.. -*- mode: rst -*- .. _client-tools-actions: ======= Actions ======= This page describes use of the Action configuration entry. Action entries are commands that are executed either before bundle installation, after bundle installation or both. If exit status is observed, a failing pre-action will cause no modification of the enclosing bundle to be performed; all entries in included in that bundle will not be modified. Failing actions are reported through Bcfg2's reporting system, so they can be centrally observed. Actions look like: .. code-block:: xml +-----------+------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | Attribute | Values | Meaning | +===========+==================+===========================================+ | timing | pre, post, both | When the action is run | +-----------+------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | name | freeform | action name | +-----------+------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | command | freeform | command text | +-----------+------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | when | always, modified | If the action is always run, or only when | | | | a bundle should be or has been modified | +-----------+------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | status | ignore, check | If the return code of the action | | | | should be reported or not | +-----------+------------------+-------------------------------------------+ Note that the status attribute tells the bcfg2 client to ignore return status, causing failures to still not be centrally reported. If central reporting of action failure is desired, set this attribute to 'check'. Also note that Action entries included in Base will not be executed. Actions cannot be completely defined inside of a bundle; they are a bound entry, much like Packages, Services or Paths. The Rules plugin can bind these entries. For example to include the above action in a bundle, first the Action entry must be included in the bundle: .. code-block:: xml ... Then a corresponding entry must be included in the Rules directory, like: .. code-block:: xml This allows different clients to get different actions as a part of the same bundle based on group membership.