path: root/testsuite/Testlib/TestServer/TestPlugins/
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/Testlib/TestServer/TestPlugins/')
1 files changed, 549 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/Testlib/TestServer/TestPlugins/ b/testsuite/Testlib/TestServer/TestPlugins/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a971c245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/Testlib/TestServer/TestPlugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import lxml.etree
+import Bcfg2.Server
+import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin
+from mock import Mock, MagicMock, patch
+# add all parent testsuite directories to sys.path to allow (most)
+# relative imports in python 2.4
+path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+while path != "/":
+ if os.path.basename(path).lower().startswith("test"):
+ sys.path.append(path)
+ if os.path.basename(path) == "testsuite":
+ break
+ path = os.path.dirname(path)
+from common import XI_NAMESPACE, XI, inPy3k, call, builtins, u, can_skip, \
+ skip, skipIf, skipUnless, Bcfg2TestCase, DBModelTestCase, syncdb, \
+ patchIf, datastore
+from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Probes import *
+from TestPlugin import TestEntrySet, TestProbing, TestConnector, \
+ TestDatabaseBacked
+# test data for JSON and YAML tests
+test_data = dict(a=1, b=[1, 2, 3], c="test")
+class FakeList(list):
+ pass
+class TestProbesDB(DBModelTestCase):
+ if has_django:
+ models = [ProbesGroupsModel, ProbesDataModel]
+class TestClientProbeDataSet(Bcfg2TestCase):
+ def test__init(self):
+ ds = ClientProbeDataSet()
+ self.assertLessEqual(ds.timestamp, time.time())
+ self.assertIsInstance(ds, dict)
+ self.assertNotIn("timestamp", ds)
+ ds = ClientProbeDataSet(timestamp=123)
+ self.assertEqual(ds.timestamp, 123)
+ self.assertNotIn("timestamp", ds)
+class TestProbeData(Bcfg2TestCase):
+ def test_str(self):
+ # a value that is not valid XML, JSON, or YAML
+ val = "'test"
+ # test string behavior
+ data = ProbeData(val)
+ self.assertIsInstance(data, str)
+ self.assertEqual(data, val)
+ # test 1.2.0-1.2.2 broken behavior
+ self.assertEqual(, val)
+ # test that formatted data accessors return None
+ self.assertIsNone(data.xdata)
+ self.assertIsNone(data.yaml)
+ self.assertIsNone(data.json)
+ def test_xdata(self):
+ xdata = lxml.etree.Element("test")
+ lxml.etree.SubElement(xdata, "test2")
+ data = ProbeData(lxml.etree.tostring(xdata,
+ xml_declaration=False).decode('UTF-8'))
+ self.assertIsNotNone(data.xdata)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(data.xdata.find("test2"))
+ @skipUnless(has_json, "JSON libraries not found, skipping JSON tests")
+ def test_json(self):
+ jdata = json.dumps(test_data)
+ data = ProbeData(jdata)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(data.json)
+ self.assertItemsEqual(test_data, data.json)
+ @skipUnless(has_yaml, "YAML libraries not found, skipping YAML tests")
+ def test_yaml(self):
+ jdata = yaml.dump(test_data)
+ data = ProbeData(jdata)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(data.yaml)
+ self.assertItemsEqual(test_data, data.yaml)
+class TestProbeSet(TestEntrySet):
+ test_obj = ProbeSet
+ basenames = ["test", "_test", "test-test"]
+ ignore = ["foo~", ".#foo", ".foo.swp", ".foo.swx", "probed.xml"]
+ bogus_names = [""]
+ def get_obj(self, path=datastore, fam=None, encoding=None,
+ plugin_name="Probes", basename=None):
+ # get_obj() accepts the basename argument, accepted by the
+ # parent get_obj() method, and just throws it away, since
+ # ProbeSet uses a regex for the "basename"
+ if fam is None:
+ fam = Mock()
+ rv = self.test_obj(path, fam, encoding, plugin_name)
+ rv.entry_type = MagicMock()
+ return rv
+ def test__init(self):
+ fam = Mock()
+ ps = self.get_obj(fam=fam)
+ self.assertEqual(ps.plugin_name, "Probes")
+ fam.AddMonitor.assert_called_with(datastore, ps)
+ TestEntrySet.test__init(self)
+ def test_HandleEvent(self):
+ ps = self.get_obj()
+ ps.handle_event = Mock()
+ # test that events on the data store itself are skipped
+ evt = Mock()
+ evt.filename = datastore
+ ps.HandleEvent(evt)
+ self.assertFalse(ps.handle_event.called)
+ # test that events on probed.xml are skipped
+ evt.reset_mock()
+ evt.filename = "probed.xml"
+ ps.HandleEvent(evt)
+ self.assertFalse(ps.handle_event.called)
+ # test that other events are processed appropriately
+ evt.reset_mock()
+ evt.filename = "fooprobe"
+ ps.HandleEvent(evt)
+ ps.handle_event.assert_called_with(evt)
+ @patch("%s.list" % builtins, FakeList)
+ def test_get_probe_data(self):
+ ps = self.get_obj()
+ # build some fairly complex test data for this. in the end,
+ # we want the probe data to include only the most specific
+ # version of a given probe, and by basename only, not full
+ # (specific) name. We don't fully test the specificity stuff,
+ # we just check to make sure sort() is called and trust that
+ # sort() does the right thing on Specificity objects. (I.e.,
+ # trust that Specificity is well-tested. Hah!) We also test
+ # to make sure the interpreter is determined correctly.
+ ps.get_matching = Mock()
+ matching = FakeList()
+ matching.sort = Mock()
+ p1 = Mock()
+ p1.specific = Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Specificity(group=True, prio=10)
+ = "fooprobe.G10_foogroup"
+ = """#!/bin/bash
+ matching.append(p1)
+ p2 = Mock()
+ p2.specific = Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Specificity(all=True)
+ = "fooprobe"
+ = "#!/bin/bash"
+ matching.append(p2)
+ p3 = Mock()
+ p3.specific = Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Specificity(all=True)
+ = "barprobe"
+ = "#! /usr/bin/env python"
+ matching.append(p3)
+ p4 = Mock()
+ p4.specific = Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Specificity(all=True)
+ = "bazprobe"
+ = ""
+ matching.append(p4)
+ ps.get_matching.return_value = matching
+ metadata = Mock()
+ pdata = ps.get_probe_data(metadata)
+ ps.get_matching.assert_called_with(metadata)
+ # we can't create a matching operator.attrgetter object, and I
+ # don't feel the need to mock that out -- this is a good
+ # enough check
+ self.assertTrue(matching.sort.called)
+ self.assertEqual(len(pdata), 3,
+ "Found: %s" % [p.get("name") for p in pdata])
+ for probe in pdata:
+ if probe.get("name") == "fooprobe":
+ self.assertIn("group-specific", probe.text)
+ self.assertEqual(probe.get("interpreter"), "/bin/bash")
+ elif probe.get("name") == "barprobe":
+ self.assertEqual(probe.get("interpreter"),
+ "/usr/bin/env python")
+ elif probe.get("name") == "bazprobe":
+ self.assertIsNotNone(probe.get("interpreter"))
+ else:
+ assert False, "Strange probe found in get_probe_data() return"
+class TestProbes(TestProbing, TestConnector, TestDatabaseBacked):
+ test_obj = Probes
+ def get_test_probedata(self):
+ test_xdata = lxml.etree.Element("test")
+ lxml.etree.SubElement(test_xdata, "test", foo="foo")
+ rv = dict()
+ rv[""] = ClientProbeDataSet(timestamp=time.time())
+ rv[""]["xml"] = \
+ ProbeData(lxml.etree.tostring(test_xdata,
+ xml_declaration=False).decode('UTF-8'))
+ rv[""]["text"] = ProbeData("freeform text")
+ rv[""]["multiline"] = ProbeData("""multiple
+ rv[""] = ClientProbeDataSet(timestamp=time.time())
+ rv[""]["empty"] = ProbeData("")
+ if has_yaml:
+ rv[""]["yaml"] = ProbeData(yaml.dump(test_data))
+ if has_json:
+ rv[""]["json"] = ProbeData(json.dumps(test_data))
+ return rv
+ def get_test_cgroups(self):
+ return {"": ["group", "group with spaces",
+ "group-with-dashes"],
+ "": []}
+ def get_probes_object(self, use_db=False, load_data=None):
+ core = Mock()
+ core.setup.cfp.getboolean = Mock()
+ core.setup.cfp.getboolean.return_value = use_db
+ if load_data is None:
+ load_data = MagicMock()
+ # we have to patch load_data() in a funny way because
+ # different versions of Mock have different scopes for
+ # patching. in some versions, a patch applied to
+ # get_probes_object() would only apply to that function, while
+ # in others it would also apply to the calling function (e.g.,
+ # test__init(), which relies on being able to check the calls
+ # of load_data(), and thus on load_data() being consistently
+ # mocked)
+ @patch("Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Probes.Probes.load_data", new=load_data)
+ def inner():
+ return Probes(core, datastore)
+ return inner()
+ def test__init(self):
+ mock_load_data = Mock()
+ probes = self.get_probes_object(load_data=mock_load_data)
+ probes.core.fam.AddMonitor.assert_called_with(os.path.join(datastore,
+ probes.probes)
+ mock_load_data.assert_any_call()
+ self.assertEqual(probes.probedata, ClientProbeDataSet())
+ self.assertEqual(probes.cgroups, dict())
+ @patch("Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Probes.Probes.load_data", Mock())
+ def test__use_db(self):
+ probes = self.get_probes_object()
+ self.assertFalse(probes._use_db)
+ probes.core.setup.cfp.getboolean.assert_called_with("probes",
+ "use_database",
+ default=False)
+ @skipUnless(has_django, "Django not found, skipping")
+ @patch("Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Probes.Probes._write_data_db", Mock())
+ @patch("Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Probes.Probes._write_data_xml", Mock())
+ def test_write_data_xml(self):
+ probes = self.get_probes_object(use_db=False)
+ probes.write_data("test")
+ probes._write_data_xml.assert_called_with("test")
+ self.assertFalse(probes._write_data_db.called)
+ @skipUnless(has_django, "Django not found, skipping")
+ @patch("Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Probes.Probes._write_data_db", Mock())
+ @patch("Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Probes.Probes._write_data_xml", Mock())
+ def test_write_data_db(self):
+ probes = self.get_probes_object(use_db=True)
+ probes.write_data("test")
+ probes._write_data_db.assert_called_with("test")
+ self.assertFalse(probes._write_data_xml.called)
+ @patch("" % builtins)
+ def test__write_data_xml(self, mock_open):
+ probes = self.get_probes_object(use_db=False)
+ probes.probedata = self.get_test_probedata()
+ probes.cgroups = self.get_test_cgroups()
+ probes._write_data_xml(None)
+ mock_open.assert_called_with(os.path.join(datastore,,
+ "probed.xml"), "w")
+ data = lxml.etree.XML(mock_open.return_value.write.call_args[0][0])
+ self.assertEqual(len(data.xpath("//Client")), 2)
+ foodata = data.find("Client[@name='']")
+ self.assertIsNotNone(foodata)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(foodata.get("timestamp"))
+ self.assertEqual(len(foodata.findall("Probe")),
+ len(probes.probedata['']))
+ self.assertEqual(len(foodata.findall("Group")),
+ len(probes.cgroups['']))
+ xml = foodata.find("Probe[@name='xml']")
+ self.assertIsNotNone(xml)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(xml.get("value"))
+ xdata = lxml.etree.XML(xml.get("value"))
+ self.assertIsNotNone(xdata)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(xdata.find("test"))
+ self.assertEqual(xdata.find("test").get("foo"), "foo")
+ text = foodata.find("Probe[@name='text']")
+ self.assertIsNotNone(text)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(text.get("value"))
+ multiline = foodata.find("Probe[@name='multiline']")
+ self.assertIsNotNone(multiline)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(multiline.get("value"))
+ self.assertGreater(len(multiline.get("value").splitlines()), 1)
+ bardata = data.find("Client[@name='']")
+ self.assertIsNotNone(bardata)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(bardata.get("timestamp"))
+ self.assertEqual(len(bardata.findall("Probe")),
+ len(probes.probedata['']))
+ self.assertEqual(len(bardata.findall("Group")),
+ len(probes.cgroups['']))
+ empty = bardata.find("Probe[@name='empty']")
+ self.assertIsNotNone(empty)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(empty.get("value"))
+ self.assertEqual(empty.get("value"), "")
+ if has_yaml:
+ ydata = bardata.find("Probe[@name='yaml']")
+ self.assertIsNotNone(ydata)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(ydata.get("value"))
+ self.assertItemsEqual(test_data, yaml.load(ydata.get("value")))
+ if has_json:
+ jdata = bardata.find("Probe[@name='json']")
+ self.assertIsNotNone(jdata)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(jdata.get("value"))
+ self.assertItemsEqual(test_data, json.loads(jdata.get("value")))
+ @skipUnless(has_django, "Django not found, skipping")
+ def test__write_data_db(self):
+ syncdb(TestProbesDB)
+ probes = self.get_probes_object(use_db=True)
+ probes.probedata = self.get_test_probedata()
+ probes.cgroups = self.get_test_cgroups()
+ for cname in ["", ""]:
+ client = Mock()
+ client.hostname = cname
+ probes._write_data_db(client)
+ pdata = ProbesDataModel.objects.filter(hostname=cname).all()
+ self.assertEqual(len(pdata), len(probes.probedata[cname]))
+ for probe in pdata:
+ self.assertEqual(probe.hostname, client.hostname)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(
+ if probe.probe == "xml":
+ xdata = lxml.etree.XML(
+ self.assertIsNotNone(xdata)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(xdata.find("test"))
+ self.assertEqual(xdata.find("test").get("foo"), "foo")
+ elif probe.probe == "text":
+ pass
+ elif probe.probe == "multiline":
+ self.assertGreater(len(, 1)
+ elif probe.probe == "empty":
+ self.assertEqual(, "")
+ elif probe.probe == "yaml":
+ self.assertItemsEqual(test_data, yaml.load(
+ elif probe.probe == "json":
+ self.assertItemsEqual(test_data, json.loads(
+ else:
+ assert False, "Strange probe found in _write_data_db data"
+ pgroups = ProbesGroupsModel.objects.filter(hostname=cname).all()
+ self.assertEqual(len(pgroups), len(probes.cgroups[cname]))
+ # test that old probe data is removed properly
+ cname = ''
+ del probes.probedata[cname]['text']
+ probes.cgroups[cname].pop()
+ client = Mock()
+ client.hostname = cname
+ probes._write_data_db(client)
+ pdata = ProbesDataModel.objects.filter(hostname=cname).all()
+ self.assertEqual(len(pdata), len(probes.probedata[cname]))
+ pgroups = ProbesGroupsModel.objects.filter(hostname=cname).all()
+ self.assertEqual(len(pgroups), len(probes.cgroups[cname]))
+ @skipUnless(has_django, "Django not found, skipping")
+ @patch("Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Probes.Probes._load_data_db", Mock())
+ @patch("Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Probes.Probes._load_data_xml", Mock())
+ def test_load_data_xml(self):
+ probes = self.get_probes_object(use_db=False)
+ probes.load_data()
+ probes._load_data_xml.assert_any_call()
+ self.assertFalse(probes._load_data_db.called)
+ @skipUnless(has_django, "Django not found, skipping")
+ @patch("Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Probes.Probes._load_data_db", Mock())
+ @patch("Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Probes.Probes._load_data_xml", Mock())
+ def test_load_data_db(self):
+ probes = self.get_probes_object(use_db=True)
+ probes.load_data()
+ probes._load_data_db.assert_any_call()
+ self.assertFalse(probes._load_data_xml.called)
+ @patch("" % builtins)
+ @patch("lxml.etree.parse")
+ def test__load_data_xml(self, mock_parse, mock_open):
+ probes = self.get_probes_object(use_db=False)
+ # to get the value for lxml.etree.parse to parse, we call
+ # _write_data_xml, mock the open() call, and grab the data
+ # that gets "written" to probed.xml
+ probes.probedata = self.get_test_probedata()
+ probes.cgroups = self.get_test_cgroups()
+ probes._write_data_xml(None)
+ xdata = \
+ lxml.etree.XML(str(mock_open.return_value.write.call_args[0][0]))
+ mock_parse.return_value = xdata.getroottree()
+ probes.probedata = dict()
+ probes.cgroups = dict()
+ probes._load_data_xml()
+ mock_parse.assert_called_with(os.path.join(datastore,,
+ 'probed.xml'),
+ parser=Bcfg2.Server.XMLParser)
+ self.assertItemsEqual(probes.probedata, self.get_test_probedata())
+ self.assertItemsEqual(probes.cgroups, self.get_test_cgroups())
+ @skipUnless(has_django, "Django not found, skipping")
+ def test__load_data_db(self):
+ syncdb(TestProbesDB)
+ probes = self.get_probes_object(use_db=True)
+ probes.probedata = self.get_test_probedata()
+ probes.cgroups = self.get_test_cgroups()
+ for cname in probes.probedata.keys():
+ client = Mock()
+ client.hostname = cname
+ probes._write_data_db(client)
+ probes.probedata = dict()
+ probes.cgroups = dict()
+ probes._load_data_db()
+ self.assertItemsEqual(probes.probedata, self.get_test_probedata())
+ # the db backend does not store groups at all if a client has
+ # no groups set, so we can't just use assertItemsEqual here,
+ # because loading saved data may _not_ result in the original
+ # data if some clients had no groups set.
+ test_cgroups = self.get_test_cgroups()
+ for cname, groups in test_cgroups.items():
+ if cname in probes.cgroups:
+ self.assertEqual(groups, probes.cgroups[cname])
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(groups, [])
+ @patch("Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Probes.ProbeSet.get_probe_data")
+ def test_GetProbes(self, mock_get_probe_data):
+ TestProbing.test_GetProbes(self)
+ probes = self.get_probes_object()
+ metadata = Mock()
+ probes.GetProbes(metadata)
+ mock_get_probe_data.assert_called_with(metadata)
+ @patch("Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Probes.Probes.write_data")
+ @patch("Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Probes.Probes.ReceiveDataItem")
+ def test_ReceiveData(self, mock_ReceiveDataItem, mock_write_data):
+ TestProbing.test_ReceiveData(self)
+ # we use a simple (read: bogus) datalist here to make this
+ # easy to test
+ datalist = ["a", "b", "c"]
+ probes = self.get_probes_object()
+ client = Mock()
+ client.hostname = ""
+ probes.ReceiveData(client, datalist)
+ self.assertItemsEqual(mock_ReceiveDataItem.call_args_list,
+ [call(client, "a"), call(client, "b"),
+ call(client, "c")])
+ mock_write_data.assert_called_with(client)
+ def test_ReceiveDataItem(self):
+ probes = self.get_probes_object()
+ for cname, cdata in self.get_test_probedata().items():
+ client = Mock()
+ client.hostname = cname
+ for pname, pdata in cdata.items():
+ dataitem = lxml.etree.Element("Probe", name=pname)
+ if pname == "text":
+ # add some groups to the plaintext test to test
+ # group parsing
+ data = [pdata]
+ for group in self.get_test_cgroups()[cname]:
+ data.append("group:%s" % group)
+ dataitem.text = "\n".join(data)
+ else:
+ dataitem.text = str(pdata)
+ probes.ReceiveDataItem(client, dataitem)
+ self.assertIn(client.hostname, probes.probedata)
+ self.assertIn(pname, probes.probedata[cname])
+ self.assertEqual(pdata, probes.probedata[cname][pname])
+ self.assertIn(client.hostname, probes.cgroups)
+ self.assertEqual(probes.cgroups[cname],
+ self.get_test_cgroups()[cname])
+ def test_get_additional_groups(self):
+ TestConnector.test_get_additional_groups(self)
+ probes = self.get_probes_object()
+ test_cgroups = self.get_test_cgroups()
+ probes.cgroups = self.get_test_cgroups()
+ for cname in test_cgroups.keys():
+ metadata = Mock()
+ metadata.hostname = cname
+ self.assertEqual(test_cgroups[cname],
+ probes.get_additional_groups(metadata))
+ # test a non-existent client
+ metadata = Mock()
+ metadata.hostname = "nonexistent"
+ self.assertEqual(probes.get_additional_groups(metadata),
+ list())
+ def test_get_additional_data(self):
+ TestConnector.test_get_additional_data(self)
+ probes = self.get_probes_object()
+ test_probedata = self.get_test_probedata()
+ probes.probedata = self.get_test_probedata()
+ for cname in test_probedata.keys():
+ metadata = Mock()
+ metadata.hostname = cname
+ self.assertEqual(test_probedata[cname],
+ probes.get_additional_data(metadata))
+ # test a non-existent client
+ metadata = Mock()
+ metadata.hostname = "nonexistent"
+ self.assertEqual(probes.get_additional_data(metadata),
+ ClientProbeDataSet())