path: root/src/lib/Bcfg2/Options/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/Bcfg2/Options/')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Bcfg2/Options/ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Options/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6414cf98e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Options/
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+""" The option parser """
+import os
+import sys
+import argparse
+from Bcfg2.version import __version__
+from Bcfg2.Compat import ConfigParser
+from Options import Option, PathOption, BooleanOption
+__all__ = ["setup", "OptionParserException", "Parser", "get_parser"]
+#: The repository option. This is specified here (and imported into
+#: :module:`Bcfg2.Options.Common`) rather than vice-versa due to
+#: circular imports.
+repository = PathOption(
+ '-Q', '--repository', cf=('server', 'repository'),
+ default='var/lib/bcfg2', help="Server repository path")
+#: A module-level :class:`argparse.Namespace` object that stores all
+#: configuration for Bcfg2.
+setup = argparse.Namespace(version=__version__,
+ name="Bcfg2",
+ uri='')
+class OptionParserException(Exception):
+ """ Base exception raised for generic option parser errors """
+class Parser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
+ """ The Bcfg2 option parser. Most interfaces should not need to
+ instantiate a parser, but should instead use
+ :func:`Bcfg2.Options.get_parser` to get the parser that already
+ exists."""
+ #: Option for specifying the path to the Bcfg2 config file
+ configfile = PathOption('-C', '--config',
+ help="Path to configuration file",
+ default="/etc/bcfg2.conf")
+ #: Builtin options that apply to all commands
+ options = [configfile,
+ BooleanOption('--version', help="Print the version and exit"),
+ Option('-E', '--encoding', metavar='<encoding>',
+ default='UTF-8', help="Encoding of config files",
+ cf=('components', 'encoding'))]
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ """ See :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` for a full list of
+ accepted parameters.
+ In addition to supporting all arguments and keyword arguments
+ from :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser`, several additional
+ keyword arguments are allowed.
+ :param components: A list of components to add to the parser.
+ :type components: list
+ :param namespace: The namespace to store options in. Default
+ is :attr:`Bcfg2.Options.setup`.
+ :type namespace: argparse.Namespace
+ :param add_base_options: Whether or not to add the options in
+ :attr:`Bcfg2.Options.Parser.options`
+ to the parser. Setting this to False
+ is default for subparsers. Default is
+ True.
+ :type add_base_options: bool
+ """
+ self._cfp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ components = kwargs.pop('components', [])
+ #: The namespace options will be stored in.
+ self.namespace = kwargs.pop('namespace', setup)
+ add_base_options = kwargs.pop('add_base_options', True)
+ if 'add_help' not in kwargs:
+ kwargs['add_help'] = add_base_options
+ argparse.ArgumentParser.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+ #: Whether or not parsing has completed on all current options.
+ self.parsed = False
+ #: The argument list that was parsed.
+ self.argv = None
+ #: Components that have been added to the parser
+ self.components = []
+ #: Options that have been added to the parser
+ self.option_list = []
+ self._defaults_set = []
+ self._config_files = []
+ if add_base_options:
+ self.add_component(self)
+ for component in components:
+ self.add_component(component)
+ def add_options(self, options):
+ """ Add an explicit list of options to the parser. When
+ possible, prefer :func:`Bcfg2.Options.Parser.add_component` to
+ add a whole component instead."""
+ self.parsed = False
+ for option in options:
+ if option not in self.option_list:
+ self.option_list.extend(option.list_options())
+ option.add_to_parser(self)
+ def add_component(self, component):
+ """ Add a component (and all of its options) to the
+ parser. """
+ if component not in self.components:
+ self.components.append(component)
+ if hasattr(component, "options"):
+ self.add_options(getattr(component, "options"))
+ def _set_defaults(self):
+ for opt in self.option_list:
+ if opt not in self._defaults_set:
+ opt.default_from_config(self._cfp)
+ self._defaults_set.append(opt)
+ def _parse_config_options(self):
+ """ populate the namespace with default values for any options
+ that aren't already in the namespace (i.e., options without
+ CLI arguments) """
+ for opt in self.option_list[:]:
+ if not opt.args and opt.dest not in self.namespace:
+ value = opt.default
+ if value:
+ for parser, action in opt.actions.items():
+ if parser is None:
+ action(self, self.namespace, value)
+ else:
+ action(parser, parser.namespace, value)
+ else:
+ setattr(self.namespace, opt.dest, value)
+ def _finalize(self):
+ for opt in self.option_list[:]:
+ opt.finalize()
+ def _reset_namespace(self):
+ self.parsed = False
+ for attr in dir(self.namespace):
+ if (not attr.startswith("_") and
+ attr not in ['uri', 'version', 'name'] and
+ attr not in self.config_files):
+ delattr(self.namespace, attr)
+ def add_config_file(self, dest, cfile):
+ """ Add a config file, which triggers a full reparse of all
+ options. """
+ if dest not in self.config_files:
+ self._reset_namespace()
+ self._defaults_set = []
+ self._set_defaults()
+ self._parse_config_options()
+ self.config_files.append(dest)
+ def reparse(self, argv=None):
+ """ Reparse options after they have already been parsed.
+ :param argv: The argument list to parse. By default,
+ :attr:`Bcfg2.Options.Parser.argv` is reused.
+ (I.e., the argument list that was initially
+ parsed.) :type argv: list
+ """
+ self._reset_namespace()
+ self.parse(argv or self.argv)
+ def parse(self, argv=None):
+ """ Parse options.
+ :param argv: The argument list to parse. By default,
+ ``sys.argv[1:]`` is used. This is stored in
+ :attr:`Bcfg2.Options.Parser.argv` for reuse by
+ :func:`Bcfg2.Options.Parser.reparse`. :type
+ argv: list
+ """
+ if argv is None:
+ argv = sys.argv[1:]
+ if self.parsed and self.argv == argv:
+ return self.namespace
+ self.argv = argv
+ # phase 1: get and read config file
+ bootstrap_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+ self.configfile.add_to_parser(bootstrap_parser)
+ bootstrap = bootstrap_parser.parse_known_args(args=self.argv)[0]
+ # check whether the specified bcfg2.conf exists
+ if not os.path.exists(bootstrap.config):
+ print("Could not read %s" % bootstrap.config)
+ return 1
+ self.add_config_file(self.configfile.dest, bootstrap.config)
+ # phase 2: re-parse command line, loading additional
+ # components, until all components have been loaded. On each
+ # iteration, set defaults from config file/environment
+ # variables
+ remaining = self.argv
+ while not self.parsed:
+ self.parsed = True
+ self._set_defaults()
+ remaining = self.parse_known_args(args=remaining,
+ namespace=self.namespace)[1]
+ self._parse_config_options()
+ self._finalize()
+ # phase 3: parse command line for real, with all components
+ # loaded and all options known
+ self._parse_config_options()
+ # phase 4: fix up <repository> macros
+ repo = getattr(self.namespace, "repository", repository.default)
+ for attr in dir(self.namespace):
+ value = getattr(self.namespace, attr)
+ if not attr.startswith("_") and hasattr(value, "replace"):
+ setattr(self.namespace, attr,
+ value.replace("<repository>", repo, 1))
+ # phase 5: call post-parsing hooks
+ for component in self.components:
+ if hasattr(component, "options_parsed_hook"):
+ getattr(component, "options_parsed_hook")()
+ return self.namespace
+#: A module-level :class:`Bcfg2.Options.Parser` object that is used
+#: for all parsing
+_parser = Parser()
+#: Track whether or not the module-level parser has been initialized
+#: yet. We track this separately because some things (e.g., modules
+#: that add components on import) will use the parser before it has
+#: been initialized, so we can't just set
+#: :attr:`Bcfg2.Options._parser` to None and wait for
+#: :func:`Bcfg2.Options.get_parser` to be called.
+_parser_initialized = False
+def get_parser(description=None, components=None, namespace=None):
+ """ Get an existing :class:`Bcfg2.Options.Parser` object. (One is
+ created at the module level when :mod:`Bcfg2.Options` is
+ imported.) If no arguments are given, then the existing parser is
+ simply fetched.
+ If arguments are given, then one of two things happens:
+ * If this is the first ``get_parser`` call with arguments, then
+ the values given are set accordingly in the parser, and it is
+ returned.
+ * If this is not the first such call, then
+ :class:`Bcfg2.Options.OptionParserException` is raised.
+ That is, a ``get_parser`` call with options is considered to
+ initialize the parser that already exists, and that can only
+ happen once.
+ :param description: Set the parser description
+ :type description: string
+ :param components: Load the given components in the parser
+ :type components: list
+ :param namespace: Use the given namespace instead of
+ :attr:`Bcfg2.Options.setup`
+ :type namespace: argparse.Namespace
+ :returns: Bcfg2.Options.Parser object
+ """
+ if _parser_initialized and (description or components or namespace):
+ raise OptionParserException("Parser has already been initialized")
+ elif (description or components or namespace):
+ if description:
+ _parser.description = description
+ if components is not None:
+ for component in components:
+ _parser.add_component(component)
+ if namespace:
+ _parser.namespace = namespace
+ return _parser