path: root/man
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'man')
10 files changed, 1235 insertions, 1491 deletions
diff --git a/man/bcfg2-admin.8 b/man/bcfg2-admin.8
index 6607344d8..a863151d4 100644
--- a/man/bcfg2-admin.8
+++ b/man/bcfg2-admin.8
@@ -1,214 +1,208 @@
-.TH "bcfg2-admin" 8
-bcfg2-admin \- Perform repository administration tasks
-.B bcfg2-admin
-.I [-C config-file]
-.I <mode>
-.I <mode args>
-.I <mode options>
-.B bcfg2-admin
-Perform Bcfg2 repository administration
-.B \-C <config-file>
-Specify the location of the configuration file (if it is not in
-.B init
-Initialize a new repository (interactive).
-.B backup
-Create an archive of the whole Bcfg2 repository.
-.B bundle <action>
-Display details about the available bundles.
-.B client <action> <client> [attribute=value]
-Add, edit, or remove clients entries in metadata.
-.B query [g=group] [p=profile] [-f output-file] [-n] [-c]
-Search for clients based on group or profile.
-.B compare <old> <new>
-Compare two client configurations. Can be used to verify consistent
-behavior between releases. Determine differences between files or
-.B minestruct <client> [-f xml-file] [-g groups]
-Build structure entries based on client statistics extra entries.
-.B pull <client> <entry-type> <entry-name>
-Install configuration information into repo based on client bad
-.B reports [init|load_stats|purge|scrub|update]
-Interact with the dynamic reporting system.
-.B snapshots [init|dump|query|reports]
-Interact with the Snapshots database.
-.B tidy
-Remove unused files from repository.
-.B viz [-H] [-b] [-k] [-o png-file]
-Create a graphviz diagram of client, group and bundle information.
-.B mode
-List all available xml bundles 'list-xml' or for all available genshi
-bundles 'list-genshi'. 'show' provides an interactive dialog to get
-details about the available bundles.
-.B mode
-Add a client 'add', delete a client 'del', or 'list' all client entries.
-.B client
-Specify the client's name.
-.B attribute=value
-Set attribute values when adding a new client. Allowed attributes
-are 'profile', 'uuid', 'password', 'location', 'secure', and 'address'.
-.B g=group
-Specify a group to search within.
-.B p=profile
-Specify a profile to search within.
-.B \-f <output-file>
-Write the results of the query to a file.
-.B \-n
-Print the results, one on each line.
-.B \-c
-Print the results, separated by commas.
-.B old
-Specify the location of the old configuration file.
-.B new
-Specify the location of the new configuration file.
-.B client
-Client whose metadata is to be searched for extra entries.
-.B \-g <groups>
-Hierarchy of groups in which to place the extra entries in.
-.B \-f <xml-output-file>
-Specify the xml file in which to write the extra entries.
-.B client
-Specify the name of the client to search for.
-.B entry-type
-Specify the type of the entry to pull.
-.B entry-name
-Specify the name of the entry to pull.
-.B init
-Initialize the database.
-.B load_stats [-s] [-c] [-03]
-Load statistics data.
-.B purge [--client [n]] [--days [n]] [--expired]
-Purge historic and expired data.
-.B scrub
-Scrub the database for duplicate reasons and orphaned entries.
-.B update
-Apply any updates to the reporting database.
-.B init
-Initialize the snapshots database.
-.B query
-Query the snapshots database.
-.B dump
-Dump some of the contents of the snapshots database.
-.B reports [-a] [-b] [-e] [--date=<MM-DD-YYYY>]
-Generate reports for clients in the snapshots database.
-.B \-H
-Include hosts in diagram.
-.B \-b
-Include bundles in diagram.
-.B \-o <output file>
-Write to outfile file instead of stdout.
-.B \-k
-Add a shape/color key.
+.TH "BCFG2\-ADMIN" "8" "June 2012" "" ""
+\fBbcfg2\-admin\fR \- Perform repository administration tasks
+\fBbcfg2\-admin\fR [\-C \fIconfigfile\fR] \fImode\fR [\fImode args\fR] [\fImode options\fR]
+\fBbcfg2\-admin\fR is used to perform Bcfg2 repository administration
+\fB\-C\fR \fIconfigfile\fR
+Specify alternate bcfg2\.conf location
+Initialize a new repository (interactive)\.
+Create an archive of the entire Bcfg2 repository\.
+\fBbundle\fR \fIaction\fR
+Display details about the available bundles (See \fI\fBBUNDLE OPTIONS\fR\fR below)\.
+\fBclient\fR \fIaction\fR \fIclient\fR [attribute=value]
+Add, edit, or remove clients entries in metadata (See \fI\fBCLIENT OPTIONS\fR\fR below)\.
+\fBquery\fR [g=group] [p=profile] [\-f output\-file] [\-n] [\-c]
+Search for clients based on group or profile (See \fI\fBQUERY OPTIONS\fR\fR below)\.
+\fBcompare\fR \fIold\fR \fInew\fR
+Compare two client configurations\. Can be used to verify consistent behavior between releases\. Determine differences between files or directories (See \fI\fBCOMPARE OPTIONS\fR\fR below)\.
+\fBminestruct\fR \fIclient\fR [\-f xml\-file] [\-g groups]
+Build structure entries based on client statistics extra entries (See \fI\fBMINESTRUCT OPTIONS\fR\fR below)\.
+\fBpull\fR \fIclient\fR \fIentry\-type\fR \fIentry\-name\fR
+Install configuration information into repo based on client bad entries (See \fI\fBPULL OPTIONS\fR\fR below)\.
+\fBreports\fR [init|load_stats|purge|scrub|update]
+Interact with the dynamic reporting system (See \fI\fBREPORTS OPTIONS\fR\fR below)\.
+\fBsnapshots\fR [init|dump|query|reports]
+Interact with the Snapshots database (See \fI\fBSNAPSHOTS OPTIONS\fR\fR below)\.
+Remove unused files from repository\.
+\fBviz\fR [\-H] [\-b] [\-k] [\-o png\-file]
+Create a graphviz diagram of client, group and bundle information (See \fI\fBVIZ OPTIONS\fR\fR below)\.
+List all available xml bundles ’list\-xml’ or for all available genshi bundles ’list\-genshi’\. ’show’ provides an interactive dialog to get details about the available bundles\.
+Add a client ’add’, delete a client ’del’, or ’list’ all client entries\.
+Specify the client’s name\.
+Set attribute values when adding a new client\. Allowed attributes are ’profile’, ’uuid’, ’password’, ’location’, ’secure’, and ’address’\.
+Specify a group to search within\.
+Specify a profile to search within\.
+\fB\-f\fR \fIoutput file\fR
+Write the results of the query to a file\.
+Print the results, one on each line\.
+Print the results, separated by commas\.
+Specify the location of the old configuration file\.
+Specify the location of the new configuration file\.
+Client whose metadata is to be searched for extra entries\.
+\fB\-g\fR \fIgroups\fR
+Hierarchy of groups in which to place the extra entries in\.
+\fB\-f\fR \fIxml output file\fR
+Specify the xml file in which to write the extra entries\.
+Specify the name of the client to search for\.
+\fBentry type\fR
+Specify the type of the entry to pull\.
+\fBentry name\fR
+Specify the name of the entry to pull\.
+Initialize the database\.
+\fBload_stats\fR [\-s] [\-c] [\-03]
+Load statistics data\.
+\fBpurge\fR [\-\-client [n]] [\-\-days [n]] [\-\-expired]
+Purge historic and expired data\.
+Scrub the database for duplicate reasons and orphaned entries\.
+Apply any updates to the reporting database\.
+Initialize the snapshots database\.
+Query the snapshots database\.
+Dump some of the contents of the snapshots database\.
+\fBreports\fR [\-a] [\-b] [\-e] [\-\-date=\fIMM\-DD\-YYYY\fR]
+Generate reports for clients in the snapshots database\.
+Include hosts in diagram\.
+Include bundles in diagram\.
+\fB\-o\fR \fIoutput file\fR
+Write to outfile file instead of stdout\.
+Add a shape/color key\.
+bcfg2\-info(8), bcfg2\-server(8)
diff --git a/man/bcfg2-build-reports.8 b/man/bcfg2-build-reports.8
index a14dea728..7ece94c32 100644
--- a/man/bcfg2-build-reports.8
+++ b/man/bcfg2-build-reports.8
@@ -1,40 +1,36 @@
-.TH "bcfg2-build-reports" 8
-bcfg2-build-reports \- Generate state reports for Bcfg2 clients
-.B bcfg2-build-reports
-.I [-A] [-c] [-s] [-N]
-.B bcfg2-build-reports
-Build all client state reports. See the Bcfg2 manual for report setup
-.B "\-A"
-Displays all data.
-.B "\-c <configuration file>"
-Specify an alternate report configuration path. The default is
-.B "\-h"
-Produce a help message.
-.B "\-s <statistics Path>"
-Use an alternative path for the statistics file. The default is
-.B "\-N"
-No pinging.
+.TH "BCFG2\-BUILD\-REPORTS" "8" "June 2012" "" ""
+\fBbcfg2\-build\-reports\fR \- Generate state reports for Bcfg2 clients
+\fBbcfg2\-build\-reports\fR [\fI\-A\fR] [\fI\-c\fR] [\fI\-s\fR] [\fI\-N\fR]
+\fBbcfg2\-build\-reports\fR is used to build all client state reports\. See the Bcfg2 manual for report setup information\.
+Displays all data\.
+\fB\-c\fR \fIconfiguration file\fR
+Specify an alternate report configuration path\. The default is repo/etc/reports\-configuration\.xml\.
+Produce a help message\.
+\fB\-s\fR \fIstatistics path\fR
+Use an alternative path for the statistics file\. The default is repo/etc/statistics\.xml\.
+No pinging\.
-.BR bcfg(1),
-.BR bcfg2-server(8)
-None currently known
+bcfg2(1), bcfg2\-server(8)
diff --git a/man/bcfg2-info.8 b/man/bcfg2-info.8
index a644926b5..12b6ae9c6 100644
--- a/man/bcfg2-info.8
+++ b/man/bcfg2-info.8
@@ -1,131 +1,134 @@
-.TH "bcfg2-info" 8
-bcfg2-info \- Creates a local version of the bcfg2 server core for
-state observation
-.B bcfg2-info
-.I [\-C <config file>] [\-E <encoding>] [\-Q <repository path>] [\-h] [\-p] [\-x <password>]
-.I <mode>
-.I <mode args>
-.I <mode options>
-.B bcfg2-info
-Instantiate an instance of the Bcfg2 core for data examination and
-debugging purposes.
-.B "\-C <config file>"
-Specify the location of the configuration file (if it is not in
-.B "\-E <encoding>"
-Specify the encoding of config files.
-.B "\-Q <repository path>
-Specify the server repository path.
-.B "\-d"
-Run in debug mode.
-.B "\-h"
-Give a bit of help about the command line arguments and
-options. After this bcfg2-info exits.
-.B "\-p"
-Specify a profile.
-.B "\-x <password>"
-Set the communication password.
-.B build <hostname> <filename>
-Build config for hostname, writing to filename.
-.B builddir <hostname> <dirname>
-Build config for hostname, writing separate files to dirname.
-.B buildall <directory>
-Build configs for all clients in directory.
-.B buildbundle <filename> <hostname>
-Build bundle for hostname (not written to disk). If filename is a bundle
-template, it is rendered.
-.B buildfile [--altsrc=<altsrc>] <filename> <hostname>
-Build config file for hostname (not written to disk).
-.B bundles
-Print out group/bundle information.
-.B clients
-Print out client/profile information.
-.B config
-Print out the configuration of the Bcfg2 server.
-.B debug
-Shell out to native python interpreter.
-.B event_debug
-Display filesystem events as they are processed.
-.B groups
-List groups
-.B help
-Print the list of available commands.
-.B mappings <type*> <name*>
-Print generator mappings for optional type and name.
-.B profile <command> <args>
-Profile a single bcfg2-info command.
-.B quit
-Exit bcfg2-info command line.
-.B showentries <hostname> <type>
-Show abstract configuration entries for a given host.
-.B showclient <client1> <client2>
-Show metadata for given hosts.
-.B update
-Process pending file events.
-.B version
-Print version of this tool.
+.TH "BCFG2\-INFO" "8" "June 2012" "" ""
+\fBbcfg2\-info\fR \- Creates a local version of the Bcfg2 server core for state observation
+\fBbcfg2\-info\fR [\fI\-C configfile\fR] [\-E \fIencoding\fR] [\-Q \fIrepository path\fR] [\-h] [\-p] [\-x \fIpassword\fR] [\fImode\fR] [\fImode args\fR] [\fImode options\fR]
+\fBbcfg2\-info\fR instantiates an instance of the Bcfg2 core for data examination and debugging purposes\.
+\fB\-C\fR \fIconfigfile\fR
+Specify alternate bcfg2\.conf location
+\fB\-E\fR \fIencoding\fR
+Specify the encoding of config files\.
+\fB\-Q\fR \fIrepository path\fR
+Specify the server repository path\.
+Run in debug mode\.
+Give a bit of help about the command line arguments and options\. After this bcfg2\-info exits\.
+Specify a profile\.
+\fB\-x\fR \fIpassword\fR
+Set the communication password\.
+\fBbuild\fR \fIhostname\fR \fIfilename\fR
+Build config for hostname, writing to filename\.
+\fBbuildall\fR \fIdirectory\fR
+Build configs for all clients in directory\.
+\fBbuildallfile\fR \fIdirectory\fR \fIfilename\fR [\fIhostnames\fR]
+Build config file for all clients in directory\.
+\fBbuildbundle\fR \fIfilename\fR \fIhostname\fR
+Build bundle for hostname (not written to disk)\. If filename is a bundle template, it is rendered\.
+\fBbuilddir\fR \fIhostname\fR \fIdirname\fR
+Build config for hostname, writing separate files to dirname\.
+\fBbuildfile\fR [\-\-altsrc=\fIaltsrc\fR] \fIfilename\fR \fIhostname\fR
+Build config file for hostname (not written to disk)\.
+Print out group/bundle information\.
+Print out client/profile information\.
+Print out the configuration of the Bcfg2 server\.
+Shell out to native python interpreter\.
+Display filesystem events as they are processed\.
+List groups\.
+Print the list of available commands\.
+\fBmappings\fR [\fIentry type\fR] [\fIentry name\fR]
+Print generator mappings for optional type and name\.
+\fBpackageresolve\fR \fIhostname\fR \fIpackage\fR [\fIpackage\fR\.\.\.]
+Resolve the specified set of packages\.
+\fBpackagesources\fR \fIhostname\fR
+Show package sources\.
+\fBprofile\fR \fIcommand\fR \fIargs\fR
+Profile a single bcfg2\-info command\.
+Exit bcfg2\-info command line\.
+\fBshowentries\fR \fIhostname\fR \fItype\fR
+Show abstract configuration entries for a given host\.
+\fBshowclient\fR \fIclient1\fR \fIclient2\fR
+Show metadata for given hosts\.
+Process pending file events\.
+Print version of this tool\.
-.BR bcfg2(1),
-.BR bcfg2-server(8)
-None currently known
+bcfg2(1), bcfg2\-server(8)
diff --git a/man/bcfg2-lint.8 b/man/bcfg2-lint.8
index 25fa30f9e..02d472d22 100644
--- a/man/bcfg2-lint.8
+++ b/man/bcfg2-lint.8
@@ -1,174 +1,99 @@
-.TH "bcfg2-lint" 8
-bcfg2-lint \- Check Bcfg2 specification for validity, common mistakes,
-and style
-.B bcfg2-lint
-.I [<plugin> [<plugin>...]]
-.B bcfg2-lint
-This script checks the Bcfg2 specification for schema validity, common
-mistakes, and other criteria. It can be quite helpful in finding
-typos or malformed data.
-.B bcfg2-lint
-exits with a return value of 2 if errors were found, and 3
-if warnings (but no errors) were found. Any other non-0 exit value
-denotes some failure in the script itself.
-.B bcfg2-lint
-is a rewrite of the older
-.B bcfg2-repo-validate
+.TH "BCFG2\-LINT" "8" "June 2012" "" ""
+\fBbcfg2\-lint\fR \- Check Bcfg2 specification for validity, common mistakes, and style
+\fBbcfg2\-lint\fR [\fIoptions\fR] [\fIplugin\fR [\fIplugin\fR\.\.\.]]
+\fBbcfg2\-lint\fR checks the Bcfg2 specification for schema validity, common mistakes, and other criteria\. It can be quite helpful in finding typos or malformed data\.
+\fBbcfg2\-lint\fR exits with a return value of 2 if errors were found, and 3 if warnings (but no errors) were found\. Any other non\-0 exit value denotes some failure in the script itself\.
+\fBbcfg2\-lint\fR is a rewrite of the older bcfg2\-repo\-validate tool\.
-.BR "-v"
-Be verbose.
+\fB\-C\fR \fIconfigfile\fR
+Specify alternate bcfg2\.conf location\.
-.BR "-C"
-Specify path to bcfg2.conf (default /etc/bcfg2.conf)
+Specify the server repository path\.
-.BR "--lint-config"
-Specify path to bcfg2-lint.conf (default /etc/bcfg2-lint.conf)
+Be verbose\.
-.BR "-Q"
-Specify path to Bcfg2 repository (default /var/lib/bcfg2)
+Specify path to bcfg2\-lint\.conf (default \fB/etc/bcfg2\-lint\.conf\fR)\.
-.BR "--stdin"
-Rather than operating on all files in the Bcfg2 specification, only
-validate a list of files supplied on stdin. This mode is particularly
-useful in pre-commit hooks.
+Rather than operating on all files in the Bcfg2 specification, only validate a list of files supplied on stdin\. This mode is particularly useful in pre\-commit hooks\.
This makes a few assumptions:
-Metadata files will only be checked if a valid chain of XIncludes can
-be followed all the way from clients.xml or groups.xml. Since there
-are multiple formats of metadata stored in Metadata/ (i.e., clients
-and groups), there is no way to determine which sort of data a file
-contains unless there is a valid chain of XIncludes. It may be useful
-to always specify all metadata files should be checked, even if not
-all of them have changed.
-Property files will only be validated if both the property file itself
-and its matching schema are included on stdin.
+Metadata files will only be checked if a valid chain of XIncludes can be followed all the way from clients\.xml or groups\.xml\. Since there are multiple formats of metadata stored in Metadata/ (i\.e\., clients and groups), there is no way to determine which sort of data a file contains unless there is a valid chain of XIncludes\. It may be useful to always specify all metadata files should be checked, even if not all of them have changed\.
+Property files will only be validated if both the property file itself and its matching schema are included on stdin\.
-.BR "--require-schema"
-Require property files to have matching schema files
+Require property files to have matching schema files\.
-.BR bcfg2-lint.conf(5)
-for more information on the configuration of the plugins listed below.
+See \fBbcfg2\-lint\.conf\fR(5) for more information on the configuration of the plugins listed below\.
-.BR Bundles
-Check the specification for several issues with Bundler: bundles
-referenced in metadata but not found in
-.I Bundler/
-; bundles whose
-.I name
-attribute does not match the filename; and Genshi template bundles
-that use the
-.I <Group>
-tag (which is not processed in templated bundles).
+Check the specification for several issues with Bundler: bundles referenced in metadata but not found in \fBBundler/\fR; bundles whose \fIname\fR attribute does not match the filename; and Genshi template bundles that use the \fI\fIGroup\fR\fR tag (which is not processed in templated bundles)\.
-.BR Comments
-Check the specification for VCS keywords and any comments that are
-required. By default, this only checks that the
-.I $Id$
-keyword is included and expanded in all files. You may specify VCS
-keywords to check and comments to be required in the config file.
-(For instance, you might require that every file have a "Maintainer"
-In XML files, only comments are checked for the keywords and comments
+Check the specification for VCS keywords and any comments that are required\. By default, this only checks that the \fI$Id$\fR keyword is included and expanded in all files\. You may specify VCS keywords to check and comments to be required in the config file\. (For instance, you might require that every file have a "Maintainer" comment\.)
+In XML files, only comments are checked for the keywords and comments required\.
-.BR Duplicates
-Check for several types of duplicates in the Metadata: duplicate
-groups; duplicate clients; and multiple default groups.
+Check for several types of duplicates in the Metadata: duplicate groups; duplicate clients; and multiple default groups\.
-.BR InfoXML
-Check that certain attributes are specified in
-.I info.xml
-files. By default, requires that
-.I owner
-.I group
-, and
-.I perms
-are specified. Can also require that an
-.I info.xml
-exists for all Cfg files, and that paranoid mode be enabled for all
+Check that certain attributes are specified in \fBinfo\.xml\fR files\. By default, requires that \fIowner\fR, \fIgroup\fR, and \fIperms\fR are specified\. Can also require that an \fBinfo\.xml\fR exists for all Cfg files, and that paranoid mode be enabled for all files\.
-.BR MergeFiles
-Suggest that similar probes and config files be merged into single
-probes or TGenshi templates.
+Suggest that similar probes and config files be merged into single probes or TGenshi templates\.
-.BR Pkgmgr
-Check for duplicate packages specified in Pkgmgr.
+Check for duplicate packages specified in Pkgmgr\.
-.BR RequiredAttrs
-Check that all
-.I <Path>
-.I <BoundPath>
-tags have the attributes that are required by their type. (E.g., a
-path of type
-.I "symlink"
-must have
-.I name
-.I to
-specified to be valid. This sort of validation is beyond the scope of
-an XML schema.
+Check that all \fIPath\fR and \fIBoundPath\fR tags have the attributes that are required by their type (e\.g\., a path of type symlink must have name and to specified to be valid)\. This sort of validation is beyond the scope of an XML schema\.
-.BR Validate
-Validate the Bcfg2 specification against the XML schemas.
-Property files are freeform XML, but if a
-.I .xsd
-file with a matching filename is provided, then schema validation will
-be performed on property files individually as well. For instance, if
-you have a property file named
-.I ntp.xml
-then by placing a schema for that file in
-.I ntp.xsd
-schema validation will be performed on
-.I ntp.xml
-.BR bcfg2(1),
-.BR bcfg2-server(8),
-.BR bcfg2-lint.conf(5)
+Validate the Bcfg2 specification against the XML schemas\.
+Property files are freeform XML, but if a \fB\.xsd\fR file with a matching filename is provided, then schema validation will be performed on property files individually as well\. For instance, if you have a property file named \fBntp\.xml\fR then by placing a schema for that file in \fBntp\.xsd\fR schema validation will be performed on \fBntp\.xml\fR\.
-bcfg2-lint may not handle some older plugins as well as it handles
-newer ones. For instance, there may be some places where it expects
-all of your configuration files to be handled by Cfg rather than by a
-mix of Cfg and TGenshi or TCheetah.
+\fBbcfg2\-lint\fR may not handle some older plugins as well as it handles newer ones\. For instance, there may be some places where it expects all of your configuration files to be handled by Cfg rather than by a mix of Cfg and TGenshi or TCheetah\.
+bcfg2(1), bcfg2\-server(8), bcfg2\-lint\.conf(5)
diff --git a/man/bcfg2-lint.conf.5 b/man/bcfg2-lint.conf.5
index 10a812874..467a717b0 100644
--- a/man/bcfg2-lint.conf.5
+++ b/man/bcfg2-lint.conf.5
@@ -1,174 +1,99 @@
-.TH bcfg2-lint.conf 5
-bcfg2-lint.conf - configuration parameters for bcfg2-lint
-bcfg2-lint.conf includes configuration parameters for
-.I bcfg2-lint
-The file is INI-style and consists of sections and options. A section
-begins with the name of the sections in square brackets and continues
-until the next section begins.
-Options are specified in the form 'name = value'.
-The file is line-based each newline-terminated line represents either
-a comment, a section name or an option.
-Any line beginning with a hash (#) is ignored, as are lines containing
-only whitespace.
-The file consists of one
-.I [lint]
-section, up to one
-.I [errors]
-section, and then any number of plugin-specific sections, documented below. (Note that this makes it quite feasible to combine your
-.B bcfg2-lint.conf
-into your
-.B bcfg2.conf(5)
-file, if you so desire.)
-These options apply to
-.I bcfg2-lint
-generally, and must be in the
-.I [lint]
-.BR plugins
-A comma-delimited list of plugins to run. By default, all plugins are
-run. This can be overridden by listing plugins on the command line.
-.B bcfg2-lint(8)
-for a list of the available plugins.
-Error handling is configured in the
-.I [errors]
-section. Each option should be the name of an error and one of
-.I "error"
-.I "warning"
-, or
-.I "silent"
-, which tells
-.B bcfg2-lint(8)
-how to handle the warning. Error names and their defaults can be
-displayed by running
-.B bcfg2-lint(8)
-with the
-.B --list-errors
-These options apply only to a single plugin. Each option should be in
-a section named for its plugin; for instance, options for the InfoXML
-plugin would be in a section called
-.I [InfoXML]
-If a plugin is not listed below, then it has no configuration.
-In many cases, the behavior of a plugin can be configured by modifying
-how errors from it are handled. See
-, above.
+.TH "BCFG2\-LINT\.CONF" "5" "June 2012" "" ""
+\fBbcfg2\-lint\.conf\fR \- configuration parameters for bcfg2\-lint
+\fBbcfg2\-lint\.conf\fR includes configuration parameters for \fBbcfg2\-lint\fR\.
+The file is INI\-style and consists of sections and options\. A section begins with the name of the sections in square brackets and continues until the next section begins\.
+Options are specified in the form "name=value"\.
+The file is line\-based each newline\-terminated line represents either a comment, a section name or an option\.
+Any line beginning with a hash (#) is ignored, as are lines containing only whitespace\.
+The file consists of one \fB[lint]\fR section, up to one \fB[errors]\fR section, and then any number of plugin\-specific sections, documented below\. (Note that this makes it quite feasible to combine your \fBbcfg2\-lint\.conf\fR into your \fBbcfg2\.conf\fR(5) file, if you so desire)\.
+These options apply to \fBbcfg2\-lint\fR generally, and must be in the \fB[lint]\fR section\.
-.BR Comments
-.I Comments
-plugin configuration specifies which VCS keywords and comments are
-required for which file types. The valid types of file are
-.I "global"
-(all file types),
-.I "bundler"
-(non-templated bundle files),
-.I "sgenshi"
-(templated bundle files),
-.I "properties"
-(property files),
-.I "cfg"
-(non-templated Cfg files),
-.I "tgenshi"
-(templated Cfg files),
-.I "infoxml"
-(info.xml files), and
-.I "probe"
-(probe files).
-The specific types (i.e., types other than "global") all supplement
-global; they do not override it. The exception is if you specify an
-empty option, e.g.:
+A comma\-delimited list of plugins to run\. By default, all plugins are run\. This can be overridden by listing plugins on the command line\. See \fBbcfg2\-lint\fR(8) for a list of the available plugins\.
+Error handling is configured in the \fB[errors]\fR section\. Each option should be the name of an error and one of \fIerror\fR, \fIwarning\fR, or \fIsilent\fR, which tells \fBbcfg2\-lint\fR(8) how to handle the warning\. Error names and their defaults can be displayed by running \fBbcfg2\-lint\fR(8) with the \fB\-\-list\-errors\fR option\.
+These options apply only to a single plugin\. Each option should be in a section named for its plugin; for instance, options for the InfoXML plugin would be in a section called \fB[InfoXML]\fR\.
+If a plugin is not listed below, then it has no configuration\.
+In many cases, the behavior of a plugin can be configured by modifying how errors from it are handled\. See \fI\fBERROR HANDLING\fR\fR, above\.
+.SS "Comments"
+The \fBComments\fR plugin configuration specifies which VCS keywords and comments are required for which file types\. The valid types of file are \fIglobal\fR (all file types), \fIbundler\fR (non\-templated bundle files), \fIsgenshi\fR (templated bundle files), \fIproperties\fR (property files), \fIcfg\fR (non\-templated Cfg files), \fItgenshi\fR (templated Cfg files), \fIinfoxml\fR (info\.xml files), and \fIprobe\fR (probe files)\.
+The specific types (i\.e\., types other than "global") all supplement global; they do not override it\. The exception is if you specify an empty option, e\.g\.:
cfg_keywords =
-By default, the
-.I $Id$
-keyword is checked for and nothing else.
-Multiple keywords or comments should be comma-delimited.
-.B <type>_keywords
-Ensure that files of the specified type have the given VCS keyword.
-.I not
-include the dollar signs. I.e.:
+By default, the \fI$Id$\fR keyword is checked for and nothing else\.
+Multiple keywords or comments should be comma\-delimited\.
+· \fB<type>_keywords\fR
+Ensure that files of the specified type have the given VCS keyword\. Do \fInot\fR include the dollar signs\. I\.e\.:
infoxml_keywords = Revision
-.I not:
infoxml_keywords = $Revision$
-.B <type>_comments
-Ensure that files of the specified type have a comment containing the
-given string. In XML files, only comments are checked. In plain text
-files, all lines are checked since comment characters may vary.
+\fB· <type>_comments\fR
+Ensure that files of the specified type have a comment containing the given string\. In XML files, only comments are checked\. In plain text files, all lines are checked since comment characters may vary\.
+.SS "InfoXML"
-.BR InfoXML
-.B required_attrs
-A comma-delimited list of attributes to require on
-.I <Info>
-tags. Default is "owner,group,perms".
+A comma\-delimited list of attributes to require on \fB<Info>\fR tags\. Default is "owner,group,perms"\.
+.SS "MergeFiles"
-.BR MergeFiles
-.B threshold
-The threshold at which MergeFiles will suggest merging config files
-and probes. Default is 75% similar.
+The threshold at which MergeFiles will suggest merging config files and probes\. Default is 75% similar\.
+.SS "Validate"
-.BR Validate
-.B schema
-The full path to the XML Schema files. Default is
-"/usr/share/bcfg2/schema". This can be overridden with the
-.I --schema
-command-line option
-.BR bcfg2-lint(8)
+The full path to the XML Schema files\. Default is \fB/usr/share/bcfg2/schema\fR\. This can be overridden with the \fI\-\-schema\fR command\-line option
diff --git a/man/bcfg2-ping-sweep.8 b/man/bcfg2-ping-sweep.8
index 54eaa8e76..709f0eed6 100644
--- a/man/bcfg2-ping-sweep.8
+++ b/man/bcfg2-ping-sweep.8
@@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
-.TH "bcfg2-ping-sweep" 8
-bcfg2-ping-sweep \- Update pingable and pingtime attributes in
-.B bcfg2-ping-sweep
+.TH "BCFG2\-PING\-SWEEP" "8" "June 2012" "" ""
+\fBbcfg2\-ping\-sweep\fR \- Update pingable and pingtime attributes in clients\.xml
-\fBbcfg2-ping-sweep\fR traverses the list of clients in
-Metadata/clients.xml and updates their pingable/pingtime attributes. The
-pingtime value is set to the last time the client was pinged (not the
-RTT value).
-.B None
+\fBbcfg2\-ping\-sweep\fR traverses the list of clients in Metadata/clients\.xml and updates their pingable/pingtime attributes\. The pingtime value is set to the last time the client was pinged (not the RTT value)\.
-.BR bcfg(1),
-.BR bcfg2-server(8)
-None currently known
+bcfg2(1), bcfg2\-server(8)
diff --git a/man/bcfg2-reports.8 b/man/bcfg2-reports.8
index 51399e1c9..f1091eb31 100644
--- a/man/bcfg2-reports.8
+++ b/man/bcfg2-reports.8
@@ -1,94 +1,76 @@
-.TH "bcfg2-reports" 8
-bcfg2-reports \- Query reporting system for client status
-.B bcfg2-reports
-.I [-v]
-\fBbcfg2-reports\fR allows you to retrieve data from the database about
-clients, and the states of their current interactions. It also allows
-you to change the expired/unexpired states.
-The utility runs as a standalone application. It does, however, use
-the models from /src/lib/Server/Reports/reports/
-.B "\-a"
-Shows all hosts, including expired hosts.
-.B "\-b NAME"
-Single-host mode \- shows bad entries from the current interaction of
-NAME. NAME is the name of the entry.
-.B "-c\"
-Shows only clean hosts.
-.B "\-d"
-Shows only dirty hosts.
-.B "\-e NAME"
-Single host mode \- shows extra entries from the current interaction
-of NAME. NAME is the name of the entry.
-.B "\-h"
-Shows help and usage info about bcfg2-reports.
-.B "\-m NAME"
-Single-host mode \- shows modified entries from the current interaction
-of NAME. NAME is the name of the entry.
-.B "\-s NAME"
-Single host mode \- shows bad, modified, and extra entries from the
-current interaction of NAME. NAME is the name of the entry.
-.B "\-x NAME"
-Toggles expired/unexpired state of NAME. NAME is the name of the entry.
-.B "\-\-badentry=KIND,NAME"
-Shows only hosts whose current interaction has bad entries in of KIND
-kind and NAME name; if a single argument ARG1 is given, then KIND,NAME
-pairs will be read from a file of name ARG1. KIND is the type of entry
-(Package, Path, Service, etc). NAME is the name of the entry.
-.B "\-\-extraentry=KIND,NAME"
-Shows only hosts whose current interaction has extra entries in of KIND
-kind and NAME name; if a single argument ARG1 is given, then KIND,NAME
-pairs will be read from a file of name ARG1. KIND is the type of entry
-(Package, Path, Service, etc). NAME is the name of the entry.
-.B "\-\-fields=ARG1,ARG2,..."
-Only displays the fields ARG1,ARG2,... (name, time, state, total, good,
-.B "\-\-modifiedentry=KIND,NAME"
-Shows only hosts whose current interaction has modified entries in of
-KIND kind and NAME name; if a single argument ARG1 is given, then
-KIND,NAME pairs will be read from a file of name ARG1. KIND is the type
-of entry (Package, Path, Service, etc). NAME is the name of the entry.
-.B "\-\-sort=ARG1,ARG2,..."
-Sorts output on ARG1,ARG2,... (name, time, state, total, good, bad)
-.B "\-\-stale"
-Shows hosts which haven't run in the last 24 hours
+.TH "BCFG2\-REPORTS" "8" "June 2012" "" ""
+\fBbcfg2\-reports\fR \- Query reporting system for client status
+\fBbcfg2\-reports\fR [\-a] [\-b \fINAME\fR] [\-c] [\-d] [\-e \fINAME\fR] [\-h] [\-m \fINAME\fR] [\-s \fINAME\fR] [\-x \fINAME\fR] [\-\-badentry=\fIKIND,NAME\fR] [\-\-extraentry=\fIKIND,NAME\fR] [\-\-fields=<ARG1,ARG2,\.\.\.>] [\-\-modifiedentry=\fIKIND,NAME\fR] [\-\-sort=<ARG1,ARG2,\.\.\.>] [\-\-stale] [\-v]
+\fBbcfg2\-reports\fR allows you to retrieve data from the database about clients, and the states of their current interactions\. It also allows you to change the expired/unexpired states\. The utility runs as a standalone application\. It does, however, use the models from \fB/src/lib/Server/Reports/reports/models\.py\fR\.
+Specify alternate bcfg2\.conf location
+\fB\-b\fR \fIhostname\fR
+Single host mode \- shows bad entries from the current interaction of \fIhostname\fR\.
+Shows only clean hosts\.
+Shows only dirty hosts\.
+\fB\-e\fR \fIhostname\fR
+Single host mode \- shows extra entries from the current interaction of \fIhostname\fR\.
+Shows help and usage info about \fBbcfg2\-reports\fR\.
+\fB\-m\fR \fIhostname\fR
+Single host mode \- shows modified entries from the current interaction of \fIhostname\fR\.
+\fB\-s\fR \fIhostname\fR
+Single host mode \- shows bad, modified, and extra entries from the current interaction of \fIhostname\fR\.
+\fB\-x\fR \fIhostname\fR
+Toggles expired/unexpired state of \fIhostname\fR\.
+\fB\-\-badentry=\fR\fIentry type, entry name\fR
+Shows only hosts whose current interaction has bad entries of type \fIentry type\fR and name \fIentry name\fR\. If a single argument ARG1 is given, then \fIentry type\fR,\fIentry name\fR pairs will be read from a file of name ARG1\.
+\fB\-\-extraentry=\fR\fIentry type, entry name\fR
+Shows only hosts whose current interaction has extra entries of type \fIentry type\fR and name \fIentry name\fR\. If a single argument ARG1 is given, then \fIentry type\fR,\fIentry name\fR pairs will be read from a file of name ARG1\.
+Only displays the fields \fIARG1,ARG2,\.\.\.\fR (name, time, state, total, good, bad)\.
+\fB\-\-modifiedentry=\fR\fIentry type, entry name\fR
+Shows only hosts whose current interaction has modified entries of type \fIentry type\fR and name \fIentry name\fR\. If a single argument ARG1 is given, then \fIentry type\fR,\fIentry name\fR pairs will be read from a file of name ARG1\.
+Sorts output on ARG1,ARG2,\.\.\. (name, time, state, total, good, bad)\.
+Shows hosts which haven’t run in the last 24 hours\.
-.BR bcfg2(1),
-.BR bcfg2-server(8)
-None currently known
+bcfg2(1), bcfg2\-server(8)
diff --git a/man/bcfg2-server.8 b/man/bcfg2-server.8
index 2d132ce6d..b1a3a7703 100644
--- a/man/bcfg2-server.8
+++ b/man/bcfg2-server.8
@@ -1,58 +1,48 @@
-.TH "bcfg2-server" 8
-bcfg2-server \- Server for client configuration specifications
-.B bcfg2-server
-.I [-D <pidfile>] [-d] [-v] [-C <Client>]
-.B bcfg2-server
-This daemon serves configurations to clients based on the data in its
-.B \-d
-Run bcfg2 in debug mode.
-.B \-v
-Run bcfg2 in verbose mode.
-.B "\-C <ConfigFile Path>"
-Use an alternative path for bcfg2.conf. The default is /etc/bcfg2.conf
-.B \-D
-Daemonize, placing the program pid in the specified pidfile.
-.B \-o <LogFile Path>
-Writes a log to the specified path.
-.B \-E <encoding>
-Unicode encoding of config files.
-.B \-x <password>
-Set server password.
-.B \-S <server url>
-Set server address.
-.B \-Q <repo path>
-Set repository path.
-.B \-\-ssl\-key=<ssl key>
-Set path to SSL key.
+.TH "BCFG2\-SERVER" "8" "June 2012" "" ""
+\fBbcfg2\-server\fR \- Server for client configuration specifications
+\fBbcfg2\-server\fR [\-d] [\-v] [\-C \fIconfigfile\fR] [\-D \fIpidfile\fR] [\-E \fIencoding\fR] [\-Q \fIrepo path\fR] [\-S \fIserver url\fR] [\-o \fIlogfile\fR] [\-x \fIpassword\fR] [\-\-ssl\-key=\fIssl key\fR]
+\fBbcfg2\-server\fR is the daemon component of Bcfg2 which serves configurations to clients based on the data in its repository\.
+\fB\-C\fR \fIconfigfile\fR
+Specify alternate bcfg2\.conf location\.
+\fB\-D\fR \fIpidfile\fR
+Daemonize, placing the program pid in the specified pidfile\.
+\fB\-E\fR \fIencoding\fR
+Specify alternate encoding (default is UTF\-8)\.
+\fB\-Q\fR \fIrepo path\fR
+Set repository path\.
+\fB\-S\fR \fIserver url\fR
+Set server address\.
+Run \fBbcfg2\-server\fR in debug mode\.
+Run \fBbcfg2\-server\fR in verbose mode\.
+\fB\-\-ssl\-key=\fR\fIssl key\fR
+Set path to SSL key\.
-.BR bcfg2(1),
-.BR bcfg2-lint(8)
-None currently known
+bcfg2(1), bcfg2\-lint(8)
diff --git a/man/bcfg2.1 b/man/bcfg2.1
index 661153a15..d0f0e0062 100644
--- a/man/bcfg2.1
+++ b/man/bcfg2.1
@@ -1,180 +1,167 @@
-.TH "bcfg2" 1
-bcfg2 \- reconfigure machine based on settings in Bcfg2
-.B bcfg2
-.I [\-d] [\-v] [\-p] [\-c cache file] [\-e] [\-f config file] [\-I] [\-q] [\-z] [\-b bundle] [\-r removal mode] [\-\-ca\-cert=file] [\-\-ssl\-cns=list] [\-\-ssl\-cert=file] [\-\-ssl\-key=file]
-.BR bcfg2
-Runs the Bcfg2 configuration process on the current host. This process
-consists of first fetching and executing probes, uploading probe
-results, fetching the client configuration, checking the current
-client state, attempting to install the desired configuration, and
-finally uploading statistics about the Bcfg2 execution and client
-.BR "\-C <configfile>"
-Specify alternate bcfg2.conf location.
-.BR "\-D <driver1>,<driver2>"
-Specify a set of Bcfg2 tool drivers. NOTE: only drivers listed will be
-loaded. (IE, if you don't include POSIX, you will be unable to
-verify/install ConfigFiles, etc).
-.BR "\-E <encoding>"
-Specify the encoding of Cfg files.
-.BR "\-I"
-Run bcfg2 in interactive mode. The user will be prompted before each
-.BR "\-O"
-Omit lock check.
-.BR "\-P"
-Run bcfg2 in paranoid mode. Diffs will be logged for
-configuration files marked as paranoid by the Bcfg2 server.
-.BR "\-R <retry count>"
-Specify the number of times that the client will attempt to retry
-network communication.
-.BR "\-S https://server:port"
-Manually specify the server location (as opposed to using the value in
-.BR "\-b <bundle1>:<bundle2>"
-Run bcfg2 against one or multiple bundles in the configuration.
-.BR "\-c <cachefile>"
-Cache a copy of the configuration in cachefile.
-.BR "\-\-ca\-cert=<ca cert>"
-Specifiy the path to the SSL CA certificate.
-.BR "\-d"
-Run bcfg2 in debug mode.
-.BR "\-e"
-When in verbose mode, display extra entry information (temporary until
-verbosity rework).
-.BR "\-f <specification path>"
-Configure from a file rather than querying the server.
-.BR "\-h"
-Print Usage information.
-.BR "\-k"
-Run in bulletproof mode. This currently only affects behavior in the
-debian toolset; it calls apt\-get update and clean and
-dpkg \-\-configure \-\-pending.
-.BR "\-l <whitelist|blacklist|none>"
-Run the client in the server decision list mode (unless "none" is
-specified, which can be done in order to override the decision list mode
-specified in bcfg2.conf). This approach is needed when particular
-changes are deemed "high risk". It gives the ability to centrally
-specify these changes, but only install them on clients when
-administrator supervision is available. Because collaborative
-configuration is one of the remaining hard issues in configuration
-management, these issues typically crop up in environments with several
-administrators and much configuration variety. (This setting will be
-ignored if the -f option is also specified.)
-.BR "\-n"
-Run bcfg2 in dry\-run mode. No changes will be made to the
-.BR "\-o <LogFile Path>"
-Writes a log to the specified path.
-.BR "\-p <profile>"
-Assert a profile for the current client.
-.BR "\-q"
-Run bcfg2 in quick mode. Package checksum verification won't be
-performed. This mode relaxes the constraints of correctness, and thus
-should only be used in safe conditions.
-.BR "\-Q"
-Run bcfg2 in "bundle quick" mode, where only entries in a bundle are
-verified or installed. This runs much faster than -q, but doesn't provide
-statistics to the server at all. In order for this option to work, the
--b option must also be provided. This option is incompatible with -r.
-.BR "\-r <mode>"
-Cause bcfg2 to remove extra configuration elements it detects. Mode is
-one of all, Services, or Packages. All removes all entries. Likewise,
-Services and Packages remove only the extra configuration elements of
-the respective type.
-.BR "\-s <service mode>"
-Set bcfg2 interaction level for services. Default behavior is to
-modify all services affected by reconfiguration. build mode attempts
-to stop all services started. disabled suppresses all attempts to
-modify services.
-.BR "\-\-ssl\-cert=<ssl cert>"
-Specifiy the path to the SSL certificate.
-.BR "\-\-ssl\-cns=<CommonName1:CommonName2 ...>"
-List of acceptable SSL server Common Names.
-.BR "\-\-ssl\-key=<ssl key>"
-Specifiy the path to the SSL key.
-.BR "\-u <user>"
-Attempt to authenticate as 'user'.
-.BR "\-x <password>"
-Use 'password' for client communication.
-.BR "\-t <timeout>"
-Set the timeout (in seconds) for client communication. Default is 90
-.BR "\-v"
-Run bcfg2 in verbose mode.
-.BR "\-z"
-Only configure independent entries, ignore bundles.
+.TH "BCFG2" "1" "June 2012" "" ""
+\fBbcfg2\fR \- Bcfg2 client tool
+\fBbcfg2\fR [\fIoptions\fR][\fI\.\.\.\fR]
+\fBbcfg2\fR runs the Bcfg2 configuration process on the current host\. This process consists of the following steps\.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Fetch and execute probes
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Upload probe results
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Fetch the client configuration
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Check the current client state
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Attempt to install the desired configuration
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Upload statistics about the Bcfg2 execution and client state
+.IP "" 0
+\fB\-C\fR \fIconfigfile\fR
+Specify alternate bcfg2\.conf location
+\fB\-D\fR [\fIdriver1\fR,\fIdriver2\fR]
+Specify a set of Bcfg2 tool drivers\.
+\fINOTE: only drivers listed will be loaded\. (e\.g\., if you do not include POSIX, you will be unable to verify/install Path entries)\.\fR
+\fB\-E\fR \fIencoding\fR
+Specify the encoding of Cfg files\.
+Run bcfg2 in interactive mode\. The user will be prompted before each change\.
+Omit lock check
+Run bcfg2 in paranoid mode\. Diffs will be logged for configuration files marked as paranoid by the Bcfg2 server\.
+\fB\-R\fR \fIretry count\fR
+Specify the number of times that the client will attempt to retry network communication\.
+\fB\-S\fR \fIhttps://server:port\fR
+Manually specify the server location (as opposed to using the value in bcfg2\.conf)\.
+\fB\-b\fR [\fIbundle1:bundle2\fR]
+Run bcfg2 against one or multiple bundles in the configuration\.
+\fB\-c\fR \fIcachefile\fR
+Cache a copy of the configuration in cachefile\.
+\fB\-\-ca\-cert=\fR\fIca cert\fR
+Specifiy the path to the SSL CA certificate\.
+Run bcfg2 in debug mode\.
+When in verbose mode, display extra entry information (temporary until verbosity rework)\.
+\fB\-f\fR \fIspecification path\fR
+Configure from a file rather than querying the server\.
+Print Usage information\.
+Run in bulletproof mode\. This currently only affects behavior in the debian toolset; it calls apt\-get update and clean and dpkg \-\-configure \-\-pending\.
+\fB\-l\fR \fIwhitelist|blacklist|none\fR
+Run the client in the server decision list mode (unless "none" is specified, which can be done in order to override the decision list mode specified in bcfg2\.conf)\. This approach is needed when particular changes are deemed "high risk"\. It gives the ability to centrally specify these changes, but only install them on clients when administrator supervision is available\. Because collaborative configuration is one of the remaining hard issues in configuration management, these issues typically crop up in environments with several administrators and much configuration variety\. (This setting will be ignored if the \-f option is also specified)\.
+Run bcfg2 in dry\-run mode\. No changes will be made to the system\.
+\fB\-o\fR \fIlogfile path\fR
+Writes a log to the specified path\.
+\fB\-p\fR \fIprofile\fR
+Assert a profile for the current client\.
+Run bcfg2 in quick mode\. Package checksum verification won’t be performed\. This mode relaxes the constraints of correctness, and thus should only be used in safe conditions\.
+Run bcfg2 in "bundle quick" mode, where only entries in a bundle are verified or installed\. This runs much faster than \-q, but doesn’t provide statistics to the server at all\. In order for this option to work, the \-b option must also be provided\. This option is incompatible with \-r\.
+\fB\-r\fR \fImode\fR
+Cause bcfg2 to remove extra configuration elements it detects\. Mode is one of all, Services, or Packages\. All removes all entries\. Likewise, Services and Packages remove only the extra configuration elements of the respective type\.
+\fB\-s\fR \fIservice mode\fR
+Set bcfg2 interaction level for services\. Default behavior is to modify all services affected by reconfiguration\. build mode attempts to stop all services started\. disabled suppresses all attempts to modify services
+\fB\-\-ssl\-cert=\fR\fIssl cert\fR
+Specifiy the path to the SSL certificate\.
+List of acceptable SSL server Common Names\.
+\fB\-\-ssl\-key=\fR\fIssl key\fR
+Specifiy the path to the SSL key\.
+\fB\-u\fR \fIuser\fR
+Attempt to authenticate as ’user’\.
+\fB\-x\fR \fIpassword\fR
+Use ’password’ for client communication\.
+\fB\-t\fR \fItimeout\fR
+Set the timeout (in seconds) for client communication\. Default is 90 seconds\.
+Run bcfg2 in verbose mode\.
+Only configure independent entries, ignore bundles\.
-.BR bcfg2-server(8),
-.BR bcfg2-info(8)
+bcfg2\-server(8), bcfg2\-info(8)
diff --git a/man/bcfg2.conf.5 b/man/bcfg2.conf.5
index 684586892..2cb387cad 100644
--- a/man/bcfg2.conf.5
+++ b/man/bcfg2.conf.5
@@ -1,447 +1,395 @@
-.TH bcfg2.conf 5
-bcfg2.conf - configuration parameters for Bcfg2
-bcfg2.conf includes configuration parameters for the Bcfg2 server and
-The file is INI-style and consists of sections and options. A section
-begins with the name of the sections in square brackets and continues
-until the next section begins.
-Options are specified in the form 'name = value'.
-The file is line-based each newline-terminated line represents either
-a comment, a section name or an option.
-Any line beginning with a hash (#) is ignored, as are lines containing
-only whitespace.
-These options are only necessary on the Bcfg2 server. They are
-specified in the [server] section of the configuration file.
-.B repository
-Specifies the path to the Bcfg2 repository containing all of the
-configuration specifications. The repository should be created
-using the 'bcfg2-admin init' command.
-.B filemonitor
-The file monitor used to watch for changes in the repository.
-Values of 'gamin', 'fam', or 'pseudo' are valid.
-.B listen_all
-This setting tells the server to listen on all available interfaces. The
-default is to only listen on those interfaces specified by the bcfg2
-setting in the components section of bcfg2.conf.
-.B plugins
-A comma-delimited list of enabled server plugins. Currently available
-plugins are:
-.B Account
-The account plugin manages authentication data, including:
- * /etc/passwd
- * /etc/group
- * /etc/security/limits.conf
- * /etc/sudoers
- * /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
-.B Actions
-Action entries are commands that are executed either before bundle
-installation, after bundle installation or both. If exit status is
-observed, a failing pre-action will cause no modification of the
-enclosing bundle to be performed; all entries included in that bundle
-will not be modified. Failing actions are reported through Bcfg2's
-reporting system, so they can be centrally observed.
-.B BB
-The BB plugin maps users to machines and metadata to machines.
-.B Base
-A structure plugin that provides the ability to add lists of unrelated
-entries into client configuration entry inventories. Base works much
-like Bundler in its file format. This structure plugin is good for
-the pile of independent configs needed for most actual systems.
-.B Bundler
-Bundler is used to describe groups of inter-dependent configuration
-entries, such as the combination of packages, configuration files,
-and service activations that comprise typical Unix daemons. Bundles
-are used to add groups of configuration entries to the inventory of
-client configurations, as opposed to describing particular versions
-of those
-.B Bzr
-The Bzr plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository
-using a GNU Bazaar version control backend. Currently, it enables
-you to get revision information out of your repository for reporting
-.B Cfg
-The Cfg plugin provides a repository to describe configuration file
-contents for clients. In its simplest form, the Cfg repository is
-just a directory tree modeled off of the directory tree on your client
-.B Cvs
-The Cvs plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository
-using a Concurrent version control backend. Currently, it enables you
-to get revision information out of your repository for reporting
-purposes. (experimental)
-.B Darcs
-The Darcs plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository
-using a Darcs version control backend. Currently, it enables you to
-get revision information out of your repository for reporting purposes.
-.B DBStats
-Direct to database statistics plugin. (0.9.6 and later)
-.B Decisions
-The Decisions plugin has support for a centralized set of per-entry
-installation decisions. This approach is needed when particular
-changes are deemed "high risk"; this gives the ability to centrally
-specify these changes, but only install them on clients when
-administrator supervision is available. (0.9.6 and later)
-.B Deps
-The Deps plugin allows you to make a series of assertions like
-"Package X requires Package Y (and optionally also Package Z etc.)
-.B Editor
-The Editor plugin allows you to partially manage configuration for
-a file. Its use is not recommended and not well documented.
-.B Fossil
-The Fossil plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository
-using a Fossil SCM version control backend. Currently, it enables
-you to get revision information out of your repository for reporting
-.B Git
-The Git plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository
-using a Git version control backend. Currently, it enables you to
-get revision information out of your repository for reporting purposes.
-.B GroupPatterns
-The GroupPatterns plugin is a connector that can assign clients group
-membership based on patterns in client hostnames.
-.B Hg
-The Hg plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository
-using a Mercurial version control backend. Currently, it enables you
-to get revision information out of your repository for reporting
-purposes. (experimental)
-.B Hostbase
-The Hostbase plugin is an IP management system built on top of Bcfg2.
-.B Metadata
-The Metadata plugin is the primary method of specifying Bcfg2 server
-.B NagiosGen
-NagiosGen is a Bcfg2 plugin that dynamically generates Nagios
-configuration files based on Bcfg2 data.
-.B Ohai
-The Ohai plugin is used to detect information about the client
-operating system. The data is reported back to the server using
-JSON. (experimental)
-.B POSIXCompat
-The POSIXCompat plugin provides a compatibility layer which turns
-new-style (1.0) POSIX entries into old-style entries which are
-compatible with previous releases.
-.B Packages
-The Packages plugin is an alternative to Pkgmgr for specifying
-package entries for clients. Where Pkgmgr explicitly specifies
-package entry information, Packages delegates control of package
-version information to the underlying package manager, installing
-the latest version available from through those channels.
-.B Pkgmgr
-The Pkgmgr plugin resolves the Abstract Configuration Entity
-"Package" to a package specification that the client can use to
-detect, verify and install the specified package.
-.B Probes
-The Probes plugin gives you the ability to gather information from a
-client machine before you generate its configuration. This information
-can be used with the various templating systems to generate
-configuration based on the results.
-.B Properties
-The Properties plugin is a connector plugin that adds information
-from properties files into client metadata instances. (1.0 and later)
-.B Rules
-The Rules plugin resolves Abstract Configuration Entities to literal
-configuration entries suitable for the client drivers to consume.
-.B SGenshi (Deprecated)
-See Bundler.
-.B Snapshots
-The Snapshots plugin stores various aspects of a client's state when
-the client checks in to the server.
-.B SSHbase
-The SSHbase generator plugin manages ssh host keys (both v1 and v2)
-for hosts. It also manages the ssh_known_hosts file. It can integrate
-host keys from other management domains and similarly export its keys.
-.B Svn
-The Svn plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository
-using a Subversion backend. Currently, it enables you to get revision
-information out of your repository for reporting purposes.
-.B TCheetah
-The TCheetah plugin allows you to use the cheetah templating system
-to create files. It also allows you to include the results of probes
-executed on the client in the created files.
-.B TGenshi
-The TGenshi plugin allows you to use the Genshi templating system to
-create files. It also allows you to include the results of probes
-executed on the client in the created files.
-.B Trigger
-Trigger is a plugin that calls external scripts when clients are
-.B prefix
-Specifies a prefix if the Bcfg2 installation isn't placed in the
-default location (eg. /usr/local).
-These options affect the default metadata settings for Paths with
-.B owner
+.TH "BCFG2\.CONF" "5" "June 2012" "" ""
+\fBbcfg2\.conf\fR \- configuration parameters for Bcfg2
+\fBbcfg2\.conf\fR includes configuration parameters for the Bcfg2 server and client\.
+The file is INI\-style and consists of sections and options\. A section begins with the name of the sections in square brackets and continues until the next section begins\.
+Options are specified in the form "name=value"\.
+The file is line\-based each newline\-terminated line represents either a comment, a section name or an option\.
+Any line beginning with a hash (#) is ignored, as are lines containing only whitespace\.
+These options are only necessary on the Bcfg2 server\. They are specified in the \fB[server]\fR section of the configuration file\.
+Specifies the path to the Bcfg2 repository containing all of the configuration specifications\. The repository should be created using the \fBbcfg2\-admin init\fR command\.
+The file monitor used to watch for changes in the repository\. The default is the best available monitor\. The following values are valid:
+\fBinotify\fR, \fBgamin\fR, \fBfam\fR, \fBpseudo\fR
+A comma\-separated list of globs that should be ignored by the file monitor\. Default values are:
+\fB*~\fR, \fB*#\fR, \fB\.#*\fR, \fB*\.swp\fR, \fB\.*\.swx\fR, \fBSCCS\fR, \fB\.svn\fR, \fB4913\fR, \fB\.gitignore\fR
+This setting tells the server to listen on all available interfaces\. The default is to only listen on those interfaces specified by the bcfg2 setting in the components section of \fBbcfg2\.conf\fR\.
+A comma\-delimited list of enabled server plugins\. Currently available plugins are:
+\fBAccount\fR, \fBActions\fR, \fBBB\fR, \fBBase\fR, \fBBundler\fR, \fBBzr\fR, \fBCfg\fR, \fBCvs\fR, \fBDarcs\fR, \fBDBStats\fR, \fBDecisions\fR, \fBDeps\fR, \fBEditor\fR, \fBFossil\fR, \fBGit\fR, \fBGroupPatterns\fR, \fBHg\fR, \fBHostbase\fR, \fBMetadata\fR, \fBNagiosGen\fR, \fBOhai\fR, \fBPackages\fR, \fBPkgmgr\fR, \fBProbes\fR, \fBProperties\fR, \fBRules\fR, \fBSGenshi\fR, \fBSnapshots\fR, \fBSSHbase\fR, \fBSvn\fR, \fBSvn2\fR, \fBTCheetah\fR, \fBTGenshi\fR, \fBTrigger\fR
+Descriptions of each plugin can be found in their respective sections below\.
+Specifies a prefix if the Bcfg2 installation isn’t placed in the default location (e\.g\. /usr/local)\.
+.SS "Account Plugin"
+The account plugin manages authentication data, including the following\.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+.IP "" 0
+.SS "BB Plugin"
+The BB plugin maps users to machines and metadata to machines\.
+.SS "Base Plugin"
+A structure plugin that provides the ability to add lists of unrelated entries into client configuration entry inventories\. Base works much like Bundler in its file format\. This structure plugin is good for the pile of independent configs needed for most actual systems\.
+.SS "Bundler Plugin"
+Bundler is used to describe groups of inter\-dependent configuration entries, such as the combination of packages, configuration files, and service activations that comprise typical Unix daemons\. Bundles are used to add groups of configuration entries to the inventory of client configurations, as opposed to describing particular versions of those entries\.
+.SS "Bzr Plugin"
+The Bzr plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository using a GNU Bazaar version control backend\. Currently, it enables you to get revision information out of your repository for reporting purposes\.
+.SS "Cfg Plugin"
+The Cfg plugin provides a repository to describe configuration file contents for clients\. In its simplest form, the Cfg repository is just a directory tree modeled off of the directory tree on your client machines\.
+.SS "Cvs Plugin (experimental)"
+The Cvs plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository using a Concurrent version control backend\. Currently, it enables you to get revision information out of your repository for reporting purposes\.
+.SS "Darcs Plugin (experimental)"
+The Darcs plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository using a Darcs version control backend\. Currently, it enables you to get revision information out of your repository for reporting purposes\.
+.SS "DBStats Plugin"
+Direct to database statistics plugin\.
+.SS "Decisions Plugin"
+The Decisions plugin has support for a centralized set of per\-entry installation decisions\. This approach is needed when particular changes are deemed "\fIhigh risk\fR"; this gives the ability to centrally specify these changes, but only install them on clients when administrator supervision is available\.
+.SS "Deps Plugin"
+The Deps plugin allows you to make a series of assertions like "Package X requires Package Y (and optionally also Package Z etc\.)"
+.SS "Editor Plugin"
+The Editor plugin attempts to allow you to partially manage configuration for a file\. Its use is not recommended and not well documented\.
+.SS "Fossil Plugin"
+The Fossil plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository using a Fossil SCM version control backend\. Currently, it enables you to get revision information out of your repository for reporting purposes\.
+.SS "Git Plugin"
+The Git plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository using a Git version control backend\. Currently, it enables you to get revision information out of your repository for reporting purposes\.
+.SS "GroupPatterns Plugin"
+The GroupPatterns plugin is a connector that can assign clients group membership based on patterns in client hostnames\.
+.SS "Hg Plugin (experimental)"
+The Hg plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository using a Mercurial version control backend\. Currently, it enables you to get revision information out of your repository for reporting purposes\.
+.SS "Hostbase Plugin"
+The Hostbase plugin is an IP management system built on top of Bcfg2\.
+.SS "Metadata Plugin"
+The Metadata plugin is the primary method of specifying Bcfg2 server metadata\.
+.SS "NagiosGen Plugin"
+NagiosGen is a Bcfg2 plugin that dynamically generates Nagios configuration files based on Bcfg2 data\.
+.SS "Ohai Plugin (experimental)"
+The Ohai plugin is used to detect information about the client operating system\. The data is reported back to the server using JSON\.
+.SS "Packages Plugin"
+The Packages plugin is an alternative to Pkgmgr for specifying package entries for clients\. Where Pkgmgr explicitly specifies package entry information, Packages delegates control of package version information to the underlying package manager, installing the latest version available from through those channels\.
+.SS "Pkgmgr Plugin"
+The Pkgmgr plugin resolves the Abstract Configuration Entity "Package" to a package specification that the client can use to detect, verify and install the specified package\.
+.SS "Probes Plugin"
+The Probes plugin gives you the ability to gather information from a client machine before you generate its configuration\. This information can be used with the various templating systems to generate configuration based on the results\.
+.SS "Properties Plugin"
+The Properties plugin is a connector plugin that adds information from properties files into client metadata instances\.
+.SS "Rules Plugin"
+The Rules plugin provides literal configuration entries that resolve the abstract configuration entries normally found in the Bundler and Base plugins\. The literal entries in Rules are suitable for consumption by the appropriate client drivers\.
+.SS "Snapshots Plugin"
+The Snapshots plugin stores various aspects of a client’s state when the client checks in to the server\.
+.SS "SSHbase Plugin"
+The SSHbase generator plugin manages ssh host keys (both v1 and v2) for hosts\. It also manages the ssh_known_hosts file\. It can integrate host keys from other management domains and similarly export its keys\.
+.SS "Svn Plugin"
+The Svn plugin allows you to track changes to your Bcfg2 repository using a Subversion backend\. Currently, it enables you to get revision information out of your repository for reporting purposes\.
+.SS "Svn2 Plugin"
+The Svn2 plugin extends on the capabilities in the Svn plugin\. It provides Update and Commit methods which provide hooks for modifying subversion\-backed Bcfg2 repositories\.
+.SS "TCheetah Plugin"
+The TCheetah plugin allows you to use the cheetah templating system to create files\. It also allows you to include the results of probes executed on the client in the created files\.
+.SS "TGenshi Plugin"
+The TGenshi plugin allows you to use the Genshi templating system to create files\. It also allows you to include the results of probes executed on the client in the created files\.
+.SS "Trigger Plugin"
+The Trigger plugin provides a method for calling external scripts when clients are configured\.
+These options only affect client functionality, specified in the \fB[client]\fR section\.
+Specify the server decision list mode (whitelist or blacklist)\. (This settiing will be ignored if the client is called with the \-f option\.)
+Specify tool driver set to use\. This option can be used to explicitly specify the client tool drivers you want to use when the client is run\.
+Run the client in paranoid mode\.
+Specified in the \fB[communication]\fR section\. These options define settings used for client\-server communication\.
+The path to a file containing the CA certificate\. This file is required on the server, and optional on clients\. However, if the cacert is not present on clients, the server cannot be verified\.
+The path to a file containing a PEM formatted certificate which signs the key with the ca certificate\. This setting is required on the server in all cases, and required on clients if using client certificates\.
+Specifies the path to a file containing the SSL Key\. This is required on the server in all cases, and required on clients if using client certificates\.
+Required on both the server and clients\. On the server, sets the password clients need to use to communicate\. On a client, sets the password to use to connect to the server\.
+Communication protocol to use\. Defaults to xmlrpc/ssl\.
+A client\-only option\. Number of times to retry network communication\.
+A client\-only option\. A colon\-separated list of Common Names the client will accept in the SSL certificate presented by the server\.
+A client\-only option\. The UUID of the client\.
+Specified in the \fB[components]\fR section\.
+URL of the server\. On the server this specifies which interface and port the server listens on\. On the client, this specifies where the client will attempt to contact the server\.
+e\.g\. \fBbcfg2 = https://10\.3\.1\.6:6789\fR
+Text encoding of configuration files\. Defaults to UTF\-8\.
+Specified in the \fB[logging]\fR section\. These options control the server logging functionality\.
+Server log file path\.
+These options affect the default metadata settings for Paths with type=’file’\.
Global owner for Paths (defaults to root)
-.B group
Global group for Paths (defaults to root)
-.B perms
Global permissions for Paths (defaults to 644)
-.B paranoid
Global paranoid settings for Paths (defaults to false)
-.B sensitive
Global sensitive settings for Paths (defaults to false)
-These options only affect client functionality, specified in the
-[client] section.
-.B decision
-Specify the server decision list mode (whitelist or blacklist). (This
-setting will be ignored if the client is called with the -f option.)
-.B drivers
-Specify tool driver set to use. This option can be used to explicitly
-specify the client tool drivers you want to use when the client is run.
-.B paranoid
-Run the client in paranoid mode.
-Server-only, specified in the [statistics] section. These options
-control the statistics collection functionality of the server.
-.B database_engine
-The database engine used by the statistics module. One of either
-\[oq]postgresql\[cq], \[oq]mysql\[cq], \[oq]sqlite3\[cq], or
-.B database_name
-The name of the database to use for statistics data. If
-\[oq]database_engine\[cq] is set to \[oq]sqlite3\[cq] this is a file
-path to sqlite file and defaults to $REPOSITORY_DIR/etc/brpt.sqlite
-.B database_user
-User for database connections. Not used for sqlite3.
-.B database_password
-Password for database connections. Not used for sqlite3.
-.B database_host
-Host for database connections. Not used for sqlite3.
-.B database_port
-Port for database connections. Not used for sqlite3.
-.B time_zone
-Specify a time zone other than that used on the system. (Note that this
-will cause the bcfg2 server to log messages in this time zone as well).
-Specified in the [communication] section. These options define
-settings used for client-server communication.
-.B ca
-The path to a file containing the CA certificate. This file is
-required on the server, and optional on clients. However, if the
-cacert is not present on clients, the server cannot be verified.
-.B certificate
-The path to a file containing a PEM formatted certificate which
-signs the key with the ca certificate. This setting is required on
-the server in all cases, and required on clients if using client
-.B key
-Specifies the path to a file containing the SSL Key. This is required
-on the server in all cases, and required on clients if using client
-.B password
-Required on both the server and clients. On the server, sets the
-password clients need to use to communicate. On a client, sets the
-password to use to connect to the server.
-.B protocol
-Communication protocol to use. Defaults to xmlrpc/ssl.
-.B retries
-A client-only option. Number of times to retry network communication.
-.B serverCommonNames
-A client-only option. A colon-separated list of Common Names the client
-will accept in the SSL certificate presented by the server.
-.B user
-A client-only option. The UUID of the client.
-These options allow for finer-grained control of the paranoid mode
-on the Bcfg2 client. They are specified in the [paranoid] section
-of the configuration file.
-.B path
-Custom path for backups created in paranoid mode. The default is in
-.B max_copies
-Specify a maximum number of copies for the server to keep when running
-in paranoid mode. Only the most recent versions of these copies will
-be kept.
-Specified in the [components] section.
-.B bcfg2
-URL of the server. On the server this specifies which interface and
-port the server listens on. On the client, this specifies where the
-client will attempt to contact the server.
-eg: bcfg2 =
-.B encoding
-Text encoding of configuration files. Defaults to UTF-8.
-Specified in the [logging] section. These options control the server
-logging functionality.
-.B path
-Server log file path.
-Specified in the [snapshots] section. These options control the server
-snapshots functionality.
-.B driver
+The following options are specified in the \fB[packages]\fR section of the configuration file\.
+Enable dependency resolution\. Default is 1 (true)\.
+Enable metadata processing\. Default is 1 (true)\. If metadata is disabled, it’s implied that resolver is also disabled\.
+The path at which to generate Yum configs\. No default\.
+The path at which to generate APT configs\. No default\.
+The path on the client where RPM GPG keys will be copied before they are imported on the client\. Default is \fB/etc/pki/rpm\-gpg\fR\.
+Set the version attribute used when binding Packages\. Default is auto\.
+The following options are specified in the \fB[packages:yum]\fR section of the configuration file\.
+By default, Bcfg2 uses an internal implementation of Yum’s dependency resolution and other routines so that the Bcfg2 server can be run on a host that does not support Yum itself\. If you run the Bcfg2 server on a machine that does have Yum libraries, however, you can enable use of those native libraries in Bcfg2 by setting this to 1\.
+Path to bcfg2\-yum\-helper\. By default, Bcfg2 looks first in $PATH and then in \fB/usr/sbin/bcfg2\-yum\-helper\fR for the helper\.
+All other options in the \fB[packages:yum]\fR section will be passed along verbatim to the Yum configuration if you are using the native Yum library support\.
+The following options are specified in the \fB[packages:pulp]\fR section of the configuration file\.
+The username of a Pulp user that will be used to register new clients and bind them to repositories\.
+The password of a Pulp user that will be used to register new clients and bind them to repositories\.
+These options allow for finer\-grained control of the paranoid mode on the Bcfg2 client\. They are specified in the \fB[paranoid]\fR section of the configuration file\.
+Custom path for backups created in paranoid mode\. The default is in \fB/var/cache/bcfg2\fR\.
+Specify a maximum number of copies for the server to keep when running in paranoid mode\. Only the most recent versions of these copies will be kept\.
+Specified in the \fB[snapshots]\fR section\. These options control the server snapshots functionality\.
-.B database
-The name of the database to use for statistics data.
-eg: $REPOSITORY_DIR/etc/bcfg2.sqlite
-.BR bcfg2(1),
-.BR bcfg2-server(8)
+The name of the database to use for statistics data\.
+eg: \fB$REPOSITORY_DIR/etc/bcfg2\.sqlite\fR
+These options are necessary to configure the SSLCA plugin and can be found in the \fB[sslca_default]\fR section of the configuration file\.
+Specifies the location of the openssl configuration file for your CA\.
+Specifies the passphrase for the CA’s private key (if necessary)\. If no passphrase exists, it is assumed that the private key is stored unencrypted\.
+Specifies the location of your ssl chaining certificate\. This is used when pre\-existing certifcate hostfiles are found, so that they can be validated and only regenerated if they no longer meet the specification\. If you’re using a self signing CA this would be the CA cert that you generated\.
+Server\-only, specified in the \fB[statistics]\fR section\. These options control the statistics collection functionality of the server\.
+The database engine used by the statistics module\. One of the following:
+\fBpostgresql\fR, \fBmysql\fR, \fBsqlite3\fR, \fBado_mssql\fR
+The name of the database to use for statistics data\. If ‘database_engine’ is set to ‘sqlite3’ this is a file path to sqlite file and defaults to \fB$REPOSITORY_DIR/etc/brpt\.sqlite\fR\.
+User for database connections\. Not used for sqlite3\.
+Password for database connections\. Not used for sqlite3\.
+Host for database connections\. Not used for sqlite3\.
+Port for database connections\. Not used for sqlite3\.
+Specify a time zone other than that used on the system\. (Note that this will cause the Bcfg2 server to log messages in this time zone as well)\.
+bcfg2(1), bcfg2\-server(8)