path: root/reports/brpt/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'reports/brpt/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 285 deletions
diff --git a/reports/brpt/ b/reports/brpt/
deleted file mode 100755
index 252fce886..000000000
--- a/reports/brpt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-'''Imports statistics.xml and clients.xml files in to database backend for new statistics engine'''
-__revision__ = '$Revision$'
-import os, sys
- import settings
-except ImportError:
- try:
- import brpt.settings
- except ImportError:
- sys.stderr.write("Failed to locate Is brpt python module installed?")
- sys.exit(1)
-project_directory = os.path.dirname(settings.__file__)
-project_name = os.path.basename(project_directory)
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(project_directory, '..'))
-project_module = __import__(project_name, '', '', [''])
-# Set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE appropriately.
-os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = '%s.settings' % project_name
-from brpt.reports.models import Client, Interaction, Bad, Modified, Extra, Performance, Reason
-from lxml.etree import XML, XMLSyntaxError
-from sys import argv
-from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
-from datetime import datetime
-from time import strptime, sleep
-from django.db import connection, backend
-import ConfigParser
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- somewhatverbose = False
- verbose = False
- veryverbose = False
- try:
- opts, args = getopt(argv[1:], "hvudc:s:", ["help", "verbose", "updates" ,"debug", "clients=", "stats="])
- except GetoptError, mesg:
- # print help information and exit:
- print "%s\nUsage:\ [-h] [-v] [-u] [-d] [-C bcfg2 config file] [-c clients-file] [-s statistics-file]" % (mesg)
- raise SystemExit, 2
- opts.append(("1","1"))#this requires the loop run at least once
- for o, a in opts:
- if o in ("-h", "--help"):
- print "Usage:\ [-h] [-v] -c <clients-file> -s <statistics-file> \n"
- print "h : help; this message"
- print "v : verbose; print messages on record insertion/skip"
- print "u : updates; print status messages as items inserted semi-verbose"
- print "d : debug; print most SQL used to manipulate database"
- print "C : path to bcfg2.conf config file."
- print "c : clients.xml file"
- print "s : statistics.xml file"
- raise SystemExit
- if o in ("-C"):
- cpath = a
- else:
- cpath = "/etc/bcfg2.conf"
- cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
- if o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
- verbose = True
- if o in ("-u", "--updates"):
- somewhatverbose = True
- if o in ("-d", "--debug"):
- veryverbose = True
- if o in ("-c", "--clients"):
- clientspath = a
- else:
- try:
- clientspath = "%s/Metadata/clients.xml"%cf.get('server', 'repository')
- except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError):
- print "Could not read bcfg2.conf; exiting"
- raise SystemExit, 1
- if o in ("-s", "--stats"):
- statpath = a
- else:
- try:
- statpath = "%s/etc/statistics.xml"%cf.get('server', 'repository')
- except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError):
- print "Could not read bcfg2.conf; exiting"
- raise SystemExit, 1
- '''Reads Data & Config files'''
- try:
- statsdata = XML(open(statpath).read())
- except (IOError, XMLSyntaxError):
- print("StatReports: Failed to parse %s"%(statpath))
- raise SystemExit, 1
- try:
- clientsdata = XML(open(clientspath).read())
- except (IOError, XMLSyntaxError):
- print("StatReports: Failed to parse %s"%(clientspath))
- raise SystemExit, 1
- cursor = connection.cursor()
- clients = {}
- cursor.execute("SELECT name, id from reports_client;")
- [clients.__setitem__(a,b) for a,b in cursor.fetchall()]
- for node in statsdata.findall('Node'):
- name = node.get('name')
- if not clients.has_key(name):
- cursor.execute("INSERT INTO reports_client VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, NULL, NULL)", [,name])
- clients[name] = cursor.lastrowid
- if verbose:
- print("Client %s added to db"%name)
- else:
- if verbose:
- print("Client %s already exists in db"%name)
- cursor.execute("SELECT client_id, timestamp, id from reports_interaction")
- interactions_hash = {}
- [interactions_hash.__setitem__(str(x[0])+"-"+x[1].isoformat(),x[2]) for x in cursor.fetchall()]#possibly change str to tuple
- pingability = {}
- [pingability.__setitem__(n.get('name'),n.get('pingable',default='N')) for n in clientsdata.findall('Client')]
- cursor.execute("SELECT id, owner, current_owner, %s, current_group, perms, current_perms, status, current_status, %s, current_to, version, current_version, current_exists, current_diff from reports_reason"%(backend.quote_name("group"),backend.quote_name("to")))
- reasons_hash = {}
- [reasons_hash.__setitem__(tuple(n[1:]),n[0]) for n in cursor.fetchall()]
- cursor.execute("SELECT id, name, kind, reason_id from reports_bad")
- bad_hash = {}
- [bad_hash.__setitem__((n[1],n[2],n[3]),n[0]) for n in cursor.fetchall()]
- cursor.execute("SELECT id, name, kind, reason_id from reports_extra")
- extra_hash = {}
- [extra_hash.__setitem__((n[1],n[2],n[3]),n[0]) for n in cursor.fetchall()]
- cursor.execute("SELECT id, name, kind, reason_id from reports_modified")
- modified_hash = {}
- [modified_hash.__setitem__((n[1],n[2],n[3]),n[0]) for n in cursor.fetchall()]
- cursor.execute("SELECT id, metric, value from reports_performance")
- performance_hash = {}
- [performance_hash.__setitem__((n[1],n[2]),n[0]) for n in cursor.fetchall()]
- cursor.execute("SELECT x.client_id, reports_ping.status from (SELECT client_id, MAX(endtime) from reports_ping GROUP BY client_id) x, reports_ping WHERE x.client_id = reports_ping.client_id")
- ping_hash = {}
- [ping_hash.__setitem__(n[0],n[1]) for n in cursor.fetchall()]
- for r in statsdata.findall('.//Bad/*')+statsdata.findall('.//Extra/*')+statsdata.findall('.//Modified/*'):
- arguments = [r.get('owner', default=""), r.get('current_owner', default=""),
- r.get('group', default=""), r.get('current_group', default=""),
- r.get('perms', default=""), r.get('current_perms', default=""),
- r.get('status', default=""), r.get('current_status', default=""),
- r.get('to', default=""), r.get('current_to', default=""),
- r.get('version', default=""), r.get('current_version', default=""),
- (r.get('current_exists', default="True").capitalize()=="True"),
- r.get('current_diff', default="")]
- if reasons_hash.has_key(tuple(arguments)):
- current_reason_id = reasons_hash[tuple(arguments)]
- if verbose:
- print("Reason already exists..... It's ID is: %s"%current_reason_id)
- else:
- cursor.execute("INSERT INTO reports_reason VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);",
- arguments)
- current_reason_id = cursor.lastrowid
- reasons_hash[tuple(arguments)] = current_reason_id
- if verbose:
- print("Reason inserted with id %s"%current_reason_id)
- if (somewhatverbose or verbose):
- print "----------------REASONS SYNCED---------------------"
- for node in statsdata.findall('Node'):
- name = node.get('name')
- try:
- pingability[name]
- except KeyError:
- pingability[name] = 'N'
- for statistics in node.findall('Statistics'):
- t = strptime(statistics.get('time'))
- timestamp = datetime(t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5])#Maybe replace with django.core.db typecasts typecast_timestamp()? import from django.backends util
- if interactions_hash.has_key(str(clients[name]) +"-"+ timestamp.isoformat()):
- current_interaction_id = interactions_hash[str(clients[name])+"-"+timestamp.isoformat()]
- if verbose:
- print("Interaction for %s at %s with id %s already exists"%(clients[name],
- datetime(t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5]),current_interaction_id))
- else:
- cursor.execute("INSERT INTO reports_interaction VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);",
- [clients[name], timestamp,
- statistics.get('state', default="unknown"), statistics.get('revision',default="unknown"),
- statistics.get('client_version',default="unknown"),
- statistics.get('good',default="0"), statistics.get('total',default="0")])
- current_interaction_id = cursor.lastrowid
- interactions_hash[str(clients[name])+"-"+timestamp.isoformat()] = current_interaction_id
- if verbose:
- print("Interaction for %s at %s with id %s INSERTED in to db"%(clients[name],
- timestamp, current_interaction_id))
- for (xpath, hashname, tablename) in [('Bad/*', bad_hash, 'reports_bad'),
- ('Extra/*', extra_hash, 'reports_extra'),
- ('Modified/*', modified_hash, 'reports_modified')]:
- for x in statistics.findall(xpath):
- arguments = [x.get('owner', default=""), x.get('current_owner', default=""),
- x.get('group', default=""), x.get('current_group', default=""),
- x.get('perms', default=""), x.get('current_perms', default=""),
- x.get('status', default=""), x.get('current_status', default=""),
- x.get('to', default=""), x.get('current_to', default=""),
- x.get('version', default=""), x.get('current_version', default=""),
- (x.get('current_exists', default="True").capitalize()=="True"),
- x.get('current_diff', default="")]
- if not hashname.has_key((x.get('name'), x.tag, reasons_hash[tuple(arguments)])):
- cursor.execute("INSERT INTO "+tablename+" VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s);",
- [x.get('name'),
- x.tag,
- (x.get('critical', default="False").capitalize()=="True"),
- reasons_hash[tuple(arguments)]])
- item_id = cursor.lastrowid
- hashname[(x.get('name'), x.tag, reasons_hash[tuple(arguments)])] = item_id
- if verbose:
- print "Bad item INSERTED having reason id %s and ID %s"%(reasons_hash[tuple(arguments)],
- hashname[(x.get('name'),x.tag, reasons_hash[tuple(arguments)])])
- else:
- item_id = hashname[(x.get('name'), x.tag, reasons_hash[tuple(arguments)])]
- if verbose:
- print "Bad item exists, has reason id %s and ID %s"%(reasons_hash[tuple(arguments)],
- hashname[(x.get('name'),x.tag, reasons_hash[tuple(arguments)])])
- try:
- cursor.execute("INSERT INTO "+tablename+"_interactions VALUES (NULL, %s, %s);",
- [item_id, current_interaction_id])
- except:
- pass
- for times in statistics.findall('OpStamps'):
- for tags in times.items():
- if not performance_hash.has_key((tags[0],float(tags[1]))):
- cursor.execute("INSERT INTO reports_performance VALUES (NULL, %s, %s)",[tags[0],tags[1]])
- performance_hash[(tags[0],tags[1])] = cursor.lastrowid
- else:
- item_id = performance_hash[(tags[0],float(tags[1]))]
- #already exists
- try:
- cursor.execute("INSERT INTO reports_performance_interaction VALUES (NULL, %s, %s);",
- [item_id, current_interaction_id])
- except:
- pass
- if (somewhatverbose or verbose):
- print("----------------INTERACTIONS SYNCED----------------")
- cursor.execute("select, x.client_id from (select client_id, MAX(timestamp) as timer from reports_interaction Group BY client_id) x, reports_interaction where reports_interaction.client_id = x.client_id AND reports_interaction.timestamp = x.timer")
- for row in cursor.fetchall():
- cursor.execute("UPDATE reports_client SET current_interaction_id = %s where = %s",
- [row[0],row[1]])
- if (somewhatverbose or verbose):
- print("------------LATEST INTERACTION SET----------------")
- for key in pingability.keys():
- if clients.has_key(key):
- if ping_hash.has_key(clients[key]):
- if ping_hash[clients[key]] == pingability[key]:
- cursor.execute("UPDATE reports_ping SET endtime = %s where reports_ping.client_id = %s",
- [,clients[key]])
- else:
- ping_hash[clients[key]] = pingability[key]
- cursor.execute("INSERT INTO reports_ping VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
- [clients[key],,, pingability[key]])
- else:
- ping_hash[clients[key]] = pingability[key]
- cursor.execute("INSERT INTO reports_ping VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
- [clients[key],,, pingability[key]])
- if (somewhatverbose or verbose):
- print "---------------PINGDATA SYNCED---------------------"
- connection._commit()
- #Clients are consistent
- if veryverbose:
- for q in connection.queries:
- if not (q['sql'].startswith('INSERT INTO reports_bad_interactions')|
- q['sql'].startswith('INSERT INTO reports_extra_interactions')|
- q['sql'].startswith('INSERT INTO reports_performance_interaction')|
- q['sql'].startswith('INSERT INTO reports_modified_interactions')|
- q['sql'].startswith('UPDATE reports_client SET current_interaction_id ')):
- print q
- raise SystemExit, 0