.. -*- mode: rst -*- .. _client-paranoid: ============= Paranoid Mode ============= What is paranoid mode? ====================== Paranoid mode creates a backup of a local configuration file before Bcfg2 replaces the file. This allows for easier recovery by the local administrator. How do I use it? ================ #. In the Bcfg2 repository, put `paranoid='true'` in the `info.xml` file. #. On the client, create `/var/cache/bcfg2` (in 1.0, you can specify an alternate path in the [paranoid] section of /etc/bcfg2). #. On the client, run `bcfg2` with the `-P` option. This will save a copy of the replaced file in `/var/cache/bcfg2`, but it'll be named as the path to the file with /'s replaced by _'s. For example, the old `/etc/hosts` will be named `/var/cache/bcfg2/etc_hosts`. Extra configuration =================== Here is an example of how to use the extra paranoid features available in 1.0. For the following section in bcfg2.conf:: [paranoid] path = /my/custom/backup/path max_copies = 5 You will have the file backups store in /my/custom/backup/path. This will also keep the five most recent backups of files.