path: root/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..962b5d6a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+""" Query tags from AWS via boto, optionally setting group membership """
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import Bcfg2.Server.Lint
+import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin
+from boto import connect_ec2
+from Bcfg2.Cache import Cache
+from Bcfg2.Compat import ConfigParser
+class NoInstanceFound(Exception):
+ """ Raised when there's no AWS instance for a given hostname """
+class AWSTagPattern(object):
+ """ Handler for a single Tag entry """
+ def __init__(self, name, value, groups):
+ = re.compile(name)
+ if value is not None:
+ self.value = re.compile(value)
+ else:
+ self.value = value
+ self.groups = groups
+ def get_groups(self, tags):
+ """ Get groups that apply to the given tag set """
+ for key, value in tags.items():
+ name_match =
+ if name_match:
+ if self.value is not None:
+ value_match =
+ if value_match:
+ return self._munge_groups(value_match)
+ else:
+ return self._munge_groups(name_match)
+ break
+ return []
+ def _munge_groups(self, match):
+ """ Replace backreferences (``$1``, ``$2``) in Group tags with
+ their values in the regex. """
+ rv = []
+ sub = match.groups()
+ for group in self.groups:
+ newg = group
+ for idx in range(len(sub)):
+ newg = newg.replace('$%s' % (idx + 1), sub[idx])
+ rv.append(newg)
+ return rv
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.value:
+ return "%s: %s=%s: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__,,
+ self.value, self.groups)
+ else:
+ return "%s: %s: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__,,
+ self.groups)
+class PatternFile(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.XMLFileBacked):
+ """ representation of AWSTags config.xml """
+ __identifier__ = None
+ create = 'AWSTags'
+ def __init__(self, filename, core=None):
+ try:
+ fam = core.fam
+ except AttributeError:
+ fam = None
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.XMLFileBacked.__init__(self, filename, fam=fam,
+ should_monitor=True)
+ self.core = core
+ self.tags = []
+ def Index(self):
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.XMLFileBacked.Index(self)
+ if (self.core and
+ self.core.metadata_cache_mode in ['cautious', 'aggressive']):
+ self.core.metadata_cache.expire()
+ self.tags = []
+ for entry in self.xdata.xpath('//Tag'):
+ try:
+ groups = [g.text for g in entry.findall('Group')]
+ self.tags.append(AWSTagPattern(entry.get("name"),
+ entry.get("value"),
+ groups))
+ except: # pylint: disable=W0702
+ self.logger.error("AWSTags: Failed to initialize pattern %s: "
+ "%s" % (entry.get("name"),
+ sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ def get_groups(self, hostname, tags):
+ """ return a list of groups that should be added to the given
+ client based on patterns that match the hostname """
+ ret = []
+ for pattern in self.tags:
+ try:
+ ret.extend(pattern.get_groups(tags))
+ except: # pylint: disable=W0702
+ self.logger.error("AWSTags: Failed to process pattern %s for "
+ "%s" % (pattern, hostname),
+ exc_info=1)
+ return ret
+class AWSTags(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin,
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Caching,
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.ClientRunHooks,
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Connector):
+ """ Query tags from AWS via boto, optionally setting group membership """
+ __rmi__ = Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin.__rmi__ + ['expire_cache']
+ def __init__(self, core, datastore):
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin.__init__(self, core, datastore)
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Caching.__init__(self)
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.ClientRunHooks.__init__(self)
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Connector.__init__(self)
+ try:
+ key_id = self.core.setup.cfp.get("awstags", "access_key_id")
+ secret_key = self.core.setup.cfp.get("awstags",
+ "secret_access_key")
+ except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError):
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginInitError(
+ "AWSTags is not configured in bcfg2.conf: %s" % err)
+ self.debug_log("%s: Connecting to EC2" %
+ self._ec2 = connect_ec2(aws_access_key_id=key_id,
+ aws_secret_access_key=secret_key)
+ self._tagcache = Cache()
+ try:
+ self._keep_cache = self.core.setup.cfp.getboolean("awstags",
+ "cache")
+ except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError):
+ self._keep_cache = True
+ self.config = PatternFile(os.path.join(, 'config.xml'),
+ core=core)
+ def _load_instance(self, hostname):
+ """ Load an instance from EC2 whose private DNS name matches
+ the given hostname """
+ self.debug_log("AWSTags: Loading instance with private-dns-name=%s" %
+ hostname)
+ filters = {'private-dns-name': hostname}
+ reservations = self._ec2.get_all_instances(filters=filters)
+ if reservations:
+ res = reservations[0]
+ if res.instances:
+ return res.instances[0]
+ raise NoInstanceFound(
+ "AWSTags: No instance found with private-dns-name=%s" %
+ hostname)
+ def _get_tags_from_ec2(self, hostname):
+ """ Get tags for the given host from EC2. This does not use
+ the local caching layer. """
+ self.debug_log("AWSTags: Getting tags for %s from AWS" %
+ hostname)
+ try:
+ return self._load_instance(hostname).tags
+ except NoInstanceFound:
+ self.debug_log(sys.exc_info()[1])
+ return dict()
+ def get_tags(self, metadata):
+ """ Get tags for the given host. This caches the tags locally
+ if 'cache' in the ``[awstags]`` section of ``bcfg2.conf`` is
+ true. """
+ if not self._keep_cache:
+ return self._get_tags_from_ec2(metadata)
+ if metadata.hostname not in self._tagcache:
+ self._tagcache[metadata.hostname] = \
+ self._get_tags_from_ec2(metadata.hostname)
+ return self._tagcache[metadata.hostname]
+ def expire_cache(self, key=None):
+ self._tagcache.expire(key=key)
+ def start_client_run(self, metadata):
+ self.expire_cache(self, key=metadata.hostname)
+ def get_additional_data(self, metadata):
+ return self.get_tags(metadata)
+ def get_additional_groups(self, metadata):
+ return self.config.get_groups(metadata.hostname,
+ self.get_tags(metadata))
+class AWSTagsLint(Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerPlugin):
+ """ ``bcfg2-lint`` plugin to check all given :ref:`AWSTags
+ <server-plugins-connectors-awstags>` patterns for validity. """
+ def Run(self):
+ cfg = self.core.plugins['AWSTags'].config
+ for entry in cfg.xdata.xpath('//Tag'):
+ self.check(entry, "name")
+ if entry.get("value"):
+ self.check(entry, "value")
+ @classmethod
+ def Errors(cls):
+ return {"pattern-fails-to-initialize": "error"}
+ def check(self, entry, attr):
+ """ Check a single attribute (``name`` or ``value``) of a
+ single entry for validity. """
+ try:
+ re.compile(entry.get(attr))
+ except re.error:
+ self.LintError("pattern-fails-to-initialize",
+ "'%s' regex could not be compiled: %s\n %s" %
+ (attr, sys.exc_info()[1], entry.get("name")))