path: root/src/sbin/bcfg2-info
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/sbin/bcfg2-info')
1 files changed, 227 insertions, 217 deletions
diff --git a/src/sbin/bcfg2-info b/src/sbin/bcfg2-info
index 7c0a894b5..5acdbea42 100755
--- a/src/sbin/bcfg2-info
+++ b/src/sbin/bcfg2-info
@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
'''This tool loads the Bcfg2 core into an interactive debugger'''
__revision__ = '$Revision$'
-import logging, lxml.etree, sys, time, Bcfg2.Logging, Bcfg2.Server.Core, os
+import logging, lxml.etree, sys, time, cmd
+import Bcfg2.Logging, Bcfg2.Server.Core, os
import Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin
+class dummyError(Exception):
+ pass
def printTabular(rows):
'''print data in tabular format'''
cmax = tuple([max([len(str(row[index])) for row in rows]) + 1 for index in xrange(len(rows[0]))])
@@ -15,233 +19,239 @@ def printTabular(rows):
for row in rows[1:]:
print fstring % row
-def getInput():
- '''read commands from stdin'''
- try:
- return raw_input('> ').strip().split(" ")
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- return ['']
- except EOFError:
- return ['quit']
-def doShowentries(cmd, core):
- '''show abstract configuration entries for a given host'''
- if len(cmd) not in [2, 3]:
- print "Usage: showentries <hostname> <type>"
- return
- try:
- meta = core.metadata.get_metadata(cmd[1])
- except Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.MetadataConsistencyError:
- print "Unable to find metadata for host %s" % cmd[1]
- return
- structures = core.GetStructures(meta)
- output = [('entrytype', 'name')]
- if len(cmd) == 2:
- for item in structures:
- for child in item.getchildren():
- output.append((child.tag, child.get('name')))
- if len(cmd) == 3:
- for item in structures:
- for child in item.getchildren():
- if child.tag == cmd[2]:
- output.append((child.tag, child.get('name')))
- printTabular(output)
-def doBuild(cmd, core):
- '''build client configuration'''
- if len(cmd) == 3:
- output = open(cmd[2], 'w')
- output.write(lxml.etree.tostring(core.BuildConfiguration(cmd[1])))
- output.close()
- else:
- print 'Usage: build <hostname> <output file>'
-def doBuildAll(cmd, core):
- if len(cmd) != 2:
- print "Usage: buildall <directory>"
- return
- try:
- os.mkdir(cmd[1])
- except:
- pass
- for client in core.metadata.clients:
- doBuild(['build', client, cmd[1] + '/' + client + '.xml'], core)
-def doBuildFile(cmd, core):
- '''build a config file for client'''
- if len(cmd) == 3:
- entry = lxml.etree.Element('ConfigFile', name=cmd[1])
- metadata = core.metadata.get_metadata(cmd[2])
- core.Bind(entry, metadata)
- print lxml.etree.tostring(entry)
- else:
- print 'Usage: buildfile filename hostname'
-def doBundles(_, core):
- '''print out group/bundle info'''
- data = [('Group', 'Bundles')]
- groups = core.metadata.groups.keys()
- groups.sort()
- for group in groups:
- data.append((group, ','.join(core.metadata.groups[group][0])))
- printTabular(data)
-def doClients(_, core):
- '''print out client info'''
- data = [('Client', 'Profile')]
- clist = core.metadata.clients.keys()
- clist.sort()
- for client in clist:
- data.append((client, core.metadata.clients[client]))
- printTabular(data)
-def doHelp(_, dummy):
- '''print out usage info'''
- print 'Commands:'
- print 'build <hostname> <filename> - build config for hostname, writing to filename'
- print 'buildall <directory> - build configs for all clients in directory'
- print 'buildfile <filename> <hostname> - build config file for hostname (not written to disk)'
- print 'bundles - print out group/bundle information'
- print 'clients - print out client/profile information'
- print 'debug - shell out to native python interpreter'
- print 'generators - list current versions of generators'
- print 'groups - list groups'
- print 'help - print this text'
- print 'mappings <type*> <name*>- print generator mappings for optional type and name'
- print 'quit'
- print 'showentries <hostname> <type> - show abstract configuration entries for a given host'
- print 'showclient <client1> <client2> - show metadata for given hosts'
- print 'update - process pending file events'
- print 'version - print version of this tool'
-def doGenerators(_, core):
- '''print out generator info'''
- for generator in core.generators:
- print generator.__version__
-def doGroups(_, core):
- '''print out group info'''
- data = [("Groups", "Profile", "Category", "Contains")]
- grouplist = core.metadata.groups.keys()
- grouplist.sort()
- for group in grouplist:
- if group in core.metadata.profiles:
- prof = 'yes'
+class infoCore(cmd.Cmd, Bcfg2.Server.Core.Core):
+ def __init__(self, cfpath):
+ cmd.Cmd.__init__(self)
+ try:
+ Bcfg2.Server.Core.Core.__init__(self, {}, cfpath)
+ except Bcfg2.Server.Core.CoreInitError, msg:
+ print "Core load failed because %s" % msg
+ raise SystemExit, 1
+ self.prompt = '> '
+ self.cont = True
+ for i in range(25):
+ print "Filesystem check %d of %d" % (i + 1, 25)
+ self.fam.Service()
+ time.sleep(0.5)
+ def do_debug(self, _):
+ self.cont = False
+ raise dummyError
+ def do_quit(self, _):
+ """Exit program.
+Usage: [quit|exit]"""
+ raise SystemExit, 0
+ do_EOF = do_quit
+ def do_help(self, _):
+ '''print out usage info'''
+ print 'Commands:'
+ print 'build <hostname> <filename> - build config for hostname, writing to filename'
+ print 'buildall <directory> - build configs for all clients in directory'
+ print 'buildfile <filename> <hostname> - build config file for hostname (not written to disk)'
+ print 'bundles - print out group/bundle information'
+ print 'clients - print out client/profile information'
+ print 'debug - shell out to native python interpreter'
+ print 'generators - list current versions of generators'
+ print 'groups - list groups'
+ print 'help - print this text'
+ print 'mappings <type*> <name*>- print generator mappings for optional type and name'
+ print 'quit'
+ print 'showentries <hostname> <type> - show abstract configuration entries for a given host'
+ print 'showclient <client1> <client2> - show metadata for given hosts'
+ print 'update - process pending file events'
+ print 'version - print version of this tool'
+ def do_update(self, _):
+ '''Process pending fs events'''
+ self.fam.Service()
+ def do_version(self, _):
+ '''print out code version'''
+ print __revision__
+ def do_build(self, args):
+ '''build client configuration'''
+ if len(args.split()) != 2:
+ client, ofile = args.split()
+ output = open(ofile, 'w')
+ data = lxml.etree.tostring(self.BuildConfiguration(client))
+ output.write(data)
+ output.close()
- prof = 'no'
- if core.metadata.categories.has_key(group):
- cat = core.metadata.categories[group]
+ print 'Usage: build <hostname> <output file>'
+ def do_buildall(self, args):
+ if len(args.split()) != 2:
+ print "Usage: buildall <directory>"
+ return
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(args)
+ except:
+ pass
+ for client in self.metadata.clients:
+ self.do_build(client, "%s/%s.xml" % (args, client))
+ def do_buildfile(self, args):
+ '''build a config file for client'''
+ if len(args.split()) == 2:
+ fname, client = args.split()
+ entry = lxml.etree.Element('ConfigFile', name=fname)
+ metadata = self.metadata.get_metadata(client)
+ self.Bind(entry, metadata)
+ print lxml.etree.tostring(entry)
- cat = ''
- gdata = [grp for grp in core.metadata.groups[group][1]]
- if group in gdata:
- gdata.remove(group)
- data.append((group, prof, cat, ','.join(gdata)))
- printTabular(data)
-def doShowclient(cmd, core):
- ''' print host metadata'''
- data = [('Client', 'Profile', "Groups", "Bundles")]
- for client in cmd[1:]:
- if client not in core.metadata.clients:
- print "Client %s not defined" % client
- continue
- profile = core.metadata.clients[client]
- bundles, groups, categories = core.metadata.groups[profile]
- groups.remove(profile)
- numbundles = len(bundles)
- numgroups = len(groups)
- num = max((numbundles, numgroups))
- for i in range(0,num):
- if i == 0:
- c = client
- p = profile
+ print 'Usage: buildfile filename hostname'
+ def do_bundles(self, _):
+ '''print out group/bundle info'''
+ data = [('Group', 'Bundles')]
+ groups = self.metadata.groups.keys()
+ groups.sort()
+ for group in groups:
+ data.append((group,
+ ','.join(self.metadata.groups[group][0])))
+ printTabular(data)
+ def do_clients(self, _):
+ '''print out client info'''
+ data = [('Client', 'Profile')]
+ clist = self.metadata.clients.keys()
+ clist.sort()
+ for client in clist:
+ data.append((client, self.metadata.clients[client]))
+ printTabular(data)
+ def do_generators(self, _):
+ '''print out generator info'''
+ for generator in self.generators:
+ print generator.__version__
+ def do_showentries(self, args):
+ '''show abstract configuration entries for a given host'''
+ arglen = len(args.split())
+ if arglen not in [2, 3]:
+ print "Usage: showentries <hostname> <type>"
+ return
+ client = args.split()[0]
+ try:
+ meta = self.metadata.get_metadata(client)
+ except Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.MetadataConsistencyError:
+ print "Unable to find metadata for host %s" % client
+ return
+ structures = self.GetStructures(meta)
+ output = [('entrytype', 'name')]
+ if arglen == 1:
+ for item in structures:
+ for child in item.getchildren():
+ output.append((child.tag, child.get('name')))
+ if arglen == 2:
+ etype = args.split()[1]
+ for item in structures:
+ for child in item.getchildren():
+ if child.tag == etype:
+ output.append((child.tag, child.get('name')))
+ printTabular(output)
+ def do_groups(self, _):
+ '''print out group info'''
+ data = [("Groups", "Profile", "Category", "Contains")]
+ grouplist = self.metadata.groups.keys()
+ grouplist.sort()
+ for group in grouplist:
+ if group in self.metadata.profiles:
+ prof = 'yes'
- c = ""
- p = ""
- if i < numbundles:
- b = bundles[i]
+ prof = 'no'
+ if self.metadata.categories.has_key(group):
+ cat = self.metadata.categories[group]
- b = ""
- if i < numgroups:
- g = groups[i]
+ cat = ''
+ gdata = [grp for grp in self.metadata.groups[group][1]]
+ if group in gdata:
+ gdata.remove(group)
+ data.append((group, prof, cat, ','.join(gdata)))
+ printTabular(data)
+ def do_showclient(self, args):
+ ''' print host metadata'''
+ data = [('Client', 'Profile', "Groups", "Bundles")]
+ if not len(args):
+ print "Usage:\nshowclient <client> ... <clientN>"
+ return
+ for client in args.split():
+ if client not in self.metadata.clients:
+ print "Client %s not defined" % client
+ continue
+ profile = self.metadata.clients[client]
+ bundles, groups, categories = self.metadata.groups[profile]
+ groups.remove(profile)
+ numbundles = len(bundles)
+ numgroups = len(groups)
+ num = max((numbundles, numgroups))
+ for i in range(0, num):
+ if i == 0:
+ c = client
+ p = profile
+ else:
+ c = ""
+ p = ""
+ if i < numbundles:
+ b = bundles[i]
+ else:
+ b = ""
+ if i < numgroups:
+ g = groups[i]
+ else:
+ g = ""
+ data.append((c, p, g, b))
+ if len(data) > 1:
+ printTabular(data)
+ def do_mappings(self, args):
+ '''print out mapping info'''
+ # dump all mappings unless type specified
+ data = [('Plugin', 'Type', 'Name')]
+ arglen = len(args.split())
+ for generator in self.generators:
+ if arglen == 0:
+ etypes = generator.Entries.keys()
- g = ""
- data.append((c, p, g, b))
- if len(data) > 1:
+ etypes = [args.split()[0]]
+ if arglen == 2:
+ interested = [(etype, [args.split()[1]]) \
+ for etype in etypes]
+ else:
+ interested = [(etype, generator.Entries[etype]) \
+ for etype in etypes \
+ if generator.Entries.has_key(etype)]
+ for etype, names in interested:
+ for name in [name for name in names if name in \
+ generator.Entries.get(etype, {})]:
+ data.append((generator.__name__, etype, name))
-def doMappings(cmd, core):
- '''print out mapping info'''
- # dump all mappings unless type specified
- data = [('Plugin', 'Type', 'Name')]
- for generator in core.generators:
- if len(cmd) == 1:
- etypes = generator.Entries.keys()
- elif len(cmd) > 1:
- etypes = [cmd[1]]
- if len(cmd) == 3:
- interested = [(etype, [cmd[2]]) for etype in etypes]
- else:
- interested = [(etype, generator.Entries[etype].keys()) for etype in etypes
- if generator.Entries.has_key(etype)]
- if [etype for (etype, names) in interested
- if generator.Entries.has_key(etype) and [name for name in names
- if generator.Entries[etype].has_key(name)]]:
- for (etype, names) in interested:
- for name in names:
- if generator.Entries.has_key(etype) and generator.Entries[etype].has_key(name):
- data.append((generator.__name__, etype, name))
- printTabular(data)
-def doQuit(cmd, core):
- '''exit program'''
- raise SystemExit, 0
-def doUpdate(_, core):
- '''Process pending fs events'''
- core.fam.Service()
-def doVersion(_, dummy):
- '''print out code version'''
- print __revision__
if __name__ == '__main__':
Bcfg2.Logging.setup_logging('bcfg2-info', to_syslog=False)
logger = logging.getLogger('bcfg2-info')
- dispatch = {'build': doBuild, 'buildall': doBuildAll,
- 'buildfile': doBuildFile, 'bundles': doBundles,
- 'clients': doClients, 'generators': doGenerators,
- 'groups': doGroups, 'help': doHelp,
- 'mappings': doMappings, 'quit': doQuit,
- 'showentries': doShowentries, 'update': doUpdate,
- 'version': doVersion, 'showclient': doShowclient}
if '-C' in sys.argv:
cfile = sys.argv[-1]
cfile = '/etc/bcfg2.conf'
- try:
- bcore = Bcfg2.Server.Core.Core({}, cfile)
- except Bcfg2.Server.Core.CoreInitError, msg:
- print "Core load failed because %s" % msg
- raise SystemExit, 1
- for i in range(25):
- print "Filesystem check %d of %d" % (i + 1, 25)
- bcore.fam.Service()
- time.sleep(0.5)
- while True:
- ucmd = getInput()
- if ucmd[0] == 'debug':
- break
- else:
- if dispatch.has_key(ucmd[0]):
- try:
- dispatch[ucmd[0]](ucmd, bcore)
- except SystemExit, code:
- raise SystemExit, code
- except Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginExecutionError:
- continue
- except:
- logger.error("command failure", exc_info=1)
- else:
- print "Unknown command: %s" % ucmd[0]
+ #bcore = Bcfg2.Server.Core.Core({}, cfile)
+ loop = infoCore(cfile)
+ while loop.cont:
+ try:
+ loop.cmdloop()
+ except SystemExit, val:
+ raise
+ except Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginExecutionError:
+ continue
+ except dummyError:
+ continue
+ except:
+ logger.error("command failure", exc_info=1)