path: root/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 387 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/Server/Plugins/
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index 74d8833f4..000000000
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-""" The SSLCA generator handles the creation and management of ssl
-certificates and their keys. """
-import os
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import lxml.etree
-import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin
-from Bcfg2.Utils import Executor
-from Bcfg2.Compat import ConfigParser
-from Bcfg2.Server.Plugin import PluginExecutionError
-class SSLCAXMLSpec(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.StructFile):
- """ Base class to handle key.xml and cert.xml """
- encryption = False
- attrs = dict()
- tag = None
- def get_spec(self, metadata):
- """ Get a specification for the type of object described by
- this SSLCA XML file for the given client metadata object """
- entries = [e for e in self.Match(metadata) if e.tag == self.tag]
- if len(entries) == 0:
- raise PluginExecutionError("No matching %s entry found for %s "
- "in %s" % (self.tag,
- metadata.hostname,
- elif len(entries) > 1:
- self.logger.warning(
- "More than one matching %s entry found for %s in %s; "
- "using first match" % (self.tag, metadata.hostname,
- rv = dict()
- for attr, default in self.attrs.items():
- val = entries[0].get(attr.lower(), default)
- if default in ['true', 'false']:
- rv[attr] = val == 'true'
- else:
- rv[attr] = val
- return rv
-class SSLCAKeySpec(SSLCAXMLSpec):
- """ Handle key.xml files """
- attrs = dict(bits='2048', type='rsa')
- tag = 'Key'
-class SSLCACertSpec(SSLCAXMLSpec):
- """ Handle cert.xml files """
- attrs = dict(ca='default',
- format='pem',
- key=None,
- days='365',
- C=None,
- L=None,
- ST=None,
- OU=None,
- O=None,
- emailAddress=None,
- append_chain='false')
- tag = 'Cert'
- def get_spec(self, metadata):
- rv = SSLCAXMLSpec.get_spec(self, metadata)
- rv['subjectaltname'] = [e.text for e in self.Match(metadata)
- if e.tag == "subjectAltName"]
- return rv
-class SSLCADataFile(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.SpecificData):
- """ Handle key and cert files """
- def bind_entry(self, entry, _):
- """ Bind the data in the file to the given abstract entry """
- entry.text =
- entry.set("type", "file")
- return entry
-class SSLCAEntrySet(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.EntrySet):
- """ Entry set to handle SSLCA entries and XML files """
- def __init__(self, _, path, entry_type, parent=None):
- Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.EntrySet.__init__(self, os.path.basename(path),
- path, entry_type)
- self.parent = parent
- self.key = None
- self.cert = None
- self.cmd = Executor(timeout=120)
- def handle_event(self, event):
- action = event.code2str()
- fpath = os.path.join(self.path, event.filename)
- if event.filename == 'key.xml':
- if action in ['exists', 'created', 'changed']:
- self.key = SSLCAKeySpec(fpath)
- self.key.HandleEvent(event)
- elif event.filename == 'cert.xml':
- if action in ['exists', 'created', 'changed']:
- self.cert = SSLCACertSpec(fpath)
- self.cert.HandleEvent(event)
- else:
- Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.EntrySet.handle_event(self, event)
- def build_key(self, entry, metadata):
- """
- either grabs a prexisting key hostfile, or triggers the generation
- of a new key if one doesn't exist.
- """
- # TODO: verify key fits the specs
- filename = "%s.H_%s" % (os.path.basename(entry.get('name')),
- metadata.hostname)
-"SSLCA: Generating new key %s" % filename)
- key_spec = self.key.get_spec(metadata)
- ktype = key_spec['type']
- bits = key_spec['bits']
- if ktype == 'rsa':
- cmd = ["openssl", "genrsa", bits]
- elif ktype == 'dsa':
- cmd = ["openssl", "dsaparam", "-noout", "-genkey", bits]
- self.debug_log("SSLCA: Generating new key: %s" % " ".join(cmd))
- result =
- if not result.success:
- raise PluginExecutionError("SSLCA: Failed to generate key %s for "
- "%s: %s" % (entry.get("name"),
- metadata.hostname,
- result.error))
- open(os.path.join(self.path, filename), 'w').write(result.stdout)
- return result.stdout
- def build_cert(self, entry, metadata, keyfile):
- """ generate a new cert """
- filename = "%s.H_%s" % (os.path.basename(entry.get('name')),
- metadata.hostname)
-"SSLCA: Generating new cert %s" % filename)
- cert_spec = self.cert.get_spec(metadata)
- ca = self.parent.get_ca(cert_spec['ca'])
- req_config = None
- req = None
- try:
- req_config = self.build_req_config(metadata)
- req = self.build_request(keyfile, req_config, metadata)
- days = cert_spec['days']
- cmd = ["openssl", "ca", "-config", ca['config'], "-in", req,
- "-days", days, "-batch"]
- passphrase = ca.get('passphrase')
- if passphrase:
- cmd.extend(["-passin", "pass:%s" % passphrase])
- def _scrub_pass(arg):
- """ helper to scrub the passphrase from the
- argument list """
- if arg.startswith("pass:"):
- return "pass:******"
- else:
- return arg
- else:
- _scrub_pass = lambda a: a
- self.debug_log("SSLCA: Generating new certificate: %s" %
- " ".join(_scrub_pass(a) for a in cmd))
- result =
- if not result.success:
- raise PluginExecutionError("SSLCA: Failed to generate cert: %s"
- % result.error)
- finally:
- try:
- if req_config and os.path.exists(req_config):
- os.unlink(req_config)
- if req and os.path.exists(req):
- os.unlink(req)
- except OSError:
- self.logger.error("SSLCA: Failed to unlink temporary files: %s"
- % sys.exc_info()[1])
- cert = result.stdout
- if cert_spec['append_chain'] and 'chaincert' in ca:
- cert += open(ca['chaincert']).read()
- open(os.path.join(self.path, filename), 'w').write(cert)
- return cert
- def build_req_config(self, metadata):
- """
- generates a temporary openssl configuration file that is
- used to generate the required certificate request
- """
- # create temp request config file
- fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp()
- cfp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser({})
- cfp.optionxform = str
- defaults = {
- 'req': {
- 'default_md': 'sha1',
- 'distinguished_name': 'req_distinguished_name',
- 'req_extensions': 'v3_req',
- 'x509_extensions': 'v3_req',
- 'prompt': 'no'
- },
- 'req_distinguished_name': {},
- 'v3_req': {
- 'subjectAltName': '@alt_names'
- },
- 'alt_names': {}
- }
- for section in list(defaults.keys()):
- cfp.add_section(section)
- for key in defaults[section]:
- cfp.set(section, key, defaults[section][key])
- cert_spec = self.cert.get_spec(metadata)
- altnamenum = 1
- altnames = cert_spec['subjectaltname']
- altnames.extend(list(metadata.aliases))
- altnames.append(metadata.hostname)
- for altname in altnames:
- cfp.set('alt_names', 'DNS.' + str(altnamenum), altname)
- altnamenum += 1
- for item in ['C', 'L', 'ST', 'O', 'OU', 'emailAddress']:
- if cert_spec[item]:
- cfp.set('req_distinguished_name', item, cert_spec[item])
- cfp.set('req_distinguished_name', 'CN', metadata.hostname)
- self.debug_log("SSLCA: Writing temporary request config to %s" % fname)
- try:
- cfp.write(os.fdopen(fd, 'w'))
- except IOError:
- raise PluginExecutionError("SSLCA: Failed to write temporary CSR "
- "config file: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1])
- return fname
- def build_request(self, keyfile, req_config, metadata):
- """
- creates the certificate request
- """
- fd, req = tempfile.mkstemp()
- os.close(fd)
- days = self.cert.get_spec(metadata)['days']
- cmd = ["openssl", "req", "-new", "-config", req_config,
- "-days", days, "-key", keyfile, "-text", "-out", req]
- self.debug_log("SSLCA: Generating new CSR: %s" % " ".join(cmd))
- result =
- if not result.success:
- raise PluginExecutionError("SSLCA: Failed to generate CSR: %s" %
- result.error)
- return req
- def verify_cert(self, filename, keyfile, entry, metadata):
- """ Perform certification verification against the CA and
- against the key """
- ca = self.parent.get_ca(self.cert.get_spec(metadata)['ca'])
- do_verify = ca.get('chaincert')
- if do_verify:
- return (self.verify_cert_against_ca(filename, entry, metadata) and
- self.verify_cert_against_key(filename, keyfile))
- return True
- def verify_cert_against_ca(self, filename, entry, metadata):
- """
- check that a certificate validates against the ca cert,
- and that it has not expired.
- """
- ca = self.parent.get_ca(self.cert.get_spec(metadata)['ca'])
- chaincert = ca.get('chaincert')
- cert = os.path.join(self.path, filename)
- cmd = ["openssl", "verify"]
- is_root = ca.get('root_ca', "false").lower() == 'true'
- if is_root:
- cmd.append("-CAfile")
- else:
- # verifying based on an intermediate cert
- cmd.extend(["-purpose", "sslserver", "-untrusted"])
- cmd.extend([chaincert, cert])
- self.debug_log("SSLCA: Verifying %s against CA: %s" %
- (entry.get("name"), " ".join(cmd)))
- result =
- if result.stdout == cert + ": OK\n":
- self.debug_log("SSLCA: %s verified successfully against CA" %
- entry.get("name"))
- return True
- self.logger.warning("SSLCA: %s failed verification against CA: %s" %
- (entry.get("name"), result.error))
- return False
- def _get_modulus(self, fname, ftype="x509"):
- """ get the modulus from the given file """
- cmd = ["openssl", ftype, "-noout", "-modulus", "-in", fname]
- self.debug_log("SSLCA: Getting modulus of %s for verification: %s" %
- (fname, " ".join(cmd)))
- result =
- if not result.success:
- self.logger.warning("SSLCA: Failed to get modulus of %s: %s" %
- (fname, result.error))
- return result.stdout.strip()
- def verify_cert_against_key(self, filename, keyfile):
- """
- check that a certificate validates against its private key.
- """
- certfile = os.path.join(self.path, filename)
- cert = self._get_modulus(certfile)
- key = self._get_modulus(keyfile, ftype="rsa")
- if cert == key:
- self.debug_log("SSLCA: %s verified successfully against key %s" %
- (filename, keyfile))
- return True
- self.logger.warning("SSLCA: %s failed verification against key %s" %
- (filename, keyfile))
- return False
- def bind_entry(self, entry, metadata):
- if self.key:
- self.bind_info_to_entry(entry, metadata)
- try:
- return self.best_matching(metadata).bind_entry(entry, metadata)
- except PluginExecutionError:
- entry.text = self.build_key(entry, metadata)
- entry.set("type", "file")
- return entry
- elif self.cert:
- key = self.cert.get_spec(metadata)['key']
- cleanup_keyfile = False
- try:
- keyfile = self.parent.entries[key].best_matching(metadata).name
- except PluginExecutionError:
- cleanup_keyfile = True
- # create a temp file with the key in it
- fd, keyfile = tempfile.mkstemp()
- os.chmod(keyfile, 384) # 0600
- el = lxml.etree.Element('Path', name=key)
- self.parent.core.Bind(el, metadata)
- os.fdopen(fd, 'w').write(el.text)
- try:
- self.bind_info_to_entry(entry, metadata)
- try:
- best = self.best_matching(metadata)
- if self.verify_cert(, keyfile, entry, metadata):
- return best.bind_entry(entry, metadata)
- except PluginExecutionError:
- pass
- # if we get here, it's because either a) there was no best
- # matching entry; or b) the existing cert did not verify
- entry.text = self.build_cert(entry, metadata, keyfile)
- entry.set("type", "file")
- return entry
- finally:
- if cleanup_keyfile:
- try:
- os.unlink(keyfile)
- except OSError:
- err = sys.exc_info()[1]
- self.logger.error("SSLCA: Failed to unlink temporary "
- "key %s: %s" % (keyfile, err))
-class SSLCA(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.GroupSpool):
- """ The SSLCA generator handles the creation and management of ssl
- certificates and their keys. """
- __author__ = ''
- options = Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.GroupSpool.options + [
- Bcfg2.Options.WildcardSectionGroup(
- Bcfg2.Options.PathOption(
- cf=("sslca_*", "config"),
- help="Path to the openssl config for the CA"),
- Bcfg2.Options.Option(
- cf=("sslca_*", "passphrase"),
- help="Passphrase for the CA private key"),
- Bcfg2.Options.PathOption(
- cf=("sslca_*", "chaincert"),
- help="Path to the SSL chaining certificate for verification"),
- Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption(
- cf=("sslca_*", "root_ca"),
- help="Whether or not <chaincert> is a root CA (as opposed to "
- "an intermediate cert"))]
- # python 2.5 doesn't support mixing *magic and keyword arguments
- es_cls = lambda self, *args: SSLCAEntrySet(*args, **dict(parent=self))
- es_child_cls = SSLCADataFile
- def get_ca(self, name):
- """ get a dict describing a CA from the config file """
- rv = dict()
- prefix = "sslca_%s_" % name
- for attr in dir(Bcfg2.Options.setup):
- if attr.startswith(prefix):
- rv[attr[len(prefix):]] = getattr(Bcfg2.Options.setup, attr)
- return rv