path: root/src/lib/Bcfg2/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/Bcfg2/')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Bcfg2/ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b2edd849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+""" Django settings for the Bcfg2 server """
+import os
+import sys
+import logging
+import Bcfg2.Logger
+import Bcfg2.Options
+ import django
+ import django.conf
+except ImportError:
+ HAS_DJANGO = False
+# required for reporting
+ import south # pylint: disable=W0611
+ HAS_SOUTH = True
+except ImportError:
+ HAS_SOUTH = False
+settings = dict( # pylint: disable=C0103
+ DEBUG=False,
+ MEDIA_URL='/site_media/',
+ MANAGERS=(('Root', 'root')),
+ ADMINS=(('Root', 'root')),
+ # Language code for this installation. All choices can be found
+ # here:
+ #
+ #$15
+ LANGUAGE_CODE='en-us',
+ SITE_ID=1,
+ INSTALLED_APPS=('django.contrib.auth',
+ 'django.contrib.contenttypes',
+ 'django.contrib.sessions',
+ 'django.contrib.sites',
+ 'django.contrib.admin',
+ 'Bcfg2.Server'),
+ STATIC_URL='/media/',
+ # TODO - make this unique
+ SECRET_KEY='eb5+y%oy-qx*2+62vv=gtnnxg1yig_odu0se5$h0hh#pc*lmo7',
+ TEMPLATE_LOADERS=('django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader',
+ 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader'),
+ 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
+ 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',
+ 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware',
+ 'django.middleware.doc.XViewMiddleware'),
+ ROOT_URLCONF='Bcfg2.Reporting.urls',
+ AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS=('django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend'),
+ LOGIN_URL='/login',
+ '/usr/share/python-support/python-django/django/contrib/admin/'
+ 'templates/'),
+ 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth',
+ 'django.core.context_processors.debug',
+ 'django.core.context_processors.i18n',
+ '',
+ 'django.core.context_processors.request'),
+ DATABASE_ROUTERS=['Bcfg2.DBSettings.PerApplicationRouter'])
+ settings['INSTALLED_APPS'] += ('south', 'Bcfg2.Reporting')
+if 'BCFG2_LEGACY_MODELS' in os.environ:
+ settings['INSTALLED_APPS'] += ('Bcfg2.Server.Reports.reports',)
+if HAS_DJANGO and django.VERSION[0] == 1 and django.VERSION[1] < 3:
+ settings['CACHE_BACKEND'] = 'locmem:///'
+ settings['CACHES'] = {
+ 'default': {
+ 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache',
+ }
+ }
+def finalize_django_config(opts=None, silent=False):
+ """ Perform final Django configuration """
+ if opts is None:
+ opts = Bcfg2.Options.setup
+ settings['DATABASES'] = dict(
+ default=dict(
+ ENGINE="django.db.backends.%s" % opts.db_engine,
+ NAME=opts.db_name,
+ USER=opts.db_user,
+ PASSWORD=opts.db_password,
+ HOST=opts.db_host,
+ PORT=opts.db_port,
+ OPTIONS=opts.db_opts,
+ SCHEMA=opts.db_schema))
+ if hasattr(opts, "reporting_db_engine") and \
+ opts.reporting_db_engine is not None:
+ settings['DATABASES']['Reporting'] = dict(
+ ENGINE="django.db.backends.%s" % opts.reporting_db_engine,
+ NAME=opts.reporting_db_name,
+ USER=opts.reporting_db_user,
+ PASSWORD=opts.reporting_db_password,
+ HOST=opts.reporting_db_host,
+ PORT=opts.reporting_db_port,
+ OPTIONS=opts.reporting_db_opts,
+ SCHEMA=opts.reporting_db_schema)
+ settings['TIME_ZONE'] = opts.timezone
+ settings['TEMPLATE_DEBUG'] = settings['DEBUG'] = \
+ opts.web_debug
+ if opts.web_debug:
+ print("Warning: Setting web_debug to True causes extraordinary "
+ "memory leaks. Only use this setting if you know what "
+ "you're doing.")
+ if opts.web_prefix:
+ settings['MEDIA_URL'] = \
+ opts.web_prefix.rstrip('/') + \
+ settings['MEDIA_URL']
+ logger = logging.getLogger()
+ logger.debug("Finalizing Django settings: %s" % settings)
+ module = sys.modules[__name__]
+ for name, value in settings.items():
+ setattr(module, name, value)
+ try:
+ django.conf.settings.configure(**settings)
+ except RuntimeError:
+ if not silent:
+ logger.warning("Failed to finalize Django settings: %s" %
+ sys.exc_info()[1])
+def sync_databases(**kwargs):
+ """ Synchronize all databases that we know about. """
+ logger = logging.getLogger()
+ for database in settings['DATABASES']:
+ logger.debug("Syncing database %s" % (database))
+"syncdb", database=database,
+ **kwargs)
+def migrate_databases(**kwargs):
+ """ Do South migrations on all databases that we know about. """
+ logger = logging.getLogger()
+ for database in settings['DATABASES']:
+ logger.debug("Migrating database %s" % (database))
+"migrate", database=database,
+ **kwargs)
+def get_db_label(application):
+ """ Get the name of the database for a given Django "application". The
+ rule is that if a database with the same name as the application exists,
+ use it. Otherwise use the default. Returns a string suitible for use as a
+ key in the Django database settings dict """
+ if application in settings['DATABASES']:
+ return application
+ return 'default'
+class PerApplicationRouter(object):
+ """ Django database router for redirecting different applications to their
+ own database """
+ def _db_per_app(self, model, **hints):
+ """ If a database with the same name as the application exists, use it.
+ Otherwise use the default """
+ return get_db_label(model._meta.app_label)
+ def db_for_read(self, model, **hints):
+ """ Called when Django wants to find out what database to read from """
+ return self._db_per_app(model, **hints)
+ def db_for_write(self, model, **hints):
+ """ Called when Django wants to find out what database to write to """
+ return self._db_per_app(model, **hints)
+ def allow_relation(self, obj1, obj2, **hints):
+ """ Called when Django wants to determine what relations to allow. Only
+ allow relations within an app """
+ return obj1._meta.app_label == obj2._meta.app_label
+ def allow_syncdb(self, db, model):
+ """ Called when Django wants to determine which models to sync to a
+ given database. Take the cowards way out and sync all models to all
+ databases to allow for easy migrations. """
+ return True
+class _OptionContainer(object):
+ """ Container for options loaded at import-time to configure
+ databases """
+ parse_first = True
+ options = [
+ Bcfg2.Options.Common.repository,
+ Bcfg2.Options.PathOption(
+ '-W', '--web-config', cf=('reporting', 'config'),
+ default="/etc/bcfg2-web.conf",
+ action=Bcfg2.Options.ConfigFileAction,
+ help='Web interface configuration file'),
+ # default database options
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ cf=('database', 'engine'), default='sqlite3',
+ help='Database engine', dest='db_engine'),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ cf=('database', 'name'), default='<repository>/etc/bcfg2.sqlite',
+ help="Database name", dest="db_name"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ cf=('database', 'user'), help='Database username', dest='db_user'),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ cf=('database', 'password'), help='Database password',
+ dest='db_password'),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ cf=('database', 'host'), help='Database host', dest='db_host'),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ cf=('database', 'port'), help='Database port', dest='db_port'),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ cf=('database', 'schema'), help='Database schema',
+ dest='db_schema', default='public'),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ cf=('database', 'options'), help='Database options',
+ dest='db_opts', type=Bcfg2.Options.Types.comma_dict,
+ default=dict()),
+ # reporting database options
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ cf=('database', 'reporting_engine'),
+ help='Reporting database engine', dest='reporting_db_engine'),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ cf=('database', 'reporting_name'),
+ default='<repository>/etc/reporting.sqlite',
+ help="Reporting database name", dest="reporting_db_name"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ cf=('database', 'reporting_user'),
+ help='Reporting database username', dest='reporting_db_user'),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ cf=('database', 'reporting_password'),
+ help='Reporting database password', dest='reporting_db_password'),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ cf=('database', 'reporting_host'),
+ help='Reporting database host', dest='reporting_db_host'),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ cf=('database', 'reporting_port'),
+ help='Reporting database port', dest='reporting_db_port'),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ cf=('database', 'reporting_schema'),
+ help='Reporting database schema', dest='reporting_db_schema',
+ default='public'),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ cf=('database', 'reporting_options'),
+ help='Reporting database options', dest='reporting_db_opts',
+ type=Bcfg2.Options.Types.comma_dict, default=dict()),
+ # Django options
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ cf=('reporting', 'timezone'), help='Django timezone'),
+ Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption(
+ cf=('reporting', 'web_debug'), help='Django debug'),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ cf=('reporting', 'web_prefix'), help='Web prefix')]
+ @staticmethod
+ def component_parsed_hook(opts):
+ """ Finalize the Django config after this component's options
+ are parsed. """
+ finalize_django_config(opts=opts)
+ @staticmethod
+ def options_parsed_hook():
+ """ Finalize the Django config after all options are parsed.
+ This is added in case the DBSettings component isn't added
+ early enough in option parsing to be parsed in the 'early'
+ phase. Chances are good that things will break if that
+ happens, but we do our best to be a good citizen. """
+ finalize_django_config(silent=True)