path: root/src/sbin
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/sbin')
1 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/sbin/StatReports b/src/sbin/StatReports
index e69de29bb..82d230972 100644
--- a/src/sbin/StatReports
+++ b/src/sbin/StatReports
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#Jun 7 2005
+'''Generates & distributes reports of statistic information for bcfg2'''
+from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
+from elementtree.ElementTree import *
+from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
+from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
+from smtplib import SMTP
+from time import asctime, strftime, strptime, ctime, gmtime
+from socket import gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, gaierror
+from sys import exit, argv
+from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
+import re, string, os
+def generatereport(report, delivery, deliverytype, statdata):
+ '''generatereport creates and returns a report consisting
+ list of tuples contining (title,body) pairs'''
+ reportsections = []
+ deliverytype = delivery.get("type", default = "nodes-individual")
+ reportgood = report.get("good", default = 'Y')
+ reportmodified = report.get("modified", default = 'Y')
+ current_date = asctime()[:10]
+ baddata = ''
+ modified = ''
+ msg = ''
+ mheader = ''
+ dirty = ''
+ clean = ''
+ '''build fqdn cache'''
+ domain_list=['', '', '', '']
+ fqdncache = {}
+ allnodes = statdata.findall("Node") #this code is duplicated please remove...
+ regex = string.join(map(lambda x:x.get("name"), report.findall('Machine')), '|')
+ pattern = re.compile(regex)
+ for node in allnodes:
+ nodename = node.get("name")
+ fqdncache[nodename] = ""
+ if pattern.match(node.get("name")):
+ for domain in domain_list:
+ try:
+ fqdn = "%s.%s" % (nodename, domain)
+ ipaddr = gethostbyname(fqdn)
+ fqdncache[nodename] = fqdn
+ break
+ except gaierror:
+ continue
+ #if fqdncache[nodename] == "":
+ #statdata.remove(node);
+ #del fqdncache[nodename]
+ for machine in report.findall('Machine'):
+ for node in statdata.findall('Node'):
+ if fqdncache[node.get("name")] == "":
+ continue
+ if node.attrib['name'] == machine.attrib['name']:
+ if deliverytype == 'nodes-digest':
+ mheader = "Machine: %s\n" % machine.attrib['name']
+ for stats in node.findall('Statistics'):
+ if stats.attrib['state'] == 'clean' \
+ and current_date in stats.attrib['time']:
+ clean += "%s\n" % machine.attrib['name']
+ if reportmodified == 'Y':
+ for modxml in stats.findall('Modified'):
+ if current_date in stats.attrib['time']:
+ modified += "\n%s\n" % tostring(modxml)
+ for bad in stats.findall('Bad'):
+ srtd = bad.findall('*')
+ srtd.sort(lambda x, y:cmp(tostring(x), tostring(y)))
+ strongbad = Element("Bad")
+ map(lambda x:strongbad.append(x), srtd)
+ baddata += "Time Ran:%s\n%s\n" % (stats.attrib['time'], tostring(strongbad))
+ dirty += "%s\n" % machine.attrib['name']
+ strongbad = ''
+ if deliverytype == 'nodes-individual':
+ if baddata != '':
+ reportsections.append(("%s: Bcfg Nightly Errors" % machine.attrib['name'], \
+ "%s%s" % (modified, baddata)))
+ else:
+ if reportgood == 'Y':
+ reportsections.append(("%s: Bcfg Nightly Good"%machine.attrib['name'], \
+ "%s%s" % (modified, baddata)))
+ baddata = ''
+ modified = ''
+ else:
+ if not (modified == '' and baddata == ''):
+ msg += "%s %s %s\n" % (mheader, modified, baddata)
+ baddata = ''
+ modified = ''
+ if deliverytype == 'nodes-digest':
+ if msg != '':
+ reportsections.append(("Bcfg Nightly Errors", \
+ "DIRTY:\n%s\nCLEAN:\n%s\nDETAILS:\n%s" % (dirty, clean, msg)))
+ else:
+ if reportgood == 'Y':
+ reportsections.append(("Bcfg Nightly All Machines Good", "All Machines Nomnial"))
+ if deliverytype == 'overview-stats':
+ children = statdata.findall("Node")
+ regex = string.join(map(lambda x:x.get("name"), report.findall('Machine')), '|')
+ pattern = re.compile(regex)
+ childstates = []
+ for child in children:
+ if fqdncache[child.get("name")] == "":
+ continue
+ if pattern.match(child.get("name")):
+ child.states = []
+ for state in child.findall("Statistics"):
+ child.states.append((child.get("name"), state.get("state"), state.get("time")))
+ if child.states != []:
+ childstates.append(child.states[len(child.states)-1])
+ childstates.sort(lambda x, y:cmp(x[0], y[0]))
+ staleones = []
+ cleanones = []
+ dirtyones = []
+ unpingableones = []
+ for instance in childstates:
+ if instance[1] == "dirty":
+ dirtyones.append(instance)
+ elif instance[1] == "clean":
+ cleanones.append(instance)
+ if strptime(instance[2])[0] != strptime(ctime())[0] \
+ or strptime(instance[2])[1] != strptime(ctime())[1] \
+ or strptime(instance[2])[2] != strptime(ctime())[2]:
+ staleones.append(instance)
+ removableones = []
+ # if staleones != []:
+ # print "Pinging hosts that didn't run today. Please wait"
+ for instance in staleones:
+ if os.system( 'ping -c 1 ' + fqdncache[instance[0]] + ' &>/dev/null') != 0:
+ removableones.append(instance)
+ unpingableones.append(instance)
+ for item in unpingableones:
+ staleones.remove(item)
+ statmsg = ''
+ statmsg += "SUMMARY INFORMATION:\n"
+ statmsg += "Up & Not Running Nightly: %d\n" % len(staleones)
+ statmsg += "Unpingable: %d\n" % len(unpingableones)
+ statmsg += "Dirty: %d\n" % len(dirtyones)
+ statmsg += "Clean: %d\n" % len(cleanones)
+ statmsg += "---------------------------------\n"
+ #total = len(cleanones) + len(dirtyones)
+ statmsg += "Total: %d\n\n\n" % len(childstates)
+ statmsg += "\n UP AND NOT RUNNING NIGHTLY:\n"
+ for one in staleones:
+ statmsg += fqdncache[one[0]] + "\n"
+ statmsg += "\nDIRTY:\n"
+ for one in dirtyones:
+ statmsg += fqdncache[one[0]] + "\n"
+ statmsg += "\nCLEAN:\n"
+ for one in cleanones:
+ statmsg += fqdncache[one[0]] + "\n"
+ statmsg += "\nUNPINGABLE:\n"
+ for one in unpingableones:
+ statmsg += fqdncache[one[0]] + "\n"
+ reportsections.append(("Bcfg Nightly Errors", "%s" % (statmsg)))
+ return reportsections
+def mail(reportsections, delivery):
+ '''mail mails a previously generated report'''
+ mailer = SMTP('localhost')
+ fromaddr = ""
+ for destination in delivery.findall('Destination'):
+ toaddr = destination.attrib['address']
+ for section in reportsections:
+ msg = "To: %s\nFrom: %s\nSubject: %s\n\n\n%s" % \
+ (toaddr, fromaddr, section[0], section[1])
+ mailer.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, msg)
+ mailer.quit()
+def rss(reportsections, delivery, report):
+ '''rss appends a new report to the specified rss file
+ keeping the last 9 articles'''
+ #check and see if rss file exists
+ for destination in delivery.findall('Destination'):
+ try:
+ fil = open(destination.attrib['address'], 'r')
+ olddoc = XML(
+ #defines the number of recent articles to keep
+ items = olddoc.find("channel").findall("item")[0:9]
+ fil.close()
+ fil = open(destination.attrib['address'], 'w')
+ except (IOError, ExpatError):
+ fil = open(destination.attrib['address'], 'w')
+ items = []
+ rssdata = Element("rss")
+ channel = SubElement(rss, "channel")
+ rssdata.set("version", "2.0")
+ chantitle = SubElement(channel, "title")
+ chantitle.text = report.attrib['name']
+ chanlink = SubElement(channel, "link")
+ #this can later link to WWW report if one gets published simultaneously
+ chanlink.text = ""
+ chandesc = SubElement(channel, "description")
+ chandesc.text = "Information regarding the 10 most recent bcfg2 runs."
+ for section in reportsections:
+ item = SubElement(channel, "item")
+ title = SubElement(item, "title")
+ title.text = section[0]
+ description = SubElement(item, "description")
+ description.text = "<pre>"+escape(section[1])+"</pre>"
+ date = SubElement(item, "pubDate")
+ date.text = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime())
+ item = None
+ if items != []:
+ for item in items:
+ channel.append(item)
+ tree = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" + tostring(rssdata)
+ fil.write(tree)
+ fil.close()
+def www(reportsections, delivery):
+ '''www outputs report to simple HTML'''
+ #check and see if rss file xists
+ for destination in delivery.findall('Destination'):
+ fil = open(destination.attrib['address'], 'w')
+ html = Element("HTML")
+ body = SubElement(html, "BODY")
+ for section in reportsections:
+ SubElement(body, "br")
+ item = SubElement(body, "div")
+ title = SubElement(item, "h1")
+ title.text = section[0]
+ pre = SubElement(item, "pre")
+ pre.text = section[1]
+ SubElement(body, "hr")
+ SubElement(body, "br")
+ fil.write(tostring(html))
+ fil.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ c = ConfigParser()
+ configpath = "%s/report-configuration.xml" % c.get('server', 'metadata')
+ statpath = "%s/statistics.xml" % c.get('server', 'metadata')
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt(argv[1:], "hc:s:", ["help", "config=", "stats="])
+ except GetoptError, mesg:
+ # print help information and exit:
+ print "%s\nUsage:\ [-h] [-c <configuration-file>] [-s <statistics-file>]" % (mesg)
+ exit(2)
+ for o, a in opts:
+ if o in ("-h", "--help"):
+ print "Usage:\ [-h] [-c <configuration-file>] [-s <statistics-file>]"
+ exit()
+ if o in ("-c", "--config"):
+ configpath = a
+ if o in ("-s", "--stats"):
+ statpath = a
+ try:
+ statsdata = XML(open(statpath).read())
+ except (IOError, ExpatError):
+ print("StatReports: Failed to parse %s"%(statpath))
+ exit(1)
+ '''Reads report configuration info'''
+ try:
+ configdata = XML(open(configpath).read())
+ except (IOError, ExpatError):
+ print("StatReports: Failed to parse %s"%(configpath))
+ exit(1)
+ for reprt in configdata.findall('Report'):
+ for deliv in reprt.findall('Delivery'):
+ delivtype = deliv.get('type', default='nodes-digest')
+ deliverymechanism = deliv.get('mechanism', default='invalid')
+ reportsects = generatereport(reprt, deliv, delivtype, statsdata)
+ if deliverymechanism == 'mail':
+ mail(reportsects, deliv)
+ elif deliverymechanism == 'rss':
+ rss(reportsects, deliv, reprt)
+ elif deliverymechanism == 'www':
+ www(reportsects, deliv)
+ else:
+ print("StatReports: Invalid delivery mechanism in report-configuration!")
+ deliverymechanism = ''
+ delivtype = ''