#!/usr/bin/env python from getopt import getopt, GetoptError from os import popen, chmod, unlink from sys import argv, exit from string import join from tempfile import mktemp from elementtree.ElementTree import Element, XML, tostring from sss.ssslib import comm_lib from Debian import Debian def RunProbe(probe): ret = Element("probe-data", name=probe.attrib['name'], source=probe.attrib['source']) script = open(mktemp(), 'w+') script.write("#!%s\n"%(probe.attrib.get('interpreter', '/bin/sh'))) script.write(probe.text) script.close() chmod(script.name, 0755) ret.text = popen(script.name).read() unlink(script.name) return ret def dgetopt(arglist, opt, vopt): r = {} for o in opt.values() + vopt.values(): r[o] = False gstr = join(opt.keys()) + join([x+':' for x in vopt.keys()]) try: (o, a) = getopt(arglist, gstr) except GetoptError, g: print g print "bcfg2 Usage:" for (k,v) in opt.iteritems(): print " -%s %s"%(k,v) for (k,v) in vopt.iteritems(): print " -%s <%s>"%(k,v) exit(1) for (gopt,garg) in o: option = gopt[1:] if opt.has_key(option): r[opt[option]] = True else: r[vopt[option]] = garg return r if __name__ == '__main__': # parse command line options options = {'v':'verbose','q':'quick', 'd':'debug', 'n':'dryrun', 'B':'build'} doptions = {'b':'bundle', 'f':'file', 'c':'cache'} setup = dgetopt(argv[1:], options, doptions) print setup # connect to bcfg2d comm = comm_lib() h = comm.ClientInit("bcfg2") # get probes comm.SendMessage(h, "") data = comm.RecvMessage(h) if setup['verbose']: print data probes = XML(data) # execute probes probedata = map(RunProbe, probes.findall(".//probe")) # upload probe responses cpd = Element("probe-data") map(lambda x:cpd.append(x), probedata) if setup['verbose'] : print tostring(cpd) comm.SendMessage(h, tostring(cpd)) r = comm.RecvMessage(h) # get config comm.SendMessage(h, "") r = comm.RecvMessage(h) if setup['cache']: try: open(setup['cache'], 'w').write(r) except: print "failed to write config cache file %s"%(setup['cache']) cfg = XML(r) if cfg.tag == 'error': print "got error from server" exit(1) # initialize toolset stuff toolset = Debian(cfg, setup) # verify state unexamined = cfg.getchildren() structurestate = {} entrystate = {} while unexamined: r = unexamined.pop() unexamined += r.getchildren() if r.tag in ['Bundle', 'Image']: structurestate[r] = False continue try: method = getattr(toolset, "Verify%s"%(r.tag)) except: print ":failed: for %s :failed:"%(tostring(r)) continue # verify state and stash value in state entrystate[r] = method(r) if setup['debug']: print r.attrib['name'], entrystate[r] # now we go back to check structures for structure in cfg.getchildren(): for child in structure.getchildren(): if not entrystate[child]: break structurestate[structure] = True for entry in [k for (k,v) in entrystate.iteritems() if not v]: method = getattr(toolset, "Install%s"%(entry.tag)) entrystate[entry] = method(entry) for structure in structurestate.keys(): if structurestate[structure]: continue for entry in structure.getchildren(): entrystate[entry] = getattr(toolset, "Verify%s"%(entry.tag)) states = map(lambda x:entrystate[x], structure.getchildren()) if False not in states: structurestate[structure] = True #print entrystate print "good:", for k,v in entrystate.iteritems(): if v: print k.attrib['name'], # install config # upload statistics comm.ClientClose(h)