path: root/src/sbin
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/sbin')
2 files changed, 68 insertions, 242 deletions
diff --git a/src/sbin/bcfg2 b/src/sbin/bcfg2
index 5afa9d7e5..0720d1b53 100755
--- a/src/sbin/bcfg2
+++ b/src/sbin/bcfg2
@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
'''Bcfg2 Client'''
__revision__ = '$Revision$'
-from ConfigParser import ConfigParser, NoSectionError, NoOptionError
from lxml.etree import Element, XML, tostring, XMLSyntaxError
-import getopt, logging, os, signal, sys, tempfile, time, traceback, xmlrpclib
+import logging, os, signal, sys, tempfile, time, traceback, xmlrpclib
+import Bcfg2.Options
import Bcfg2.Client.Proxy, Bcfg2.Logging
except KeyError:
@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ def cb_sigint_handler(signum, frame):
class Client:
''' The main bcfg2 client class '''
- def __init__(self, args):
+ def __init__(self):
level = 30
if '-v' in sys.argv:
level = 20
@@ -29,82 +30,53 @@ class Client:
self.logger = logging.getLogger('bcfg2')
self.toolset = None
self.config = None
- self.options = {
- 'verbose': 'v',
- 'quick': 'q',
- 'debug': 'd',
- 'dryrun': 'n',
- 'build': 'B',
- 'paranoid': 'P',
- 'bundle': 'b',
- 'file': 'f',
- 'cache': 'c',
- 'profile': 'p',
- 'image': 'i',
- 'remove': 'r',
- 'help': 'h',
- 'setup': 's',
- 'server': 'S',
- 'user': 'u',
- 'password': 'x',
- 'retries': 'R'
- }
- self.argOptions = {
- 'v': 'verbose',
- 'q': 'quick',
- 'd': 'debug',
- 'n': 'dryrun',
- 'B': 'build',
- 'P': 'paranoid',
- 'b': 'bundle',
- 'f': 'file',
- 'c': 'cache',
- 'p': 'profile',
- 'r': 'remove',
- 'h': 'help',
- 's': 'setup',
- 'S': 'server',
- 'u': 'user',
- 'x': 'password',
- 'R': 'retries'
- }
- self.descriptions = {
- 'verbose': "enable verbose output",
- 'quick': "disable some checksum verification",
- 'debug': "enable debugging output",
- 'dryrun': "do not actually change the system",
- 'build': "disable service control (implies -q)",
- 'paranoid': "make automatic backups of config files",
- 'bundle': "only configure the given bundle",
- 'file': "configure from a file rather than querying the server",
- 'cache': "store the configuration in a file",
- 'image': "assert the given image for the host",
- 'profile': "assert the given profile for the host",
- 'remove': "force removal of additional configuration items",
- 'help': "print this help message",
- 'setup': "use given setup file (default /etc/bcfg2.conf)",
- 'server': 'the server hostname to connect to',
- 'user': 'the user to provide for authentication',
- 'password': 'the password to use',
- 'retries': 'the number of times to retry network communication'
- }
- self.argumentDescriptions = {
- 'bundle': "<bundle name>",
- 'file': "<cache file>",
- 'cache': "<cache file>",
- 'profile': "<profile name>",
- 'remove': "(packages | services | all)",
- 'setup': "<setup file>",
- 'server': '<hostname> ',
- 'user': '<user name> ',
- 'password': '<password> ',
- 'retries': '<number of retries>'
+ optinfo = {
+ # 'optname': (('-a', argdesc, optdesc),
+ # env, cfpath, default, boolean)),
+ 'verbose':(('-v', False,"enable verbose output"),
+ False, False, False, True),
+ 'quick':(('-q', False, "disable some checksum verification"),
+ False, False, False, True),
+ 'debug':(('-d', False, "enable debugging output"),
+ False, False, False, True),
+ 'dryrun':(('-n', False, "do not actually change the system"),
+ False, False, False, True),
+ 'build': (('-B', False, "run in build mode"),
+ False, False, False, True),
+ 'paranoid':(('-P', False, "make automatic backups of config files"),
+ False, False, False, True),
+ 'bundle':(('-b', '<bundle>', "only configure the given bundle"),
+ False, False, False, False),
+ 'file': (('-f', "<configspec>", "configure from a file rather than querying the server"),
+ False, False, False, False),
+ 'cache': (('-c', "<configspec>", "store the configuration in a file"),
+ False, False, False, False),
+ 'profile': (('-p', '<profile>', "assert the given profile for the host"),
+ False, False, False, False),
+ 'remove': (('-r', '(packages|services|all)', "force removal of additional configuration items"),
+ False, False, False, False),
+ 'help': (('-h', False, "print this help message"),
+ False, False, False, False),
+ 'setup': (('-C', '<configfile>', "use given config file (default /etc/bcfg2.conf)"),
+ False, False, '/etc/bcfg2.conf', False),
+ 'server': (('-S', '<server url>', 'the server hostname to connect to'),
+ False, ('components', 'bcfg2'), 'https://localhost:6789', False),
+ 'user': (('-u', '<user>', 'the user to provide for authentication'),
+ False, ('communication', 'user'), 'root', False),
+ 'password': (('-x', '<password>', 'the password to provide for authentication'),
+ False, ('communication', 'password'), 'password', False),
+ 'retries': (('-R', '<numretries>', 'the number of times to retry network communication'),
+ False, ('communication', 'retries'), '3', False),
- self.setup = {}
- self.get_setup(args)
+ self.setup = Bcfg2.Options.OptionParser('bcfg2', optinfo).parse()
if self.setup['remove'] not in [False, 'all', 'services', 'packages']:
self.logger.error("Got unknown argument %s for -r" % (self.setup['remove']))
+ if (self.setup["file"] != False) and (self.setup["cache"] != False):
+ print "cannot use -f and -c together"
+ raise SystemExit, 1
def load_toolset(self, toolset_name):
'''Import client toolset modules'''
@@ -168,103 +140,6 @@ class Client:
print "Fatal error: %s" % (message)
raise SystemExit, 1
- def usage_error(self, message):
- '''Die because script was called the wrong way'''
- print "Usage error: %s" % (message)
- self.print_usage()
- raise SystemExit, 2
- def print_usage(self):
- ''' Display usage information for bcfg2 '''
- print "bcfg2 usage:"
- for arg in self.options.iteritems():
- if self.argumentDescriptions.has_key(arg[0]):
- print " -%s %s\t%s" % (arg[1],
- self.argumentDescriptions[arg[0]],
- self.descriptions[arg[0]])
- else:
- print " -%s\t\t\t%s" % (arg[1], self.descriptions[arg[0]])
- def fill_setup_from_file(self, setup_file, ret):
- ''' Read any missing configuration information from a file'''
- default = {
- 'server': 'http://localhost:6789/',
- 'user': 'root',
- 'retries': '6'
- }
- config_locations = {
- 'server': ('components', 'bcfg2'),
- 'user': ('communication', 'user'),
- 'password': ('communication', 'password'),
- 'retries': ('communicaton', 'retries')
- }
- self.logger.debug(self.setup)
- config_parser = None
- for (key, (section, option)) in config_locations.iteritems():
- try:
- if not (ret.has_key(key) and ret[key]):
- if config_parser == None:
- self.logger.debug("no %s provided, reading setup info from %s" %
- (key, setup_file))
- config_parser = ConfigParser()
- try:
- ret[key] = config_parser.get(section, option)
- except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError):
- if default.has_key(key):
- ret[key] = default[key]
- else:
- self.fatal_error(
- "%s does not contain a value for %s (in %s)" %
- (setup_file, option, section))
- except IOError, io_error:
- self.fatal_error("unable to read %s: %s" %
- (setup_file, io_error))
- except SystemExit:
- raise
- except:
- self.critical_error("reading config file")
- def get_setup(self, args):
- '''parse options into a dictionary'''
- for option in self.options.keys():
- self.setup[option] = False
- gstr = "".join([self.options[option] for option in self.options if
- option not in self.argumentDescriptions] +
- ["%s:" % (self.options[option]) for option in self.options if
- option in self.argumentDescriptions])
- try:
- ginfo = getopt.getopt(args, gstr)
- except getopt.GetoptError, gerr:
- self.usage_error(gerr)
- for (gopt, garg) in ginfo[0]:
- option = self.argOptions[gopt[1:]]
- if self.argumentDescriptions.has_key(option):
- self.setup[option] = garg
- else:
- self.setup[option] = True
- if (self.setup["file"] != False) and (self.setup["cache"] != False):
- self.usage_error("cannot use -f and -c together")
- if self.setup["help"] == True:
- self.print_usage()
- raise SystemExit, 0
- if self.setup["setup"]:
- setup_file = self.setup["setup"]
- else:
- setup_file = '/etc/bcfg2.conf'
- self.fill_setup_from_file(setup_file, self.setup)
def run(self):
''' Perform client execution phase '''
times = {}
@@ -398,4 +273,4 @@ class Client:
if __name__ == '__main__':
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, cb_sigint_handler)
- Client(sys.argv[1:]).run()
+ Client().run()
diff --git a/src/sbin/bcfg2-server b/src/sbin/bcfg2-server
index 2b0d71d55..daa79d090 100755
--- a/src/sbin/bcfg2-server
+++ b/src/sbin/bcfg2-server
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ from Bcfg2.Server.Metadata import MetadataConsistencyError
from xmlrpclib import Fault
from lxml.etree import XML, Element, tostring
-import getopt, logging, os, select, signal, socket, sys
-import Bcfg2.Logging, Bcfg2.Server.Component
+import logging, os, select, signal, socket, sys
+import Bcfg2.Logging, Bcfg2.Options, Bcfg2.Server.Component
logger = logging.getLogger('bcfg2-server')
@@ -39,42 +39,6 @@ def critical_error(operation):
logger.error(operation, exc_info=1)
raise Fault, (7, "Critical unexpected failure: %s" % (operation))
-def fatal_error(message):
- '''Signal a fatal error'''
- logger.critical("Fatal error: %s" % (message))
- raise SystemExit, 1
-def usage(message, opts, vopts, odescs, vargDescs):
- '''print usage message'''
- logger.critical(message)
- [logger.critical(" -%s\t\t\t%s" % (arg, odescs[arg])) for arg in opts]
- [logger.critical(" -%s %s\t%s" % (arg, vargDescs[arg], odescs[arg])) for arg in vopts]
- raise SystemExit, 2
-def dgetopt(arglist, opt, vopt, descs, argDescs):
- '''parse options into a dictionary'''
- ret = {}
- for optname in opt.values() + vopt.values():
- ret[optname] = False
- gstr = "".join(opt.keys()) + "".join([optionkey + ':' for optionkey in vopt.keys()])
- try:
- ginfo = getopt.getopt(arglist, gstr)
- except getopt.GetoptError, gerr:
- usage("Usage error: %s" % gerr, opt, vopt, descs, argDescs)
- for (gopt, garg) in ginfo[0]:
- option = gopt[1:]
- if opt.has_key(option):
- ret[opt[option]] = True
- else:
- ret[vopt[option]] = garg
- if ret["help"] == True:
- usage("Usage information", opt, vopt, descs, argDescs)
- return ret
class Bcfg2Serv(Bcfg2.Server.Component.Component):
"""The Bcfg2 Server component providing XML-RPC access to Bcfg methods"""
__name__ = 'bcfg2'
@@ -85,17 +49,18 @@ class Bcfg2Serv(Bcfg2.Server.Component.Component):
def __init__(self, setup):
Bcfg2.Server.Component.Component.__init__(self, setup)
+ self.shut = False
except Bcfg2.Server.Component.ComponentInitError:
self.shut = True
- return
- self.shut = False
# set shutdown handlers for sigint and sigterm
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.start_shutdown)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.start_shutdown)
self.Core = Core(setup, setup['configfile'])
except CoreInitError, msg:
- fatal_error(msg)
+ logger.critical("Fatal error: %s" % (msg))
+ raise SystemExit, 1
"AssertProfile": self.Bcfg2AssertProfile,
@@ -205,39 +170,25 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
Bcfg2.Logging.setup_logging('bcfg2-server', to_console=False)
- options = {
- 'v':'verbose',
- 'd':'debug',
- 'h':'help'
- }
- doptions = {
- 'D':'daemon',
- 'c':'configfile',
- 'C':'client'
- }
- descriptions = {
- 'v': "enable verbose output",
- 'd': "enable debugging output",
- 'D': "daemonise the server, storing PID",
- 'c': "set the server's config file",
- 'C': "always return the given client's config (debug only)",
- 'h': "display this usage information"
- }
- argDescriptions = {
- 'D': "<PID file> ",
- 'c': "<config file>",
- 'C': "<client hostname>"
+ optinfo = {
+ 'verbose': (('-v', False, 'enable verbose output'),
+ False, False, False, True),
+ 'debug': (('-d', False, 'enable debugging output'),
+ False, False, False, True),
+ 'help': (('-h', False, 'display this usage information'),
+ False, False, False, True),
+ 'daemon': (('-D', '<pidfile>', 'daemonize the server, storing PID'),
+ False, False, False, False),
+ 'configfile': (('-C', '<conffile>', 'use this config file'),
+ False, False, '/etc/bcfg2.conf', False),
+ 'client': (('-c', '<client>', 'hard set the client name (for debugging)'),
+ False, False, False, False)
- ssetup = dgetopt(sys.argv[1:], options, doptions,
- descriptions, argDescriptions)
+ ssetup = Bcfg2.Options.OptionParser('bcfg2', optinfo).parse()
if ssetup['daemon']:
- if not ssetup['configfile']:
- ssetup['configfile'] = '/etc/bcfg2.conf'
s = Bcfg2Serv(ssetup)
while not s.shut: