path: root/src/sbin/bcfg2-reports
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/sbin/bcfg2-reports')
1 files changed, 239 insertions, 337 deletions
diff --git a/src/sbin/bcfg2-reports b/src/sbin/bcfg2-reports
index 3920f519a..cb553c0ba 100755
--- a/src/sbin/bcfg2-reports
+++ b/src/sbin/bcfg2-reports
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Query reporting system for client status."""
-__revision__ = '$Revision$'
import os
import sys
+import datetime
+from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, make_option
from Bcfg2.Bcfg2Py3k import ConfigParser
@@ -22,376 +23,277 @@ sys.path.pop()
# Set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE appropriately.
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = '%s.settings' % project_name
-from Bcfg2.Server.Reports.reports.models import Client
-import getopt
-import datetime
-import fileinput
-usage = """Usage: bcfg2-reports [option] ...
-Options and arguments (and corresponding environment variables):
--a : shows all hosts, including expired hosts
--b NAME : single-host mode - shows bad entries from the
- current interaction of NAME
--c : shows only clean hosts
--d : shows only dirty hosts
--e NAME : single-host mode - shows extra entries from the
- current interaction of NAME
--h : shows help and usage info about bcfg2-reports
--m NAME : single-host mode - shows modified entries from the
- current interaction of NAME
--s NAME : single-host mode - shows bad, modified, and extra
- entries from the current interaction of NAME
--t NAME : single-host mode - shows total number of managed and
- good entries from the current interaction of NAME
--x NAME : toggles expired/unexpired state of NAME
---badentry=KIND,NAME : shows only hosts whose current interaction has bad
- entries in of KIND kind and NAME name; if a single
- argument ARG1 is given, then KIND,NAME pairs will be
- read from a file of name ARG1
---modifiedentry=KIND,NAME : shows only hosts whose current interaction has
- modified entries in of KIND kind and NAME name; if a
- single argument ARG1 is given, then KIND,NAME pairs
- will be read from a file of name ARG1
---extraentry=KIND,NAME : shows only hosts whose current interaction has extra
- entries in of KIND kind and NAME name; if a single
- argument ARG1 is given, then KIND,NAME pairs will be
- read from a file of name ARG1
---fields=ARG1,ARG2,... : only displays the fields ARG1,ARG2,...
- (name,time,state)
---sort=ARG1,ARG2,... : sorts output on ARG1,ARG2,... (name,time,state)
---stale : shows hosts which haven't run in the last 24 hours
-def timecompare(client1, client2):
- """Compares two clients by their timestamps."""
- return cmp(client1.current_interaction.timestamp, \
- client2.current_interaction.timestamp)
-def namecompare(client1, client2):
- """Compares two clients by their names."""
- return cmp(,
-def statecompare(client1, client2):
- """Compares two clients by their states."""
- clean1 = client1.current_interaction.isclean()
- clean2 = client2.current_interaction.isclean()
- if clean1 and not clean2:
- return -1
- elif clean2 and not clean1:
- return 1
- else:
- return 0
-def totalcompare(client1, client2):
- """Compares two clients by their total entry counts."""
- return cmp(client2.current_interaction.totalcount, \
- client1.current_interaction.totalcount)
-def goodcompare(client1, client2):
- """Compares two clients by their good entry counts."""
- return cmp(client2.current_interaction.goodcount, \
- client1.current_interaction.goodcount)
+from Bcfg2.Server.Reports.reports.models import (Client, Entries_interactions,
+ Entries, TYPE_CHOICES)
-def badcompare(client1, client2):
- """Compares two clients by their bad entry counts."""
- return cmp(client2.current_interaction.totalcount - \
- client2.current_interaction.goodcount, \
- client1.current_interaction.totalcount - \
- client1.current_interaction.goodcount)
+def hosts_by_entry_type(clients, etype, entryspec):
+ result = []
+ for entry in entryspec:
+ for client in clients:
+ items = getattr(client.current_interaction, etype)()
+ for item in items:
+ if (item.entry.kind == entry[0] and
+ == entry[1]):
+ result.append(client)
+ return result
-def crit_compare(criterion, client1, client2):
- """Compares two clients by the criteria provided in criterion."""
- for crit in criterion:
- comp = 0
- if crit == 'name':
- comp = namecompare(client1, client2)
- elif crit == 'state':
- comp = statecompare(client1, client2)
- elif crit == 'time':
- comp = timecompare(client1, client2)
- elif crit == 'total':
- comp = totalcompare(client1, client2)
- elif crit == 'good':
- comp = goodcompare(client1, client2)
- elif crit == 'bad':
- comp = badcompare(client1, client2)
- if comp != 0:
- return comp
- return 0
-def print_fields(fields, cli, max_name, entrydict):
+def print_fields(fields, client, fmt, extra=None):
- Prints the fields specified in fields of cli, max_name
+ Prints the fields specified in fields of client, max_name
specifies the column width of the name column.
- fmt = ''
- for field in fields:
- if field == 'name':
- fmt += ("%%-%ds " % (max_name))
- else:
- fmt += "%s "
fdata = []
+ if extra is None:
+ extra = dict()
for field in fields:
if field == 'time':
- fdata.append(str(cli.current_interaction.timestamp))
+ fdata.append(str(client.current_interaction.timestamp))
elif field == 'state':
- if cli.current_interaction.isclean():
+ if client.current_interaction.isclean():
elif field == 'total':
- fdata.append("%5d" % cli.current_interaction.totalcount)
+ fdata.append(client.current_interaction.totalcount)
elif field == 'good':
- fdata.append("%5d" % cli.current_interaction.goodcount)
+ fdata.append(client.current_interaction.goodcount)
+ elif field == 'modified':
+ fdata.append(client.current_interaction.modified_entry_count())
+ elif field == 'extra':
+ fdata.append(client.current_interaction.extra_entry_count())
elif field == 'bad':
- fdata.append("%5d" % cli.current_interaction.totalcount \
- - cli.current_interaction.goodcount)
+ fdata.append((client.current_interaction.badcount()))
- fdata.append(getattr(cli, field))
+ fdata.append(getattr(client, field))
- fdata.append("N/A")
+ fdata.append(extra.get(field, "N/A"))
- display = fmt % tuple(fdata)
- if len(entrydict) > 0:
- display += " "
- display += str(entrydict[cli])
- print(display)
+ print(fmt % tuple(fdata))
-def print_entry(item, max_name):
- fmt = ("%%-%ds " % (max_name))
- fdata = item.entry.kind + ":" +
- display = fmt % (fdata)
- print(display)
-fields = ""
-sort = ""
-badentry = ""
-modifiedentry = ""
-extraentry = ""
-expire = ""
-singlehost = ""
+def print_entries(interaction, etype):
+ items = getattr(interaction, etype)()
+ for item in items:
+ print("%-70s %s" % (item.entry.kind + ":" +, etype))
-c_list = Client.objects.all()
+def main():
+ parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] <mode> [arg]")
-result = list()
-entrydict = dict()
+ # single host modes
+ multimodes = []
+ singlemodes = []
+ multimodes.append(make_option("-b", "--bad", action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="Show bad entries from HOST"))
+ multimodes.append(make_option("-e", "--extra", action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="Show extra entries from HOST"))
+ multimodes.append(make_option("-m", "--modified", action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="Show modified entries from HOST"))
+ multimodes.append(make_option("-s", "--show", action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="Equivalent to --bad --extra --modified"))
+ singlemodes.append(make_option("-t", "--total", action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="Show total number of managed and good "
+ "entries from HOST"))
+ singlemodes.append(make_option("-x", "--expire", action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="Toggle expired/unexpired state of "
+ "HOST"))
+ hostmodes = \
+ OptionGroup(parser, "Single-Host Modes",
+ "The following mode flags require a single HOST argument")
+ hostmodes.add_options(multimodes)
+ hostmodes.add_options(singlemodes)
+ parser.add_option_group(hostmodes)
-args = sys.argv[1:]
- opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(args, 'ab:cde:hm:s:t:x:',
- ['stale',
- 'sort=',
- 'fields=',
- 'badentry=',
- 'modifiedentry=',
- 'extraentry='])
-except getopt.GetoptError:
- msg = sys.exc_info()[1]
- print(msg)
- print(usage)
- sys.exit(2)
+ # all host modes
+ allhostmodes = OptionGroup(parser, "Host Selection Modes",
+ "The following mode flags require no arguments")
+ allhostmodes.add_option("-a", "--all", action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Show all hosts, including expired hosts")
+ allhostmodes.add_option("-c", "--clean", action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Show only clean hosts")
+ allhostmodes.add_option("-d", "--dirty", action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Show only dirty hosts")
+ allhostmodes.add_option("--stale", action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Show hosts that haven't run in the last 24 "
+ "hours")
+ parser.add_option_group(allhostmodes)
+ # entry modes
+ entrymodes = \
+ OptionGroup(parser, "Entry Modes",
+ "The following mode flags require either any number of "
+ "TYPE:NAME arguments describing entries, or the --file "
+ "option")
+ entrymodes.add_option("--badentry", action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Show hosts that have bad entries that match "
+ "the argument")
+ entrymodes.add_option("--modifiedentry", action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Show hosts that have modified entries that "
+ "match the argument")
+ entrymodes.add_option("--extraentry", action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Show hosts that have extra entries that match "
+ "the argument")
+ entrymodes.add_option("--entrystatus", action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Show the status of the named entry on all "
+ "hosts. Only supports a single entry.")
+ parser.add_option_group(entrymodes)
+ # entry options
+ entryopts = OptionGroup(parser, "Entry Options",
+ "Options that can be used with entry modes")
+ entryopts.add_option("--fields", metavar="FIELD,FIELD,...",
+ help="Only display the listed fields",
+ default='name,time,state')
+ entryopts.add_option("--file", metavar="FILE",
+ help="Read TYPE:NAME pairs from the specified file "
+ "instead of the command line")
+ parser.add_option_group(entryopts)
-for option in opts:
- if len(option) > 0:
- if option[0] == '--fields':
- fields = option[1]
- if option[0] == '--sort':
- sort = option[1]
- if option[0] == '--badentry':
- badentry = option[1]
- if option[0] == '--modifiedentry':
- modifiedentry = option[1]
- if option[0] == '--extraentry':
- extraentry = option[1]
- if option[0] == '-x':
- expire = option[1]
- if option[0] == '-s' or \
- option[0] == '-t' or \
- option[0] == '-b' or \
- option[0] == '-m' or \
- option[0] == '-e':
- singlehost = option[1]
+ options, args = parser.parse_args()
-if expire != "":
- for c_inst in c_list:
- if expire ==
- if c_inst.expiration == None:
- c_inst.expiration =
+ # make sure we've specified exactly one mode
+ mode_family = None
+ mode = None
+ for opt in allhostmodes.option_list + entrymodes.option_list + \
+ singlemodes:
+ if getattr(options, opt.dest):
+ if mode is not None:
+ parser.error("Only one mode can be specified; found %s and %s" %
+ (mode.get_opt_string(), opt.get_opt_string()))
+ mode = opt
+ mode_family = parser.get_option_group(opt.get_opt_string())
+ # you can specify more than one of --bad, --extra, --modified, --show, so
+ # consider single-host options separately
+ if not mode_family:
+ for opt in multimodes:
+ if getattr(options, opt.dest):
+ mode_family = parser.get_option_group(opt.get_opt_string())
+ break
+ if not mode_family:
+ parser.error("You must specify a mode")
+ if mode_family == hostmodes:
+ try:
+ cname = args.pop()
+ client = Client.objects.select_related().get(name=cname)
+ except IndexError:
+ parser.error("%s require a single HOST argument" % hostmodes.title)
+ except Client.DoesNotExist:
+ print("No such host: %s" % cname)
+ return 2
+ if options.expire:
+ if client.expiration == None:
+ client.expiration =
print("Host expired.")
- c_inst.expiration = None
+ client.expiration = None
print("Host un-expired.")
+ elif
+ managed = client.current_interaction.totalcount
+ good = client.current_interaction.goodcount
+ print("Total managed entries: %d (good: %d)" % (managed, good))
+ elif mode_family == hostmodes:
+ if options.bad or
+ print_entries(client.current_interaction, "bad")
-elif '-h' in args:
- print(usage)
-elif singlehost != "":
- for c_inst in c_list:
- if singlehost ==
- if '-t' in args:
- managed = c_inst.current_interaction.totalcount
- good = c_inst.current_interaction.goodcount
- print("Total managed entries: %d (good: %d)" % (managed, good))
- baditems = c_inst.current_interaction.bad()
- if len(baditems) > 0 and ('-b' in args or '-s' in args):
- print("Bad Entries:")
- max_name = -1
- for item in baditems:
- if len( > max_name:
- max_name = len(
- for item in baditems:
- print_entry(item, max_name)
- modifieditems = c_inst.current_interaction.modified()
- if len(modifieditems) > 0 and ('-m' in args or '-s' in args):
- print "Modified Entries:"
- max_name = -1
- for item in modifieditems:
- if len( > max_name:
- max_name = len(
- for item in modifieditems:
- print_entry(item, max_name)
- extraitems = c_inst.current_interaction.extra()
- if len(extraitems) > 0 and ('-e' in args or '-s' in args):
- print("Extra Entries:")
- max_name = -1
- for item in extraitems:
- if len( > max_name:
- max_name = len(
- for item in extraitems:
- print_entry(item, max_name)
+ if options.modified or
+ print_entries(client.current_interaction, "modified")
- if fields == "":
- fields = ['name', 'time', 'state']
+ if options.extra or
+ print_entries(client.current_interaction, "extra")
- fields = fields.split(',')
- if sort != "":
- sort = sort.split(',')
+ clients = Client.objects.exclude(current_interaction__isnull=True)
+ result = list()
+ edata = dict()
+ fields = options.fields.split(',')
- if badentry != "":
- badentry = badentry.split(',')
+ if mode_family == allhostmodes:
+ if args:
+ print("%s do not take any arguments, ignoring" %
+ allhostmodes.title)
- if modifiedentry != "":
- modifiedentry = modifiedentry.split(',')
+ for client in clients:
+ interaction = client.current_interaction
+ if (options.all or
+ (options.stale and interaction.isstale()) or
+ (options.clean and interaction.isclean()) or
+ (options.dirty and not interaction.isclean())):
+ result.append(client)
+ else:
+ # entry query modes
+ if options.file:
+ try:
+ entries = [l.strip().split(":")
+ for l in open(options.file)]
+ except IOError, err:
+ print("Cannot read entries from %s: %s" % (options.file,
+ err))
+ return 2
+ elif args:
+ entries = [a.split(":") for a in args]
+ else:
+ parser.error("%s require either a list of entries on the "
+ "command line or the --file options" %
+ mode_family.title)
+ if options.badentry:
+ result = hosts_by_entry_type(clients, "bad", entries)
+ elif options.modifiedentry:
+ result = hosts_by_entry_type(clients, "modified", entries)
+ elif options.extraentry:
+ result = hosts_by_entry_type(clients, "extra", entries)
+ elif options.entrystatus:
+ if 'state' in fields:
+ fields.remove('state')
+ fields.append("entry state")
+ try:
+ entry_obj = Entries.objects.get(
+ kind=entries[0][0],
+ name=entries[0][1])
+ except Entries.DoesNotExist:
+ print("No entry %s found" % ":".join(entries[0]))
+ return 2
- if extraentry != "":
- extraentry = extraentry.split(',')
- # stale hosts
- if '--stale' in args:
- for c_inst in c_list:
- if c_inst.current_interaction.isstale():
- result.append(c_inst)
- # clean hosts
- elif '-c' in args:
- for c_inst in c_list:
- if c_inst.current_interaction.isclean():
- result.append(c_inst)
- # dirty hosts
- elif '-d' in args:
- for c_inst in c_list:
- if not c_inst.current_interaction.isclean():
- result.append(c_inst)
+ for client in clients:
+ try:
+ entry = \
+ Entries_interactions.objects.select_related().get(
+ interaction=client.current_interaction,
+ entry=entry_obj)
+ edata[client] = \
+ {"entry state":dict(TYPE_CHOICES)[entry.type],
+ "reason":entry.reason}
+ result.append(client)
+ except Entries_interactions.DoesNotExist:
+ pass
- elif badentry != "":
- if len(badentry) == 1:
- fileread = fileinput.input(badentry[0])
- try:
- for line in fileread:
- badentry = line.strip().split(',')
- for c_inst in c_list:
- baditems = c_inst.current_interaction.bad()
- for item in baditems:
- if == badentry[1] and item.entry.kind == badentry[0]:
- result.append(c_inst)
- if c_inst in entrydict:
- entrydict.get(c_inst).append(badentry[1])
- else:
- entrydict[c_inst] = [badentry[1]]
- break
- except IOError:
- e = sys.exc_info()[1]
- print("Cannot read %s: %s" % (e.filename, e.strerror))
- else:
- for c_inst in c_list:
- baditems = c_inst.current_interaction.bad()
- for item in baditems:
- if == badentry[1] and item.entry.kind == badentry[0]:
- result.append(c_inst)
- break
- elif modifiedentry != "":
- if len(modifiedentry) == 1:
- fileread = fileinput.input(modifiedentry[0])
- try:
- for line in fileread:
- modifiedentry = line.strip().split(',')
- for c_inst in c_list:
- modifieditems = c_inst.current_interaction.modified()
- for item in modifieditems:
- if == modifiedentry[1] and item.entry.kind == modifiedentry[0]:
- result.append(c_inst)
- if c_inst in entrydict:
- entrydict.get(c_inst).append(modifiedentry[1])
- else:
- entrydict[c_inst] = [modifiedentry[1]]
- break
- except IOError:
- e = sys.exc_info()[1]
- print("Cannot read %s: %s" % (e.filename, e.strerror))
- else:
- for c_inst in c_list:
- modifieditems = c_inst.current_interaction.modified()
- for item in modifieditems:
- if == modifiedentry[1] and item.entry.kind == modifiedentry[0]:
- result.append(c_inst)
- break
- elif extraentry != "":
- if len(extraentry) == 1:
- fileread = fileinput.input(extraentry[0])
- try:
- for line in fileread:
- extraentry = line.strip().split(',')
- for c_inst in c_list:
- extraitems = c_inst.current_interaction.extra()
- for item in extraitems:
- if == extraentry[1] and item.entry.kind == extraentry[0]:
- result.append(c_inst)
- if c_inst in entrydict:
- entrydict.get(c_inst).append(extraentry[1])
- else:
- entrydict[c_inst] = [extraentry[1]]
- break
- except IOError:
- e = sys.exc_info()[1]
- print("Cannot read %s: %s" % (e.filename, e.strerror))
- else:
- for c_inst in c_list:
- extraitems = c_inst.current_interaction.extra()
- for item in extraitems:
- if == extraentry[1] and item.entry.kind == extraentry[0]:
- result.append(c_inst)
- break
- else:
- for c_inst in c_list:
- result.append(c_inst)
- max_name = -1
- if 'name' in fields:
- for c_inst in result:
- if len( > max_name:
- max_name = len(
+ if 'name' not in fields:
+ fields.insert(0, "name")
+ max_name = max(len( for c in result)
+ ffmt = []
+ for field in fields:
+ if field == "name":
+ ffmt.append("%%-%ds" % max_name)
+ elif field == "time":
+ ffmt.append("%-19s")
+ else:
+ ffmt.append("%%-%ds" % len(field))
+ fmt = " ".join(ffmt)
+ print(fmt % tuple(f.title() for f in fields))
+ for client in result:
+ if not client.expiration:
+ print_fields(fields, client, fmt,
+ extra=edata.get(client, None))
- if sort != "":
- result.sort(lambda x, y: crit_compare(sort, x, y))
- if fields != "":
- for c_inst in result:
- if '-a' in args or c_inst.expiration == None:
- print_fields(fields, c_inst, max_name, entrydict)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())