.. -*- mode: rst -*- .. _client-tools-posixusers: ========== POSIXUsers ========== The POSIXUsers tool handles the creation of users and groups as defined by ``POSIXUser`` and ``POSIXGroup`` entries. For a full description of those tags, see :ref:`server-plugins-generators-rules`. The POSIXUsers tool relies on the ``useradd``, ``usermod``, ``userdel``, ``groupadd``, ``groupmod``, and ``groupdel`` tools, since there is no Python library to manage users and groups. It expects those tools to be in ``/usr/sbin``. Primary group creation ====================== Each user must have a primary group, which can be specified with the ``group`` attribute of the ``POSIXUser`` tag. (If the ``group`` attribute is not specified, then a group with the same name as the user will be used.) If that group does not exist, the POSIXUsers tool will create it automatically. It does this by adding a ``POSIXGroup`` entry on the fly; this has a few repercussions: * When run in interactive mode (``-I``), Bcfg2 will prompt for installation of the group separately from the user. * The ``POSIXGroup`` entry is added to the same bundle as the ``POSIXUser`` entry, so if the group is created, the bundle is considered to have been modified and consequently Actions will be run and Services will be restarted. This should never be a concern, since the group can only be created, not modified (it has no attributes other than its name), and if the group is being created then the user will certainly be created or modified as well. * The group is created with no specified GID number. If you need to specify a particular GID number, you must explicitly define a ``POSIXGroup`` entry for the group. Creating a baseline configuration ================================= The majority of users on many systems are created by the packages that are installed, but currently Bcfg2 cannot query the package database to determine these users. (In some cases, this is a limitation of the packaging system.) The often-tedious task of creating a baseline that defines all users and groups can be simplified by use of the ``tools/posixusers_baseline.py`` script, which outputs a bundle containing all users and groups on the machine it's run on.