path: root/man/bcfg2-info.8
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'man/bcfg2-info.8')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/man/bcfg2-info.8 b/man/bcfg2-info.8
index a644926b5..bb515079f 100644
--- a/man/bcfg2-info.8
+++ b/man/bcfg2-info.8
@@ -1,131 +1,134 @@
-.TH "bcfg2-info" 8
-bcfg2-info \- Creates a local version of the bcfg2 server core for
-state observation
-.B bcfg2-info
-.I [\-C <config file>] [\-E <encoding>] [\-Q <repository path>] [\-h] [\-p] [\-x <password>]
-.I <mode>
-.I <mode args>
-.I <mode options>
-.B bcfg2-info
-Instantiate an instance of the Bcfg2 core for data examination and
-debugging purposes.
-.B "\-C <config file>"
-Specify the location of the configuration file (if it is not in
-.B "\-E <encoding>"
-Specify the encoding of config files.
-.B "\-Q <repository path>
-Specify the server repository path.
-.B "\-d"
-Run in debug mode.
-.B "\-h"
-Give a bit of help about the command line arguments and
-options. After this bcfg2-info exits.
-.B "\-p"
-Specify a profile.
-.B "\-x <password>"
-Set the communication password.
-.B build <hostname> <filename>
-Build config for hostname, writing to filename.
-.B builddir <hostname> <dirname>
-Build config for hostname, writing separate files to dirname.
-.B buildall <directory>
-Build configs for all clients in directory.
-.B buildbundle <filename> <hostname>
-Build bundle for hostname (not written to disk). If filename is a bundle
-template, it is rendered.
-.B buildfile [--altsrc=<altsrc>] <filename> <hostname>
-Build config file for hostname (not written to disk).
-.B bundles
-Print out group/bundle information.
-.B clients
-Print out client/profile information.
-.B config
-Print out the configuration of the Bcfg2 server.
-.B debug
-Shell out to native python interpreter.
-.B event_debug
-Display filesystem events as they are processed.
-.B groups
-List groups
-.B help
-Print the list of available commands.
-.B mappings <type*> <name*>
-Print generator mappings for optional type and name.
-.B profile <command> <args>
-Profile a single bcfg2-info command.
-.B quit
-Exit bcfg2-info command line.
-.B showentries <hostname> <type>
-Show abstract configuration entries for a given host.
-.B showclient <client1> <client2>
-Show metadata for given hosts.
-.B update
-Process pending file events.
-.B version
-Print version of this tool.
+.TH "BCFG2\-INFO" "8" "August 2012" "" ""
+\fBbcfg2\-info\fR \- Creates a local version of the Bcfg2 server core for state observation
+\fBbcfg2\-info\fR [\fI\-C configfile\fR] [\-E \fIencoding\fR] [\-Q \fIrepository path\fR] [\-h] [\-p] [\-x \fIpassword\fR] [\fImode\fR] [\fImode args\fR] [\fImode options\fR]
+\fBbcfg2\-info\fR instantiates an instance of the Bcfg2 core for data examination and debugging purposes\.
+\fB\-C\fR \fIconfigfile\fR
+Specify alternate bcfg2\.conf location
+\fB\-E\fR \fIencoding\fR
+Specify the encoding of config files\.
+\fB\-Q\fR \fIrepository path\fR
+Specify the server repository path\.
+Run in debug mode\.
+Give a bit of help about the command line arguments and options\. After this bcfg2\-info exits\.
+Specify a profile\.
+\fB\-x\fR \fIpassword\fR
+Set the communication password\.
+\fBbuild\fR \fIhostname\fR \fIfilename\fR
+Build config for hostname, writing to filename\.
+\fBbuildall\fR \fIdirectory\fR
+Build configs for all clients in directory\.
+\fBbuildallfile\fR \fIdirectory\fR \fIfilename\fR [\fIhostnames\fR]
+Build config file for all clients in directory\.
+\fBbuildbundle\fR \fIfilename\fR \fIhostname\fR
+Build bundle for hostname (not written to disk)\. If filename is a bundle template, it is rendered\.
+\fBbuilddir\fR \fIhostname\fR \fIdirname\fR
+Build config for hostname, writing separate files to dirname\.
+\fBbuildfile\fR [\-\-altsrc=\fIaltsrc\fR] \fIfilename\fR \fIhostname\fR
+Build config file for hostname (not written to disk)\.
+Print out group/bundle information\.
+Print out client/profile information\.
+Print out the configuration of the Bcfg2 server\.
+Shell out to native python interpreter\.
+Display filesystem events as they are processed\.
+List groups\.
+Print the list of available commands\.
+\fBmappings\fR [\fIentry type\fR] [\fIentry name\fR]
+Print generator mappings for optional type and name\.
+\fBpackageresolve\fR \fIhostname\fR \fIpackage\fR [\fIpackage\fR\.\.\.]
+Resolve the specified set of packages\.
+\fBpackagesources\fR \fIhostname\fR
+Show package sources\.
+\fBprofile\fR \fIcommand\fR \fIargs\fR
+Profile a single bcfg2\-info command\.
+Exit bcfg2\-info command line\.
+\fBshowentries\fR \fIhostname\fR \fItype\fR
+Show abstract configuration entries for a given host\.
+\fBshowclient\fR \fIclient1\fR \fIclient2\fR
+Show metadata for given hosts\.
+Process pending file events\.
+Print version of this tool\.
-.BR bcfg2(1),
-.BR bcfg2-server(8)
-None currently known
+bcfg2(1), bcfg2\-server(8)