path: root/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages')
7 files changed, 2019 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..49e9d417b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+import re
+import gzip
+from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection import Collection
+from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Source import Source
+from Bcfg2.Bcfg2Py3k import cPickle, file
+class AptCollection(Collection):
+ def get_group(self, group):
+ self.logger.warning("Packages: Package groups are not supported by APT")
+ return []
+class AptSource(Source):
+ basegroups = ['apt', 'debian', 'ubuntu', 'nexenta']
+ ptype = 'deb'
+ def __init__(self, basepath, xsource, config):
+ Source.__init__(self, basepath, xsource, config)
+ self.pkgnames = set()
+ self.url_map = [{'rawurl': self.rawurl, 'url': self.url,
+ 'version': self.version,
+ 'components': self.components, 'arches': self.arches}]
+ def save_state(self):
+ cache = file(self.cachefile, 'wb')
+ cPickle.dump((self.pkgnames, self.deps, self.provides),
+ cache, 2)
+ cache.close()
+ def load_state(self):
+ data = file(self.cachefile)
+ self.pkgnames, self.deps, self.provides = cPickle.load(data)
+ def filter_unknown(self, unknown):
+ filtered = set([u for u in unknown if u.startswith('choice')])
+ unknown.difference_update(filtered)
+ def get_urls(self):
+ if not self.rawurl:
+ rv = []
+ for part in self.components:
+ for arch in self.arches:
+ rv.append("%sdists/%s/%s/binary-%s/Packages.gz" %
+ (self.url, self.version, part, arch))
+ return rv
+ else:
+ return ["%sPackages.gz" % self.rawurl]
+ urls = property(get_urls)
+ def read_files(self):
+ bdeps = dict()
+ bprov = dict()
+ depfnames = ['Depends', 'Pre-Depends']
+ if self.recommended:
+ depfnames.append('Recommends')
+ for fname in self.files:
+ if not self.rawurl:
+ barch = [x
+ for x in fname.split('@')
+ if x.startswith('binary-')][0][7:]
+ else:
+ # RawURL entries assume that they only have one <Arch></Arch>
+ # element and that it is the architecture of the source.
+ barch = self.arches[0]
+ if barch not in bdeps:
+ bdeps[barch] = dict()
+ bprov[barch] = dict()
+ try:
+ reader = gzip.GzipFile(fname)
+ except:
+ self.logger.error("Packages: Failed to read file %s" % fname)
+ raise
+ for line in reader.readlines():
+ words = str(line.strip()).split(':', 1)
+ if words[0] == 'Package':
+ pkgname = words[1].strip().rstrip()
+ self.pkgnames.add(pkgname)
+ bdeps[barch][pkgname] = []
+ elif words[0] == 'Essential' and self.essential:
+ self.essentialpkgs.add(pkgname)
+ elif words[0] in depfnames:
+ vindex = 0
+ for dep in words[1].split(','):
+ if '|' in dep:
+ cdeps = [re.sub('\s+', '',
+ re.sub('\(.*\)', '', cdep))
+ for cdep in dep.split('|')]
+ dyn_dname = "choice-%s-%s-%s" % (pkgname,
+ barch,
+ vindex)
+ vindex += 1
+ bdeps[barch][pkgname].append(dyn_dname)
+ bprov[barch][dyn_dname] = set(cdeps)
+ else:
+ raw_dep = re.sub('\(.*\)', '', dep)
+ raw_dep = raw_dep.rstrip().strip()
+ bdeps[barch][pkgname].append(raw_dep)
+ elif words[0] == 'Provides':
+ for pkg in words[1].split(','):
+ dname = pkg.rstrip().strip()
+ if dname not in bprov[barch]:
+ bprov[barch][dname] = set()
+ bprov[barch][dname].add(pkgname)
+ self.deps['global'] = dict()
+ self.provides['global'] = dict()
+ for barch in bdeps:
+ self.deps[barch] = dict()
+ self.provides[barch] = dict()
+ for pkgname in self.pkgnames:
+ pset = set()
+ for barch in bdeps:
+ if pkgname not in bdeps[barch]:
+ bdeps[barch][pkgname] = []
+ pset.add(tuple(bdeps[barch][pkgname]))
+ if len(pset) == 1:
+ self.deps['global'][pkgname] = pset.pop()
+ else:
+ for barch in bdeps:
+ self.deps[barch][pkgname] = bdeps[barch][pkgname]
+ provided = set()
+ for bprovided in list(bprov.values()):
+ provided.update(set(bprovided))
+ for prov in provided:
+ prset = set()
+ for barch in bprov:
+ if prov not in bprov[barch]:
+ continue
+ prset.add(tuple(bprov[barch].get(prov, ())))
+ if len(prset) == 1:
+ self.provides['global'][prov] = prset.pop()
+ else:
+ for barch in bprov:
+ self.provides[barch][prov] = bprov[barch].get(prov, ())
+ self.save_state()
+ def is_package(self, _, pkg):
+ return (pkg in self.pkgnames and
+ pkg not in self.blacklist and
+ (len(self.whitelist) == 0 or pkg in self.whitelist))
diff --git a/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ea14ce75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+import sys
+import copy
+import logging
+import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ from hashlib import md5
+except ImportError:
+ from md5 import md5
+# we have to cache Collection objects so that calling Packages.Refresh
+# or .Reload can tell the collection objects to clean up their cache,
+# but we don't actually use the cache to return a Collection object
+# when one is requested, because that prevents new machines from
+# working, since a Collection object gets created by
+# get_additional_data(), which is called for all clients at server
+# startup. (It would also prevent machines that change groups from
+# working properly; e.g., if you reinstall a machine with a new OS,
+# then returning a cached Collection object would give the wrong
+# sources to that client.) These are keyed by the collection
+# cachekey, a unique key identifying the collection by its _config_,
+# which could be shared among multiple clients.
+collections = dict()
+# cache mapping of hostname -> collection cachekey. this _is_ used to
+# return a Collection object when one is requested, so each entry is
+# very short-lived -- it's purged at the end of each client run.
+clients = dict()
+class Collection(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Debuggable):
+ def __init__(self, metadata, sources, basepath, debug=False):
+ """ don't call this directly; use the factory function """
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Debuggable.__init__(self)
+ self.debug_flag = debug
+ self.metadata = metadata
+ self.sources = sources
+ self.basepath = basepath
+ self.virt_pkgs = dict()
+ try:
+ self.setup = sources[0].setup
+ self.cachepath = sources[0].basepath
+ self.ptype = sources[0].ptype
+ except IndexError:
+ self.setup = None
+ self.cachepath = None
+ self.ptype = "unknown"
+ self.cachefile = None
+ @property
+ def cachekey(self):
+ return md5(self.get_config()).hexdigest()
+ def get_config(self):
+ self.logger.error("Packages: Cannot generate config for host with "
+ "multiple source types (%s)" % self.metadata.hostname)
+ return ""
+ def get_relevant_groups(self):
+ groups = []
+ for source in self.sources:
+ groups.extend(source.get_relevant_groups(self.metadata))
+ return sorted(list(set(groups)))
+ @property
+ def basegroups(self):
+ groups = set()
+ for source in self.sources:
+ groups.update(source.basegroups)
+ return list(groups)
+ @property
+ def cachefiles(self):
+ cachefiles = set([self.cachefile])
+ for source in self.sources:
+ cachefiles.add(source.cachefile)
+ return list(cachefiles)
+ def get_group(self, group, ptype=None):
+ for source in self.sources:
+ pkgs = source.get_group(self.metadata, group, ptype=ptype)
+ if pkgs:
+ return pkgs
+ self.logger.warning("Packages: '%s' is not a valid group" % group)
+ return []
+ def is_package(self, package):
+ for source in self.sources:
+ if source.is_package(self.metadata, package):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def is_virtual_package(self, package):
+ for source in self.sources:
+ if source.is_virtual_package(self.metadata, package):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def get_deps(self, package):
+ for source in self.sources:
+ if source.is_package(self.metadata, package):
+ return source.get_deps(self.metadata, package)
+ return []
+ def get_essential(self):
+ essential = set()
+ for source in self.sources:
+ essential |= source.essentialpkgs
+ return essential
+ def get_provides(self, package):
+ for source in self.sources:
+ providers = source.get_provides(self.metadata, package)
+ if providers:
+ return providers
+ return []
+ def get_vpkgs(self):
+ """ get virtual packages """
+ vpkgs = dict()
+ for source in self.sources:
+ s_vpkgs = source.get_vpkgs(self.metadata)
+ for name, prov_set in list(s_vpkgs.items()):
+ if name not in vpkgs:
+ vpkgs[name] = set(prov_set)
+ else:
+ vpkgs[name].update(prov_set)
+ return vpkgs
+ def filter_unknown(self, unknown):
+ for source in self.sources:
+ source.filter_unknown(unknown)
+ def magic_groups_match(self):
+ for source in self.sources:
+ if source.magic_groups_match(self.metadata):
+ return True
+ def build_extra_structures(self, independent):
+ pass
+ def get_additional_data(self):
+ sdata = []
+ for source in self.sources:
+ sdata.extend(copy.deepcopy(source.url_map))
+ return sdata
+ def setup_data(self, force_update=False):
+ """ do any collection-level data setup tasks """
+ pass
+ def complete(self, packagelist):
+ '''Build the transitive closure of all package dependencies
+ Arguments:
+ packageslist - set of package names
+ returns => (set(packages), set(unsatisfied requirements))
+ '''
+ # setup vpkg cache
+ pgrps = tuple(self.get_relevant_groups())
+ if pgrps not in self.virt_pkgs:
+ self.virt_pkgs[pgrps] = self.get_vpkgs()
+ vpkg_cache = self.virt_pkgs[pgrps]
+ # unclassified is set of unsatisfied requirements (may be pkg
+ # for vpkg)
+ unclassified = set(packagelist)
+ vpkgs = set()
+ both = set()
+ pkgs = set(packagelist)
+ packages = set()
+ examined = set()
+ unknown = set()
+ final_pass = False
+ really_done = False
+ # do while unclassified or vpkgs or both or pkgs
+ while unclassified or pkgs or both or final_pass:
+ if really_done:
+ break
+ if len(unclassified) + len(pkgs) + len(both) == 0:
+ # one more pass then exit
+ really_done = True
+ while unclassified:
+ current = unclassified.pop()
+ examined.add(current)
+ is_pkg = False
+ if self.is_package(current):
+ is_pkg = True
+ is_vpkg = current in vpkg_cache
+ if is_pkg and is_vpkg:
+ both.add(current)
+ elif is_pkg and not is_vpkg:
+ pkgs.add(current)
+ elif is_vpkg and not is_pkg:
+ vpkgs.add(current)
+ elif not is_vpkg and not is_pkg:
+ unknown.add(current)
+ while pkgs:
+ # direct packages; current can be added, and all deps
+ # should be resolved
+ current = pkgs.pop()
+ self.debug_log("Packages: handling package requirement %s" %
+ current)
+ packages.add(current)
+ deps = self.get_deps(current)
+ newdeps = set(deps).difference(examined)
+ if newdeps:
+ self.debug_log("Packages: Package %s added requirements %s"
+ % (current, newdeps))
+ unclassified.update(newdeps)
+ satisfied_vpkgs = set()
+ for current in vpkgs:
+ # virtual dependencies, satisfied if one of N in the
+ # config, or can be forced if only one provider
+ if len(vpkg_cache[current]) == 1:
+ self.debug_log("Packages: requirement %s satisfied by %s" %
+ (current, vpkg_cache[current]))
+ unclassified.update(vpkg_cache[current].difference(examined))
+ satisfied_vpkgs.add(current)
+ else:
+ satisfiers = [item for item in vpkg_cache[current]
+ if item in packages]
+ self.debug_log("Packages: requirement %s satisfied by %s" %
+ (current, satisfiers))
+ satisfied_vpkgs.add(current)
+ vpkgs.difference_update(satisfied_vpkgs)
+ satisfied_both = set()
+ for current in both:
+ # packages that are both have virtual providers as
+ # well as a package with that name. allow use of virt
+ # through explicit specification, then fall back to
+ # forcing current on last pass
+ satisfiers = [item for item in vpkg_cache[current]
+ if item in packages]
+ if satisfiers:
+ self.debug_log("Packages: requirement %s satisfied by %s" %
+ (current, satisfiers))
+ satisfied_both.add(current)
+ elif current in packagelist or final_pass:
+ pkgs.add(current)
+ satisfied_both.add(current)
+ both.difference_update(satisfied_both)
+ if len(unclassified) + len(pkgs) == 0:
+ final_pass = True
+ else:
+ final_pass = False
+ self.filter_unknown(unknown)
+ return packages, unknown
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.sources)
+ def __getitem__(self, item):
+ return self.sources[item]
+ def __setitem__(self, item, value):
+ self.sources[item] = value
+ def __delitem__(self, item):
+ del self.sources[item]
+ def append(self, item):
+ self.sources.append(item)
+ def count(self):
+ return self.sources.count()
+ def index(self, item):
+ return self.sources.index(item)
+ def extend(self, items):
+ self.sources.extend(items)
+ def insert(self, index, item):
+ self.sources.insert(index, item)
+ def pop(self, index=None):
+ self.sources.pop(index)
+ def remove(self, item):
+ self.sources.remove(item)
+ def sort(self, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False):
+ self.sources.sort(cmp, key, reverse)
+def get_collection_class(source_type):
+ modname = "Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.%s" % source_type.title()
+ try:
+ module = sys.modules[modname]
+ except KeyError:
+ try:
+ module = __import__(modname).Server.Plugins.Packages
+ except ImportError:
+ msg = "Packages: Unknown source type %s" % source_type
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginExecutionError(msg)
+ try:
+ cclass = getattr(module, source_type.title() + "Collection")
+ except AttributeError:
+ msg = "Packages: No collection class found for %s sources" % source_type
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginExecutionError(msg)
+ return cclass
+def clear_cache():
+ global collections
+ global clients
+ collections = dict()
+ clients = dict()
+def factory(metadata, sources, basepath, debug=False):
+ global collections
+ if not sources.loaded:
+ # if sources.xml has not received a FAM event yet, defer;
+ # instantiate a dummy Collection object
+ return Collection(metadata, [], basepath)
+ if metadata.hostname in clients:
+ return collections[clients[metadata.hostname]]
+ sclasses = set()
+ relevant = list()
+ for source in sources:
+ if source.applies(metadata):
+ relevant.append(source)
+ sclasses.update([source.__class__])
+ if len(sclasses) > 1:
+ logger.warning("Packages: Multiple source types found for %s: %s" %
+ ",".join([s.__name__ for s in sclasses]))
+ cclass = Collection
+ elif len(sclasses) == 0:
+ # you'd think this should be a warning, but it happens all the
+ # freaking time if you have a) machines in your clients.xml
+ # that do not have the proper groups set up yet (e.g., if you
+ # have multiple Bcfg2 servers and Packages-relevant groups set
+ # by probes); and b) templates that query all or multiple
+ # machines (e.g., with metadata.query.all_clients())
+ if debug:
+ logger.error("Packages: No sources found for %s" %
+ metadata.hostname)
+ cclass = Collection
+ else:
+ cclass = get_collection_class(sclasses.pop().__name__.replace("Source",
+ ""))
+ if debug:
+ logger.error("Packages: Using %s for Collection of sources for %s" %
+ (cclass.__name__, metadata.hostname))
+ collection = cclass(metadata, relevant, basepath, debug=debug)
+ ckey = collection.cachekey
+ clients[metadata.hostname] = ckey
+ collections[ckey] = collection
+ return collection
diff --git a/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99a090739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+import gzip
+import tarfile
+from Bcfg2.Bcfg2Py3k import cPickle, file
+from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection import Collection
+from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Source import Source
+class PacCollection(Collection):
+ def get_group(self, group):
+ self.logger.warning("Packages: Package groups are not supported by Pacman")
+ return []
+class PacSource(Source):
+ basegroups = ['arch', 'parabola']
+ ptype = 'pacman'
+ def __init__(self, basepath, xsource, config):
+ Source.__init__(self, basepath, xsource, config)
+ self.pkgnames = set()
+ self.url_map = [{'rawurl': self.rawurl, 'url': self.url,
+ 'version': self.version,
+ 'components': self.components, 'arches': self.arches}]
+ def save_state(self):
+ cache = file(self.cachefile, 'wb')
+ cPickle.dump((self.pkgnames, self.deps, self.provides),
+ cache, 2)
+ cache.close()
+ def load_state(self):
+ data = file(self.cachefile)
+ self.pkgnames, self.deps, self.provides = cPickle.load(data)
+ def filter_unknown(self, unknown):
+ filtered = set([u for u in unknown if u.startswith('choice')])
+ unknown.difference_update(filtered)
+ def get_urls(self):
+ if not self.rawurl:
+ rv = []
+ for part in self.components:
+ for arch in self.arches:
+ rv.append("%s%s/os/%s/%s.db.tar.gz" %
+ (self.url, part, arch, part))
+ return rv
+ else:
+ raise Exception("PacSource : RAWUrl not supported (yet)")
+ urls = property(get_urls)
+ def read_files(self):
+ bdeps = dict()
+ bprov = dict()
+ depfnames = ['Depends', 'Pre-Depends']
+ if self.recommended:
+ depfnames.append('Recommends')
+ for fname in self.files:
+ if not self.rawurl:
+ barch = [x for x in fname.split('@') if x in self.arches][0]
+ else:
+ # RawURL entries assume that they only have one <Arch></Arch>
+ # element and that it is the architecture of the source.
+ barch = self.arches[0]
+ if barch not in bdeps:
+ bdeps[barch] = dict()
+ bprov[barch] = dict()
+ try:
+ self.debug_log("Packages: try to read %s" % fname)
+ tar =, "r")
+ reader = gzip.GzipFile(fname)
+ except:
+ self.logger.error("Packages: Failed to read file %s" % fname)
+ raise
+ for tarinfo in tar:
+ if tarinfo.isdir():
+ self.pkgnames.add("-", 2)[0])
+ self.debug_log("Packages: added %s" %
+"-", 2)[0])
+ tar.close()
+ self.deps['global'] = dict()
+ self.provides['global'] = dict()
+ for barch in bdeps:
+ self.deps[barch] = dict()
+ self.provides[barch] = dict()
+ for pkgname in self.pkgnames:
+ pset = set()
+ for barch in bdeps:
+ if pkgname not in bdeps[barch]:
+ bdeps[barch][pkgname] = []
+ pset.add(tuple(bdeps[barch][pkgname]))
+ if len(pset) == 1:
+ self.deps['global'][pkgname] = pset.pop()
+ else:
+ for barch in bdeps:
+ self.deps[barch][pkgname] = bdeps[barch][pkgname]
+ provided = set()
+ for bprovided in list(bprov.values()):
+ provided.update(set(bprovided))
+ for prov in provided:
+ prset = set()
+ for barch in bprov:
+ if prov not in bprov[barch]:
+ continue
+ prset.add(tuple(bprov[barch].get(prov, ())))
+ if len(prset) == 1:
+ self.provides['global'][prov] = prset.pop()
+ else:
+ for barch in bprov:
+ self.provides[barch][prov] = bprov[barch].get(prov, ())
+ self.save_state()
+ def is_package(self, _, pkg):
+ return (pkg in self.pkgnames and
+ pkg not in self.blacklist and
+ (len(self.whitelist) == 0 or pkg in self.whitelist))
diff --git a/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6924b5d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import lxml.etree
+import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin
+from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Source import SourceInitError
+class PackagesSources(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.SingleXMLFileBacked,
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.StructFile,
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Debuggable):
+ __identifier__ = None
+ def __init__(self, filename, cachepath, fam, packages, setup):
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Debuggable.__init__(self)
+ try:
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.SingleXMLFileBacked.__init__(self,
+ filename,
+ fam)
+ except OSError:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ msg = "Packages: Failed to read configuration file: %s" % err
+ if not os.path.exists(
+ msg += " Have you created it?"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginInitError(msg)
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.StructFile.__init__(self, filename)
+ self.cachepath = cachepath
+ self.setup = setup
+ if not os.path.exists(self.cachepath):
+ # create cache directory if needed
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(self.cachepath)
+ except OSError:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.logger.error("Could not create Packages cache at %s: %s" %
+ (self.cachepath, err))
+ self.pkg_obj = packages
+ self.parsed = set()
+ def toggle_debug(self):
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Debuggable.toggle_debug(self)
+ for source in self.entries:
+ source.toggle_debug()
+ def HandleEvent(self, event=None):
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.SingleXMLFileBacked.HandleEvent(self, event=event)
+ if event and event.filename !=
+ for fname in self.extras:
+ fpath = None
+ if fname.startswith("/"):
+ fpath = os.path.abspath(fname)
+ else:
+ fpath = \
+ os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(,
+ fname))
+ if fpath == os.path.abspath(event.filename):
+ self.parsed.add(fname)
+ break
+ if self.loaded:
+"Reloading Packages plugin")
+ self.pkg_obj.Reload()
+ @property
+ def loaded(self):
+ return sorted(list(self.parsed)) == sorted(self.extras)
+ def Index(self):
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.SingleXMLFileBacked.Index(self)
+ self.entries = []
+ for xsource in self.xdata.findall('.//Source'):
+ source = self.source_from_xml(xsource)
+ if source is not None:
+ self.entries.append(source)
+ def source_from_xml(self, xsource):
+ """ create a *Source object from its XML representation in
+ sources.xml """
+ stype = xsource.get("type")
+ if stype is None:
+ self.logger.error("Packages: No type specified for source, "
+ "skipping")
+ return None
+ try:
+ module = getattr(__import__("Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.%s" %
+ stype.title()).Server.Plugins.Packages,
+ stype.title())
+ cls = getattr(module, "%sSource" % stype.title())
+ except (ImportError, AttributeError):
+ self.logger.error("Packages: Unknown source type %s" % stype)
+ return None
+ try:
+ source = cls(self.cachepath, xsource, self.setup)
+ except SourceInitError:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.logger.error("Packages: %s" % err)
+ source = None
+ return source
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return self.entries[key]
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "PackagesSources: %s" % repr(self.entries)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "PackagesSources: %s" % str(self.entries)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.entries)
diff --git a/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..edcdcd9f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import base64
+import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin
+from Bcfg2.Bcfg2Py3k import HTTPError, HTTPBasicAuthHandler, \
+ HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm, install_opener, build_opener, \
+ urlopen, file, cPickle
+ from hashlib import md5
+except ImportError:
+ from md5 import md5
+def fetch_url(url):
+ if '@' in url:
+ mobj = re.match('(\w+://)([^:]+):([^@]+)@(.*)$', url)
+ if not mobj:
+ raise ValueError
+ user =
+ passwd =
+ url = +
+ auth = HTTPBasicAuthHandler(HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm())
+ auth.add_password(None, url, user, passwd)
+ install_opener(build_opener(auth))
+ return urlopen(url).read()
+class SourceInitError(Exception):
+ pass
+class Source(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Debuggable):
+ mrepo_re = re.compile(r'/RPMS\.([^/]+)')
+ pulprepo_re = re.compile(r'pulp/repos/([^/]+)')
+ genericrepo_re = re.compile('https?://.*?/([^/]+)/?$')
+ basegroups = []
+ def __init__(self, basepath, xsource, setup):
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Debuggable.__init__(self)
+ self.basepath = basepath
+ self.xsource = xsource
+ self.setup = setup
+ self.essentialpkgs = set()
+ try:
+ self.version = xsource.find('Version').text
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ for key, tag in [('components', 'Component'), ('arches', 'Arch'),
+ ('blacklist', 'Blacklist'),
+ ('whitelist', 'Whitelist')]:
+ self.__dict__[key] = [item.text for item in xsource.findall(tag)]
+ self.gpgkeys = [el.text for el in xsource.findall("GPGKey")]
+ self.essential = xsource.get('essential', 'true').lower() == 'true'
+ self.recommended = xsource.get('recommended', 'false').lower() == 'true'
+ self.rawurl = xsource.get('rawurl', '')
+ if self.rawurl and not self.rawurl.endswith("/"):
+ self.rawurl += "/"
+ self.url = xsource.get('url', '')
+ if self.url and not self.url.endswith("/"):
+ self.url += "/"
+ self.version = xsource.get('version', '')
+ # build the set of conditions to see if this source applies to
+ # a given set of metadata
+ self.conditions = []
+ self.groups = [] # provided for some limited backwards compat
+ for el in xsource.iterancestors():
+ if el.tag == "Group":
+ if el.get("negate", "false").lower() == "true":
+ self.conditions.append(lambda m, el=el:
+ el.get("name") not in m.groups)
+ else:
+ self.groups.append(el.get("name"))
+ self.conditions.append(lambda m, el=el:
+ el.get("name") in m.groups)
+ elif el.tag == "Client":
+ if el.get("negate", "false").lower() == "true":
+ self.conditions.append(lambda m, el=el:
+ el.get("name") != m.hostname)
+ else:
+ self.conditions.append(lambda m, el=el:
+ el.get("name") == m.hostname)
+ self.deps = dict()
+ self.provides = dict()
+ self.cachefile = os.path.join(self.basepath,
+ "cache-%s" % self.cachekey)
+ self.url_map = []
+ @property
+ def cachekey(self):
+ return md5(cPickle.dumps([self.version, self.components, self.url,
+ self.rawurl, self.arches])).hexdigest()
+ def get_relevant_groups(self, metadata):
+ return sorted(list(set([g for g in metadata.groups
+ if (g in self.basegroups or
+ g in self.groups or
+ g in self.arches)])))
+ def load_state(self):
+ pass
+ def setup_data(self, force_update=False):
+ should_read = True
+ should_download = False
+ if os.path.exists(self.cachefile):
+ try:
+ self.load_state()
+ should_read = False
+ except:
+ self.logger.error("Packages: Cachefile %s load failed; "
+ "falling back to file read" % self.cachefile)
+ if should_read:
+ try:
+ self.read_files()
+ except:
+ self.logger.error("Packages: File read failed; "
+ "falling back to file download")
+ should_download = True
+ if should_download or force_update:
+ try:
+ self.update()
+ self.read_files()
+ except:
+ self.logger.error("Packages: Failed to load data for Source "
+ "of %s. Some Packages will be missing." %
+ self.urls)
+ def get_repo_name(self, url_map):
+ # try to find a sensible name for a repo
+ if 'components' in url_map and url_map['components']:
+ # use the first component as the name
+ rname = url_map['components'][0]
+ else:
+ name = None
+ for repo_re in (self.mrepo_re,
+ self.pulprepo_re,
+ self.genericrepo_re):
+ match =['url'])
+ if match:
+ name =
+ break
+ if name is None:
+ # couldn't figure out the name from the URL or URL map
+ # (which probably means its a screwy URL), so we just
+ # generate a random one
+ name = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(16))[:-2]
+ rname = "%s-%s" % (self.groups[0], name)
+ # see yum/ in the yum source, lines 441-449, for
+ # the source of this regex. yum doesn't like anything but
+ # string.ascii_letters, string.digits, and [-_.:]. There
+ # doesn't seem to be a reason for this, because yum.
+ return re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9-_.:]', '-', rname)
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.rawurl:
+ return "%s at %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.rawurl)
+ elif self.url:
+ return "%s at %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.url)
+ else:
+ return self.__class__.__name__
+ def get_urls(self):
+ return []
+ urls = property(get_urls)
+ def get_files(self):
+ return [self.escape_url(url) for url in self.urls]
+ files = property(get_files)
+ def get_vpkgs(self, metadata):
+ agroups = ['global'] + [a for a in self.arches
+ if a in metadata.groups]
+ vdict = dict()
+ for agrp in agroups:
+ for key, value in list(self.provides[agrp].items()):
+ if key not in vdict:
+ vdict[key] = set(value)
+ else:
+ vdict[key].update(value)
+ return vdict
+ def is_virtual_package(self, metadata, package):
+ """ called to determine if a package is a virtual package.
+ this is only invoked if the package is not listed in the dict
+ returned by get_vpkgs """
+ return False
+ def escape_url(self, url):
+ return os.path.join(self.basepath, url.replace('/', '@'))
+ def file_init(self):
+ pass
+ def read_files(self):
+ pass
+ def filter_unknown(self, unknown):
+ pass
+ def update(self):
+ for url in self.urls:
+"Packages: Updating %s" % url)
+ fname = self.escape_url(url)
+ try:
+ data = fetch_url(url)
+ file(fname, 'w').write(data)
+ except ValueError:
+ self.logger.error("Packages: Bad url string %s" % url)
+ raise
+ except HTTPError:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.logger.error("Packages: Failed to fetch url %s. HTTP "
+ "response code=%s" % (url, err.code))
+ raise
+ def applies(self, metadata):
+ # check base groups
+ if not self.magic_groups_match(metadata):
+ return False
+ # check Group/Client tags from sources.xml
+ for condition in self.conditions:
+ if not condition(metadata):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def get_arches(self, metadata):
+ return ['global'] + [a for a in self.arches if a in metadata.groups]
+ def get_deps(self, metadata, pkgname):
+ for arch in self.get_arches(metadata):
+ if pkgname in self.deps[arch]:
+ return self.deps[arch][pkgname]
+ return []
+ def get_provides(self, metadata, required):
+ for arch in self.get_arches(metadata):
+ if required in self.provides[arch]:
+ return self.provides[arch][required]
+ return []
+ def is_package(self, metadata, _):
+ return False
+ def get_package(self, metadata, package):
+ return package
+ def get_group(self, metadata, group, ptype=None):
+ return []
+ def magic_groups_match(self, metadata):
+ """ check to see if this source applies to the given host
+ metadata by checking 'magic' (base) groups only, or if magic
+ groups are off """
+ # we always check that arch matches
+ found_arch = False
+ for arch in self.arches:
+ if arch in metadata.groups:
+ found_arch = True
+ break
+ if not found_arch:
+ return False
+ if not self.setup.cfp.getboolean("packages", "magic_groups",
+ default=True):
+ return True
+ else:
+ for group in self.basegroups:
+ if group in metadata.groups:
+ return True
+ return False
diff --git a/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..effec1c0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import copy
+import glob
+import socket
+import random
+import logging
+import threading
+import lxml.etree
+from UserDict import DictMixin
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
+import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin
+from Bcfg2.Bcfg2Py3k import StringIO, cPickle, HTTPError, ConfigParser, file
+from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection import Collection
+from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Source import SourceInitError, Source, \
+ fetch_url
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ from pulp.client.consumer.config import ConsumerConfig
+ from pulp.client.api.repository import RepositoryAPI
+ from pulp.client.api.consumer import ConsumerAPI
+ from pulp.client.api import server
+ has_pulp = True
+except ImportError:
+ has_pulp = False
+ import yum
+ has_yum = True
+except ImportError:
+ has_yum = False
+"Packages: No yum libraries found; forcing use of internal "
+ "dependency resolver")
+ import json
+except ImportError:
+ import simplejson as json
+XP = '{}'
+RP = '{}'
+RPO = '{}'
+FL = '{}'
+def _setup_pulp(setup):
+ if not has_pulp:
+ msg = "Packages: Cannot create Pulp collection: Pulp libraries not found"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginInitError(msg)
+ if PULPSERVER is None:
+ try:
+ username = setup.cfp.get("packages:pulp", "username")
+ password = setup.cfp.get("packages:pulp", "password")
+ except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
+ msg = "Packages: No [pulp] section found in Packages/packages.conf"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginInitError(msg)
+ except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
+ msg = "Packages: Required option not found in Packages/packages.conf: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1]
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginInitError(msg)
+ PULPCONFIG = ConsumerConfig()
+ serveropts = PULPCONFIG.server
+ PULPSERVER = server.PulpServer(serveropts['host'],
+ int(serveropts['port']),
+ serveropts['scheme'],
+ serveropts['path'])
+ PULPSERVER.set_basic_auth_credentials(username, password)
+ server.set_active_server(PULPSERVER)
+class YumCollection(Collection):
+ # options that are included in the [yum] section but that should
+ # not be included in the temporary yum.conf we write out
+ option_blacklist = ["use_yum_libraries", "helper"]
+ def __init__(self, metadata, sources, basepath, debug=False):
+ Collection.__init__(self, metadata, sources, basepath, debug=debug)
+ self.keypath = os.path.join(self.basepath, "keys")
+ if self.use_yum:
+ self.cachefile = os.path.join(self.cachepath,
+ "cache-%s" % self.cachekey)
+ if not os.path.exists(self.cachefile):
+ os.mkdir(self.cachefile)
+ self.configdir = os.path.join(self.basepath, "yum")
+ if not os.path.exists(self.configdir):
+ os.mkdir(self.configdir)
+ self.cfgfile = os.path.join(self.configdir,
+ "%s-yum.conf" % self.cachekey)
+ self.write_config()
+ if has_pulp and self.has_pulp_sources:
+ _setup_pulp(self.setup)
+ self._helper = None
+ @property
+ def helper(self):
+ try:
+ return self.config.get("yum", "helper")
+ except:
+ pass
+ if not self._helper:
+ # first see if bcfg2-yum-helper is in PATH
+ try:
+ Popen(['bcfg2-yum-helper'],
+ stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).wait()
+ self._helper = 'bcfg2-yum-helper'
+ except OSError:
+ self._helper = "/usr/sbin/bcfg2-yum-helper"
+ return self._helper
+ @property
+ def use_yum(self):
+ return has_yum and self.setup.cfp.getboolean("packages:yum",
+ "use_yum_libraries",
+ default=False)
+ @property
+ def has_pulp_sources(self):
+ """ see if there are any pulp sources to handle """
+ for source in self.sources:
+ if source.pulp_id:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def write_config(self):
+ if not os.path.exists(self.cfgfile):
+ yumconf = self.get_config(raw=True)
+ yumconf.add_section("main")
+ mainopts = dict(cachedir=self.cachefile,
+ keepcache="0",
+ sslverify="0",
+ debuglevel="0",
+ reposdir="/dev/null")
+ try:
+ for opt in self.setup.cfp.options("packages:yum"):
+ if opt not in self.option_blacklist:
+ mainopts[opt] = self.setup.cfp.get("packages:yum", opt)
+ except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
+ pass
+ for opt, val in list(mainopts.items()):
+ yumconf.set("main", opt, val)
+ yumconf.write(open(self.cfgfile, 'w'))
+ def get_config(self, raw=False):
+ config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
+ for source in self.sources:
+ # get_urls() loads url_map as a side-effect
+ source.get_urls()
+ for url_map in source.url_map:
+ if url_map['arch'] in self.metadata.groups:
+ basereponame = source.get_repo_name(url_map)
+ reponame = basereponame
+ added = False
+ while not added:
+ try:
+ config.add_section(reponame)
+ added = True
+ except ConfigParser.DuplicateSectionError:
+ match = re.match("-(\d)", reponame)
+ if match:
+ rid = int( + 1
+ else:
+ rid = 1
+ reponame = "%s-%d" % (basereponame, rid)
+ config.set(reponame, "name", reponame)
+ config.set(reponame, "baseurl", url_map['url'])
+ config.set(reponame, "enabled", "1")
+ if len(source.gpgkeys):
+ config.set(reponame, "gpgcheck", "1")
+ config.set(reponame, "gpgkey",
+ " ".join(source.gpgkeys))
+ else:
+ config.set(reponame, "gpgcheck", "0")
+ if len(source.blacklist):
+ config.set(reponame, "exclude",
+ " ".join(source.blacklist))
+ if len(source.whitelist):
+ config.set(reponame, "includepkgs",
+ " ".join(source.whitelist))
+ if raw:
+ return config
+ else:
+ # configparser only writes to file, so we have to use a
+ # StringIO object to get the data out as a string
+ buf = StringIO()
+ config.write(buf)
+ return "# This config was generated automatically by the Bcfg2 " \
+ "Packages plugin\n\n" + buf.getvalue()
+ def build_extra_structures(self, independent):
+ """ build list of gpg keys to be added to the specification by
+ validate_structures() """
+ needkeys = set()
+ for source in self.sources:
+ for key in source.gpgkeys:
+ needkeys.add(key)
+ if len(needkeys):
+ if has_yum:
+ # this must be be has_yum, not use_yum, because
+ # regardless of whether the user wants to use the yum
+ # resolver we want to include gpg key data
+ keypkg = lxml.etree.Element('BoundPackage', name="gpg-pubkey",
+ type=self.ptype, origin='Packages')
+ else:
+ self.logger.warning("GPGKeys were specified for yum sources in "
+ "sources.xml, but no yum libraries were "
+ "found")
+ self.logger.warning("GPG key version/release data cannot be "
+ "determined automatically")
+ self.logger.warning("Install yum libraries, or manage GPG keys "
+ "manually")
+ keypkg = None
+ for key in needkeys:
+ # figure out the path of the key on the client
+ keydir = self.setup.cfp.get("global", "gpg_keypath",
+ default="/etc/pki/rpm-gpg")
+ remotekey = os.path.join(keydir, os.path.basename(key))
+ localkey = os.path.join(self.keypath, os.path.basename(key))
+ kdata = open(localkey).read()
+ # copy the key to the client
+ keypath = lxml.etree.Element("BoundPath", name=remotekey,
+ encoding='ascii',
+ owner='root', group='root',
+ type='file', perms='0644',
+ important='true')
+ keypath.text = kdata
+ # hook to add version/release info if possible
+ self._add_gpg_instances(keypkg, kdata, localkey, remotekey)
+ independent.append(keypath)
+ if keypkg is not None:
+ independent.append(keypkg)
+ if self.has_pulp_sources:
+ consumerapi = ConsumerAPI()
+ consumer = self._get_pulp_consumer(consumerapi=consumerapi)
+ if consumer is None:
+ consumer = consumerapi.create(self.metadata.hostname,
+ self.metadata.hostname)
+ lxml.etree.SubElement(independent, "BoundAction",
+ name="pulp-update", timing="pre",
+ when="always", status="check",
+ command="pulp-consumer consumer update")
+ for source in self.sources:
+ # each pulp source can only have one arch, so we don't
+ # have to check the arch in url_map
+ if (source.pulp_id and
+ source.pulp_id not in consumer['repoids']):
+ consumerapi.bind(self.metadata.hostname, source.pulp_id)
+ crt = lxml.etree.SubElement(independent, "BoundPath",
+ name="/etc/pki/consumer/cert.pem",
+ type="file", owner="root",
+ group="root", perms="0644")
+ crt.text = consumerapi.certificate(self.metadata.hostname)
+ def _get_pulp_consumer(self, consumerapi=None):
+ if consumerapi is None:
+ consumerapi = ConsumerAPI()
+ consumer = None
+ try:
+ consumer = consumerapi.consumer(self.metadata.hostname)
+ except server.ServerRequestError:
+ # consumer does not exist
+ pass
+ except socket.error:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.logger.error("Packages: Could not contact Pulp server: %s" %
+ err)
+ except:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.logger.error("Packages: Unknown error querying Pulp server: %s"
+ % err)
+ return consumer
+ def _add_gpg_instances(self, keyentry, keydata, localkey, remotekey):
+ """ add gpg keys to the specification to ensure they get
+ installed """
+ # this must be be has_yum, not use_yum, because regardless of
+ # whether the user wants to use the yum resolver we want to
+ # include gpg key data
+ if not has_yum:
+ return
+ try:
+ kinfo = yum.misc.getgpgkeyinfo(keydata)
+ version = yum.misc.keyIdToRPMVer(kinfo['keyid'])
+ release = yum.misc.keyIdToRPMVer(kinfo['timestamp'])
+ lxml.etree.SubElement(keyentry, 'Instance',
+ version=version,
+ release=release,
+ simplefile=remotekey)
+ except ValueError:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.logger.error("Packages: Could not read GPG key %s: %s" %
+ (localkey, err))
+ def is_package(self, package):
+ if not self.use_yum:
+ return Collection.is_package(self, package)
+ elif isinstance(package, tuple):
+ if package[1] is None and package[2] == (None, None, None):
+ package = package[0]
+ else:
+ return None
+ else:
+ # this should really never get called; it's just provided
+ # for API completeness
+ return self.call_helper("is_package", package)
+ def is_virtual_package(self, package):
+ if not self.use_yum:
+ return Collection.is_virtual_package(self, package)
+ else:
+ # this should really never get called; it's just provided
+ # for API completeness
+ return self.call_helper("is_virtual_package", package)
+ def get_deps(self, package):
+ if not self.use_yum:
+ return Collection.get_deps(self, package)
+ else:
+ # this should really never get called; it's just provided
+ # for API completeness
+ return self.call_helper("get_deps", package)
+ def get_provides(self, required, all=False, silent=False):
+ if not self.use_yum:
+ return Collection.get_provides(self, package)
+ else:
+ # this should really never get called; it's just provided
+ # for API completeness
+ return self.call_helper("get_provides", package)
+ def get_group(self, group, ptype="default"):
+ if not self.use_yum:
+ self.logger.warning("Packages: Package groups are not supported by "
+ "Bcfg2's internal Yum dependency generator")
+ return []
+ if group.startswith("@"):
+ group = group[1:]
+ pkgs = self.call_helper("get_group", dict(group=group, type=ptype))
+ return pkgs
+ def complete(self, packagelist):
+ if not self.use_yum:
+ return Collection.complete(self, packagelist)
+ packages = set()
+ unknown = set(packagelist)
+ if unknown:
+ result = \
+ self.call_helper("complete",
+ dict(packages=list(unknown),
+ groups=list(self.get_relevant_groups())))
+ if result and "packages" in result and "unknown" in result:
+ # we stringify every package because it gets returned
+ # in unicode; set.update() doesn't work if some
+ # elements are unicode and other are strings. (I.e.,
+ # u'foo' and 'foo' get treated as unique elements.)
+ packages.update([str(p) for p in result['packages']])
+ unknown = set([str(p) for p in result['unknown']])
+ self.filter_unknown(unknown)
+ return packages, unknown
+ def call_helper(self, command, input=None):
+ """ Make a call to bcfg2-yum-helper. The yum libs have
+ horrific memory leaks, so apparently the right way to get
+ around that in long-running processes it to have a short-lived
+ helper. No, seriously -- check out the yum-updatesd code.
+ It's pure madness. """
+ # it'd be nice if we could change this to be more verbose if
+ # -v was given to bcfg2-server, but Collection objects don't
+ # get the 'setup' variable, so we don't know how verbose
+ # bcfg2-server is. It'd also be nice if we could tell yum to
+ # log to syslog. So would a unicorn.
+ cmd = [self.helper, "-c", self.cfgfile]
+ if self.debug_flag:
+ cmd.append("-v")
+ cmd.append(command)
+ self.debug_log("Packages: running %s" % " ".join(cmd))
+ try:
+ helper = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ except OSError:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.logger.error("Packages: Failed to execute %s: %s" %
+ (" ".join(cmd), err))
+ return None
+ if input:
+ idata = json.dumps(input)
+ (stdout, stderr) = helper.communicate(idata)
+ else:
+ (stdout, stderr) = helper.communicate()
+ rv = helper.wait()
+ if rv:
+ self.logger.error("Packages: error running bcfg2-yum-helper "
+ "(returned %d): %s" % (rv, stderr))
+ elif self.debug_flag:
+ self.debug_log("Packages: debug info from bcfg2-yum-helper: %s" %
+ stderr)
+ try:
+ return json.loads(stdout)
+ except ValueError:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.logger.error("Packages: error reading bcfg2-yum-helper "
+ "output: %s" % err)
+ return None
+ def setup_data(self, force_update=False):
+ if not self.use_yum:
+ return Collection.setup_data(self, force_update)
+ if force_update:
+ # we call this twice: one to clean up data from the old
+ # config, and once to clean up data from the new config
+ self.call_helper("clean")
+ os.unlink(self.cfgfile)
+ self.write_config()
+ if force_update:
+ self.call_helper("clean")
+class YumSource(Source):
+ basegroups = ['yum', 'redhat', 'centos', 'fedora']
+ ptype = 'yum'
+ def __init__(self, basepath, xsource, setup):
+ Source.__init__(self, basepath, xsource, setup)
+ self.pulp_id = None
+ if has_pulp and xsource.get("pulp_id"):
+ self.pulp_id = xsource.get("pulp_id")
+ _setup_pulp(self.setup)
+ repoapi = RepositoryAPI()
+ try:
+ self.repo = repoapi.repository(self.pulp_id)
+ self.gpgkeys = [os.path.join(PULPCONFIG.cds['keyurl'], key)
+ for key in repoapi.listkeys(self.pulp_id)]
+ except server.ServerRequestError:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ if err[0] == 401:
+ msg = "Packages: Error authenticating to Pulp: %s" % err[1]
+ elif err[0] == 404:
+ msg = "Packages: Pulp repo id %s not found: %s" % \
+ (self.pulp_id, err[1])
+ else:
+ msg = "Packages: Error %d fetching pulp repo %s: %s" % \
+ (err[0], self.pulp_id, err[1])
+ raise SourceInitError(msg)
+ except socket.error:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ raise SourceInitError("Could not contact Pulp server: %s" % err)
+ except:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ raise SourceInitError("Unknown error querying Pulp server: %s" %
+ err)
+ self.rawurl = "%s/%s" % (PULPCONFIG.cds['baseurl'],
+ self.repo['relative_path'])
+ self.arches = [self.repo['arch']]
+ if not self.rawurl:
+ self.baseurl = self.url + "%(version)s/%(component)s/%(arch)s/"
+ else:
+ self.baseurl = self.rawurl
+ self.packages = dict()
+ self.deps = dict([('global', dict())])
+ self.provides = dict([('global', dict())])
+ self.filemap = dict([(x, dict())
+ for x in ['global'] + self.arches])
+ self.needed_paths = set()
+ self.file_to_arch = dict()
+ @property
+ def use_yum(self):
+ return has_yum and self.setup.cfp.getboolean("packages:yum",
+ "use_yum_libraries",
+ default=False)
+ def save_state(self):
+ if not self.use_yum:
+ cache = file(self.cachefile, 'wb')
+ cPickle.dump((self.packages, self.deps, self.provides,
+ self.filemap, self.url_map), cache, 2)
+ cache.close()
+ def load_state(self):
+ if not self.use_yum:
+ data = file(self.cachefile)
+ (self.packages, self.deps, self.provides,
+ self.filemap, self.url_map) = cPickle.load(data)
+ def get_urls(self):
+ surls = list()
+ self.url_map = []
+ for arch in self.arches:
+ if self.url:
+ usettings = [{'version':self.version, 'component':comp,
+ 'arch':arch}
+ for comp in self.components]
+ else: # rawurl given
+ usettings = [{'version':self.version, 'component':None,
+ 'arch':arch}]
+ for setting in usettings:
+ setting['url'] = self.baseurl % setting
+ self.url_map.append(copy.deepcopy(setting))
+ surls.append((arch, [setting['url'] for setting in usettings]))
+ urls = []
+ for (sarch, surl_list) in surls:
+ for surl in surl_list:
+ urls.extend(self._get_urls_from_repodata(surl, sarch))
+ return urls
+ urls = property(get_urls)
+ def _get_urls_from_repodata(self, url, arch):
+ if self.use_yum:
+ return [url]
+ rmdurl = '%srepodata/repomd.xml' % url
+ try:
+ repomd = fetch_url(rmdurl)
+ xdata = lxml.etree.XML(repomd)
+ except ValueError:
+ self.logger.error("Packages: Bad url string %s" % rmdurl)
+ return []
+ except HTTPError:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.logger.error("Packages: Failed to fetch url %s. code=%s" %
+ (rmdurl, err.code))
+ return []
+ except lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.logger.error("Packages: Failed to process metadata at %s: %s" %
+ (rmdurl, err))
+ return []
+ urls = []
+ for elt in xdata.findall(RPO + 'data'):
+ if elt.get('type') in ['filelists', 'primary']:
+ floc = elt.find(RPO + 'location')
+ fullurl = url + floc.get('href')
+ urls.append(fullurl)
+ self.file_to_arch[self.escape_url(fullurl)] = arch
+ return urls
+ def read_files(self):
+ # we have to read primary.xml first, and filelists.xml afterwards;
+ primaries = list()
+ filelists = list()
+ for fname in self.files:
+ if fname.endswith('primary.xml.gz'):
+ primaries.append(fname)
+ elif fname.endswith('filelists.xml.gz'):
+ filelists.append(fname)
+ for fname in primaries:
+ farch = self.file_to_arch[fname]
+ fdata = lxml.etree.parse(fname).getroot()
+ self.parse_primary(fdata, farch)
+ for fname in filelists:
+ farch = self.file_to_arch[fname]
+ fdata = lxml.etree.parse(fname).getroot()
+ self.parse_filelist(fdata, farch)
+ # merge data
+ sdata = list(self.packages.values())
+ try:
+ self.packages['global'] = copy.deepcopy(sdata.pop())
+ except IndexError:
+ logger.error("Packages: No packages in repo")
+ while sdata:
+ self.packages['global'] = \
+ self.packages['global'].intersection(sdata.pop())
+ for key in self.packages:
+ if key == 'global':
+ continue
+ self.packages[key] = \
+ self.packages[key].difference(self.packages['global'])
+ self.save_state()
+ def parse_filelist(self, data, arch):
+ if arch not in self.filemap:
+ self.filemap[arch] = dict()
+ for pkg in data.findall(FL + 'package'):
+ for fentry in pkg.findall(FL + 'file'):
+ if fentry.text in self.needed_paths:
+ if fentry.text in self.filemap[arch]:
+ self.filemap[arch][fentry.text].add(pkg.get('name'))
+ else:
+ self.filemap[arch][fentry.text] = \
+ set([pkg.get('name')])
+ def parse_primary(self, data, arch):
+ if arch not in self.packages:
+ self.packages[arch] = set()
+ if arch not in self.deps:
+ self.deps[arch] = dict()
+ if arch not in self.provides:
+ self.provides[arch] = dict()
+ for pkg in data.getchildren():
+ if not pkg.tag.endswith('package'):
+ continue
+ pkgname = pkg.find(XP + 'name').text
+ self.packages[arch].add(pkgname)
+ pdata = pkg.find(XP + 'format')
+ self.deps[arch][pkgname] = set()
+ pre = pdata.find(RP + 'requires')
+ if pre is not None:
+ for entry in pre.getchildren():
+ self.deps[arch][pkgname].add(entry.get('name'))
+ if entry.get('name').startswith('/'):
+ self.needed_paths.add(entry.get('name'))
+ pro = pdata.find(RP + 'provides')
+ if pro != None:
+ for entry in pro.getchildren():
+ prov = entry.get('name')
+ if prov not in self.provides[arch]:
+ self.provides[arch][prov] = list()
+ self.provides[arch][prov].append(pkgname)
+ def is_package(self, metadata, item):
+ arch = [a for a in self.arches if a in metadata.groups]
+ if not arch:
+ return False
+ return ((item in self.packages['global'] or
+ item in self.packages[arch[0]]) and
+ item not in self.blacklist and
+ (len(self.whitelist) == 0 or item in self.whitelist))
+ def get_vpkgs(self, metadata):
+ if self.use_yum:
+ return dict()
+ rv = Source.get_vpkgs(self, metadata)
+ for arch, fmdata in list(self.filemap.items()):
+ if arch not in metadata.groups and arch != 'global':
+ continue
+ for filename, pkgs in list(fmdata.items()):
+ rv[filename] = pkgs
+ return rv
+ def filter_unknown(self, unknown):
+ if self.use_yum:
+ filtered = set()
+ for unk in unknown:
+ try:
+ if unk.startswith('rpmlib'):
+ filtered.update(unk)
+ except AttributeError:
+ try:
+ if unk[0].startswith('rpmlib'):
+ filtered.update(unk)
+ except (IndexError, AttributeError):
+ pass
+ else:
+ filtered = set([u for u in unknown if u.startswith('rpmlib')])
+ unknown.difference_update(filtered)
+ def setup_data(self, force_update=False):
+ if not self.use_yum:
+ Source.setup_data(self, force_update=force_update)
+ def get_repo_name(self, url_map):
+ if self.pulp_id:
+ return self.pulp_id
+ else:
+ return Source.get_repo_name(self, url_map)
diff --git a/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72913a60a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/Packages/
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import copy
+import glob
+import shutil
+import lxml.etree
+import Bcfg2.Logger
+import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin
+from Bcfg2.Bcfg2Py3k import ConfigParser, urlopen
+from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages import Collection
+from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.PackagesSources import PackagesSources
+class Packages(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin,
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.StructureValidator,
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Generator,
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Connector,
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.GoalValidator):
+ name = 'Packages'
+ conflicts = ['Pkgmgr']
+ experimental = True
+ __rmi__ = Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin.__rmi__ + ['Refresh', 'Reload']
+ def __init__(self, core, datastore):
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin.__init__(self, core, datastore)
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.StructureValidator.__init__(self)
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Generator.__init__(self)
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Connector.__init__(self)
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Probing.__init__(self)
+ self.sentinels = set()
+ self.cachepath = os.path.join(, 'cache')
+ self.keypath = os.path.join(, 'keys')
+ if not os.path.exists(self.keypath):
+ # create key directory if needed
+ os.makedirs(self.keypath)
+ self.sources = PackagesSources(os.path.join(, "sources.xml"),
+ self.cachepath, core.fam, self,
+ self.core.setup)
+ def toggle_debug(self):
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin.toggle_debug(self)
+ self.sources.toggle_debug()
+ @property
+ def disableResolver(self):
+ if self.disableMetaData:
+ # disabling metadata without disabling the resolver Breaks
+ # Things
+ return True
+ try:
+ return not self.core.setup.cfp.getboolean("packages", "resolver")
+ except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError):
+ return False
+ except ValueError:
+ # for historical reasons we also accept "enabled" and
+ # "disabled", which are not handled according to the
+ # Python docs but appear to be handled properly by
+ # ConfigParser in at least some versions
+ return self.core.setup.cfp.get("packages", "resolver",
+ default="enabled").lower() == "disabled"
+ @property
+ def disableMetaData(self):
+ try:
+ return not self.core.setup.cfp.getboolean("packages", "resolver")
+ except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError):
+ return False
+ except ValueError:
+ # for historical reasons we also accept "enabled" and
+ # "disabled"
+ return self.core.setup.cfp.get("packages", "metadata",
+ default="enabled").lower() == "disabled"
+ def create_config(self, entry, metadata):
+ """ create yum/apt config for the specified host """
+ attrib = dict(encoding='ascii',
+ owner='root',
+ group='root',
+ type='file',
+ perms='0644',
+ important='true')
+ collection = self._get_collection(metadata)
+ entry.text = collection.get_config()
+ for (key, value) in list(attrib.items()):
+ entry.attrib.__setitem__(key, value)
+ def HandleEntry(self, entry, metadata):
+ if entry.tag == 'Package':
+ collection = self._get_collection(metadata)
+ entry.set('version', self.core.setup.cfp.get("packages",
+ "version",
+ default="auto"))
+ entry.set('type', collection.ptype)
+ elif entry.tag == 'Path':
+ if (entry.get("name") == self.core.setup.cfp.get("packages",
+ "yum_config",
+ default="") or
+ entry.get("name") == self.core.setup.cfp.get("packages",
+ "apt_config",
+ default="")):
+ self.create_config(entry, metadata)
+ def HandlesEntry(self, entry, metadata):
+ if entry.tag == 'Package':
+ if self.core.setup.cfp.getboolean("packages", "magic_groups",
+ default=True):
+ collection = self._get_collection(metadata)
+ if collection.magic_groups_match():
+ return True
+ else:
+ return True
+ elif entry.tag == 'Path':
+ # managed entries for yum/apt configs
+ if (entry.get("name") == self.core.setup.cfp.get("packages",
+ "yum_config",
+ default="") or
+ entry.get("name") == self.core.setup.cfp.get("packages",
+ "apt_config",
+ default="")):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def validate_structures(self, metadata, structures):
+ '''Ensure client configurations include all needed prerequisites
+ Arguments:
+ metadata - client metadata instance
+ structures - a list of structure-stage entry combinations
+ '''
+ collection = self._get_collection(metadata)
+ indep = lxml.etree.Element('Independent')
+ self._build_packages(metadata, indep, structures,
+ collection=collection)
+ collection.build_extra_structures(indep)
+ structures.append(indep)
+ def _build_packages(self, metadata, independent, structures,
+ collection=None):
+ """ build list of packages that need to be included in the
+ specification by validate_structures() """
+ if self.disableResolver:
+ # Config requests no resolver
+ return
+ if collection is None:
+ collection = self._get_collection(metadata)
+ # initial is the set of packages that are explicitly specified
+ # in the configuration
+ initial = set()
+ # base is the set of initial packages with groups expanded
+ base = set()
+ # essential pkgs are those marked as such by the distribution
+ essential = collection.get_essential()
+ to_remove = []
+ for struct in structures:
+ for pkg in struct.xpath('//Package | //BoundPackage'):
+ if pkg.get("name"):
+ initial.add(pkg.get("name"))
+ elif pkg.get("group"):
+ try:
+ if pkg.get("type"):
+ gpkgs = collection.get_group(pkg.get("group"),
+ ptype=pkg.get("type"))
+ else:
+ gpkgs = collection.get_group(pkg.get("group"))
+ base.update(gpkgs)
+ except TypeError:
+ raise
+ self.logger.error("Could not resolve group %s" %
+ pkg.get("group"))
+ to_remove.append(pkg)
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("Packages: Malformed Package: %s" %
+ lxml.etree.tostring(pkg))
+ base.update(initial | essential)
+ for el in to_remove:
+ el.getparent().remove(el)
+ packages, unknown = collection.complete(base)
+ if unknown:
+"Packages: Got %d unknown entries" % len(unknown))
+"Packages: %s" % list(unknown))
+ newpkgs = list(packages.difference(initial))
+ self.debug_log("Packages: %d initial, %d complete, %d new" %
+ (len(initial), len(packages), len(newpkgs)))
+ newpkgs.sort()
+ for pkg in newpkgs:
+ lxml.etree.SubElement(independent, 'BoundPackage', name=pkg,
+ version=self.core.setup.cfp.get("packages",
+ "version",
+ default="auto"),
+ type=collection.ptype, origin='Packages')
+ def Refresh(self):
+ '''Packages.Refresh() => True|False\nReload configuration
+ specification and download sources\n'''
+ self._load_config(force_update=True)
+ return True
+ def Reload(self):
+ '''Packages.Refresh() => True|False\nReload configuration
+ specification and sources\n'''
+ self._load_config()
+ return True
+ def _load_config(self, force_update=False):
+ '''
+ Load the configuration data and setup sources
+ Keyword args:
+ force_update Force downloading repo data
+ '''
+ self._load_sources(force_update)
+ self._load_gpg_keys(force_update)
+ def _load_sources(self, force_update):
+ """ Load sources from the config """
+ self.sentinels = set()
+ cachefiles = set()
+ for collection in list(Collection.collections.values()):
+ cachefiles.update(collection.cachefiles)
+ if not self.disableMetaData:
+ collection.setup_data(force_update)
+ self.sentinels.update(collection.basegroups)
+ Collection.clear_cache()
+ for source in self.sources:
+ cachefiles.add(source.cachefile)
+ if not self.disableMetaData:
+ source.setup_data(force_update)
+ for cfile in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.cachepath, "cache-*")):
+ if cfile not in cachefiles:
+ try:
+ if os.path.isdir(cfile):
+ shutil.rmtree(cfile)
+ else:
+ os.unlink(cfile)
+ except OSError:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.logger.error("Packages: Could not remove cache file "
+ "%s: %s" % (cfile, err))
+ def _load_gpg_keys(self, force_update):
+ """ Load gpg keys from the config """
+ keyfiles = []
+ keys = []
+ for source in self.sources:
+ for key in source.gpgkeys:
+ localfile = os.path.join(self.keypath,
+ os.path.basename(key.rstrip("/")))
+ if localfile not in keyfiles:
+ keyfiles.append(localfile)
+ if ((force_update and key not in keys) or
+ not os.path.exists(localfile)):
+"Packages: Downloading and parsing %s" % key)
+ response = urlopen(key)
+ open(localfile, 'w').write(
+ keys.append(key)
+ for kfile in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.keypath, "*")):
+ if kfile not in keyfiles:
+ os.unlink(kfile)
+ def _get_collection(self, metadata):
+ return Collection.factory(metadata, self.sources,,
+ debug=self.debug_flag)
+ def get_additional_data(self, metadata):
+ collection = self._get_collection(metadata)
+ return dict(sources=collection.get_additional_data())
+ def validate_goals(self, metadata, _):
+ """ we abuse the GoalValidator plugin since validate_goals()
+ is the very last thing called during a client config run. so
+ we use this to clear the collection cache for this client,
+ which must persist only the duration of a client run """
+ if metadata.hostname in Collection.clients:
+ del Collection.clients[metadata.hostname]