path: root/src/sbin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/sbin')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/sbin/bcfg2 b/src/sbin/bcfg2
index e69de29bb..2c629913b 100644
--- a/src/sbin/bcfg2
+++ b/src/sbin/bcfg2
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
+from os import popen, chmod, unlink
+from sys import argv, exit
+from string import join
+from tempfile import mktemp
+from elementtree.ElementTree import Element, XML, tostring
+from sss.ssslib import comm_lib
+from Bcfg2.Client.Debian import Debian
+def RunProbe(probe):
+ ret = Element("probe-data", name=probe.attrib['name'], source=probe.attrib['source'])
+ script = open(mktemp(), 'w+')
+ script.write("#!%s\n"%(probe.attrib.get('interpreter', '/bin/sh')))
+ script.write(probe.text)
+ script.close()
+ chmod(, 0755)
+ ret.text = popen(
+ unlink(
+ return ret
+def dgetopt(arglist, opt, vopt):
+ r = {}
+ for o in opt.values() + vopt.values():
+ r[o] = False
+ gstr = join(opt.keys()) + join([x+':' for x in vopt.keys()])
+ try:
+ (o, a) = getopt(arglist, gstr)
+ except GetoptError, g:
+ print g
+ print "bcfg2 Usage:"
+ for (k,v) in opt.iteritems():
+ print " -%s %s"%(k,v)
+ for (k,v) in vopt.iteritems():
+ print " -%s <%s>"%(k,v)
+ exit(1)
+ for (gopt,garg) in o:
+ option = gopt[1:]
+ if opt.has_key(option):
+ r[opt[option]] = True
+ else:
+ r[vopt[option]] = garg
+ return r
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # parse command line options
+ options = {'v':'verbose','q':'quick', 'd':'debug', 'n':'dryrun', 'B':'build'}
+ doptions = {'b':'bundle', 'f':'file', 'c':'cache'}
+ setup = dgetopt(argv[1:], options, doptions)
+ print setup
+ # connect to bcfg2d
+ comm = comm_lib()
+ h = comm.ClientInit("bcfg2")
+ # get probes
+ comm.SendMessage(h, "<get-probes/>")
+ data = comm.RecvMessage(h)
+ if setup['verbose']: print data
+ probes = XML(data)
+ # execute probes
+ probedata = map(RunProbe, probes.findall(".//probe"))
+ # upload probe responses
+ cpd = Element("probe-data")
+ map(lambda x:cpd.append(x), probedata)
+ if setup['verbose'] : print tostring(cpd)
+ comm.SendMessage(h, tostring(cpd))
+ r = comm.RecvMessage(h)
+ # get config
+ comm.SendMessage(h, "<get-config/>")
+ r = comm.RecvMessage(h)
+ if setup['cache']:
+ try:
+ open(setup['cache'], 'w').write(r)
+ except:
+ print "failed to write config cache file %s"%(setup['cache'])
+ cfg = XML(r)
+ if cfg.tag == 'error':
+ print "got error from server"
+ exit(1)
+ # initialize toolset stuff
+ toolset = Debian(cfg, setup)
+ # verify state
+ unexamined = cfg.getchildren()
+ structurestate = {}
+ entrystate = {}
+ while unexamined:
+ r = unexamined.pop()
+ unexamined += r.getchildren()
+ if r.tag in ['Bundle', 'Image']:
+ structurestate[r] = False
+ continue
+ try:
+ method = getattr(toolset, "Verify%s"%(r.tag))
+ except:
+ print ":failed: for %s :failed:"%(tostring(r))
+ continue
+ # verify state and stash value in state
+ entrystate[r] = method(r)
+ if setup['debug']:
+ print r.attrib['name'], entrystate[r]
+ # now we go back to check structures
+ for structure in cfg.getchildren():
+ for child in structure.getchildren():
+ if not entrystate[child]:
+ break
+ structurestate[structure] = True
+ for entry in [k for (k,v) in entrystate.iteritems() if not v]:
+ method = getattr(toolset, "Install%s"%(entry.tag))
+ entrystate[entry] = method(entry)
+ for structure in structurestate.keys():
+ if structurestate[structure]:
+ continue
+ for entry in structure.getchildren():
+ entrystate[entry] = getattr(toolset, "Verify%s"%(entry.tag))
+ states = map(lambda x:entrystate[x], structure.getchildren())
+ if False not in states:
+ structurestate[structure] = True
+ #print entrystate
+ print "good:",
+ for k,v in entrystate.iteritems():
+ if v:
+ print k.attrib['name'],
+ # install config
+ # upload statistics
+ comm.ClientClose(h)