path: root/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/')
1 files changed, 1181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..207106596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/
@@ -0,0 +1,1181 @@
+""" Subcommands and helpers for bcfg2-admin """
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import glob
+import stat
+import random
+import socket
+import string
+import getpass
+import difflib
+import tarfile
+import argparse
+import lxml.etree
+import Bcfg2.Logger
+import Bcfg2.Options
+import Bcfg2.DBSettings
+import Bcfg2.Server.Core
+import Bcfg2.Client.Proxy
+from Bcfg2.Server.Plugin import PullSource, Generator, MetadataConsistencyError
+from Bcfg2.Utils import hostnames2ranges, Executor, safe_input
+import Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata
+ from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
+ from django.core import management
+ import django.conf
+ import Bcfg2.Server.models
+ try:
+ import south # pylint: disable=W0611
+ except ImportError:
+except ImportError:
+ HAS_DJANGO = False
+class ccolors: # pylint: disable=C0103,W0232
+ """ ANSI color escapes to make colorizing text easier """
+ # pylint: disable=W1401
+ ADDED = '\033[92m'
+ CHANGED = '\033[93m'
+ REMOVED = '\033[91m'
+ ENDC = '\033[0m'
+ # pylint: enable=W1401
+ @classmethod
+ def disable(cls):
+ """ Disable all coloration """
+ cls.ADDED = ''
+ cls.CHANGED = ''
+ cls.REMOVED = ''
+ cls.ENDC = ''
+def gen_password(length):
+ """Generates a random alphanumeric password with length characters."""
+ chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
+ return "".join(random.choice(chars) for i in range(length))
+def print_table(rows, justify='left', hdr=True, vdelim=" ", padding=1):
+ """Pretty print a table
+ rows - list of rows ([[row 1], [row 2], ..., [row n]])
+ hdr - if True the first row is treated as a table header
+ vdelim - vertical delimiter between columns
+ padding - # of spaces around the longest element in the column
+ justify - may be left,center,right
+ """
+ hdelim = "="
+ justify = {'left': str.ljust,
+ 'center':,
+ 'right': str.rjust}[justify.lower()]
+ # Calculate column widths (longest item in each column
+ # plus padding on both sides)
+ cols = list(zip(*rows))
+ col_widths = [max([len(str(item)) + 2 * padding
+ for item in col]) for col in cols]
+ borderline = vdelim.join([w * hdelim for w in col_widths])
+ # Print out the table
+ print(borderline)
+ for row in rows:
+ print(vdelim.join([justify(str(item), width)
+ for (item, width) in zip(row, col_widths)]))
+ if hdr:
+ print(borderline)
+ hdr = False
+class AdminCmd(Bcfg2.Options.Subcommand): # pylint: disable=W0223
+ """ Base class for all bcfg2-admin modes """
+ def setup(self):
+ """ Perform post-init (post-options parsing), pre-run setup
+ tasks """
+ pass
+ def errExit(self, emsg):
+ """ exit with an error """
+ print(emsg)
+ raise SystemExit(1)
+class _ServerAdminCmd(AdminCmd): # pylint: disable=W0223
+ """ Base class for admin modes that run a Bcfg2 server. """
+ __plugin_whitelist__ = None
+ __plugin_blacklist__ = None
+ options = AdminCmd.options + Bcfg2.Server.Core.Core.options
+ def __init__(self):
+ AdminCmd.__init__(self)
+ self.metadata = None
+ def setup(self):
+ if self.__plugin_whitelist__ is not None:
+ Bcfg2.Options.setup.plugins = [
+ p for p in Bcfg2.Options.setup.plugins
+ if in self.__plugin_whitelist__]
+ elif self.__plugin_blacklist__ is not None:
+ Bcfg2.Options.setup.plugins = [
+ p for p in Bcfg2.Options.setup.plugins
+ if not in self.__plugin_blacklist__]
+ try:
+ self.core = Bcfg2.Server.Core.Core()
+ except Bcfg2.Server.Core.CoreInitError:
+ msg = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.errExit("Core load failed: %s" % msg)
+ self.core.load_plugins()
+ self.core.fam.handle_event_set()
+ self.metadata = self.core.metadata
+ def shutdown(self):
+ self.core.shutdown()
+class _ProxyAdminCmd(AdminCmd): # pylint: disable=W0223
+ """ Base class for admin modes that proxy to a running Bcfg2 server """
+ options = AdminCmd.options + Bcfg2.Client.Proxy.ComponentProxy.options
+ def __init__(self):
+ AdminCmd.__init__(self)
+ self.proxy = None
+ def setup(self):
+ self.proxy = Bcfg2.Client.Proxy.ComponentProxy()
+class Backup(AdminCmd):
+ """ Make a backup of the Bcfg2 repository """
+ options = AdminCmd.options + [Bcfg2.Options.Common.repository]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ timestamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
+ datastore = setup.repository
+ fmt = 'gz'
+ mode = 'w:' + fmt
+ filename = timestamp + '.tar' + '.' + fmt
+ out =, filename), mode=mode)
+ out.add(datastore, os.path.basename(datastore))
+ out.close()
+ print("Archive %s was stored under %s" % (filename, datastore))
+class Client(_ServerAdminCmd):
+ """ Create, delete, or list client entries """
+ options = _ServerAdminCmd.options + [
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument(
+ "mode",
+ choices=["add", "del", "list"]),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("hostname", nargs='?')]
+ __plugin_whitelist__ = ["Metadata"]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ if setup.mode != 'list' and not setup.hostname:
+ self.parser.error("<hostname> is required in %s mode" % setup.mode)
+ elif setup.mode == 'list' and setup.hostname:
+ self.logger.warning("<hostname> is not honored in list mode")
+ if setup.mode == 'add':
+ try:
+ self.metadata.add_client(setup.hostname)
+ except MetadataConsistencyError:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.errExit("Error adding client %s: %s" % (setup.hostname,
+ err))
+ elif setup.mode == 'del':
+ try:
+ self.metadata.remove_client(setup.hostname)
+ except MetadataConsistencyError:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.errExit("Error deleting client %s: %s" % (setup.hostname,
+ err))
+ elif setup.mode == 'list':
+ for client in self.metadata.list_clients():
+ print(client)
+class Compare(AdminCmd):
+ """ Compare two hosts or two versions of a host specification """
+ help = "Given two XML files (as produced by bcfg2-info build or bcfg2 " + \
+ "-qnc) or two directories containing XML files (as produced by " + \
+ "bcfg2-info buildall or bcfg2-info builddir), output a detailed, " + \
+ "Bcfg2-centric diff."
+ options = AdminCmd.options + [
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ "-d", "--diff-lines", type=int,
+ help="Show only N lines of a diff"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption(
+ "-c", "--color", help="Use colors even if not run from a TTY"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption(
+ "-q", "--quiet",
+ help="Only show that entries differ, not how they differ"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PathOption("path1", metavar="<file-or-dir>"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PathOption("path2", metavar="<file-or-dir>")]
+ changes = dict()
+ def removed(self, msg, host):
+ """ Record a removed element """
+ self.record("%sRemoved: %s%s" % (ccolors.REMOVED, msg, ccolors.ENDC),
+ host)
+ def added(self, msg, host):
+ """ Record an removed element """
+ self.record("%sAdded: %s%s" % (ccolors.ADDED, msg, ccolors.ENDC), host)
+ def changed(self, msg, host):
+ """ Record a changed element """
+ self.record("%sChanged: %s%s" % (ccolors.CHANGED, msg, ccolors.ENDC),
+ host)
+ def record(self, msg, host):
+ """ Record a new removed/added/changed message for the given
+ host """
+ if msg not in self.changes:
+ self.changes[msg] = [host]
+ else:
+ self.changes[msg].append(host)
+ def udiff(self, lines1, lines2, **kwargs):
+ """ get a unified diff with control lines stripped """
+ lines = None
+ if "lines" in kwargs:
+ if kwargs['lines'] is not None:
+ lines = int(kwargs['lines'])
+ del kwargs['lines']
+ if lines == 0:
+ return []
+ kwargs['n'] = 0
+ diff = []
+ for line in difflib.unified_diff(lines1, lines2, **kwargs):
+ if (line.startswith("--- ") or line.startswith("+++ ") or
+ line.startswith("@@ ")):
+ continue
+ if lines is not None and len(diff) > lines:
+ diff.append(" ...")
+ break
+ if line.startswith("+"):
+ diff.extend(" %s%s%s" % (ccolors.ADDED, l, ccolors.ENDC)
+ for l in line.splitlines())
+ elif line.startswith("-"):
+ diff.extend(" %s%s%s" % (ccolors.REMOVED, l, ccolors.ENDC)
+ for l in line.splitlines())
+ return diff
+ def _bundletype(self, el):
+ """ Get a human-friendly representation of the type of the
+ given bundle -- independent or not """
+ if el.get("tag") == "Independent":
+ return "Independent bundle"
+ else:
+ return "Bundle"
+ def _get_filelists(self, setup):
+ """ Get a list of 2-tuples of files to compare """
+ files = []
+ if os.path.isdir(setup.path1) and os.path.isdir(setup.path1):
+ for fpath in glob.glob(os.path.join(setup.path1, '*')):
+ fname = os.path.basename(fpath)
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(setup.path2, fname)):
+ files.append((os.path.join(setup.path1, fname),
+ os.path.join(setup.path2, fname)))
+ else:
+ if fname.endswith(".xml"):
+ host = fname[0:-4]
+ else:
+ host = fname
+ self.removed(host, '')
+ for fpath in glob.glob(os.path.join(setup.path2, '*')):
+ fname = os.path.basename(fpath)
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(setup.path1, fname)):
+ if fname.endswith(".xml"):
+ host = fname[0:-4]
+ else:
+ host = fname
+ self.added(host, '')
+ elif os.path.isfile(setup.path1) and os.path.isfile(setup.path2):
+ files.append((setup.path1, setup.path2))
+ else:
+ self.errExit("Cannot diff a file and a directory")
+ return files
+ def run(self, setup): # pylint: disable=R0912,R0914,R0915
+ if not sys.stdout.isatty() and not setup.color:
+ ccolors.disable()
+ files = self._get_filelists(setup)
+ for file1, file2 in files:
+ host = None
+ if os.path.basename(file1) == os.path.basename(file2):
+ fname = os.path.basename(file1)
+ if fname.endswith(".xml"):
+ host = fname[0:-4]
+ else:
+ host = fname
+ xdata1 = lxml.etree.parse(file1).getroot()
+ xdata2 = lxml.etree.parse(file2).getroot()
+ elements1 = dict()
+ elements2 = dict()
+ bundles1 = [el.get("name") for el in xdata1.iterchildren()]
+ bundles2 = [el.get("name") for el in xdata2.iterchildren()]
+ for el in xdata1.iterchildren():
+ if el.get("name") not in bundles2:
+ self.removed("%s %s" % (self._bundletype(el),
+ el.get("name")),
+ host)
+ for el in xdata2.iterchildren():
+ if el.get("name") not in bundles1:
+ self.added("%s %s" % (self._bundletype(el),
+ el.get("name")),
+ host)
+ for bname in bundles1:
+ bundle = xdata1.find("*[@name='%s']" % bname)
+ for el in bundle.getchildren():
+ elements1["%s:%s" % (el.tag, el.get("name"))] = el
+ for bname in bundles2:
+ bundle = xdata2.find("*[@name='%s']" % bname)
+ for el in bundle.getchildren():
+ elements2["%s:%s" % (el.tag, el.get("name"))] = el
+ for el in elements1.values():
+ elid = "%s:%s" % (el.tag, el.get("name"))
+ if elid not in elements2:
+ self.removed("Element %s" % elid, host)
+ else:
+ el2 = elements2[elid]
+ if (el.getparent().get("name") !=
+ el2.getparent().get("name")):
+ self.changed(
+ "Element %s was in bundle %s, "
+ "now in bundle %s" % (elid,
+ el.getparent().get("name"),
+ el2.getparent().get("name")),
+ host)
+ attr1 = sorted(["%s=\"%s\"" % (attr, el.get(attr))
+ for attr in el.attrib])
+ attr2 = sorted(["%s=\"%s\"" % (attr, el.get(attr))
+ for attr in el2.attrib])
+ if attr1 != attr2:
+ err = ["Element %s has different attributes" % elid]
+ if not setup.quiet:
+ err.extend(self.udiff(attr1, attr2))
+ self.changed("\n".join(err), host)
+ if el.text != el2.text:
+ if el.text is None:
+ self.changed("Element %s content was added" % elid,
+ host)
+ elif el2.text is None:
+ self.changed("Element %s content was removed" %
+ elid, host)
+ else:
+ err = ["Element %s has different content" %
+ elid]
+ if not setup.quiet:
+ err.extend(
+ self.udiff(el.text.splitlines(),
+ el2.text.splitlines(),
+ lines=setup.diff_lines))
+ self.changed("\n".join(err), host)
+ for el in elements2.values():
+ elid = "%s:%s" % (el.tag, el.get("name"))
+ if elid not in elements2:
+ self.removed("Element %s" % elid, host)
+ for change, hosts in self.changes.items():
+ hlist = [h for h in hosts if h is not None]
+ if len(files) > 1 and len(hlist):
+ print("===== %s =====" %
+ "\n ".join(hostnames2ranges(hlist)))
+ print(change)
+ if len(files) > 1 and len(hlist):
+ print("")
+class Help(AdminCmd, Bcfg2.Options.HelpCommand):
+ """ Get help on a specific subcommand """
+ def command_registry(self):
+ return CLI.commands
+ def run(self, setup):
+, setup)
+class Init(AdminCmd):
+ """Interactively initialize a new repository."""
+ options = AdminCmd.options + [
+ Bcfg2.Options.Common.repository, Bcfg2.Options.Common.plugins]
+ # default config file
+ config = '''[server]
+repository = %s
+plugins = %s
+# Uncomment the following to listen on all interfaces
+#listen_all = true
+#engine = sqlite3
+# 'postgresql', 'mysql', 'mysql_old', 'sqlite3' or 'ado_mssql'.
+#name =
+# Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
+#<repository>/etc/bcfg2.sqlite is default path if left empty
+#user =
+# Not used with sqlite3.
+#password =
+# Not used with sqlite3.
+#host =
+# Not used with sqlite3.
+#port =
+transport = LocalFilesystem
+password = %s
+certificate = %s
+key = %s
+ca = %s
+bcfg2 = %s
+ # Default groups
+ groups = '''<Groups>
+ <Group profile='true' public='true' default='true' name='basic'/>
+ # Default contents of clients.xml
+ clients = '''<Clients>
+ <Client profile="basic" name="%s"/>
+ def __init__(self):
+ AdminCmd.__init__(self)
+ = dict()
+ def _set_defaults(self, setup):
+ """Set default parameters."""
+['plugins'] = setup.plugins
+['configfile'] = setup.config
+['repopath'] = setup.repository
+['password'] = gen_password(8)
+['shostname'] = socket.getfqdn()
+['server_uri'] = "https://%s:6789" %['shostname']
+['country'] = 'US'
+['state'] = 'Illinois'
+['location'] = 'Argonne'
+ if os.path.exists("/etc/pki/tls"):
+['keypath'] = "/etc/pki/tls/private/bcfg2.key"
+['certpath'] = "/etc/pki/tls/certs/bcfg2.crt"
+ elif os.path.exists("/etc/ssl"):
+['keypath'] = "/etc/ssl/bcfg2.key"
+['certpath'] = "/etc/ssl/bcfg2.crt"
+ else:
+ basepath = os.path.dirname(['configfile'])
+['keypath'] = os.path.join(basepath, "bcfg2.key")
+['certpath'] = os.path.join(basepath, 'bcfg2.crt')
+ def input_with_default(self, msg, default_name):
+ """ Prompt for input with the given message, taking the
+ default from ```` """
+ val = safe_input("%s [%s]: " % (msg,[default_name]))
+ if val:
+[default_name] = val
+ def run(self, setup):
+ self._set_defaults(setup)
+ # Prompt the user for input
+ self._prompt_server()
+ self._prompt_config()
+ self._prompt_repopath()
+ self._prompt_password()
+ self._prompt_keypath()
+ self._prompt_certificate()
+ # Initialize the repository
+ self.init_repo()
+ def _prompt_server(self):
+ """Ask for the server name and URI."""
+ self.input_with_default("What is the server's hostname", 'shostname')
+ # reset default server URI
+['server_uri'] = "https://%s:6789" %['shostname']
+ self.input_with_default("Server location", 'server_uri')
+ def _prompt_config(self):
+ """Ask for the configuration file path."""
+ self.input_with_default("Path to Bcfg2 configuration", 'configfile')
+ def _prompt_repopath(self):
+ """Ask for the repository path."""
+ while True:
+ self.input_with_default("Location of Bcfg2 repository", 'repopath')
+ if os.path.isdir(['repopath']):
+ response = safe_input("Directory %s exists. Overwrite? [y/N]:"
+ %['repopath'])
+ if response.lower().strip() == 'y':
+ break
+ else:
+ break
+ def _prompt_password(self):
+ """Ask for a password or generate one if none is provided."""
+ newpassword = getpass.getpass(
+ "Input password used for communication verification "
+ "(without echoing; leave blank for random): ").strip()
+ if len(newpassword) != 0:
+['password'] = newpassword
+ def _prompt_certificate(self):
+ """Ask for the key details (country, state, and location)."""
+ print("The following questions affect SSL certificate generation.")
+ print("If no data is provided, the default values are used.")
+ self.input_with_default("Country code for certificate", 'country')
+ self.input_with_default("State or Province Name (full name) for "
+ "certificate", 'state')
+ self.input_with_default("Locality Name (e.g., city) for certificate",
+ 'location')
+ def _prompt_keypath(self):
+ """ Ask for the key pair location. Try to use sensible
+ defaults depending on the OS """
+ self.input_with_default("Path where Bcfg2 server private key will be "
+ "created", 'keypath')
+ self.input_with_default("Path where Bcfg2 server cert will be created",
+ 'certpath')
+ def _init_plugins(self):
+ """Initialize each plugin-specific portion of the repository."""
+ for plugin in['plugins']:
+ kwargs = dict()
+ if issubclass(plugin, Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.Metadata):
+ kwargs.update(
+ dict(groups_xml=self.groups,
+ clients_xml=self.clients %['shostname']))
+ plugin.init_repo(['repopath'], **kwargs)
+ def create_conf(self):
+ """ create the config file """
+ confdata = self.config % (
+ ','.join(p.__name__ for p in['plugins']),
+ # Don't overwrite existing bcfg2.conf file
+ if os.path.exists(['configfile']):
+ result = safe_input("\nWarning: %s already exists. "
+ "Overwrite? [y/N]: " %['configfile'])
+ if result not in ['Y', 'y']:
+ print("Leaving %s unchanged" %['configfile'])
+ return
+ try:
+ open(['configfile'], "w").write(confdata)
+ os.chmod(['configfile'],
+ stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) # 0600
+ except: # pylint: disable=W0702
+ self.errExit("Error trying to write configuration file '%s': %s" %
+ (['configfile'], sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ def init_repo(self):
+ """Setup a new repo and create the content of the
+ configuration file."""
+ # Create the repository
+ path = os.path.join(['repopath'], 'etc')
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(path)
+ self._init_plugins()
+ print("Repository created successfuly in %s" %
+ except OSError:
+ print("Failed to create %s." % path)
+ # Create the configuration file and SSL key
+ self.create_conf()
+ self.create_key()
+ def create_key(self):
+ """Creates a bcfg2.key at the directory specifed by keypath."""
+ cmd = Executor(timeout=120)
+ subject = "/C=%s/ST=%s/L=%s/CN=%s'" % (
+ key =["openssl", "req", "-batch", "-x509", "-nodes",
+ "-subj", subject, "-days", "1000",
+ "-newkey", "rsa:2048",
+ "-keyout",['keypath'], "-noout"])
+ if not key.success:
+ print("Error generating key: %s" % key.error)
+ return
+ os.chmod(['keypath'], stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) # 0600
+ csr =["openssl", "req", "-batch", "-new", "-subj", subject,
+ "-key",['keypath']])
+ if not csr.success:
+ print("Error generating certificate signing request: %s" %
+ csr.error)
+ return
+ cert =["openssl", "x509", "-req", "-days", "1000",
+ "-signkey",['keypath'],
+ "-out",['certpath']],
+ inputdata=csr.stdout)
+ if not cert.success:
+ print("Error signing certificate: %s" % cert.error)
+ return
+class Minestruct(_ServerAdminCmd):
+ """ Extract extra entry lists from statistics """
+ options = _ServerAdminCmd.options + [
+ Bcfg2.Options.PathOption(
+ "-f", "--outfile", type=argparse.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout,
+ help="Write to the given file"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ "-g", "--groups", help="Only build config for groups",
+ type=Bcfg2.Options.Types.colon_list, default=[]),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("hostname")]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ try:
+ extra = set()
+ for source in self.core.plugins_by_type(PullSource):
+ for item in source.GetExtra(setup.hostname):
+ extra.add(item)
+ except: # pylint: disable=W0702
+ self.errExit("Failed to find extra entry info for client %s: %s" %
+ (setup.hostname, sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ root = lxml.etree.Element("Base")
+"Found %d extra entries" % len(extra))
+ add_point = root
+ for grp in setup.groups:
+ add_point = lxml.etree.SubElement(add_point, "Group", name=grp)
+ for tag, name in extra:
+"%s: %s" % (tag, name))
+ lxml.etree.SubElement(add_point, tag, name=name)
+ lxml.etree.ElementTree(root).write(setup.outfile, pretty_print=True)
+class Perf(_ProxyAdminCmd):
+ """ Get performance data from server """
+ def run(self, setup):
+ output = [('Name', 'Min', 'Max', 'Mean', 'Count')]
+ data = self.proxy.get_statistics()
+ for key in sorted(data.keys()):
+ output.append(
+ (key, ) +
+ tuple(["%.06f" % item
+ for item in data[key][:-1]] + [data[key][-1]]))
+ print_table(output)
+class Pull(_ServerAdminCmd):
+ """ Retrieves entries from clients and integrates the information
+ into the repository """
+ options = _ServerAdminCmd.options + [
+ Bcfg2.Options.Common.interactive,
+ Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption(
+ "-s", "--stdin",
+ help="Read lists of <hostname> <entrytype> <entryname> from stdin "
+ "instead of the command line"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("hostname", nargs='?'),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("entrytype", nargs='?'),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("entryname", nargs='?')]
+ def __init__(self):
+ _ServerAdminCmd.__init__(self)
+ self.interactive = False
+ def setup(self):
+ if (not Bcfg2.Options.setup.stdin and
+ not (Bcfg2.Options.setup.hostname and
+ Bcfg2.Options.setup.entrytype and
+ Bcfg2.Options.setup.entryname)):
+ print("You must specify either --stdin or a hostname, entry type, "
+ "and entry name on the command line.")
+ self.errExit(self.usage())
+ _ServerAdminCmd.setup(self)
+ def run(self, setup):
+ self.interactive = setup.interactive
+ if setup.stdin:
+ for line in sys.stdin:
+ try:
+ self.PullEntry(*line.split(None, 3))
+ except SystemExit:
+ print(" for %s" % line)
+ except:
+ print("Bad entry: %s" % line.strip())
+ else:
+ self.PullEntry(setup.hostname, setup.entrytype, setup.entryname)
+ def BuildNewEntry(self, client, etype, ename):
+ """Construct a new full entry for
+ given client/entry from statistics.
+ """
+ new_entry = {'type': etype, 'name': ename}
+ pull_sources = self.core.plugins_by_type(PullSource)
+ for plugin in pull_sources:
+ try:
+ (owner, group, mode, contents) = \
+ plugin.GetCurrentEntry(client, etype, ename)
+ break
+ except Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginExecutionError:
+ if plugin == pull_sources[-1]:
+ self.errExit("Pull Source failure; could not fetch "
+ "current state")
+ try:
+ data = {'owner': owner,
+ 'group': group,
+ 'mode': mode,
+ 'text': contents}
+ except UnboundLocalError:
+ self.errExit("Unable to build entry")
+ for key, val in list(data.items()):
+ if val:
+ new_entry[key] = val
+ return new_entry
+ def Choose(self, choices):
+ """Determine where to put pull data."""
+ if self.interactive:
+ for choice in choices:
+ print("Plugin returned choice:")
+ if id(choice) == id(choices[0]):
+ print("(current entry) ")
+ if choice.all:
+ print(" => global entry")
+ elif
+ print(" => group entry: %s (prio %d)" %
+ (, choice.prio))
+ else:
+ print(" => host entry: %s" % (choice.hostname))
+ # flush input buffer
+ ans = safe_input("Use this entry? [yN]: ") in ['y', 'Y']
+ if ans:
+ return choice
+ return False
+ else:
+ if not choices:
+ return False
+ return choices[0]
+ def PullEntry(self, client, etype, ename):
+ """Make currently recorded client state correct for entry."""
+ new_entry = self.BuildNewEntry(client, etype, ename)
+ meta = self.core.build_metadata(client)
+ # Find appropriate plugin in core
+ glist = [gen for gen in self.core.plugins_by_type(Generator)
+ if ename in gen.Entries.get(etype, {})]
+ if len(glist) != 1:
+ self.errExit("Got wrong numbers of matching generators for entry:"
+ "%s" % ([ for g in glist]))
+ plugin = glist[0]
+ if not isinstance(plugin, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PullTarget):
+ self.errExit("Configuration upload not supported by plugin %s" %
+ try:
+ choices = plugin.AcceptChoices(new_entry, meta)
+ specific = self.Choose(choices)
+ if specific:
+ plugin.AcceptPullData(specific, new_entry, self.logger)
+ except Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginExecutionError:
+ self.errExit("Configuration upload not supported by plugin %s" %
+ # Commit if running under a VCS
+ for vcsplugin in list(self.core.plugins.values()):
+ if isinstance(vcsplugin, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Version):
+ files = "%s/%s" % (, ename)
+ comment = 'file "%s" pulled from host %s' % (files, client)
+ vcsplugin.commit_data([files], comment)
+class _ReportsCmd(AdminCmd): # pylint: disable=W0223
+ """ Base command for all admin modes dealing with the reporting
+ subsystem """
+ def __init__(self):
+ AdminCmd.__init__(self)
+ self.reports_entries = ()
+ self.reports_classes = ()
+ def setup(self):
+ # this has to be imported after options are parsed, because
+ # Django finalizes its settings as soon as it's loaded, which
+ # means that if we import this before Bcfg2.DBSettings has
+ # been populated, Django gets a null configuration, and
+ # subsequent updates to Bcfg2.DBSettings won't help.
+ import Bcfg2.Reporting.models # pylint: disable=W0621
+ self.reports_entries = (Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Group,
+ Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Bundle,
+ Bcfg2.Reporting.models.FailureEntry,
+ Bcfg2.Reporting.models.ActionEntry,
+ Bcfg2.Reporting.models.PathEntry,
+ Bcfg2.Reporting.models.PackageEntry,
+ Bcfg2.Reporting.models.PathEntry,
+ Bcfg2.Reporting.models.ServiceEntry)
+ self.reports_classes = self.reports_entries + (
+ Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Client,
+ Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Interaction,
+ Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Performance)
+ class _DjangoProxyCmd(AdminCmd):
+ """ Base for admin modes that proxy a command through the
+ Django management system """
+ command = None
+ args = []
+ def run(self, _):
+ '''Call a django command'''
+ if self.command is not None:
+ command = self.command
+ else:
+ command = self.__class__.__name__.lower()
+ args = [command] + self.args
+ management.call_command(*args)
+ class DBShell(_DjangoProxyCmd):
+ """ Call the Django 'dbshell' command on the database """
+ class Shell(_DjangoProxyCmd):
+ """ Call the Django 'shell' command on the database """
+ class ValidateDB(_DjangoProxyCmd):
+ """ Call the Django 'validate' command on the database """
+ command = "validate"
+ class Syncdb(AdminCmd):
+ """ Sync the Django ORM with the configured database """
+ def run(self, setup):
+ Bcfg2.Server.models.load_models()
+ try:
+ management.call_command("syncdb", interactive=False,
+ verbosity=setup.verbose + setup.debug)
+ except ImproperlyConfigured:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.logger.error("Django configuration problem: %s" % err)
+ raise SystemExit(1)
+ except:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.logger.error("Database update failed: %s" % err)
+ raise SystemExit(1)
+ import datetime
+ class ScrubReports(_ReportsCmd):
+ """ Perform a thorough scrub and cleanup of the Reporting
+ database """
+ def setup(self):
+ _ReportsCmd.setup(self)
+ # this has to be imported after options are parsed,
+ # because Django finalizes its settings as soon as it's
+ # loaded, which means that if we import this before
+ # Bcfg2.DBSettings has been populated, Django gets a null
+ # configuration, and subsequent updates to
+ # Bcfg2.DBSettings won't help.
+ from Bcfg2.Reporting.Compat import transaction
+ = transaction.atomic(
+ def run(self, _): # pylint: disable=E0202
+ # Cleanup unused entries
+ for cls in self.reports_entries:
+ try:
+ start_count = cls.objects.count()
+ cls.prune_orphans()
+"Pruned %d %s records" %
+ (start_count - cls.objects.count(),
+ cls.__name__))
+ except: # pylint: disable=W0702
+ print("Failed to prune %s: %s" %
+ (cls.__name__, sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ class InitReports(AdminCmd):
+ """ Initialize the Reporting database """
+ def run(self, setup):
+ verbose = setup.verbose + setup.debug
+ try:
+ management.call_command("syncdb", interactive=False,
+ verbosity=verbose)
+ management.call_command("migrate", interactive=False,
+ verbosity=verbose)
+ except: # pylint: disable=W0702
+ self.errExit("%s failed: %s" %
+ (self.__class__.__name__.title(),
+ sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ class UpdateReports(InitReports):
+ """ Apply updates to the reporting database """
+ class ReportsStats(_ReportsCmd):
+ """ Print Reporting database statistics """
+ def run(self, _):
+ for cls in self.reports_classes:
+ print("%s has %s records" % (cls.__name__,
+ cls.objects.count()))
+ class PurgeReports(_ReportsCmd):
+ """ Purge records from the Reporting database """
+ options = AdminCmd.options + [
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option("--client", help="Client to operate on"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option("--days", type=int, metavar='N',
+ help="Records older than N days"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.ExclusiveOptionGroup(
+ Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption("--expired",
+ help="Expired clients only"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option("--state", help="Purge entries in state",
+ choices=['dirty', 'clean', 'modified']),
+ required=False)]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ if setup.days:
+ maxdate = - \
+ datetime.timedelta(days=setup.days)
+ else:
+ maxdate = None
+ starts = {}
+ for cls in self.reports_classes:
+ starts[cls] = cls.objects.count()
+ if setup.expired:
+ self.purge_expired(maxdate)
+ else:
+ self.purge(setup.client, maxdate, setup.state)
+ for cls in self.reports_classes:
+"Purged %s %s records" %
+ (starts[cls] - cls.objects.count(),
+ cls.__name__))
+ def purge(self, client=None, maxdate=None, state=None):
+ '''Purge historical data from the database'''
+ # indicates whether or not a client should be deleted
+ filtered = False
+ if not client and not maxdate and not state:
+ self.errExit("Refusing to prune all data. Specify an option "
+ "to %s" % self.__class__.__name__.lower())
+ ipurge = Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Interaction.objects
+ if client:
+ try:
+ cobj = Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Client.objects.get(
+ name=client)
+ ipurge = ipurge.filter(client=cobj)
+ except Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Client.DoesNotExist:
+ self.errExit("Client %s not in database" % client)
+ self.logger.debug("Filtering by client: %s" % client)
+ if maxdate:
+ filtered = True
+ self.logger.debug("Filtering by maxdate: %s" % maxdate)
+ ipurge = ipurge.filter(timestamp__lt=maxdate)
+ if django.conf.settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] == \
+ 'django.db.backends.sqlite3':
+ grp_limit = 100
+ else:
+ grp_limit = 1000
+ if state:
+ filtered = True
+ self.logger.debug("Filtering by state: %s" % state)
+ ipurge = ipurge.filter(state=state)
+ count = ipurge.count()
+ rnum = 0
+ try:
+ while rnum < count:
+ grp = list(ipurge[:grp_limit].values("id"))
+ # just in case...
+ if not grp:
+ break
+ Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Interaction.objects.filter(
+ id__in=[x['id'] for x in grp]).delete()
+ rnum += len(grp)
+ self.logger.debug("Deleted %s of %s" % (rnum, count))
+ except: # pylint: disable=W0702
+ self.logger.error("Failed to remove interactions: %s" %
+ sys.exc_info()[1])
+ # Prune any orphaned ManyToMany relations
+ for m2m in self.reports_entries:
+ self.logger.debug("Pruning any orphaned %s objects" %
+ m2m.__name__)
+ m2m.prune_orphans()
+ if client and not filtered:
+ # Delete the client, ping data is automatic
+ try:
+ self.logger.debug("Purging client %s" % client)
+ cobj.delete()
+ except: # pylint: disable=W0702
+ self.logger.error("Failed to delete client %s: %s" %
+ (client, sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ def purge_expired(self, maxdate=None):
+ """ Purge expired clients from the Reporting database """
+ if maxdate:
+ if not isinstance(maxdate, datetime.datetime):
+ raise TypeError("maxdate is not a DateTime object")
+ self.logger.debug("Filtering by maxdate: %s" % maxdate)
+ clients = Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Client.objects.filter(
+ expiration__lt=maxdate)
+ else:
+ clients = Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Client.objects.filter(
+ expiration__isnull=False)
+ for client in clients:
+ self.logger.debug("Purging client %s" % client)
+ Bcfg2.Reporting.models.Interaction.objects.filter(
+ client=client).delete()
+ client.delete()
+ class ReportsSQLAll(_DjangoProxyCmd):
+ """ Call the Django 'sqlall' command on the Reporting database """
+ args = ["Reporting"]
+class Viz(_ServerAdminCmd):
+ """ Produce graphviz diagrams of metadata structures """
+ options = _ServerAdminCmd.options + [
+ Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption(
+ "-H", "--includehosts",
+ help="Include hosts in the viz output"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption(
+ "-b", "--includebundles",
+ help="Include bundles in the viz output"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption(
+ "-k", "--includekey",
+ help="Show a key for different digraph shapes"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.Option(
+ "-c", "--only-client", metavar="<hostname>",
+ help="Only show groups and bundles for the named client"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PathOption(
+ "-o", "--outfile",
+ help="Write viz output to an output file")]
+ colors = ['steelblue1', 'chartreuse', 'gold', 'magenta',
+ 'indianred1', 'limegreen', 'orange1', 'lightblue2',
+ 'green1', 'blue1', 'yellow1', 'darkturquoise', 'gray66']
+ __plugin_blacklist__ = ['DBStats', 'Cfg', 'Pkgmgr', 'Packages', 'Rules',
+ 'Decisions', 'Deps', 'Git', 'Svn', 'Fossil', 'Bzr',
+ 'Bundler']
+ def run(self, setup):
+ if setup.outfile:
+ fmt = setup.outfile.split('.')[-1]
+ else:
+ fmt = 'png'
+ exc = Executor()
+ cmd = ["dot", "-T", fmt]
+ if setup.outfile:
+ cmd.extend(["-o", setup.outfile])
+ inputlist = ["digraph groups {",
+ '\trankdir="LR";',
+ self.metadata.viz(setup.includehosts,
+ setup.includebundles,
+ setup.includekey,
+ setup.only_client,
+ self.colors)]
+ if setup.includekey:
+ inputlist.extend(
+ ["\tsubgraph cluster_key {",
+ '\tstyle="filled";',
+ '\tcolor="lightblue";',
+ '\tBundle [ shape="septagon" ];',
+ '\tGroup [shape="ellipse"];',
+ '\tGroup Category [shape="trapezium"];\n',
+ '\tProfile [style="bold", shape="ellipse"];',
+ '\tHblock [label="Host1|Host2|Host3",shape="record"];',
+ '\tlabel="Key";',
+ "\t}"])
+ inputlist.append("}")
+ idata = "\n".join(inputlist)
+ try:
+ result =, inputdata=idata)
+ except OSError:
+ # on some systems (RHEL 6), you cannot run dot with
+ # shell=True. on others (Gentoo with Python 2.7), you
+ # must. In yet others (RHEL 5), either way works. I have
+ # no idea what the difference is, but it's kind of a PITA.
+ result =, shell=True, inputdata=idata)
+ if not result.success:
+ self.errExit("Error running %s: %s" % (cmd, result.error))
+ if not setup.outfile:
+ print(result.stdout)
+class Xcmd(_ProxyAdminCmd):
+ """ XML-RPC Command Interface """
+ options = _ProxyAdminCmd.options + [
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("command"),
+ Bcfg2.Options.PositionalArgument("arguments", nargs='*')]
+ def run(self, setup):
+ try:
+ data = getattr(self.proxy, setup.command)(*setup.arguments)
+ except Bcfg2.Client.Proxy.ProxyError:
+ self.errExit("Proxy Error: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1])
+ if data is not None:
+ print(data)
+class CLI(Bcfg2.Options.CommandRegistry):
+ """ CLI class for bcfg2-admin """
+ def __init__(self):
+ Bcfg2.Options.CommandRegistry.__init__(self)
+ Bcfg2.Options.register_commands(self.__class__, globals().values(),
+ parent=AdminCmd)
+ parser = Bcfg2.Options.get_parser(
+ description="Manage a running Bcfg2 server",
+ components=[self])
+ parser.parse()
+ def run(self):
+ """ Run bcfg2-admin """
+ self.commands[Bcfg2.Options.setup.subcommand].setup()
+ return self.runcommand()