path: root/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
deleted file mode 100755
index 5eee8b9c8..000000000
--- a/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-'''This script generates graphviz diagrams using bcfg2 metadata'''
-__revision__ = '$Revision$'
-import lxml.etree, sys, popen2
-colors = ['steelblue1', 'chartreuse', 'gold', 'magenta', 'indianred1', 'limegreen',
- 'orange1', 'limegreen']
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- print "Usage [-r] [-b] [-h] -o <outputfile> <metadatadir>"
- raise SystemExit, 1
- groups = lxml.etree.parse(sys.argv[-1] + '/groups.xml').getroot()
- clients = lxml.etree.parse(sys.argv[-1] + '/clients.xml').getroot()
- if '-r' in sys.argv:
- dotpipe = popen2.Popen4("dd bs=4M 2>/dev/null")
- else:
- dotpipe = popen2.Popen4("dot -Tpng")
- categories = {'default':'grey83'}
- instances = {}
- for group in groups.findall('Group'):
- if group.get('category', False):
- if not categories.has_key(group.get('category')):
- categories[group.get('category')] = colors.pop()
- try:
- dotpipe.tochild.write("digraph groups {\n")
- except:
- print "write to dot process failed. Is graphviz installed?"
- raise SystemExit, 1
- dotpipe.tochild.write('\trankdir="LR";\n')
- if '-h' in sys.argv:
- for client in clients.findall('Client'):
- if instances.has_key(client.get('profile')):
- instances[client.get('profile')].append(client.get('name'))
- else:
- instances[client.get('profile')] = [client.get('name')]
- for profile, clist in instances.iteritems():
- clist.sort()
- dotpipe.tochild.write('''\t"%s-instances" [ label="%s", shape="record" ];\n''' % (profile, '|'.join(clist)))
- dotpipe.tochild.write('''\t"%s-instances" -> "group-%s";\n''' % (profile, profile))
- if '-b' in sys.argv:
- bundles = []
- [bundles.append(bund.get('name')) for bund in groups.findall('.//Bundle')
- if bund.get('name') not in bundles]
- bundles.sort()
- for bundle in bundles:
- dotpipe.tochild.write('''\t"bundle-%s" [ label="%s", shape="septagon"];\n''' % (bundle, bundle))
- gseen = []
- for group in groups.findall('Group'):
- color = categories[group.get('category', 'default')]
- if group.get('profile', 'false') == 'true':
- style="filled, bold"
- else:
- style = "filled"
- gseen.append(group.get('name'))
- dotpipe.tochild.write('\t"group-%s" [label="%s", style="%s", fillcolor=%s];\n' %
- (group.get('name'), group.get('name'), style, color))
- if '-b' in sys.argv:
- for bundle in group.findall('Bundle'):
- dotpipe.tochild.write('\t"group-%s" -> "bundle-%s";\n' %
- (group.get('name'), bundle.get('name')))
- for group in groups.findall('Group'):
- for parent in group.findall('Group'):
- if parent.get('name') not in gseen:
- dotpipe.tochild.write('\t"group-%s" [label="%s", style="filled", fillcolor="grey83"];\n' %
- (parent.get('name'), parent.get('name')))
- gseen.append(parent.get("name"))
- dotpipe.tochild.write('\t"group-%s" -> "group-%s" ;\n' %
- (group.get('name'), parent.get('name')))
- dotpipe.tochild.write("\tsubgraph cluster_key {\n")
- dotpipe.tochild.write('''\tstyle="filled";\n''')
- dotpipe.tochild.write('''\tcolor="lightblue";\n''')
- dotpipe.tochild.write('''\tBundle [ shape="septagon" ];\n''')
- dotpipe.tochild.write('''\tGroup [shape="ellipse"];\n''')
- dotpipe.tochild.write('''\tProfile [style="bold", shape="ellipse"];\n''')
- dotpipe.tochild.write('''\tHblock [label="Host1|Host2|Host3", shape="record"];\n''')
- dotpipe.tochild.write('''\tlabel="Key";\n''')
- dotpipe.tochild.write("\t}\n")
- dotpipe.tochild.write("}\n")
- dotpipe.tochild.close()
- data =
- if '-o' in sys.argv:
- output = open(sys.argv[sys.argv.index('-o') + 1], 'w').write(data)
- else:
- print data