Release 0.6 - $Id: $ Bcfg2 is a configuration management tool based on a few simple principles. - All aspects of system configuration can be described by the configuration management system. - All aspects of system configuration are described by the configuration management system. This allows the detection of extra configuration that contributes to system behavior. - Services must be management coherently. This means that the tool must be able to determine how to correctly install all aspects of configuration, and verify that these are active before a host is determined to be clean. This property is implemented using bundles, a construct that is similar to closures [1]. The state of the code is as follows. The server side is fairly solid, and will continue working in the presence of generator faults. The client side fully supports debian toolsets, and all of the standard posix constructs used for configuration management (configuration files, symlinks, directories, etc) The code is currently being used in production to manage debian systems. There is client support for other architectures, but it hasn't been well tested. The source tree is structured in the following way: doc/ - documentation src/ - source code schemas/ - schemas defining the data format for configuration files [1] Seeking Closure in an Open World: A Behavioral Agent Approach to Configuration Management, Alva Couch, John Hart, Elizabeth G. Idhaw, and Dominic Kallas, in the proceedings of LISA03