, no error will be
+raised and everything will work fine. (You can also use ``fallback``
+to include a different file, or explicit content in the case that the
+parent include does not exist.)
+XInclude can only include complete, well-formed XML files. In some
+cases, it may not be entirely obvious or intuitive how to structure
+such an included file to conform to the schema, although in general
+the included files should be structure exactly like the parent file.
+Wildcard XInclude
+.. versionadded:: 1.3.1
+Bcfg2 supports an extension to XInclude that allows you to use shell
+globbing in the hrefs. (Stock XInclude doesn't support this, since
+the href is supposed to be a URL.)
+For instance:
+.. code-block:: xml
+ <Groups xmlns:xi="">
+ <xi:include href="groups/*.xml"/>
+ </Groups>
+This would include all ``*.xml`` files in the ``groups`` subdirectory.
+Note that if a glob finds no files, that is treated the same as if a
+single included file does not exist. You should use the ``fallback``
+tag, described above, if a glob may potentially find no files.
+Feature Matrix
+| File | Group/Client | Genshi | Encryption | XInclude |
+| :ref:`ACL ip.xml <server-plugins-misc-acl>' | No | No | No | Yes |
+| :ref:`ACL metadata.xml | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
+| <server-plugins-misc-acl>' | | | | |
+| :ref:`Bundler | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
+| <server-plugins-structures-bundler-index>` | | | | |
+| :ref:`info.xml <server-info>` | Yes [#f1]_ | Yes | Yes | Yes |
+| :ref:`privkey.xml and pubkey.xml | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes [#f2]_ |
+| <server-plugins-generators-cfg-sshkeys>` | | | | |
+| :ref:`authorizedkeys.xml | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
+| <server-plugins-generators-cfg-sshkeys>` | | | | |
+| :ref:`Decisions | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
+| <server-plugins-generators-decisions>` | | | | |
+| :ref:`Defaults | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
+| <server-plugins-structures-defaults>` | | | | |
+| :ref:`FileProbes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
+| <server-plugins-probes-fileprobes>` | | | | |
+| :ref:`GroupPatterns | No | No | No | Yes |
+| <server-plugins-grouping-grouppatterns>` | | | | |
+| :ref:`Metadata clients.xml | No | No | No | Yes |
+| <server-plugins-grouping-metadata-clients-xml>` | | | | |
+| :ref:`Metadata groups.xml | Yes [#f3]_ | No | No | Yes |
+| <server-plugins-grouping-metadata-groups-xml>` | | | | |
+| :ref:`NagiosGen | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
+| <server-plugins-generators-nagiosgen>` | | | | |
+| :ref:`Packages | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
+| <server-plugins-generators-packages>` | | | | |
+| :ref:`Pkgmgr | Yes | No | No | No |
+| <server-plugins-generators-pkgmgr>` | | | | |
+| :ref:`Properties | Yes [#f4]_ | Yes | Yes | Yes |
+| <server-plugins-connectors-properties>` | | | | |
+| :ref:`Rules <server-plugins-generators-rules>` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
+| :ref:`SSLCA cert.xml and key.xml | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
+| <server-plugins-generators-sslca>` | | | | |
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [#f1] ``info.xml`` also supports conditional Path tags; see
+ :ref:`server-info` for more.
+.. [#f2] XInclude is supported, but the schema has not been modified
+ to allow including files that are structured exactly like the
+ parent. You may need to read the schema to understand how to
+ use XInclude properly.
+.. [#f3] The semantics of Group tags in ``groups.xml`` is slightly
+ different; see
+ :ref:`server-plugins-grouping-metadata-groups-xml` for
+ details.
+.. [#f4] Group and Client tags in XML Properties are not automatic by
+ default; they can be resolved by use of either the
+ ``Match()`` or ``XMLMatch()`` methods, or by use of the
+ :ref:`server-plugins-connectors-properties-automatch`
+ feature. See :ref:`server-plugins-connectors-properties-xml`
+ for details.