path: root/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/')
1 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac78ea0fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+import sys
+import copy
+import logging
+import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ from hashlib import md5
+except ImportError:
+ from md5 import md5
+# we have to cache Collection objects so that calling Packages.Refresh
+# or .Reload can tell the collection objects to clean up their cache,
+# but we don't actually use the cache to return a Collection object
+# when one is requested, because that prevents new machines from
+# working, since a Collection object gets created by
+# get_additional_data(), which is called for all clients at server
+# startup. (It would also prevent machines that change groups from
+# working properly; e.g., if you reinstall a machine with a new OS,
+# then returning a cached Collection object would give the wrong
+# sources to that client.) These are keyed by the collection
+# cachekey, a unique key identifying the collection by its _config_,
+# which could be shared among multiple clients.
+collections = dict()
+# cache mapping of hostname -> collection cachekey. this _is_ used to
+# return a Collection object when one is requested, so each entry is
+# very short-lived -- it's purged at the end of each client run.
+clients = dict()
+class Collection(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Debuggable):
+ def __init__(self, metadata, sources, basepath, debug=False):
+ """ don't call this directly; use the factory function """
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Debuggable.__init__(self)
+ self.debug_flag = debug
+ self.metadata = metadata
+ self.sources = sources
+ self.basepath = basepath
+ self.virt_pkgs = dict()
+ try:
+ self.setup = sources[0].setup
+ self.cachepath = sources[0].basepath
+ self.ptype = sources[0].ptype
+ except IndexError:
+ self.setup = None
+ self.cachepath = None
+ self.ptype = "unknown"
+ self.cachefile = None
+ @property
+ def cachekey(self):
+ return md5(self.sourcelist().encode(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.encoding)).hexdigest()
+ def get_config(self):
+ self.logger.error("Packages: Cannot generate config for host %s with "
+ "no sources or multiple source types" %
+ self.metadata.hostname)
+ return ""
+ def sourcelist(self):
+ srcs = []
+ for source in self.sources:
+ # get_urls() loads url_map as a side-effect
+ source.get_urls()
+ for url_map in source.url_map:
+ reponame = source.get_repo_name(url_map)
+ srcs.append("Name: %s" % reponame)
+ srcs.append(" Type: %s" % source.ptype)
+ if url_map['url']:
+ srcs.append(" URL: %s" % url_map['url'])
+ elif url_map['rawurl']:
+ srcs.append(" RAWURL: %s" % url_map['rawurl'])
+ if source.gpgkeys:
+ srcs.append(" GPG Key(s): %s" % ", ".join(source.gpgkeys))
+ else:
+ srcs.append(" GPG Key(s): None")
+ if len(source.blacklist):
+ srcs.append(" Blacklist: %s" % ", ".join(source.blacklist))
+ if len(source.whitelist):
+ srcs.append(" Whitelist: %s" % ", ".join(source.whitelist))
+ srcs.append("")
+ return "\n".join(srcs)
+ def get_relevant_groups(self):
+ groups = []
+ for source in self.sources:
+ groups.extend(source.get_relevant_groups(self.metadata))
+ return sorted(list(set(groups)))
+ @property
+ def basegroups(self):
+ groups = set()
+ for source in self.sources:
+ groups.update(source.basegroups)
+ return list(groups)
+ @property
+ def cachefiles(self):
+ cachefiles = set([self.cachefile])
+ for source in self.sources:
+ cachefiles.add(source.cachefile)
+ return list(cachefiles)
+ def get_group(self, group, ptype=None):
+ for source in self.sources:
+ pkgs = source.get_group(self.metadata, group, ptype=ptype)
+ if pkgs:
+ return pkgs
+ self.logger.warning("Packages: '%s' is not a valid group" % group)
+ return []
+ def is_package(self, package):
+ for source in self.sources:
+ if source.is_package(self.metadata, package):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def is_virtual_package(self, package):
+ for source in self.sources:
+ if source.is_virtual_package(self.metadata, package):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def get_deps(self, package):
+ for source in self.sources:
+ if source.is_package(self.metadata, package):
+ return source.get_deps(self.metadata, package)
+ return []
+ def get_essential(self):
+ essential = set()
+ for source in self.sources:
+ essential |= source.essentialpkgs
+ return essential
+ def get_provides(self, package):
+ for source in self.sources:
+ providers = source.get_provides(self.metadata, package)
+ if providers:
+ return providers
+ return []
+ def get_vpkgs(self):
+ """ get virtual packages """
+ vpkgs = dict()
+ for source in self.sources:
+ s_vpkgs = source.get_vpkgs(self.metadata)
+ for name, prov_set in list(s_vpkgs.items()):
+ if name not in vpkgs:
+ vpkgs[name] = set(prov_set)
+ else:
+ vpkgs[name].update(prov_set)
+ return vpkgs
+ def filter_unknown(self, unknown):
+ for source in self.sources:
+ source.filter_unknown(unknown)
+ def magic_groups_match(self):
+ for source in self.sources:
+ if source.magic_groups_match(self.metadata):
+ return True
+ def build_extra_structures(self, independent):
+ pass
+ def get_additional_data(self):
+ sdata = []
+ for source in self.sources:
+ sdata.extend(copy.deepcopy(source.url_map))
+ return sdata
+ def setup_data(self, force_update=False):
+ """ do any collection-level data setup tasks """
+ pass
+ def complete(self, packagelist):
+ '''Build the transitive closure of all package dependencies
+ Arguments:
+ packageslist - set of package names
+ returns => (set(packages), set(unsatisfied requirements))
+ '''
+ # setup vpkg cache
+ pgrps = tuple(self.get_relevant_groups())
+ if pgrps not in self.virt_pkgs:
+ self.virt_pkgs[pgrps] = self.get_vpkgs()
+ vpkg_cache = self.virt_pkgs[pgrps]
+ # unclassified is set of unsatisfied requirements (may be pkg
+ # for vpkg)
+ unclassified = set(packagelist)
+ vpkgs = set()
+ both = set()
+ pkgs = set(packagelist)
+ packages = set()
+ examined = set()
+ unknown = set()
+ final_pass = False
+ really_done = False
+ # do while unclassified or vpkgs or both or pkgs
+ while unclassified or pkgs or both or final_pass:
+ if really_done:
+ break
+ if len(unclassified) + len(pkgs) + len(both) == 0:
+ # one more pass then exit
+ really_done = True
+ while unclassified:
+ current = unclassified.pop()
+ examined.add(current)
+ is_pkg = False
+ if self.is_package(current):
+ is_pkg = True
+ is_vpkg = current in vpkg_cache
+ if is_pkg and is_vpkg:
+ both.add(current)
+ elif is_pkg and not is_vpkg:
+ pkgs.add(current)
+ elif is_vpkg and not is_pkg:
+ vpkgs.add(current)
+ elif not is_vpkg and not is_pkg:
+ unknown.add(current)
+ while pkgs:
+ # direct packages; current can be added, and all deps
+ # should be resolved
+ current = pkgs.pop()
+ self.debug_log("Packages: handling package requirement %s" %
+ current)
+ packages.add(current)
+ deps = self.get_deps(current)
+ newdeps = set(deps).difference(examined)
+ if newdeps:
+ self.debug_log("Packages: Package %s added requirements %s"
+ % (current, newdeps))
+ unclassified.update(newdeps)
+ satisfied_vpkgs = set()
+ for current in vpkgs:
+ # virtual dependencies, satisfied if one of N in the
+ # config, or can be forced if only one provider
+ if len(vpkg_cache[current]) == 1:
+ self.debug_log("Packages: requirement %s satisfied by %s" %
+ (current, vpkg_cache[current]))
+ unclassified.update(vpkg_cache[current].difference(examined))
+ satisfied_vpkgs.add(current)
+ else:
+ satisfiers = [item for item in vpkg_cache[current]
+ if item in packages]
+ self.debug_log("Packages: requirement %s satisfied by %s" %
+ (current, satisfiers))
+ satisfied_vpkgs.add(current)
+ vpkgs.difference_update(satisfied_vpkgs)
+ satisfied_both = set()
+ for current in both:
+ # packages that are both have virtual providers as
+ # well as a package with that name. allow use of virt
+ # through explicit specification, then fall back to
+ # forcing current on last pass
+ satisfiers = [item for item in vpkg_cache[current]
+ if item in packages]
+ if satisfiers:
+ self.debug_log("Packages: requirement %s satisfied by %s" %
+ (current, satisfiers))
+ satisfied_both.add(current)
+ elif current in packagelist or final_pass:
+ pkgs.add(current)
+ satisfied_both.add(current)
+ both.difference_update(satisfied_both)
+ if len(unclassified) + len(pkgs) == 0:
+ final_pass = True
+ else:
+ final_pass = False
+ self.filter_unknown(unknown)
+ return packages, unknown
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.sources)
+ def __getitem__(self, item):
+ return self.sources[item]
+ def __setitem__(self, item, value):
+ self.sources[item] = value
+ def __delitem__(self, item):
+ del self.sources[item]
+ def append(self, item):
+ self.sources.append(item)
+ def count(self):
+ return self.sources.count()
+ def index(self, item):
+ return self.sources.index(item)
+ def extend(self, items):
+ self.sources.extend(items)
+ def insert(self, index, item):
+ self.sources.insert(index, item)
+ def pop(self, index=None):
+ self.sources.pop(index)
+ def remove(self, item):
+ self.sources.remove(item)
+ def sort(self, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False):
+ self.sources.sort(cmp, key, reverse)
+def get_collection_class(source_type):
+ modname = "Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.%s" % source_type.title()
+ try:
+ module = sys.modules[modname]
+ except KeyError:
+ try:
+ module = __import__(modname).Server.Plugins.Packages
+ except ImportError:
+ msg = "Packages: Unknown source type %s" % source_type
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginExecutionError(msg)
+ try:
+ cclass = getattr(module, source_type.title() + "Collection")
+ except AttributeError:
+ msg = "Packages: No collection class found for %s sources" % source_type
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginExecutionError(msg)
+ return cclass
+def clear_cache():
+ global collections
+ global clients
+ collections = dict()
+ clients = dict()
+def factory(metadata, sources, basepath, debug=False):
+ global collections
+ if not sources.loaded:
+ # if sources.xml has not received a FAM event yet, defer;
+ # instantiate a dummy Collection object
+ return Collection(metadata, [], basepath)
+ if metadata.hostname in clients:
+ return collections[clients[metadata.hostname]]
+ sclasses = set()
+ relevant = list()
+ for source in sources:
+ if source.applies(metadata):
+ relevant.append(source)
+ sclasses.update([source.__class__])
+ if len(sclasses) > 1:
+ logger.warning("Packages: Multiple source types found for %s: %s" %
+ ",".join([s.__name__ for s in sclasses]))
+ cclass = Collection
+ elif len(sclasses) == 0:
+ # you'd think this should be a warning, but it happens all the
+ # freaking time if you have a) machines in your clients.xml
+ # that do not have the proper groups set up yet (e.g., if you
+ # have multiple Bcfg2 servers and Packages-relevant groups set
+ # by probes); and b) templates that query all or multiple
+ # machines (e.g., with metadata.query.all_clients())
+ if debug:
+ logger.error("Packages: No sources found for %s" %
+ metadata.hostname)
+ cclass = Collection
+ else:
+ cclass = get_collection_class(sclasses.pop().__name__.replace("Source",
+ ""))
+ if debug:
+ logger.error("Packages: Using %s for Collection of sources for %s" %
+ (cclass.__name__, metadata.hostname))
+ collection = cclass(metadata, relevant, basepath, debug=debug)
+ ckey = collection.cachekey
+ clients[metadata.hostname] = ckey
+ collections[ckey] = collection
+ return collection