path: root/encap/bcfg2-0.8.3pre1.ep
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'encap/bcfg2-0.8.3pre1.ep')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/encap/bcfg2-0.8.3pre1.ep b/encap/bcfg2-0.8.3pre1.ep
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37b9e4bb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/encap/bcfg2-0.8.3pre1.ep
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- $Id$ -->
+ profile_ver="1.0"
+ pkgspec="bcfg2-0.8.3pre1"
+ variable="CC"
+ value="gcc"
+ type="set"
+ variable="PATH"
+ value="/usr/local/lib/bcfg2/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sfw/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:"
+ value="/usr/local/lib/bcfg2/bin:/usr/local/bin:"
+ type="prepend"
+ variable="MAKE"
+ value="gmake"
+ type="set"
+ variable="LDFLAGS"
+ value="-L/usr/local/lib/bcfg2/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib/bcfg2/lib"
+ value="-L/usr/local/lib/bcfg2/lib -Wl,-blibpath:/usr/local/lib/bcfg2/lib:/usr/lib"
+ value="-L/usr/local/lib/bcfg2/lib -R/usr/local/lib/bcfg2/lib:/usr/lib -YP,/usr/local/lib/bcfg2/lib:/usr/lib"
+ type="set"
+ variable="CPPFLAGS"
+ value="-I/usr/local/lib/bcfg2/include"
+ type="set"
+/usr/local/lib/bcfg2/bin/python build \
+/usr/local/lib/bcfg2/bin/python install \
+/usr/local/lib/bcfg2/bin/python clean
+<prepackage type="set"><![CDATA[
+# Make binaries available from /usr/local/bin
+mkdir bin 2>/dev/null || exit 1
+for FILE in `ls lib/bcfg2/bin`; do \
+ ln -sf ../lib/bcfg2/bin/${FILE} bin/${FILE}; \
+ if [ ! "`printf "${FILE}" | cut -c 1-5`x" = "bcfg2x" ]; then \
+ ln -sf ../lib/bcfg2/bin/${FILE} bin/b2-${FILE}; \
+ fi; \
+# Make doc available from /usr/local/share/doc/bcfg2
+mkdir share 2>/dev/null || exit 1
+mkdir share/doc 2>/dev/null || exit 1
+mkdir share/doc/bcfg2 2>/dev/null || exit 1
+(cp ${builddir}/doc/manual.pdf share/doc/bcfg2/ || true)
+cp -r ${builddir}/examples share/doc/bcfg2/
+# Make man pages available from /usr/local/man
+mv lib/bcfg2/share/man .
+# Make tools dirs and copy over tools
+mkdir lib/bcfg2/tools || exit 1
+cp ${builddir}/tools/* lib/bcfg2/tools/
+mkdir sbin 2>/dev/null || exit 1
+mkdir share/doc/bcfg2/tools 2>/dev/null || exit 1
+# Makes tools with #! line executable
+for FILE in `ls lib/bcfg2/tools`; do \
+ F="lib/bcfg2/tools/${FILE}"; \
+ if [ "`head -1 ${F} | grep ^#\!/`x" != "x" ]; then \
+ chmod 755 ${F} ; \
+ fi; \
+# Make executable tools available from /usr/local/sbin, and nonexecutable
+# tools/tools doc available from /usr/local/share/doc/bcfg2/tools
+for FILE in `ls lib/bcfg2/tools`; do \
+ F="lib/bcfg2/tools/${FILE}"; \
+ if [ -x ${F} ]; then \
+ ln -sf ../lib/bcfg2/tools/${FILE} sbin/b2-example-tool-${FILE}; \
+ else \
+ ln -sf ../../../../lib/bcfg2/tools/${FILE} share/doc/bcfg2/tools/${FILE}; \
+ fi; \
+# Make "this encap is installed" sentinal file available in /usr/local/var/encap
+mkdir var 2>/dev/null || exit 1
+mkdir var/encap 2>/dev/null || exit 1
+touch var/encap/${ENCAP_PKGNAME}
+<include_file name="" mode="0755"><![CDATA[
+# regexplace: regular expression search and replace
+# Stefano Spinucci
+# 2006-02-07 (rev 4)
+# Daniel Clark
+# 2006-08-03 (modified for bcfg2 encap use)
+# thanks to
+# for some ideas and some code
+# tested with python 2.4.3
+import sys, os, re, string
+# pupulate and return 'fileslist[]' with all files inside 'dir' matching 'regx'
+def make_files_list(dir, regx):
+ # if dir is not a directory, exit with error
+ if not os.path.isdir(dir):
+ sys.exit(dir + ' is not a valid dir to walk !!!')
+ # compile the search regexp
+ cregex=re.compile(regx)
+ # initialize the file list
+ fileslist = []
+ # loop on all files and select files matching 'regx'
+ # don't include symbolic links
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir):
+ for name in files:
+ if and name not in ("", "", "postinstall", "postinstall.log", "bcfg2-0.8.3pre1.ep"):
+ path = os.path.join(root, name)
+ if not os.path.islink(path):
+ fileslist.append(path)
+ # return the file list
+ return fileslist[:]
+# in all files in 'fileslist' search the regexp 'searchregx' and replace
+# with 'replacestring'; real substitution in files only if 'simulation' = 0
+def replace_in_files(fileslist, searchregx, replacestring, simulation):
+ # compile regexp
+ cregex=re.compile(searchregx)
+ # loop on all files
+ for xfile in fileslist:
+ # initialize the replace flag
+ replaceflag=0
+ # open file for read
+ readlines=open(xfile,'r').readlines()
+ # intialize the list counter
+ listindex = -1
+ # search and replace in current file printing to the user changed lines
+ for currentline in readlines:
+ # increment the list counter
+ listindex = listindex + 1
+ # if the regexp is found
+ if
+ # make the substitution
+ f=re.sub(searchregx,replacestring,currentline)
+ # print the current filename, the old string and the new string
+ print '\n' + xfile
+ print '- ' + currentline ,
+ if currentline[-1:]!='\n': print '\n' ,
+ print '+ ' + f ,
+ if f[-1:]!='\n': print '\n' ,
+ # if substitution is real
+ if simulation == 0:
+ # update the whole file variable ('readlines')
+ readlines[listindex] = f
+ replaceflag=1
+ # if some text was replaced
+ # overwrite the original file
+ if replaceflag==1:
+ # open the file for writting
+ write_file=open(xfile,'w')
+ # overwrite the file
+ for line in readlines:
+ write_file.write(line)
+ # close the file
+ write_file.close()
+# main function
+def main():
+ # if parameters are wrong, exit with error
+ if len(sys.argv) < 5:
+ print 'Usage: dirname files-regexp search-regexp replace-string'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # make the file list
+ fileslist = make_files_list(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
+ # real execution
+ replace_in_files(fileslist, sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], 0)
+ # simulated execution
+ #replace_in_files(fileslist, sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], 1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
+<include_file name="" mode="0755"><![CDATA[
+# This fixes paths for the bcfg2 encap packaging.
+BASEDIR="`echo ${0} | xargs -n1 dirname`"
+printf "**** Running postinstall with BASEDIR=|${BASEDIR}|...\n"
+for BINARY in ${BINARIES}; do
+ if [ ! -x ${BINARY} ]; then
+ printf "\nERROR: ${BINARY} is not executable, exiting...\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+for FILE in ${COMPILEALL}; do
+ if [ ! -f ${FILE} ]; then
+ printf "\nERROR: ${FILE} does not exist, exiting...\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# Do not run more than once; it does not converge.
+# (/usr/local/usr/local/bcfg2.conf bug)
+if [ "${1}x" != "firstx" ]; then
+ printf "\ Already ran\n\t${BASEDIR}/, not running again...\n"
+ exit 0
+printf "\nRemoving bcfg2 .pyc files...\n"
+find ${BASEDIR} -type f | grep "\.pyc$" | xargs -n1 rm
+printf "\nFixing bcfg2 paths...\n"
+printf "\nReplacing \"/etc/bcfg2.conf\" with \"/usr/local/etc/bcfg2.conf\"...\n"
+${REGEXPLACE} ${BASEDIR} .\* \/etc\/bcfg2.conf \/usr\/local\/etc\/bcfg2.conf
+printf "\nReplacing \"/local/sbin/epkg\" with \"/usr/local/bin/epkg\"...\n"
+${REGEXPLACE} ${BASEDIR} .\* \/local\/sbin\/epkg \/usr\/local\/bin\/epkg
+printf "\nReplacing \"/usr/share/bcfg2\" with \"/usr/local/lib/bcfg2/share/bcfg2\"...\n"
+${REGEXPLACE} ${BASEDIR} .\* \/usr\/share\/bcfg2\/ \/usr\/local\/lib\/bcfg2\/share\/bcfg2\/
+printf "\nReplacing \"prefix = '/usr'\" with \"prefix = '/usr/local/lib/bcfg2'\"...\n"
+${REGEXPLACE} ${BASEDIR} .\* prefix\ =\ \'\/usr\' prefix\ =\ \'/usr/local/lib/bcfg2\'
+printf "\nReplacing \"xmllint\" with \"/usr/local/bin/b2-xmllint\"...\n"
+${REGEXPLACE} ${BASEDIR} .\* xmllint \/usr\/local\/bin\/b2-xmllint
+printf "\nReplacing \"#!/usr/bin/env python\" with "
+printf "\"#!/usr/local/lib/bcfg2/bin/python\"...\n"
+${REGEXPLACE} ${BASEDIR} .\* \#\!\/usr\/bin\/env\ python \#\!\/usr\/local\/lib\/bcfg2\/bin\/python
+printf "\nReplacing \"#!/usr/bin/perl\" with \"#!/usr/bin/env perl\"...\n"
+${REGEXPLACE} ${BASEDIR} .\* \#\!\/usr\/bin\/perl \#\!\/usr\/bin\/env\ perl
+printf "\nReplacing \"#!/usr/bin/python\" with "
+printf "\"#!/usr/local/lib/bcfg2/bin/python\"...\n"
+${REGEXPLACE} ${BASEDIR} .\* \#\!\/usr\/bin\/python \#\!\/usr\/local\/lib\/bcfg2\/bin\/python
+printf "\nCreating bcfg2 .pyc files...\n"
+exit 0
+<include_file name="postinstall" mode="0755"><![CDATA[
+BASEDIR="`echo ${0} | xargs -n1 dirname`"
+if [ ! -f ${BASEDIR}/postinstall.log ]; then
+ test -x ${BASEDIR}/ || exit 1
+ ${BASEDIR}/ first > ${BASEDIR}/postinstall.log 2>&1 3>&1
+ printf "\npostinstall: already ran\n\t${BASEDIR}/, not running again...\n" >> ${BASEDIR}/postinstall.log
+description Bcfg2 - Provides a declarative interface to system configuration
+prereq pkgspec >= bcfg2-zlib-1.2.3
+prereq pkgspec >= bcfg2-libiconv-1.9.2
+prereq pkgspec >= bcfg2-gettext-0.14.5
+prereq pkgspec >= bcfg2-openssl-0.9.8b
+prereq pkgspec >= bcfg2-libstdc++-0.1
+prereq pkgspec >= bcfg2-libgcc-0.1
+prereq pkgspec >= bcfg2-python-2.4.3
+prereq pkgspec >= bcfg2-pyopenssl-0.6
+prereq pkgspec >= bcfg2-libxml2-2.6.26
+prereq pkgspec >= bcfg2-libxslt-1.1.17
+prereq pkgspec >= bcfg2-lxml-1.0.1